Blog Posts
2020-11-09 17:26 | Report Abuse
Russia got vaccine Mah. 1st in the world
2020-09-29 21:11 | Report Abuse
Looks like MCO 2.0 is real. The infection is in the community already
2020-09-09 08:30 | Report Abuse
I have a feeling we will be testing March’s lows
2020-09-05 15:56 | Report Abuse
You know some ppl bark and bark and after some time people DGAF!!!!
2020-09-05 15:47 | Report Abuse
You know when I hear a dog barking it is a dog barking just ignore a nobody
2020-09-05 08:10 | Report Abuse
The reality is no effective vaccine will be available!!!! Whatever so called vaccine available end Oct will be ineffective and ONLY for HIGH RISK patients!!!!!! US has reduced testing and reporting some what to boost DT’s ratings
2020-09-02 07:04 | Report Abuse
Jacktheshit if TG goes to 5 I will cut my finger!!! Use your head l
2020-09-02 06:36 | Report Abuse
So much for vaccine now!! FDA isn’t going to approve any vaccine anytime soon. Lol
2020-09-01 23:56 | Report Abuse
If you see United Plt after share split price goes up higher
2020-09-01 19:59 | Report Abuse
Lets not get too emotional now. If they say the sky is purple we agree. How long can go on? Like Kelantan backward state
2020-09-01 18:59 | Report Abuse
Raider is better than experts in medical field
2020-09-01 18:37 | Report Abuse
Raider will take so can have 2 kuku
2020-09-01 06:39 | Report Abuse
No vaccine will be available to effectively treat Covid 19. We might as well use existing medicine like Panadol!!!!!
2020-09-01 06:23 | Report Abuse
DPharma teaching 20??? Lol . Didn’t realize refilling and packing will make more than 500 mio per QR
2020-08-30 10:54 | Report Abuse
Why is there a demand for gloves? Because the usage has expended exponentially!!! So will filling and packing looks like vaccine still has to come from somewhere. These aren’t making it
2020-08-30 10:49 | Report Abuse
What is the potential in terms of filling and packing? How much profit can they make? Any projection, timelines etc ??? Hope to get or confirmed already? Contract signed?
2020-08-29 11:28 | Report Abuse
Has our government secured anything? Nothing is more like it!!!!
2020-08-29 11:24 | Report Abuse
@Hush77 Can you share the news DPharma and PharmaNiaga already got the license? Distribution rights? All BS. No company in Malaysia has got anything!!!! All BS talk
2020-08-29 11:02 | Report Abuse
DPharma and PharmaNi filling and repacking? Lol
So much potential in repacking
2020-08-29 11:02 | Report Abuse
You listen to 3rd class low grade analyst to justify. Have you seen their projection of earning for TG this coming QR??? No wonder you are sow hai
Hush77 Like ambank research says, the glove play and high profit margin will be over soon..
You can see big funds shifting to the vaccine leaders like dphama and phama.. while glove stocks will slowly go down..
2020-08-29 10:35 | Report Abuse
I am still waiting for HY 2.0. Where ahh rr88? So long you said like you smart but really so hai
2020-08-29 10:31 | Report Abuse
Yes sure because Trump is super smart salesman selling medicine pullled out of his arse. He can do whatever he wants. Why wait we should listen and take Lysol!!!! Lol
Lol laugh me die. You watching too much it movies
gemfinder Glove wil sufer bigest drop when trump aprove vacine in oct
29/08/2020 9:52 AM
2020-08-29 09:46 | Report Abuse
According to rr88 the vaccine is the second coming of God. What I see is mother natures’s natural selection. We just need to take pre caution until this virus can be eliminated just like SARS but only problem is ; it will take 2 to 3 years. All so called vaccines are useless given the fact the virus has been mutating. Whatever was in April is not the same as what is around now case in point the SuperSpreader
2020-08-29 09:25 | Report Abuse
rr88 any comments take the dare la!!! Be a man no a eunuch. Sorry But your bad heart that is why you will never prosper
2020-08-29 09:13 | Report Abuse
rr88 you volunteer to take vaccine la since you so confident. You and rocket and piss sideon. Who knows you might grow boobies or extra barang!!!!! Lol Laugh me die
2020-08-29 07:30 | Report Abuse
Those vaccine promoters do you really have any scientific or medical background or some tepi jalan logic watching too much movies?? Even for MY once vaccine is available approval will take 12 to 18 months!!!!!! No point buying Pharma middleman who might Not even get license to manufacture it!!!!!
2020-08-29 07:28 | Report Abuse
2020-08-16 08:57 | Report Abuse
Just to share the Sivagangga mutation of the Covid virus will render any current vaccine as ineffective or at most useless
2020-08-15 23:31 | Report Abuse
We are now living the age of the unknown. During SARS the shedding of the virus occurred during the recovery in the hospitals etc. Covid virus sheds at the early stage which is more complicated. No magic bullet. We can only minimize contact for now. That is why countries like India there is no sense of personal space and US is their right to to do whatever they want. Some people are watching too many movies on virus outbreak etc. my worry is that we will see more people with organ failure due to alcohol poisoning with too much use of sanitizing products!!!!!
2020-08-14 07:11 | Report Abuse
Just wondering do you know GDP is not going to be good?? It is a matter of how much!!! Next Q GDP will improve since business came out of MCO
2020-08-13 18:55 | Report Abuse
Philipines can call Madonna for all I care. Their president is reckless just like Trump etc
2020-08-13 18:10 | Report Abuse
MY govt is not approving any vaccine that has not passed Phase 3 trials. Just been made know during the news. They will wait till 2nd half 2021!!!!!! So much for rr88 vaccine. Perhaps we need to give him the vaccine for Anti glove fever
2020-08-12 18:25 | Report Abuse
If there is a vaccine, it won’t be until 2021
2020-08-11 14:25 | Report Abuse
Clearly there are people who don’t know that we are going thru a recession and for companies to turn in a profit is going to be a big task of making a profit let alone survive. Here you have a company that is churning out 400
Million and you complain? Are you really retarded or don’t know basic math?
cjp74132rn @beginner, you may want to learn a fair bit more before investing in the stock market.
400 mil NPAT for Q4 is 200 mil short of your lofty expectation?? Pleeeeeaaase!!!
Have you been coached by TeamRocket, Teamlocket, and are now part of his crew??
11/08/2020 2:06 PM
2020-08-11 05:38 | Report Abuse
The dividend is another bonus
2020-08-10 19:11 | Report Abuse
Key word from note this isn’t the highest ASP
2020-08-02 21:51 | Report Abuse
So much for vaccine lol When It Comes to Covid Shots, Rich Nations Are First in Line
2020-08-02 08:55 | Report Abuse
Best to shut up if you don’t know crap. Don’t make yourself look like you have carrot IQ.
Orlando SCGM spending only rm 350k to do face mask biz
TEKSENG is spending rm 20m to expand to do face mask non woven fabric can u imagine d increase in d scale of production? 2x? 3x 4x 5x? How many x?
To meet the increasing demand, a subsidiary of SCGM will purchase two machines from China at a cost of RM350,000. Both machines are expected to arrive and will be installed this month.
01/08/2020 8:25 PM
2020-08-01 10:11 | Report Abuse
Bubble? Do you know what a bubble is? If you don’t just shut it. US has such poor record human rights like the recent shootings.
2020-08-01 10:02 | Report Abuse
By the way, Oceania isn’t a very big market for TG!!! Insignificant . Some bias to buy Ansell
2020-07-31 14:12 | Report Abuse
Thing will never go back to normal. The biggest unknown are how long will the antibodies last, what are the effects on other organs, will it treat people who are asymptomatic? I laugh at these clowns who think a vaccine is coming soon
2020-07-31 11:13 | Report Abuse
Call warrant is not entitled to anything
2020-07-27 19:15 | Report Abuse
rr88 you just confirmed that you have no money but you buy penny stock!!! Lol all that BS . Bought 1000 shares kah?
2020-11-11 23:10 | Report Abuse