
QuellingBlaster | Joined since 2020-03-30

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2020-04-15 13:14 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO Tenaganita can see, can feel and will stay united with foreigners and illegals only. They can feel the pain of these foreigners but not Malaysians. Do Tenaganita knows that many more Malaysian are starving and too poor to go through this MCO? Why this Tenaganita love this foreigners and illegals more than Malaysians?HO ho HO


2020-04-14 14:48 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO, Arbb shares price looks tempting,


2020-04-14 13:57 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO, Surely the backdoor government knows that there are no free lunches? The fact that these frogs hopped, in the first place, is based on the big reward that was promised to each and everyone of them. So, now it is pay back time. They need to have a piece of the pie and since the ministry positions are already over-filled to the brim; why not pyut them in charge of the GLCs? Accountability, Transparency, Honesty are not pre-requisites for these people. If they are, we would not expect them to jump like frogs. And more importantly, they can continue to champion their mantra "BMF" - BUY MERCEDES FIRST. HO ho HO


2020-04-14 13:56 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO These fake hypocrite holy men once tasted the corridor of power will discard their previous preaching faster than they change their underwear. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Time will tell when they will disrobe the kaftan to business suits flashy cars and mansions plus mistresses.


2020-04-14 13:56 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO RevenueQueenie Well, nobody said they would run the companies well. As Cash-is-King Najib used to say, Let a Thousand 1MDBs Blossom!

For the rest of us, might be wise to convert some of your Ringgit savings to something more solid.


2020-04-14 13:34 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO, fancyme Don't slandar the satanists! They have simply come to the conclusion that the world and the supreme being that rules it is fundamentally evil (which is not an unreasonable conclusion, really).

I'll take an honest Satanist over a corrupt Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or Jew any day!


2020-04-14 13:26 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO We have gone back to the mantra of “Cash is King”! See? Najib wasn’t so bad and wrong after all, right?


2020-04-14 13:09 | Report Abuse

PNipu govt is effectively BN plus....a BN 2.0.

UMNO and Bersatu(aka Bersapu) are effectively Umno 3.0.

PNipu is umno 3.0 plus Pas.

Do you Rafidah,think they cam really change?

Its the same old dogs given a new name!!


2020-04-10 15:07 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO, Get ready for another round of panic buying and a new wave of infections as a result.....


2020-04-10 15:07 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO, The speech by the illegitimate backdoor PM prepared by his speechwriter like previously has already been prerecorded.So why the stupid buildup and suspense?Is it done deliberately for propaganda but it will lead to sick panic buying.Why cant the turtle egg backdoor minister announce in his daily media briefing,to avoid the nasty and shameful panic buying?


2020-04-10 14:57 | Report Abuse

OOps zillionaire, he is a PM for ALL. Thats what he said but he ends of his speeches with a prayer in one Language.HO ho HO


2020-04-10 14:42 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO More grandstanding to legitimize oneself and the connivers ruling the roost.

The virus has certainly come in handy. A spotlighted platform and literally, a captive audience. It can't get better than this. A politician's wet dream.


2020-04-10 14:42 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO The all Malay first backdoor, backside and backward Government never ever can be a great party/Govt. because it's go down history as a illegal backdoor govt.


2020-04-10 14:42 | Report Abuse

HO ho HOExtended or not... The main belakang gomen with 70 ministers.. And all bersatu MPs as ministers, never in msian history a mosquito party has all MPs as ministers, are incompetent.... Bapak main belakang better have a glass of air suam n Doraemon ready to guide him....


2020-04-10 14:29 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO, warrantking, we need to think of nation economy; MCO must be removed before that nation is pulled down. MOH has already identified the keys of spreading and they control it well. MCO is killing nation economy and it will be hard for the nation economy to come back if MCO keep continue further.


2020-04-10 13:19 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO Chief Secretary must read the Infectious Diseases Act properly and advise the backdoor Government properly. He should not listen to criminals like Najib, Zahid and the so corrupt Tengku to give wrong advise.


2020-04-10 13:18 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO Public servants given entertainment allowances. Free spending money not taxable. Do they submit an account to show how this money is spent? No.
I run a business. I have to spend on entertainment.... on my staff, on business meetings, on hire of cars etc. etc. The IRS always cuts back on my claims.
This allowance for senior civil servants is an abuse of tax payers contributions. Should be abolished.


2020-04-10 13:17 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO still remember In the classroom, when one boy does something bad the teacher punishes the whole class. The entire country being put on lockdown because of the Sri Petaling Box Tabligh is similar to mass punishment for the whole country because of the health mischief in the Sri Petaling Mosque Tabligh in the guise of protection for all. It is better to identify those who need protection and put a lockdown on them.


2020-04-10 13:17 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO These civil service lot gets so so so many different type of allowance which is mostly not taxable as they are the law making so they just award themselves and create law accordingly, then when they retire they get ex gratia/ golden handshake and pension for life

still they are greedy and still jealous of those in GLC

always complaining about GLC high salary and what not but those in GLC dont have security of tenure and dont get pension and dont get entertainment allowance

Plus many in civil service may not last a week at GLC as believe it or not many in GLCs actually work very very hard


2020-04-10 12:59 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO

If PH did -- PH zalim , potong gaji executive Melayu
PN - PN berhati besar , jaga b40

See how propaganda is important ? PH scored a zero on that


2020-04-09 16:21 | Report Abuse

兴 旺 发 啊 Arbb is distributing prosperity to all!


2020-04-09 16:20 | Report Abuse

加油 加油 加油


2020-04-09 15:45 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO In the meantime this backdoor toilet bowl govt. pays Hadi tens of thousands of ringgit a month for doing nothing!

Pardon me, save us the hypocrisy!


2020-04-09 15:45 | Report Abuse

Hello! Cut to Entertainment Allowance? Who are you entertaining during MCO anyway? Donate the whole allowance & then we know you are sincere!


2020-04-09 15:17 | Report Abuse

so millions must suffer without income and food while those responsible for the massive spike from 30 cases in end of February to 4000 now have not been charged for a single offence

Why are those who went against advise and attended gathering and weddings and visiting relatives and photo opportunity for giving mock cheques for donation has not been charged

But those who just speak out of turn against the police in frustration and haste straight away charged for obstruction

We should know what is our priority no?


2020-04-09 15:06 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO MCO must be removed. Lockdown red zone only. To save the nation economy collapsing


2020-04-09 13:38 | Report Abuse

ho ho ho


2020-04-09 13:38 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO , Agreed whole hardheartedly. Economy more important than life! Surprised coming from a professor.


2020-04-08 15:18 | Report Abuse

HO ho HO, today Arbb price from 0.175 shoots up to 0.225, still holding it! Because i know something big is brewing inside Arbb


2020-04-08 15:11 | Report Abuse

HO Ho HO......The sooner MOO and the herd disappear from the face of the earth, the whole country will prosper. They came in through the backdoor and brought about Corona virus. This is Allah's curse on them. Watch further tragedies and some in the herd going insane. Allah is not to be mocked by anyone..... ho ho ho


2020-04-08 14:19 | Report Abuse

Simple la. Ada nama Melayu/Muslim kemungkinan semua dapat la tak kira siapa. Won't be surprised that many Indo/Bangla/ Rohingya/pak Arab pun dapat.

Almost every Institution run by Melayu are all screwed up. ho ho ho


2020-04-08 14:19 | Report Abuse

Hohoho What do we expect? The Government is now back to UMNO.


2020-04-08 14:07 | Report Abuse

Hohoho that is why Ismail Sabri already said not to be happy because not every individual gets the BPN. It depends?


2020-04-07 16:11 | Report Abuse

These researches should put their money where their mouths are by sending their families to viral hotspots to prove their points. The statistics of the western countries that do not advocate the wearing of masks by the general public is a confirmation that they are dead wrong.


2020-04-07 16:04 | Report Abuse

6% is better than no % at this point.

This systematic review findings will achieve only one thing; for some who have been using it diligently for self assurance, will give up the practice now because ‘it’s not worth the trouble at just 6% effectiveness”.


2020-04-07 16:01 | Report Abuse

ho ho ho . Agree. No precaution is 100% effective. But whatever precaution we can make is better than none. The "specialists" are still arguing over such matters. Why don't they suggest stuff our nose and mouth with vacuum cleaner bag and cover our head with rubbish bag?


2020-04-07 14:51 | Report Abuse

in Europe, some specialists are saying 1 to 10 % of the people already infected...meaning 3 to 30 million people in europe already infected............the vast majority recovers automatically........never got sick..........


2020-04-07 14:48 | Report Abuse

but what I know is tested positive is not a death sentence..........

in Europe, some specialists are saying 1 to 10 % of the people already infected.........but total death is very small number only.


2020-04-07 14:48 | Report Abuse

what is safe distance also not really known............


2020-04-07 14:48 | Report Abuse

FOMO means fear of missing out

its trading power vs investing.......

got people investing one meh?

not scared of biggest recession in a generation?


2020-04-07 14:42 | Report Abuse

money for every citizen...........HK, Singapore, USA & Malaysia......

but HK and Singapore has huge reserves........

other countries focus on more targeted programs..........

as far as I can see, Malaysia is the most irresponsible................


2020-04-07 14:41 | Report Abuse

nothing about price movements is about value investing............every thing is about FOMO.


2020-04-07 14:41 | Report Abuse

FOMO can last longer than expected........

I mean....corona is being better understood ...........200,000 deaths in US is a gross exaggeration.........

and oil market, there is hope of supply cuts.


2020-04-07 14:41 | Report Abuse

its FOMO vs the reality of recession.............

FOMO is driven by Dow and oil futures.............

this is not a buy and hold market......

this is a traders market................


2020-04-07 14:40 | Report Abuse

as far as I can see, Malaysia is the most irresponsible................


2020-04-06 14:44 | Report Abuse

stock market.......u think good meh introduce newinvestors into stock market when they are still fresh?


2020-04-06 14:43 | Report Abuse

najib got power at that time.........I do not have this type of superpower!


2020-04-06 14:34 | Report Abuse

Wellington Sky
honesty....I very honest one..........and I got no crystal ball to see into the future of stock prices.............


2020-04-06 14:33 | Report Abuse

honesty....I very honest one..........


2020-04-06 14:28 | Report Abuse

Wellington Sky..........

my tips no good meh?

some more free one...........