
PotentialStock | Joined since 2020-08-22 16:52:50

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2022-09-02 17:50 | Report Abuse

OPtimax Breakout ^^

News & Blogs

2022-04-02 20:24 | Report Abuse




2022-04-02 20:21 | Report Abuse




2022-03-31 22:08 | Report Abuse

Looking ahead towards the financial year ending 2023, Astro said it is powering up by becoming an internet service provider, bundling Astro Fibre with content and introducing Astro Fibre standalone broadband to complement its suite of offerings, as well as a full-scale rollout of advertising propositions.

The group will continue to invest in its transformation plans, in particular content, broadband, streaming, customer experience, data, advertising and technology infrastructure to simplify processes.

The group also remains cautiously optimistic and will continue to monitor business conditions while managing costs.

It declared a fourth interim single tier dividend of 1.5 sen per share for the fiscal year ended Jan 31, 2022, to be paid on April 29, 2022 with the entitlement date on April 15, 2022.

The board also recommended a final single tier dividend of 0.75 sen per share payable on a date to be determined, subject to obtaining shareholders' approval at the forthcoming 10th Annual General Meeting of the company to be convened, it said.


2022-03-29 21:42 | Report Abuse

A new residential component — SWNK Houze — that forms part of Phase 2 of the BBCC development is set to be launched in June. Malaysian Grand Bazaar (MGB) To be soft opened on March 31 2022, a cultural and retail hub that provides a dedicated platform for start-up entrepreneurs to showcase their products.



2022-03-28 21:16 | Report Abuse

Bonus issue of 588,873,876 warrants ("New Warrants") on the basis of one New Warrant for every five existing ordinary shares in Eco World Development Group Berhad held by the Entitled Shareholders as at 5.00 p.m. on 11 April 2022 ("Entitlement Date") ("Bonus Issue of Warrants").

Kindly be advised of the following :

1) The above Company’s securities will be traded and quoted “[Ex-Bonus Issue]” as from: 08 Apr 2022
2) The last date of lodgment : 11 Apr 2022


2022-03-28 10:33 | Report Abuse

LaLaport Bukit Bintang City Centre (BBCC) is aiming to achieve an occupancy rate of 80% in August and thereafter 90% by the end of this year. BBCC Development Sdn Bhd, which is a joint venture between Eco World Development Group Bhd (40%), UDA Holdings Bhd (40%) and the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) (20%).



2022-03-22 23:47 | Report Abuse


迎头赶上。在我们于 2 月 15 日成功分享MEDIA的报告后,其股价已成功飙升 41%,并在上周五收于 RM0.63 。相反的作为 adex 复苏的主要受益者之一的 ASTRO 股价表现一直落后于大市,年初至今仅上涨 9.47%。我们认为 ASTRO 将会迎头赶上,得益于 (i) 在 GE15 预期下 CY22 adex 强劲复苏; (ii) 订阅的复苏,在消费者活动和州际旅行回暖的情况下提供了更好的利润; (iii) 估值不高,股息收益率诱人。

总体而言,HLIB 重申对媒体行业的增持评级,首选为MEDIA 和 ASTRO。我们注意到,广告商开始逐渐采用多方面渠道的广告方式(广告商不仅通过在线平台做广告,还通过传统媒体平台扩大受众范围),这将有利于本地媒体行业。此外,广播媒体一直被视为具有抗通胀成本基础的复苏代表,因为它们的成本在很大程度上不受通胀压力的影响。因此,随着复苏前景变得更加光明,再加上2022 年GE15的可能性将进一步提高adex,媒体将被视为受益者, 而ASTRO 股价预计将可会迎头赶上。

不高的估值。 ASTRO 的2022 财年市盈率为 10.8 倍(相对于其 5 年平均水平和同行平均水平分的 13.1 倍和 13.8 倍相差 21% 和 22%),加上其 7.2% 具有吸引力的股息收益率。此外,虽然最近政府批准的公积金提款计划可能会迎来抛售压力,但这将为投资者提供一个买入复苏代表的好机会。事实上,提款计划可能会推动消费者支出的增长,这将进一步提高 adex,因为业者将通过提高广告支出来分得一杯羹。

圆底形态。从技术上,ASTRO 正在等待圆底形态反弹和突破。股价若突破 RM1.05 上方将推动价格向 RM1.12-1.17-1.20。投资者可以把止损设置在 RM0.97。




From Hong Leong

News & Blogs

2022-03-22 17:15 | Report Abuse

you should complaint to Unifi your problem

News & Blogs

2021-10-27 12:54 | Report Abuse

Today all up, follow EP, all accurate ^^

News & Blogs

2021-10-16 10:30 | Report Abuse

Beside buying Palm oil company, you also can diversify your portfolio to above 5G Telco company, government will continue to develope 5G industry in this 5 years

News & Blogs

2021-10-14 21:43 | Report Abuse

Plantation is good business, but there are some issues need to settle, u may read the Mandarin article below:


News & Blogs

2021-10-14 21:42 | Report Abuse

Although MESTRON has some business involve in telecomunicationMestron, but the business more on street pole, u may check their Website. Besides, Mestorn is too diversify, Mestron involves in vaccine and Biogas business too.


News & Blogs

2021-10-14 10:57 | Report Abuse

According to Rohas Tecnic CEO Leong Wai Yuan, the company’s fabrication plants in Bentong, Pahang, are busy fulfilling its contracts for telecommunication towers for Sarawak.

News & Blogs

2021-10-13 22:17 | Report Abuse

Any relation NETX to 5G Tower ?


2020-12-01 18:04 | Report Abuse

AE Multi, which makes printed circuit boards and provides waste water treatment facilities and waste water recycling services, has bagged a subcontract worth RM30.88 million to construct a palm oil mill with a biogas plant system, which will also have a polishing plant and composting plant, in Sabah.


This was old news but we can know what business they do


2020-11-27 03:09 | Report Abuse

In the medical/healthcare segment of the EMS business, production of specific new
medical/healthcare products is anticipated to maintain the ramp up to meet increasing demand
generated by escalating COVID-19 infections worldwide. Furthermore, the Group’s medical
product portfolio expansion to encompass COVID-19 medical aids which includes nasal swabs and
ventilators are taking traction while the syringe safety needle cap manufacturing undertaking is
making progress, targeting to ride on the upsurge in demand of syringes and safety needle caps
required for inoculation of COVID-19 vaccine.

~Vaccine related~


2020-11-23 00:51 | Report Abuse

We refer to the announcements dated 21 Aug 2020, 29 May 2020, 27 February 2020, 22 October 2019 and 24 October 2019 in relation to the MOU between IFCA and Huawei for the strategic partnership program to explore project initiatives in the areas of DevOps, Cloud Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Knowledge Sharing on Innovative Technology using Huawei Cloud Technologies. Unless otherwise defined, the definitions set out in the Announcements shall apply herein.

IFCA wishes to inform that the Board has agreed to enter into agreement with Huawei on the Strategic Partnership, and will make an announcement to the Exchange upon the signing of the agreement.

This announcement is dated 20 November 2020.