
QuellingBlaster | Joined since 2020-03-30

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2020-06-15 14:31 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO from RM0.555 pullback to RM0.52


2020-06-15 14:31 | Report Abuse

Dow futures -500....


2020-06-15 11:55 | Report Abuse

Najib and 1MDB is really bad, wait till we count the cost of Dr M's follies. Now that the oil revenue dries up, Malaysia is left with nothing except Dr M big empty slogan


2020-06-15 11:55 | Report Abuse

9) As an old dog, Dr M modus operandi has always been about provoking Malay sentiment by calling them lazy, but in actual fact, he was the laziest of them all (if you consider him as Malay). Instead of implementing sound policies for the benefit of Malaysia survival, Dr M has always been taking the lazy route of relying Petronas money like ATM machine to pay for his race policy in order to gain Malay support and treating them like some low witted low hanging fruit. And as a result, the once Asian Tiger is now becoming more like a Hello Kitty.


2020-06-15 11:55 | Report Abuse

8) As captain of the ship, Dr M was supposed to protect his crews and passengers on board in time of crisis. When it come to the crunch, instead of doing what he was supposed to do, he decided to jump off the deck moment before ship wreck to pursue his person political interest and power play. And that is exactly what happen between 23 Feb to 10 Mar. Instead of protecting Malaysians, he decided to quit as PM to engage in messy political orgy to find excuses to remain as PM till he turn 100. This 1 mistake alone will cost the country few hundred billions in economic damages which will take many generation to pay off.


2020-06-15 11:55 | Report Abuse

7) Dr M reckless and selfish decision to allow UMNO members to join PH through Bersatu backdoor was the beginning of the end of PH and the reason that cause a split within Bersatu and eventually the collapse of PH government. And now he is trying to blame Bersatu for kicking him out.


2020-06-15 11:54 | Report Abuse

6) Like old dog trying to impress us with old trick, he and his dull witted LGE decided to take up RM7.4 billion worth of Japanese Yen loan which was supposed to cost only 0.65%. But they have failed to inform Malaysians about the forex risk. As a result of falling ringgit, the same loan will now cost Malaysia 9% to pay back or RM 600 ,000,000 more.


2020-06-15 11:54 | Report Abuse

5) His decision to move Khazanah from MOF to PMO was a blatant abuse of power allowing himself absolute power in decision making and that has resulted in Dr M selling over 30% or RM 40 billions of Khazanah assets in just 20 months. Presumably setting aside funds to pay for this nonsensical national car project.??


2020-06-15 11:54 | Report Abuse

4) His decision to go against previous government advise of not using unsustainable oil revenue to fund expenditure has once again been proven to be a tragic as oil price has now sunk to record low and Petronas could risk going bankrupt if government continue to s.u.c.kle on its revenue.


2020-06-15 11:53 | Report Abuse

3) His relentless and over zealous attempt to establish himself as the honcho of Islamic world has soured our relationship with major trading partners, and create unnecessary social and religious tension within Malaysia.


2020-06-15 11:53 | Report Abuse

2) The introducing of SST, an inferior tax which over 150 countries around the world have abandon, has created unnecessary cost pressure for Malaysia based manufacturing companies, making Malaysia produced goods noncompetitive, resulted in many SME shutting down due to unfavorable tax system and loop holes.


2020-06-15 11:53 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO Dr M, our PM7 has single-handedly crippled and perhaps bankrupt our government with so many terribly bad decisions

1) Dr M decision to scrap RM 44 billion GST just 6 DAYS after winning GE14 has resulted in government tax revenue reduce to a trickle. And what is most shocking is to see how the PH clowns blindly and hastily introduce the bill but failed to deliver the desire outcome of reducing cost of living for Malaysian.


2020-06-15 11:45 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO Hope you will still be around in DEC to celebrate your predictions.


2020-06-15 10:50 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO welcome to Malaysia!


2020-06-15 09:31 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO


2020-06-14 19:09 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO


2020-06-13 19:39 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO looks like tomorrow THEREALDEAL got Dream already, stay tune guys HO ho HO


2020-06-12 18:41 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO, just look at AA?!


2020-06-12 09:28 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO WKS beyond stupid once again. Obviously gave in to pressure from industrial players, as usual at the expense of the people. So now the concept is no need social distancing when contact tracing is possible?


2020-06-11 12:04 | Report Abuse

Ho ho HO


2020-06-11 11:10 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO Maybe police didn't get their "share" in time which lead to this drama, hypocrites.


2020-06-11 09:44 | Report Abuse

If CCP can't handle criticism, the party is illegitimate! HO ho HO


2020-06-11 09:41 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO One of the best part is when you do business in China, your money can't send out to overseas or back to your homeland, that means only 1 way, all you money will only stay in china! Money can get into china but cannot send out.....Why? If for me i just split it onto their facking Communist Grave!


2020-06-11 09:38 | Report Abuse

China doesn't deserve contact with the western world. China represents everything that liberal people find repellent. They don't even have a fair voting for PM or president.....When you see this, action is louder than voice......HO ho HO


2020-06-11 09:37 | Report Abuse

China is a police state where everyone is a potential criminal. Morally bankrupt, cruel and brutal. Do you guys agree?


2020-06-11 09:37 | Report Abuse

China is an export driven economy reliant on migrant workers and foreign companies. Is there another plan? HO ho HO


2020-06-11 09:36 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO What a lovely dream......


2020-06-10 11:17 | Report Abuse

AND Anwar and PKR still dragging their feet in regard whether Tun should be PM! Anwar does not have the majority support of MPs so why is he obstructing Tun who has more than 112 MPs support?In fact Tun is working to have more than a simple majority so that the government would be stable.Anwar what has he got except his obsession to be PM?
With Anwar and PKR's support Tun would be successful in his no confidence motion against Muhyiddin.We do not need to wait until July even P H plus would takeover from PN soon.


2020-06-10 10:06 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO Let’s hope and pray this trend continues for the next week and beyond


2020-06-08 18:59 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO


2020-06-08 18:33 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO come i clap for you, because your so pandai to give that 5 solid answers for transmorpher and transformers(its the same). I can confirm its the truth!

1. Both movie are about robots...

2. Both movie robots can transform...

3. Both movie robots are aliens from other world...

4. Both movie have male and female actors...

5. Both movie those alien robot have contact with earth...

confirm !


2020-06-08 18:29 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO Lai me first,


2020-06-05 22:50 | Report Abuse

Eat shet still say super nice Ho ho Ho


2020-06-05 22:50 | Report Abuse

Ho ho ho, that's why geary smell so bad.


2020-06-05 22:35 | Report Abuse

Ho ho Ho This anus face geary sure kena kick in the face, anus face geary you earn money in arb but you also talk bad in arb. I think you better go penang bridge and jump by tonight.


2020-06-05 18:18 | Report Abuse

Ho ho HO Guys, the main problem is geary earn lots of money in Arbb, still use his filthy mouth to kam马淋,how ironic?


2020-06-05 14:57 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO How to translate the word bullsh*it into meaningless Malaysian bureaucratic gobble-de-gook

global pathfinder initiative


2020-06-05 10:56 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO


2020-06-05 10:56 | Report Abuse

You see guys, those china people come to other nations, apply as students, visiting or working visa, except western there are still real students.....when coming to Asian do you see lots of those students or china workers?

Answer===most of them work as prostitude,illegal gambling and scammers.

Guys when you see a big bunch of china people hanging around your neighborhood for breakfast or whatsoever, just send them to the police station!


2020-06-05 10:52 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO, when THE American is up onto the moon, china is still collecting pigshet. Now china by stealing other countries tech, ideas, then going into building nations(by robbing), you sure you wanna fight with those rednecks? HO ho HO


2020-06-05 10:41 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO Well... China say thank you . This will give China an excuse to tell her traders that depended on China supply chain to use RMB . If not let their factories to come to a halt


2020-06-04 15:29 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO HO ho HO HO ho HO HO ho HO HO ho HO HO ho HO HO ho HO HO ho HO HO ho HO


2020-06-04 14:40 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO, every Arbb investor beh tahan liao!


2020-06-04 11:43 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO I'm absolutely baffled about how someone could say such a thing. There will be isolated racist incidents in any society sadly but the UK is generally speaking (and the numbers show this) extremely inclusive (and no I'm not white)


2020-06-03 13:18 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO Demostraitors and rioters of HK ? Still think the union jack and the stars & stripes care for hk and want hk people? dream on...


2020-06-02 17:39 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO did you guys know GLCs is just another form of blood s@ckers out to cheat the rakyat. Their bosses are paid nothing less than 60k per month plus benefits. Here you have a GLC outfit cheating and harassing workers who earn 1k per month. Such a pathetic state.

Soon we may have demonstrations like in the US if the government keeps on giving GLC positions to PN MPs


2020-06-02 15:13 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO guys, yes! They are rushing for visa and preparing everything for U.S Caravan roadshow, guessing they will visit U.S in July?


2020-06-01 15:10 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO
Zoologist I think this is where the US is going to get exposed in the coming few decades. America’s existence on a relative basis to other countries is pretty infant. Although I feel the US contributed greatly 100 years ago. The leadership and domination has lead to entitlement, bullying and just an ego that now thinks they can do no wrong. What’s worst is American culture and politics has become a game of the short term, which is always driven by decisions that mortgage the future. Take NATO and what it has become since. The US and it’s military presence in other countries is not strictly to help others, but also a way to gain political and economic leverage for themselves. The fact that Trump can try to hike South Korea’s bill from 1 billion to 5 billion says enough. You can only live off your past reputation for so long. The US’ goodwill is near used up and we will see in the coming decades


2020-05-27 14:11 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO This is so obvious CCP is taking back HK sooner even with aggression and the status of the financial hub will be given to another bigger city in China. Democracy in HK will be crush by the evil communism. 50years unchange promise going to be broken! No lie no cheat Not china....HO ho HO


2020-05-27 13:53 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO Yes, it was not a bad idea when the U.S. was a small, fledgling democracy of 13 former colonies. Now it's a tyranny of the ignorant, since the urban population is on average far better educated and able to think critically.