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2023-10-12 18:10 | Report Abuse

Aiyoo, major reliable newspapers also producing conflicting facts, how lar to analyse and conclude the data... what is what, which is which..



2023-10-12 18:01 | Report Abuse

@kwok tailo, one question- astro still ada chance naik balik kah?


2023-10-12 18:00 | Report Abuse

Thanks kwok tailo, for the tips. Need money to cover my studies, not cheap leh all pakai money, Grab pakai duit, Starbucks pakai duit, photocopy pakai ewallet, masuk libraries pakai duit...


2023-10-12 17:47 | Report Abuse

@kwok tailo, next tip when...?


2023-10-12 17:40 | Report Abuse

@kwok taiko...dump kau2 liao, now waiting for 9sen... Hahaha. Buy low, sell high...


2023-10-12 17:35 | Report Abuse

Budak nakal, maen jauh2


2023-10-12 17:34 | Report Abuse

@Medusa, that disgruntled one is a boy? Alamak, budak2 sekolah maen kat sini buat apa?


2023-10-12 15:44 | Report Abuse

Even if the current board succeeded in getting the approval of creditors to accept the SOA, the voting powers still within your powers, right? If you think you changed the destiny before, what makes you think you have lost it now? Everyone should vote, each vote counts. Let the best team wins. End of the day, shareholders will be the ultimate beneficiaries. SOA exercise completed means one hurdle done βœ”οΈ if need tweaking, can always seek courts grant the powers for amendments. Laws are protective of all parties.


2023-10-12 15:38 | Report Abuse

@MacDee34, if you have issue with the current Chairman's directions or plans, confront him direct, but please don't categorically stereotyping others whom are not involved, associated or so-called "paid trolls" as you bluntly accusing (which is subject to defamation) or just some other minority shareholders like you. I am not fighting with anyone, that includes you. Initially I thought you were giving fair comments but along the way you attack individual characters blatantly accusing everyone. As far as I am concerned, as I respect your views, be kind to the others who have their views too.
Respect the ideas to lift the company out of PN17, and defending the assets of KNM. The current board in their published statement clearly mentioned there isn't going to be hair-cut, whatever their amounts owed by the company will be paid in full, so what's the problem?
Why championing the cause by putting an injunction without knowing the repercussions at later time?


2023-10-12 15:23 | Report Abuse

Messy legal battles are ensuing due to the past board, that the current board is clearing up, all these are facts based on announcements statements, real facts. Mr Porro stood for re-election and lost it by 96% votes. Definitely the shareholders voted against his re-election, legitimate and valid. That was December 13th, 2022, 11 months ago only. Proposed disposals of assets were announced since 2020 itself. As time passes by, valuation of a company changes, the market conditions changes, the fundamentals changes too, so does decisions to retain or monetization exercise will change too.


2023-10-12 15:15 | Report Abuse

@UpUpRocket, thanks for the advice, truly appreciate it. Even a mere student can understand the situation based on the materials publicly available by KNM, Bursa KL and credible market analysts, which party was the main culprits that drove KNM into PN17.


2023-10-12 13:32 | Report Abuse

@MacDee34, I do not know who you refer to, NOBODY pays me, and I am not ANYBODY's promoter or kuli. I am a student and I am minding my own business. So, KINDLY you stop relating me from any of your hallucinations. OK?


2023-10-12 13:22 | Report Abuse

@doubleup, would you agree with me, the 2 guys are just the heads, KNM management should weed out all the loyalists of them so betrayals, information leaks, insider trading can be totally destroyed. These people are like cancer cells to the company.


2023-10-12 13:12 | Report Abuse

@MacDee34... Posted by MacDee34 > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse

As you can see from the real news, the German investor brought in by Johor princess Tunku Kamariah did not sell off and run away.

Your facts is misstatement and misleading. Please refer to KNM Group Announcement with regards to Borsig sale to 1st buyer - Andreas Heeschen. From earlier years, Mr Heeschen was involved in the affairs of KNM Group. So, the rethoric of Mr Heeschen introduced and accepted invitation to join KNM are mere attempts of burying hard facts. I am based on real materials produced in the official website and annual reports of KNM Group and its subsidiaries. Facts don't lie, but people snakes fallen Lucifer that eliminated the Lee family for self-gratifications will face the karma. What goes around comes around, dude...


2023-10-12 10:33 | Report Abuse

@doubleup... police issue, let them handle.

In the Tunku Kamariah's statement, she mentioned she want a unity board, how possible is that? Can the board invite Heeschen and Bekir Taib into the board, as well as Stegger as Borsig being listed into SGX?


2023-10-12 09:42 | Report Abuse

Mr Flavio Porro was the Executive Director from Jun 25th, 2021 till December 13th, 2022. That's solid 18 months at the helm of KNM Group.


My queries:
a. What was the role of an Executive Director in KNM Group then? Coupled being Joint Managing Director of international subsidiaries.
2. Are there business plans that Mr Porro put in place did not materialise? If yes, what were the likely reasons?
3. During the same period, there were several times shareholders shares diluted. It happened in 2023 too. Is this a standard company strategy?


2023-10-12 09:26 | Report Abuse

@doubleup, good morning and have a nice day ahead... 😊 I am heading to the library for more materials, then maybe try to drop by klse awhile..


2023-10-12 09:05 | Report Abuse

David Iben put it well when he said, 'Share prices volatility is not a risk we care about. What we care about is avoiding the permanent loss of capital.' So it seems the smart money knows that debt - which is usually involved in bankruptcies - is a very important factor, when you assess how risky a company is.

Debt and other liabilities become risky for a business when it cannot easily fulfill those obligations, either with free cash flow or by raising capital at an attractive price. In the worst case scenario, a company can go bankrupt if it cannot pay its creditors. However, a more usual (but still expensive) situation is where a company must dilute shareholders at a cheap share price simply to get debt under control.


2023-10-12 06:46 | Report Abuse

@Auntylee, waa suka aunty cakap waa team Malaysia. 😍 waa jumpa aunty sana klse, yum-cha belanja sama aunty.

Waa tengah "observe" people's reactions and remarks as " Human perceptions" (newspapers, tv, magazines, forums, etc livor online or printed) influencing the share prices. KNM group was recommended by my invigilator, as its a counter that doesn't pay dividends, consists of more minority shareholders than others, but the volatility of share prices are amazing.


2023-10-12 06:37 | Report Abuse

@Auntylee, lu tarak pegi universiti tapi tau kira betul2, bagus banyak pandai. Waa emak dulu jual sayur sana market, tarak masuk sekolah, tapi ah pandai carik duit. Waa rasa Aunty pandai carik duit jugak. Aunty, waa tengah buat thesis atas KNM, buat research untuk universiti. KNM tarak duit, mana boleh kasi duit sama waa?
Apa pasal orang sini mesti register 20 tahun dulu baru boleh tulis ah? Aunty, waa register ini akaun pasal waa ta mau pakai akaun biasa, ta mau campur2, nanti jadi sui-yok...


2023-10-11 20:51 | Report Abuse

PETALING JAYA: The current line-up on the KNM Group Bhd board of directors has received a much-needed boost in the ongoing battle for control of the company.

The company’s wholly-owned German unit, machinery and equipment producer Borsig GmbH, broke its month-long silence today to throw its lot behind current chairman Tunku Yaacob Khyra and his team.



2023-10-11 20:34 | Report Abuse

β€œThe outcome of the upcoming EGM on Oct 16, where stakeholders will vote on the current management, could have a significant impact. A favourable result for the current management may not only enhance the value of Borsig through its IPO but also uplift the entire KNM Group,” Borsig chief executive officer (CEO) Jurgen Stegger said in a statement on Wednesday.

Stegger said that the listing of Borsig β€” slated in the second quarter of 2024 on the Singapore Exchange - was a strategic move by the current management of KNM to address the considerable financial losses incurred under the previous management.


2023-10-11 20:33 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 11): In the on-going shareholder tussle over control of cash-strapped KNM Group Bhd, its current management has contended that the upcoming extraordinary general meeting on Monday (Oct 16) could mark a turning point for both KNM and its German-based wholly-owned subsidiary Borsig GmbH should shareholders vote to maintain the management and board, which are planning to list Borsig on the Singapore Exchange.



2023-10-11 16:48 | Report Abuse

I am paid by @MacDee34 with McDonald's vouchers to buy MacDee burgers..... poor cry baby once a newbie too.


2023-10-11 16:16 | Report Abuse

@theboss9009, like the saying goes, "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." Wait till tomorrow's court convened creditors meeting. If the consensus is that the creditors accepted the plans of the current board, then, you roughly can gauge which direction the wind blowing. But it's not the firm results, October 16th will determine the results if the plans comes to fruition or not. Without the current management it may not be possible to execute as planned, as its greatly connected to the type of "cables" laid to come to such plans. The "special cables" may not be there as the "engineers" or the person at driver seat no longer there.


2023-10-11 16:01 | Report Abuse

One day, I hope to see Mr Stegger sits on KNM board too. Great to tap on Mr Stegger's expertise and experience to maneuver KNM as well.


2023-10-11 15:58 | Report Abuse

@bullkobear, hope your prediction is right and correct.
Borsig listing is like a child coming to maturity, standing on her own, building up her own destiny. By doing so, Borsig can realise its vision of having their wishes like production facilities for their products in this part of the world, setting footprint firmly here. Unlike outright sale, it only benefits KNM or the next buyer like slavery, but listing gives independence to Borsig.


2023-10-11 15:51 | Report Abuse

@doubleup, I wish I can have German Pilsner or a Paulaner, talking about football ⚽️ and cars with this fine gentleman.


2023-10-11 15:45 | Report Abuse

@doubleup, wow, wow, you met the legendary man, Mr Stegger himself? πŸ‘ That iconic man was the inventor and now patented world renowned membrane manufacturer supplying to 60% of world demands.


2023-10-11 13:41 | Report Abuse

i3lurker, does it means, if A has 500mil shares (for 3sen sometime long before), then, A sells at 12sen to himself, and himself sells the shares at 10sen to A, in turn, A sells at 8sen to himself.... hahaha.... so, whatever he sells himself or anybody, as long its not below 3 sen, he makes money....


2023-10-11 13:05 | Report Abuse

Despite KNM shares sliding down, although mid-afternoon it held strongly at 12sen, the volume of trading at its peak, almost 400mil vol? What is the reason this volume being registered? Why is such high trading still happening at this juncture? What is the motivation behind such high trading? Who is buying them?


2023-10-11 12:57 | Report Abuse

@Nova23, exactly, you are right, the company fundamentals are still strong, and the company will emerge from its financial difficulties eventually. Holding on to its shares will not lose out in the next 6mths to 12mths.


2023-10-11 12:55 | Report Abuse

@rr88, purchase of shares by Cahaya Mata was an off-market sale, so we wouldn't know what exactly transpired in the deal and at what price, and who sold those shares as well as the motivation of the exercise. All we know is that Bekir Taib emerged as a substantial shareholder, and he is eligible to vote during the EGM, and we wouldn't know who he will vote for either, as too much contradictory news floating in the market.


2023-10-11 11:57 | Report Abuse

@Nova23, wait till all margin players and speculators clear off their stocks, it should rest around your expectation level. A good buy will be 10sen after KNM advertised creditors meeting outcome October 12th, and prior to Borsig IPO announcement by SGX.


2023-10-11 11:48 | Report Abuse

@MacDee34, mind sharing how to be a troll and how to get paid to be a troll? Perhaps I can use the pocket money to finance my studies.


2023-10-10 15:51 | Report Abuse

@purple70, howdy? Hope you had let go of your shares too. hahaha, meet you in Antarctica then.
In your opinion, does KNM still stand a chance for survival despite all the ongoing at the counter and articles flying off everywhere? Does it affect its fundamentals?


2023-10-10 15:14 | Report Abuse

@The Rock, the end-game isn't the KNM price, the end-game is Borsig listing and elimination of past debts for growth of the company. The volatility of share prices now are for garnering support, that's all.

When the moment the Borsig pre-IPO is in action, or IPO prospectus had been offcially issued, just watch the prices.


2023-10-10 15:06 | Report Abuse

@signn, the company's fundamentals are correct as you say, 38sen.

Share prices in KNM have been pushed up and down for whatever reason it is, and this counter never handouts any dividends. All the annual reports mentioned dilutions of shares due to private placements over the past many years. With this in mind, volatility in share prices is uncalled for, seldom reflective of the company's true value.


2023-10-10 12:10 | Report Abuse

Anything 10sen is a good buy....shall hold until after EGM, and possibly until the upcoming Borsig IPO in June/July 2024, which will shoot up KNM's prices up, is never to be seen below 10sen any more. Lagi best, get Borsig shares itself from SGX.


2023-10-10 12:07 | Report Abuse

@MacDee34, thank you for sharing the article. Now, the opposing party is talking sense. That's the way it should be. YAM Tunku Kamariah's remarks are rightly to be welcomed, all shareholders should vote to reflect the fair battle, doesn't matter who wins, but it's done fairly. Not dumping shares, Be brave and face challenges, good for minority shareholders, good for the company. Whoever that's dumping shares shall think about the future of the company, not just playing margins.


2023-10-10 08:24 | Report Abuse

@izoklse, orang yang kata buang2 syer saja nak tes, seasoned broker macam @MarioBros beli stok lepas setel risiko, mesti dia pegang syer KNM lagi. KNM bukan alang2 lagi. Struktur organisasi mesti akan tukar bila Borsig public listed. Public listing macam anak cukup umur berdikari meninggalkan rumah. You never know if Borsig in turn does reverse buyouts of KNM. πŸ˜† πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜†


2023-10-09 20:46 | Report Abuse

@MarioBros, good joke. Hahaha. I believe one needs to understand in greater depth the use of PN17, then you will know how to steer the company out of troubled waters. For those with short memory syndrome, KNM got into PN17 due to ex-Heros of Zorro & gang upon defaulting Thai bond pymts.


2023-10-09 18:51 | Report Abuse

@RedEmperor, you are spot on.

Last week, the total market was down 0.7%, the Energy Services sector down by 3.6%, but KNM did good by 36%. Obviously due to boardroom tussles, purchases made, in between the margin players had their fun time too. So, the cut off time 5pm today for anyone to vote next Monday. Its market correction, alright. But it may hover lower than 14sen, but heavy volume unlikely to be registered. Look at the announcement made - a new substantial shareholder appeared!


2023-10-09 18:35 | Report Abuse

@MacDee34, ooo cry baby πŸ‘Ά was a newbie one time before. Just let it go and move on. Nothing much you can do keeping grudges against the board or management. "Human perceptions " originating from the betrayer of the company is the most poisonous, based on my research materials so far.


2023-10-09 09:18 | Report Abuse

@The Rock, I wasn't concerned who win or lose, as long the company stay put and my thesis gets completed. Somehow, I am dragged into it by @MacDee34 by stereotyping everyone newcomers here. Actually I am not a newcomer, I used a new username for my thesis purposes only. πŸ˜… and @MacDee34 just felt insecure that the Lucifer and gang's didn't succeed after all the efforts, sabotage and manipulation.


2023-10-09 09:13 | Report Abuse

@Macdee34, who is KNM HR head? Perhaps we should invite her to read all the postings you made here. And see they contradict with any company's Confidential Information misuse and misstatement.


2023-10-09 08:40 | Report Abuse

@MacDee34, oooo cry baby... Once a newbie too... the fallen Lucifer now.


2023-10-08 23:29 | Report Abuse

@UpUpRocket, thanks for your comments. We can agree to disagree with bloggers' critical views, whether it's fair or biased comments, depending how we want to take it.
There are several factors influencing the share prices increase. Whatever it is, the prices earlier were undervalued vs FP of 38sen, company fundamentals don't lie. If its not above the fair value, then biased comments to boost up the prices will make sense. The prices only has one way to go, that's up, investors has confidence to make few ringgit while it's going up.
Something good progress must have caught the investors to have such confidence.
On the contrary, there are investors caught or trapped buying into the company at higher prices, until such level, prices will be systematically grow, until these investors exit from the counter. It could be a well layered plan, unfortunately both Mr Porro and his friend fell into it.
Whatever the scenario is, the Board has done its best in the interests of the stakeholders. Listing Borsig in SGX is a classic example. It wasn't easy to do given the sanctions and authorities approvals needed prior to listing confirmation. Why this wasn't thought to list Borsig in 2020 or 2021? Why outright sale chosen? Why 2 buyers failed to buy a jewel? Why didn't list FBM Hudson instead? Why its losing money given the same setups and same products and services rendered as Borsig?