
Pristine68 | Joined since 2015-10-11

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2016-04-13 11:09 | Report Abuse

connnie, I'm not a wild gal or guy, just a gentleman. That's it.


2016-04-13 11:03 | Report Abuse

Hi twobits and all. I need to apologize for my wrong call last friday, don't take my opinion for granted, there is no 100% accurate call. Frankly, nobody can predict the market direction correctly, just like the song sings "Que Sera, Sera, Whatever will be, will be". ha...ha..I need to go now. bye..


2016-04-13 10:42 | Report Abuse

connie, hsi during volatile time is more exciting, the price swing of the index warrant is wild. You can make a lot of profits and losing a lot too.


2016-04-13 10:37 | Report Abuse

jake81, dare not to touch HSI-HU now till next week, waiting to see the clearer picture of HSI.


2016-04-13 10:35 | Report Abuse

Jake81, I sold c17 just now @0.27, it may go up to 0.28 but don't be greedy, got profits take now. A dollar in the pocket is better than on paper.


2016-04-13 10:27 | Report Abuse

Can relax today already, temporarily stay sideline for HSI till next week. Bye bye


2016-04-13 10:15 | Report Abuse

Don't be egoistic when trading, when the tide is against you, change your direction to ride on the wave. Double down on C17 @0.205, ok. time to sell now to take profits


2016-04-13 10:02 | Report Abuse

cut loss on hsi-hu early morning,luckily bought c17 @0.165 yesterday and recoup all the loss and making a bit profits now.


2016-04-12 16:02 | Report Abuse

Bye-bye AA-C22, pretty good profit. Tomorrow morning session AA may be still can fly a bit higher, flying gear may face problem in the afternoon and need emergency landing...


2016-04-11 15:23 | Report Abuse

I think superman sighted green stone, losing power for a while. Those people picked up by him may fall from


2016-04-11 14:57 | Report Abuse

HSI is in the state of tug-of-war between cocks and hens this week, the high volatility is good for day trader, make use of the wild swing of price to make profit. Will use the profit making from C17 this morning to buy more hsi-hu if Europe market opens in red.


2016-04-11 10:10 | Report Abuse

wait till Friday to get the clearer picture of HSI


2016-04-11 10:05 | Report Abuse

To hetch against the loss in HSI-HU bought HSI-C17 @0.135 and just now sold @0.165. Hetching strategy works.


2016-04-09 00:44 | Report Abuse

From HSI weekly trend chart, if HSI cannot close above 20500 next friday, then the correction has not finished yet, the weekly trend shows a lower high. If close above 20500 then what Duit said is correct, the trend has changed, I will switch camp to snipe at some hsi-cocks.


2016-04-08 15:57 | Report Abuse

Hong kong bomoh really strong, I believe that it is artificially pushing up to cushion for monday porbable rout due to lifing ban of selling shares for big boss of china company. Bought some hsi-hu @495 and keep until monday and let's see how.


2016-04-08 09:02 | Report Abuse

Today and next Monday will be hong kong hens day. Enjoys your delicious hens meat.


2016-04-07 17:44 | Report Abuse

In my opinion, I would stay away from Vivocom after it rise from 0.1 to 0.3, >200% gains, typical trap by the sharks. Unless the profit growth is justifiable.


2016-04-07 17:31 | Report Abuse

1 mdb is just a political fuss, not much concerns. Vivocom not on my radar yet.


2016-04-07 17:19 | Report Abuse

ya connie, managed to slaughter HT and make it as KFC for the dinner.


2016-04-07 11:21 | Report Abuse

haha, rchi, I'm still a long way to learn from all the sifus here.


2016-04-07 10:48 | Report Abuse

hsi-ht lays more eggs, please. This hen is meant for day-trade, it expires end of the month, later today have to slaughter it.


2016-04-07 09:59 | Report Abuse

Go for HSI hens, the rally just because of FOMC minutes will not last long.


2016-04-05 11:30 | Report Abuse

Thanks connie.


2016-04-05 11:01 | Report Abuse

Don't chase high, whenever there is a sudden exponential rise without solid data to support the price, take profits and run away as this is a typical pattern for the smart money to unload their positions to unsuspected retail investors.


2016-04-05 10:45 | Report Abuse

be careful with the local hens, foreign funds are slowly feeding the cows until klci ~1740 - 1768. Don't expect local hens laying many eggs, get some eggs and run away. At the mean times, hong kong hens would lay eggs for about two weeks, correction times.


2016-04-01 15:28 | Report Abuse

I don't think h59 will move much as yesterday over-goreng @0.12, it's time to scoop back the loss by cimb. hsi-hu go..go.. goo


2016-04-01 11:47 | Report Abuse

If HSI close below 20500 today, then mught see a big pull back to below 20000 before it can shoot up again to above 21000, it is a healthy trend.


2016-03-31 11:12 | Report Abuse

cimb really know how to goreng, better then makuali. h59 took profit and bye-bye.


2016-03-31 11:06 | Report Abuse

HSI-HU short term play, close by Friday. On your own risk..


2015-11-27 13:55 | Report Abuse

History keeps repeating every year. Hope those naive retail investors learned a lesson from XOX. No easy money in share market.


2015-11-25 16:54 | Report Abuse

My prediction is 1698 for 26/Nov closing.


2015-11-25 16:31 | Report Abuse

I had positioned myself comfortably ~7c, just warning those retail investors (or punter?). If you think you can run away before the sharks' attack, go ahead to try. After losing much money, don't cry.


2015-11-25 15:52 | Report Abuse

Another pump-and-dump stock. The modus-operandi is exactly the same as XOX. If those naive retail investors haven't learn a lesson from XOX, then go ahead to buy. Ask yourself why at 7c nobody ask to buy only now? Because it is time to slowly unload to those naive retail investors. I believe a lot of followers of the shill who promote XOX will chase after this stock, the momentum can push the price high for a while but will not last long, that's the fact.


2015-11-23 14:34 | Report Abuse

If you can buy it at 1.5c and subscribe to the right issues (2:1) at 1c and get the free warrants (1 : 4 right issues), your guaranteed gains will be roughly ~8% at the worst case scenario. If the company can turn around the business, then you may get more returns.


2015-11-12 16:13 | Report Abuse

Don't you ever challenge the "Apanama", he got 100+ Billions in his coffer. Whichever designated counters up-down movement can be easily manipulated.


2015-11-12 11:58 | Report Abuse

Supermax-C1 really superman! Fantastic gain, cash out now.


2015-11-12 11:48 | Report Abuse

Apanama, agree with you. Based on my analysis, KLCI will be bullish till beginning of 2018 too. Of course during bull run, there will be some mini-bear or Taiping-bear appears along the way. Guys, trade wisely, use long-short strategy accordingly. Don't always stick to put or call only.


2015-11-11 11:39 | Report Abuse

Whether there is forced selling, let's see only after 2.30pm,16/Nov.


2015-11-11 10:43 | Report Abuse

Ong, I told you so, don't put your words too hard. HK touched 0.15 just now. quickly remove your previous post.


2015-11-10 18:17 | Report Abuse

Sayakamiyuki, everybody's life is precious, watch your virtues.
Bank Negara Malaysia figures(March 31 this year), slightly more than 90% of the government’s foreign debt was in ringgit at RM160.24 billion, with US dollar denominated debt at RM12.47 billion then and yen debt at RM4.76 billion.


2015-11-10 17:40 | Report Abuse

Sayakamiyuki,I've read that report, there is a risk but is not as serious as in 1998; I would say it's ~30% of it.
Ong, don't put your words too hard, anything can happen in stock market. Your parents will be sad if that happens.


2015-11-10 15:01 | Report Abuse

Ron95 maintains at high price is because government has ceased to subsidize fuel, it is one of the efforts to reduce leakages.


2015-11-10 14:56 | Report Abuse

Ringgit once almost hit RM5/usd and the worst part was most of our corporate's debt were in USD in 1998. We are now in better shape than 1998.If then our economy did not tank, why now? Manufacturing exports should get a boost, aided by a weaker exchange rate and higher growth in the United States. Tour sectors will be benefiting also with weaker ringgit. Don't you see those export companies's stock price are spiraling up? Modest negative impact on GDP is expected, priority for government is to tackle leakages and corruption as well as addressing the quality human capital, to put the country on a sustainable growth path.


2015-11-10 11:33 | Report Abuse

Oil price drops below 40, our economy will not collapse. Private sectors will be benefiting from low oil and commodities price. BN government who has an excessive civil servants and high operating expenses will be in trouble; that's why GST comes in to mitigate the reduction of oil incomes. I guess that this is part of USA strategy to lower down oil and commodities price in order for corporate/enterprises making more profit and revive back the economy.


2015-11-10 11:17 | Report Abuse

Those Samaritans are just doing those naive investors (or gamblers) a favor, though they are using some harsh words for the warning. There are some people in the stock market are just wolves in sheep's clothing. These Shills will be promoting stocks which are under their target. Frankly, if you prefer to listen to those sweet talks, go ahead. Since it is your money, enjoy the loss, don't whine ya...


2015-11-09 13:14 | Report Abuse

Stock price reflects the future, not the past. The US economy is improving, China and Japan as a feeder economy to USA will be benefiting from it. Look at Shanghai and Nikkei Index then you know why. KLCI sooner or later will get some benefit also.


2015-11-08 15:10 | Report Abuse

Next week market will be creeping up slowly. The bull still has a leg up till end of 2017, don't underestimate the money printing power of central banks especially Fed Reserve. Technical charts and past data could be used as a guide but don't trust it 100%. The stock market is affected by a lot of factors which cannot be quantified by technical charts and analysis.


2015-11-07 00:12 | Report Abuse

If you guys can not make an annualized returns > 20% after 5 years investing in stock market. My advice is to relocate 80-90% of your investment into unit trust, of course don't simply invest, you need to study and select a good unit trust to invest in. Some local small-cap funds had a decent annualized returns of ~16-19% for 5 years period. Suggestions are 1) Eastspring Investment Small-Cap Fund 2) RHB Small Cap Opportunity Unit Trust 3) Kenange Growth Fund 4) KAF Vision Fund.
The other 10-20%, you can still invest yourself for thrilling fun.


2015-11-07 00:11 | Report Abuse

If you guys can not make an annualized returns > 20% after 5 years investing in stock market. My advice is to relocate 80-90% of your investment into unit trust, of course don't simply invest, you need to study and select a good unit trust to invest in. Some local small-cap funds had a decent annualized returns of ~16-19% for 5 years period. Suggestions are 1)Eastspring Investment Small-Cap Fund 2)RHB Small Cap Opportunity Unit Trust 3)Kenange Growth Fund 4)KAF Vision Fund.
The other 10-20%, you can still invest yourself for thrilling fun.


2015-11-04 22:29 | Report Abuse

HSI is on 3rd wave of uptrend, it will up very strong.