
Pavillion | Joined since 2013-12-02

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2014-06-29 10:46 | Report Abuse

1. Most of the Dir. are ex govt servant; they do not have financial muscle. They being actively trade, no matter what market conditions. Their trade is small and no impact on stock price.

2. Do you know Mr. Chew has double his holding from 11% to 22% recently? Just before bonus. As far I remember he never sold his share.

Dsonic are the only serious party; they have assemble right partner and worked with various parties on this. Did you hear anything from other companies? except from one single news reported many time in different news paper. Icash ; we know kaput.


2014-06-29 00:09 | Report Abuse

That ministry most inefficient, they are not in control and planning.

All that come out in newspaper is smokescreen.

I told you, govt. has set everything. This is not a new plan.

If you want to gain 25% in 1mth, you should buy now.

Who bought 20M block share at RM1.95?

Surely not for 5 or 10sen gain.

Long live Datasonic!


2014-06-27 11:52 | Report Abuse

zoom. did go last minute. Algeria or Costa rica hi hi.
I told before we will get the award before world cup final.


2014-06-27 10:42 | Report Abuse

You never know. this stock is most progressive, lots of development, news etc. That why still#1 trending in i3.

Lots of salesman/women in this forum to sell their stock, I suppose later insurance, mlm and water filter/purifier guy also will be here : )

I expect soon, they are announcement. Friday seem a favourite day.


2014-06-27 09:25 | Report Abuse


As Indonesian say.......they also orang....makan nasi ma.......they also need money.

Fyi they being buying and selling all this while......if you use that as signal/ to trade?

They sold before but price keep going up, at time after they bought......price down.

Don't worry their trade are not significant.

This what i being say, market is bigger than any particular individual; even if you are director that does not mean you know everything and correct all the time.

Nobody will never be able to know absolutely everything in absolute precision.


2014-06-27 09:20 | Report Abuse

Myge, Iris, Mol?


2014-06-27 02:09 | Report Abuse

It base on transaction and other fees, if base on potential saving then it is unlimited. i.e. global petrol price will keep on increase.


2014-06-26 21:44 | Report Abuse

Ask that good for us. Comfirm it.

Leave politic out. Everywhere is a same. Whoever got, they still say crony!


2014-06-26 19:57 | Report Abuse

Kris if that happen, which I think it will... then we will have 4th of July.

Maybe 4th of July : ) sound nice!


2014-06-26 17:29 | Report Abuse

Only shareholder agreement with unknow company, RHB upgrade TP?

You tell me if it not power. : )


2014-06-26 17:24 | Report Abuse

Don't you know how biz is done in Malaysia? Watch and learn.

They push it thru the agreement, because already hot in the market.

Overall market was down even with 2 IPO.


2014-06-26 16:56 | Report Abuse

They will be 2 announcement soon before they rap it and end all speculation, they don't want to drag on, it not good for biz and govt.


2014-06-26 12:44 | Report Abuse

This is not CIA top secret, If I know a lot other people also know.... what more RHB.


2014-06-26 11:56 | Report Abuse

Cost of delivery of 1 card abt RM10(posting, handling etc) if they use other card, govt need to spend RM100M just to deliver 1 magnetic strip tech card. and does not include replacement etc.

Logistic? nightmare.

They are no control of eligibility at point of service. Think? Bank need Mykad right?

At 1.80, you want to wait. At 2.00, At 2.50, takut, At 3.00 betul kah?
: )))).

This is Apple in creation.


2014-06-26 09:51 | Report Abuse

This is mega, better than any GST project.


2014-06-26 09:47 | Report Abuse

Connie, After 2 more announcement TP is 3.50 : )


2014-06-26 09:31 | Report Abuse

They are power. RHB know a lot more, 2.50 is not a final target. Do you think they dare to give TP with only shareholder agreement. I know what RHB know.

Ask don't worry what I told you will happen exactly, maybe not as military precision but good enough.

They all set already, this is just to put things in place. Few announcement and we set.


2014-06-26 09:20 | Report Abuse

I think, Pos not a shareholder. just a partner


2014-06-26 08:17 | Report Abuse

rich somebody here say............loss to bookie :))


2014-06-25 13:39 | Report Abuse

When reporter ask abt New Cabinet, he say he is not aware, how can?


2014-06-25 13:32 | Report Abuse

Just last week, PM say do no. ????? : )


2014-06-25 13:30 | Report Abuse

C my info on new transport minister announce today, petrol coming. sorry I unable to post often- busy


2014-06-25 09:45 | Report Abuse

The best things about this stock.

Easy biz model and easy to understand. The delivery of financial result is fast.
With a bit of study, nobody can bullshit you.

Take example O&G, do you understand what Hibiscus doing?
What kind if investment required if they secure contract, when the money gonna come? Even property bank going to develop spread. ....over 20-30yrs? When money start coming? That why I said, they sign billion ringgit contract, their price does not move. Plantation worse.

IT, is easy, turnaround is fast, the financial impact is fast less then a year. Not require big investment, high margin sector, low risk, good pay master.


2014-06-25 09:10 | Report Abuse

Ask they got partner in this


2014-06-25 09:09 | Report Abuse

At RM2, we still within RHB TP, which given last time. That TP is under estimate, new 4M cards that to be deliver in full before end of July.

Say RM15 per card margin, so their profit easily RM60M and that not include other income, from passport etc.

In Q2 report,( in 2mths time) I think at least 30% -40% up yoy. They will review again the TP

Dsonic also has many other big contract beside this.

If panic ask slimctgal, she know what to suggest ...... : ))


2014-06-25 07:39 | Report Abuse

Good Ask, but I can't say the same things daily. Hope you understand, tired : )

They already decided everything and in advance stage of implementation..... you must know how the system work in Malaysia.

Don't be surprise if you got mix signal or conflicting info, even from ministry........... that in Malaysia too!

200 people control 250million America, in most democratic nation.

Believe........ that the word.



2014-06-24 20:56 | Report Abuse

Dsonic system not like that semut. They have full hospital systems and they going to wired all govt hospital into one intergrated system and they will explore the true potential of Mykad i.e to store medical information of card holder. I will talk this one later when time come. Anyway they have make a significant progress.


2014-06-24 20:22 | Report Abuse

Ha ha in the news already

1) New transport minister.... very good

2) They said 2 co proposed one from singapore from from malaysia.

They said they will study, but you and me already know. They will never give to Singapore


2014-06-24 13:24 | Report Abuse

Maybe It strike when people least expect it.

There are no other way to better authenticate the qualify individual then Mykad system.
Bank trust the system !

They are no way other co can intergrate their systems with Mykad. I am in IT biz, I know.

Rather then blanket increament in petrol price, would you preffer selective?


2014-06-23 21:56 | Report Abuse

Some of you maybe worry.
1) Dato raise RM40M from his over RM1B share value. It chicken feed.
2) If you check history, normally price will go up as soon as Dato sell his share.
3) Sometime, they also got their cost and expenses
4) If no good news, then why Mr Chew bought last week? Mr Chew are more hand on.

Agree with Keladi thinking; make sense and not nonsense!

This is national project, so we have to wait.


2014-06-23 10:34 | Report Abuse

G.morning. I am still around, I am like you.....waiting. Nothing change, everything I said is true.

Actually, Dsonic mgt is also waiting, the only one who really know the timing- very few people with PM very close circle.... which I don't have access.

Like some people here said, if I know everything. ....down to timing etc, I would be billionaire
: ) hi hi hi, ....but how they possibily know?

I will be busy travelling, so try to update.

I think Wed is cabinet mtg... maybe change in cabinet ?


2014-06-21 10:37 | Report Abuse


You are childish, emotionally sensitive and grandiose person.

We try to create a better investor community here for mutual benefits.
You lose focus, looking for glamour? This is not the place.
Be responsible in what you write, it can cause a misery to lot of people.
We all here for our family.

Why you want me to meet Pak Hermono, Deputy Indonesia Ambassador there with Dato, Surprise?
Obviously by now you know I am far higher than you.
I only cover, those project that give a bottom line to investor.

You stupid, don't leak company info or I get you fire!
Give comment only on public domain information/ knowledge i.e after company or other people/parties already give their comments/discuss/mention and word it properly/filter or you will go to jail one day.

Your days are numbered here. Need I to say more!
This forum must kick a liar! Freedom of expression ? my foot!


2014-06-20 23:00 | Report Abuse

Off market trade;
Many reasons; sometime
1) They want to sell, without effecting market
2) They want to transfer to 3rd party nominee, for financing purpose ; they are limit to individual exposure set by individual bank e.g. Maybank is RM5M
3) They want to transfer to 3rd party nominee, so after that all their activities is out of bursa radar (illegal).

So we can't never know.

But Zaiful is also nominee, he sold most probably to repay Maybank margin, without affecting market. 1.5M is not much.


2014-06-20 22:26 | Report Abuse

Scchen75 if you are not sure, it better for you not to say anything or change your statment to question. Then other people can share their info or opinion.

Just like last time, you said you have good connection etc, you challanged me to meet u at Dsonic office.......just to defend your info; already 100% reject bonus issue.
Remember? I think people in this forum still rmember.

What game are you playing?

I might sound arrogant, but I am on top of the game..... and no bullshit from me!


2014-06-20 16:48 | Report Abuse

Their new office near the Ikea bro. Go round round over there this weekend.

Happy Weakend. Don't get dissapointed, patience, not easy to become rich : ) , but you in the right track.

scc sorry, bad joke. See you all monday.


2014-06-20 16:27 | Report Abuse

Winter he right, he hold store and toilet key. : ) Aiyoo yoo, Thousand Apology


2014-06-20 15:34 | Report Abuse

mmk and winter correct, it give time to cool down, study and to avoid spontaneous reaction
: )

My Putrajaya sources say it is in PM agenda for this wk, when and how PM going to deliver, he does not know and sometime, last minutes urgent or more pressing issues will delay.


2014-06-20 15:10 | Report Abuse

Ask, this has been reported in bursa circular last wk. Normal biz transaction. The engine is Mr Chew, part of incentives package. Most probably to reward Mr Chew for Petrol card biz.


2014-06-20 15:03 | Report Abuse

Investor need courage, not so timid la bro!

If anything, I won't drop so much. This counter only start moving, not much profit to take.

Other Investor will grab if drop more than 5%.


2014-06-20 15:00 | Report Abuse

Semut, half true. No 1, They don't need Parliment for this. 2. Dsonic get is correct.


2014-06-20 14:21 | Report Abuse

Do you know why everytime budget is announce on friday evening : )


2014-06-20 14:19 | Report Abuse

Don't have to be in cabinet mtg. Cabinet mtg every wed, last wed however is mtg with MB.


2014-06-20 13:11 | Report Abuse

It easy for them to implement this, like how easy for them to raise petrol price, how they abolish sugar subsidy etc.

Don't doubt it!


2014-06-20 13:05 | Report Abuse

They are no bad news, everything as plan. As I told before, they already as office and staff working on this project. But they can't announce it first, PM must talk first or else prople will start questioning......'what the hell they talking about'

If they want to implement in Sept, surely they has started their systems dev. at least 6mth before.

And another 3mths for project roll over. i.e registration, issuing, education.

Yesterday, I did mention. Regarding this, cabinet has executive power to implement it any time they want it, without need to debate etc.

Our PM timing, ..believe to be very closed.

This project is good for Dsonic because the result will start coming in q3 or q4.


2014-06-20 03:50 | Report Abuse

Madguy, agree. .

Buy on weakness or break up.

The other advantages of being focus, we seldom need to refer to chart or other indicators, we can memorise it and predict it better.

Focus on fundamentals of co, its growth trajectory and industry dynamics.

Plus we must have some knowledge of world economy i.e macro, wall street


2014-06-20 03:04 | Report Abuse

We still within RHB TP which underestimate New additional 4M cards. I am looking at 30% increment in Q2 yoy.

At least 3 additional big project this year, will change the landscape.


2014-06-19 22:33 | Report Abuse

I think everybody get 130Liters of sub a mth, more than that you have to pay more. Easy solution to them.


2014-06-19 22:30 | Report Abuse

How it work does not matter as long as Dsonic managed the project. : )


2014-06-19 21:50 | Report Abuse

Regarding subsidy, Executive power is enough. They don't need Parliment to approved it, if they want to implement it. Meaning PM is enough.