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2020-07-05 18:08 | Report Abuse

Why is that guy talking about Sg Buloh and HKL?

Supermax's business are mainly in United States, United Kingdom, and Brazil.


2020-07-04 22:21 | Report Abuse

DS Stanley is getting from rich to f***** RICH.

Filty rich, I mean.

The Power of OBM which the other big 3 dont enjoy.

I just checked on the online platform.

Supermax Aurelia Bold Nitrile is sold at:

United States - USD220 / 1000 pieces
United Kingdom - USD300 / 1000 pieces

Do minus off some margin for the handlers, you can rougly guess Supermax's ASP.

This is way way way higher than KYY's prediction of 15% ASP surge.

For people who are still holding or plan to buy into Supermax before QR, please make sure you have a few Bank Accounts and a mixture of local and foreign bank.

Dont keep all your money in just one bank in case it goes bankrupt. PIDM only cover a maximum of RM250k.


2020-07-04 14:25 | Report Abuse

Many people probably did not realise. Correction indeed already happen on Weds, Thurs, and Fri. When investors took profit in these 3 days and SP fell to day low, there are strong support which I believe major fund bought back. And it pushes the SP up again.

This is a secret that most Sifu or Gurus will not tell you.

People like these has 65% for long term investment and 35% for day trade. They make you believe there is a correction so that you dump your shares. If nobody dump shares, they cannot feed their family from day trade.

To me, correction has happen and will be happening almost everyday. But, the big four is so bullish that strong buy overtake correction


2020-07-04 13:39 | Report Abuse

Okay calm down.

Back to business and chart pattern.

I noticed in early May until June, Supermax is green for 17 trading days and red only for 1 trading days. This is due to:

1) Bursa announced extension of short selling ban on 27 April.
2) Foreign, local fund, and retailers chasing for QR which was released on 20 May.

I see very similar trend now. IDSS ban to year end. Waiting for QR . In fact, it will be even more bullish now as Supermax is now a Syariah compliance stock. PAT is expected to rise to RM 250 million. Additional capicity of 5 billiion pieces by year end. Possibility of remaining IB re evaluate a higher margin cap. Possibility of bonus issue and and superordinary dividend payout (example RM1 dividend for 1000 share held).

The share price increase 210% from 2.48 to 7.70 in May alone.

With so many good news and bullish momentum, take some discount, you decide what's the percentage surge for the month of July.


2020-07-04 13:09 | Report Abuse

I read the article mutiple times, The Star journalist is try to act smart by saying "maybe goverment should look into taxing the glove manufacturers."

I think it wouldnt happen because current rulling goverment is throwing money to rakyat and industries to gain support. What is the posibility of them slapping themselves??

The Star few days ago also mentioned glove price softening when they check the online platform. The journalist or his manager is so silly to release such article. Are you really so f*** st*** not knowing the current glove shortage that leads to all time high ASP? You didnt do your homework before releasing such article?

I am so embarresed having such company as our national media.

The journalist or manager, you not only embarressing yourself but also your company.

You shouldn't be working in a media company.

You should be working as a glove packing labour which dont require you to use much brain.


2020-07-04 12:50 | Report Abuse

Speakup, why you say its a good news posting about the windfall tax? What does the article want to say? I am getting confuse.


2020-07-03 13:45 | Report Abuse

A group of large investor that I know off is pressuring the remaining IB to evaluate their margin valuation for glove counters. If they are successful, you and I know what will happen to the glove counters next week.

Disclaimer: I dont belong to that group. Just that I happen to know one of them. This is probably also why there are huge volume of bulk purchase these two days.


2020-07-01 14:27 | Report Abuse

I am not. I am going against Comfort now. How am I uncle's insider


2020-07-01 14:23 | Report Abuse

Ive switch all my holding from comfort to supermax after they release their QR.


Comfort sales 40% to Malaysian market. Which I truly believe its sold in ringgit.

Secondly, comfort only increase 5% to 10% on their ASP.

Supermax is totally a different animal. During my time in Supermax, all our containers go to United States and Europe. We dont sell to Asian countries.


2020-07-01 14:01 | Report Abuse

KYY is saying RM201 million PAT for the coming QR if you increase 15% ASP on monthly basis.

However, he forget to make an exponential increment.

Denis Low, the president of MaRGMA says that manufacturers to date has increased 50% to 70%.

Both Denis Low and DSST used to be my boss. I report directly to Denis Low when he was with Supermax.

I am very familiar with the ASP calculation and it's still fresh in my mind.

Uncle is being too conservative.

UOB KH says that Supermax is trading at single digit PE looking at coming PAT. IB says that the next financial year profit is at least RM1200 million. Uncle says RM675 million PAT for calendar year.

To be safe, take in between. Uncle will be richer than what he thought conservatively.


2020-06-12 20:39 | Report Abuse

RHB set a TP for COMFORT on 28 May at RM3.18 based on the forecast of YEARLY total profit RM44 mil and YEARLY total revenue of RM566 mil. (Go read RHB report).

Today, actual Q1 report shows:

Q1 Profit: RM16.339 mil
Q1 Revenue: RM152.907 mil

According to RHB, profit is expexted to increase along the way from 24% to 90%.

Being conservative, i take the lowest forecast, 24% profit growth for Q2, Q3, and Q4.

So, conservative profit forecast for the year, RM92.9 mil.

Q1: RM16.339 mil
Q2: RM20.26 mil
Q3: RM25.12 mil
Q4: RM31.15 mil

This is 211% higher than what is forecasted by RHB.

Based on the most conservative TP, comfort is worth RM6.70.

You cannot compare the TP with Supermax because it has 1.3 billion outstanding share but Comfort only has 582 million outstanding share.


2020-06-03 14:54 | Report Abuse

Now Ambank, CIMB and UOB's turn to cut margin financing. All these may not end until HL, PBB, Affin etc to announce the same. Im going to switch off my phone and go do something else.


2020-06-02 14:15 | Report Abuse

WTH..CIMB Research said HLT is overbought and ask people to take profit.


2020-06-02 01:09 | Report Abuse

I dont think it's so easy for HLT to limit up again tomorrow. It will stay around $1.1 and that is already very good.

Meanwhile, money that is supposed to be injected into Adventa will be distributed to other small cap glove related stock tomorrow.

I have seen couple of stock being freeze after 2 continuous day limit up, so 3rd day freeze upper limit, and 4th day continue to surge. When the momentum strike, nothing can stop the price uptrend.

I was lucky to witness glove stock uptrend for 18 months during H1N1 era.


2020-06-01 17:26 | Report Abuse

Oh salahfaham. I didnt have time to read all earlier post cause too busy. Same boat. High Five Maktua.
Anyway, momentum is there. Very similar to Adventa. Once reaching this level, it will cross $1.00 easily


2020-06-01 17:14 | Report Abuse

Maktua, non of the above is relevant to covid and glove segment. Try harder next time


2020-05-29 19:45 | Report Abuse

They are given up to 30 June to submit 2019 Annual Report and 2020 Q1 report. But I dont think HLT will deliver the QR so late because 2019 Annual has been delivered last week. The buying signal and volume is very strong since yesterday and we close a new high today compare to last week sleeping around 0.45 to 0.48.
Alot of catching needs to be done at max, i believe it will be released within the next 3 trading days.

Do not be mislead by the 30 June announcement; that's a stardard announcement used almost every company if Bursa grant them the extension

Going up around 5% to 10% on daily basis before limiting up when the QR is out, is definitely a good thing


2020-05-29 00:58 | Report Abuse

I am not a Rubberex holder but HLT holder.

But I do visit other glove's forum to read and learn.

I COULDN'T BELIEVE WHAT BATFLY JUST SAID. It is comparing Rubberex and Ambank and claim that Ambank is a better stock because they are both at the similar share price, but Ambank has higher profit.

How in the world "it" make such comparison? It is a joke or what is happening here?

Rubberex has 277 million share issued but Ambank has 3.01 billion share issued.

I am not sure "it" understand or still need further explaination.



2020-05-28 02:38 | Report Abuse

Diego I wish thats the case but the market doesnt work that way. One bad news on glove industry will drag down the entire glove counters, or at best stagnant for super solid counter.

But even for Supermax, it has been forever green since i bought HLT on 8 May. Supermax was 2.98 on 8May and today, 6.90. No counter in history will be going up continuously like this. Profit taking and technical adjustment will take place before it goes up again. And once the big brother goes red, again, this drag down HLT and others.

What I am saying to HLT-ians, be cautious if you plan to add position this week, especially contra players. For holders who just break even, can consider to let go half and buy back at discounted price later.

I would be very happy if I am totally wrong because it would mean more profit gain within shorter duration


2020-05-27 23:09 | Report Abuse

Comfort may close red for the next two days. Having issue with US FDA. Not sure if this will slow down the momentum of my investment in HLT. Everytime when we build good momentum, sure got road block ahead one.


2020-05-24 13:53 | Report Abuse

The retreat in q1 profit margin is due to higher cost of material. Demand wise remained intact as you can see the group revenue is not shaken during MCO.

Relavancy to glove industry has been proven by higher revenue and profit in CCM polymer segment.

However, the maximum positive effect from glove market towards CCM will reflect later because glove factories normally purchase raw material 3 months in advance. So, you will see glove factories starts to place more order for raw material starting from April onwards, probably lock in for the next 9 months to 12 months. These raw material is very important, without them, glove factories cannot produce glove.

I am only touching on the glove related matter because i used to work for one of the big four glove company and CCM is our main supplier.

Rapid project for Petronas is definitely another plus point but i dont have much knowledge and cant comment


2020-05-22 15:18 | Report Abuse

Will it come back again before 4.30pm please? Supermax also not going up already.


2020-05-22 15:02 | Report Abuse

London just woke up. Lets see if they got any update today. If they release a positive outcome for the first trial, all my winning in HLT go to holand.


2020-05-22 14:29 | Report Abuse

This is disturbing. It dont look good for the afternoon session. Everyone is fearful for of the Astrazeneca vaccine and they are very serious about it. It's a huge pharma orgazination unlike Moderna. I know the fact that even with vaccine, gloves are still in much demand but market sentiment will drag down the glove counters for a short period


2020-05-20 17:51 | Report Abuse

Correction, profit up 105%

More and more good news coming in the next two weeks.

For those who needs to work tomorrow and friday, I strongly suggest that you apply for Annual Leaves and stay at home. You wouldn't want to miss this moment.

This is a reality, proven with facts, number and figures. No nonsense like unproven drugs, vaccines, or bubbletea.


2020-05-20 15:01 | Report Abuse

Hoping for Supermax QR out by evening. If it's a superb result, all glove counters will sky rocket Thurs and Fri and smaller cap counters like HLT may limit up. Worth to gamble.


2020-05-20 14:42 | Report Abuse

Today is just collection day. Real game is tomorrow. Same pattern have been noticed.


2020-05-20 14:39 | Report Abuse

Do not be misleaded. 22 million dispose from boss and lady boss are warrants, not mother share.
And Suntel disposing has been discussed. All thess was last week news


2020-05-20 06:55 | Report Abuse

Moderna shares fell $8.33 (10.41%) overnight.
Back to glove business today.


2020-05-20 01:11 | Report Abuse

Adding some note on top of Justin328 post on 11/5.

That news article totally missed out CCM. They are the most direct benificiary for hygeine products, pharmarceutical, and GLOVE manufacturer.

Please take some time to read


2020-05-20 01:05 | Report Abuse

Among the big ones like PetChem, Imaspro, and Southern Acids, they are all green today 19/5.
Let's if CCM rebound for the next 3 days. I noticed the major shareholder is PNB, it should be a rock solid counter.


2020-05-19 20:20 | Report Abuse

Halimakbar, FYI, Covid 19 is not a trend like bubble tea or e-cigarete. Glove industry in Malaysia is a serious business, valued over RM17.3 billion in 2019, and 2020 is a crystal ball question. If you are good in predicting trend, you should be able to have some common sense to know that there are global glove shortage until 2021. My TP for HLT is still 0.80 probably by August 2020. Of course there will be up and down along the way. There will be full time traders and financial organization playing with the SP (not only HLT but the entire glove counters) and this is what they are doing to earn a living. It's part of their job.

Anyway, have a good read for below article tonight.

Fears of new coronavirus outbreak in Chinese region of 100million people after two cities went into Wuhan-style lockdown


2020-05-19 15:51 | Report Abuse

PET Chem is in very good shape. Will this benefit other players in same industry like CCM or LCTITAN? CCM has invested alot in caustic soda and major supplier to glove industry


2020-05-18 15:52 | Report Abuse

Yes u are right, same pattern noticed. The only difference is there are alot of traders and contra players to be exact last week. And it pushes up the price to 0.60 plus. If these people disappear or start seling, then it will be not too good for long term holders like us. Unless we have loads of money to invest in other good return stock while waiting for HLT to change hand and consolidate before flying up again


2020-05-18 15:40 | Report Abuse

Im looking at the chart, price, and volume. It will never break the pivot point and everytime it hit a new high, the share price will be throwned down by huge volume. Only insiders who holds substanstial share can do that. Its all my analysis, nothing has been proven. But yes, for the past 2 weeks, Suntel has been selling and the selling may go on


2020-05-18 15:32 | Report Abuse

Today if break down to 0.45, it will fall further below 0.40. I am having heart attack every moment holding HLT.


2020-05-18 15:28 | Report Abuse

Nope George. In 2018, HLT do not have enough money so HLT join venture with Suntel to acquire 55% stake in HL Rubber. So in paper, Suntel owns 12% stake in HLT, doenst mean Suntel owns HL Rubber


2020-05-18 15:09 | Report Abuse

And the issue is Suntel cannot dispose everything that they hold in couple of days. This will make the share price drop below 0.10. So at the moment, the broker is luring people to buy up for example setting high volume buy queue which will never be traded or traded within themselves only


2020-05-18 14:58 | Report Abuse

Looks like Suntel is still disposing. They got 55,000,000 shares to dispose if they plan to get out from HLT. I hope i am wrong


2020-05-13 17:17 | Report Abuse

I am still holding but dont expect it to limit up tomorrow. Market needs to breath. As long as it dont drop further than we are blessed


2020-05-12 23:11 | Report Abuse

Ez, After profit above TP RM1.00, you can buy 2 houses, marry 4 wives, and have 8 babies.
But I am going to hold this for 3 years, to buy a small glove factory after cash out at RM3.
Dont forget that Topglove, Kossan, and Harta started many years ago just like how HLT starts now


2020-05-12 20:25 | Report Abuse

Best day ever in year 2020. I have faith that Comfort will surge further maybe not as immediate as tomorrow but in the shorter term like 2 or 3 weeks, 3 dollars is my TP. Having said that, ive decided to let go half of my holdings in Comfort to invest in HLT. Of course it's a smaller scale company but I am betting on HLT because there are very limited shares in the market, i.e general public only hold 13.5%, wherelse Careplus has 39.6%, and Comfort has 25.5%. Assuming the glove sector continue to surge for the next 3 months, I see HLT will rise more folds than other glove stock in terms of percentage because their shares in general public are limited (demand more than supply). I am not comparing the size of HLT and other glove stock because it is already reflected in their relatively cheap share price.


2020-04-29 11:50 | Report Abuse

HDD related stock is moving today, including DNONCE. This is due to industrial manufacturing is allowed to go full capacity starting today.


2020-04-28 16:33 | Report Abuse

Three things about this company caught my attention:

1) does printing and packaging services - glove company is at a fast pace at the moment, there is not enough packaging to support the demand
2) does disinfect services
3) cleanroom for medical device assembly

Stock that is relevant to any of the above shot up in price since end March. DNONCE is related to all three and its price hardly move. But today's volume sudden surge. Something going to happen or pending announcement?


2020-04-22 22:49 | Report Abuse

Amount that is not recoverable is already factored in in ytd's and today's SP drop. Any good news like improve in brent, wti, and dow will push up SP tomorrow. Goodluck all


2020-04-17 01:43 | Report Abuse

Yes, i checked teoseng substantial shareholder, leong hup has 53% in it. Sorry earlier i say 58%


2020-04-16 22:02 | Report Abuse

Teoseng has amazingly high profit margin, very good counter to invest. Can also look into leong hup intertional who own teoseng at least 58%. Very high potential counter


2020-04-13 15:34 | Report Abuse

Limkokthye, you bought leonghup international??