
Richmond168 | Joined since 2014-01-08

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2014-02-09 22:45 | Report Abuse

Hi, mikekong55 and swingtrader. Thanks for the reply and concern, is really much appreciated. Yes, I will definitely sit in front on the screen tmr for monitoring. Thanks. :)

Just for sharing, if the counter is not IRIS (I meant only goreng counter with no strong rumors), then I would have sold all on Thursday before the market close. Weakening on TA and selling signal is given out and fail to break the resistance along with double top and shooting star is foresee to form. The main reason for me still not to dispose on Friday is this is my second time profit taking and re-enter up again at a lower price and most importantly the rumors still going, hope to be an exceptional case, so by taking extra risk. And mikekong55, in fact u did a great job to help pop8872 to escape from danger, the entry level is too high ady, very dangerous. :)

Kind regards.


2014-02-09 20:18 | Report Abuse

Hi mikekong55, swingtrader, and to all.

Happy CNY to all the Chinese and the people who are celebrating CNY. May the 'Golden Horse Year' bring us with health and wealth always. :)

First of all, I just noticed about this forum room and didn't know have such great thread here. Tqvm for the person who created this forum room. Nice meeting u all. I had spent some time to read and trace back the comments from page 50, honestly, is really worth to spend my time for the reading. I like this forum room very much and like the posting here with great communities here. This room is unlike the others, most of the threads out there are just full with people to circulate the hu hu ha ha comments, unhealthy info, etc..

For mikekong55 and swingtrader, I also noticed both of ur write up at IRIS thread. Please don't get disappointed, I did traced back both of ur postings there, both of ur comments are fair and sensible, like the postings. What I can say is sometime people just don't appreciate other's people kind sharing. From the comments given by both of u, I believe both of u must be an experienced TA and chart analysis traders.

I sincerely hope that mikekong55, swingtrader and all the followers here can keep providing healthy comments and info here. There are thousands of stocks listed in Bursa, one can never noticed all the stocks' trend, info circulation and etc. The stocks I noticed u may not noticed (vice versa). This is where we exchanging ideas for learning and make monies together. I will try my very best to spend more time here to read all the postings. To me, learning is endless. Is great to take other's people healthy opinions as a reference for decision making. Please don't do chaos here, is much appreciated, This is the first thread I found so far with great communities and positive attitude.

For mikekong55, I admire ur action to sell all ur IRIS shares at 44.5 - 45 cents on Friday, really salute. I think ur strong sell recommendation might due to double top with shooting star, correct me if I'm wrong so that I can learn from ur point of view. For ur info, I haven't sell IRIS shares yet. Will see for this coming week performance. Because I'm riding on the second time profit for IRIS now and I re-enter again at less than 40 cents, so I don't mind to absorb a little more risk since I had taken a good profit on previous price correction. The reason is because the EGM is on tmr (Monday) and it has another 4 bids to go for breaking the minimal requirement of resistance at 47 cents on last Friday. Thus, if the pricing go against my favor on this coming week, I will definitely do the necessary disposing, just that my profits may be lessor for this round, am okay with it. Based on high risk high return (vice versa) profile. :)


2014-01-27 09:20 | Report Abuse



2014-01-26 02:46 | Report Abuse

Hi, Cssin1122. Mind ur word very carefully. I didn't mention the word professional since the very beginning and I'm not here to prove I'm outstanding. Don't simply add the oil or salt into ur sentence. I ady said, if u bought at a very super low price, even the price fall significantly, overall u are still making profit. U will not have the feeling. U must know who is the one set the rules for the game, not u!!

For people who are bought at the highest price, they are the one who suffer the most. Ur profit is actually their losses. Is also people's hard earn monies, also involved with their blood and sweat inside, is their pain but u wouldn't feel it because u are making profit. Please do some homework for urself, see who is the successful Singaporean trader fall from living in a bungalow to a hdb flat in Singapore, how he lost his multi million dollars, not RM, is SGD.

Non of any investment in the world can give guaranteed, I didn't say my comment is guaranteed and most of the time I do added 'I may be wrong' after I commented. I do the talking is based on what I foresee. Those who bought at highest price may get the 'attention', but last decision making is still belong to themselves. If my prediction is right, then I'm may able to gain good karma just before the CNY come, which is a good kick start for me.

U can enjoy and jolly all the profits very much, no one can stop u. U may live in a very luxury life style now. If one day u fall from the top and start from zero again, no one will give their helping hands to u because the people around u knowing u very well. I need to let u know one thing. My MAIN rule for investing and trading is I will make sure I contribute back to the temples or the needy. Or else I cannot sleep peacefully at night. The amount can be varies different, depend on how much I had made. Though is just a very very tiny contribution, even RM1 can be very very big if u contribute to the right needy.

In stocks market or whatever asset classes u are involved with. Yes, they can put extra money into ur pocket but could also take some expenses from ur pocket. Most importantly, it allows me to learn the moral values and this a hidden beauty of the art of stocks market. Thank u.


2014-01-25 02:43 | Report Abuse

Haha, optimusprime. I want to sleep lo. Look at the clock now, lol.. When u wake up later then only read la. Good night. :)


2014-01-25 02:24 | Report Abuse

Hi all. From now on, I will not reply often ady. I think I had tried my very best to help the people to get the first time profit. If the last day of price correction is on Thursday, then those who bought at lower price on Thursday and Friday will have the chance to rid on the second time profit. My last analysis to all as a reference on Monday is TA ady change signals, good sign. If a sudden strong press down in price on Monday and close low, meaning all the TA and charts tak boleh pakai for temporary from Monday onwards, blur signals will be giving out. Is something wrong ady, u know what I mean.

For long term investors, personally I can feel that seongneoh3 is right, he is not my Master anyway, but my experience tell me that he is right. (Note: I'm young, I'm less than 25 year old, graduated for about 2 years, don't need to hide. U may have doubt on me according to my age for prediction whether is right or wrong, but u can choose to try seongneoh3's recommendation. **No matter what outcome it is, If turn out to be positive, then u will smile. But if it is negative outcome, please don't blame seongneoh3. Think again, if the outcome is positive, will u blame him? He is only trying to give recommendation, u can choose not to follow. This is a democratic trading, u buy with ur own risk. U must know that trading is based on zero-sum-game ruling. Know ur rewards and risks appetite before u enter.)

Secondly, I think the news could be true since Felda take up 27% stake. They will not kill themselves since it is not a wise move. Just in case the news are fake then immediate sell off is my recommendation. I need to make my statement here clear again, from my previous comment, I did mentioned 'sell for short term and buy later'. I recommend to sell is not because of the future news are fake, I just said is a 'rumours'. My main point here is because to avoid the strong press down in pricing. Those who bought cheaper in price of course u have the holding power because overall u are still making profit, but think, those who bought at higher price they are the one who suffer. U saw how is goes on Thursday, the price can fall further if the selling pressure keep going. Honestly speaking, the price can rebound on Friday is just a matter of lucky only. May be the speculators had collected enough on Thursday. Whether can continue uptrend later is another thing. I reveal my reasons now is because CNY is around the corner, is another great kick start for a year, so don't feel like many people suffer losses because of panic selling at last minute just because of the sudden strong selling pressure pressing down the price where I ady noticed the trend is coming. Secondly, I think the bearish may be over or soon and most importantly I ady got some portion for myself. So from now on is not fair for all if I keep on commenting on buy in sell out buy in sell out. If I'm doing so, I'm just making some people here to be the kambing hitam/victims to support my buying price, so is not fair to them. This is the reason which I will stay silent from now on about the comment.

For those who are making losses, take it as a lesson. Next time don't be too greedy. U are dead is just because of greed and most importantly no cut loss price. For those who are ady making the profit and those who are not earning any but had learnt something on my comment. Please do some donation la, just a small portion from ur profit, not asking much also. I think I ady did my 'donation' here for people who are able to grab my attention to sell early for the price correction and re-pick up again, I had did my part and of course I will do the official part, so I hope the same thing goes to u and circulate it. Don't be so selfish. No matter what religion or races u are in, ur small contribution to the needy can be a lot or changing the world to be much brighter. For Chinese, CNY is also coming, don't give excuse saying got no time, sure u will visit to temples or churches. Of course u people have the right choose not to donate, no forcing. If u feel is stupid to donate ur hard earn money to absorb risk with IRIS for the price fluctuation, please ignore this, no argue for this. If u did, may the God love u more. :)

Whishing everyone Happy CNY and may the 'Horse Year' bring good health and wealth to us. All the best to u and happy investing as well as trading. Cheers. :)


2014-01-24 10:25 | Report Abuse

Haha. mick23. I'm not the shark la. Lol.. I just come here cari makan only. Anyway, I want to say thank to my Master. I love u Master and thank u. May u be bless well always~~

By the way, after that u all sendiri pandai pandai okay. Wishing everyone Happy CNY and may the 'Horse Year' bless us with good health and wealth. Cheers. :)


2014-01-24 09:22 | Report Abuse

Haha.. Let's see how much it can bound for today. Let's do the experiment again. :)


2014-01-24 08:56 | Report Abuse

Haha.. I ady told everyone here, I gave u all the hints. Protect ur capital first. But still people thinking that I'm talking rubbish. Still dreaming on Felda, TA report and bla bla bla. I didn't mentioned also cannot believe on them, just that... Now know who is the one who talking rubbish la. Haih..


2014-01-23 17:51 | Report Abuse

Hi, mick23. Read back on my comments nicely. I don't really think that it will fall below 30 cents. Anyway, make sure u understand ur rewards and risks appetite first okay. Gonna off ady. Nice day to u. :)


2014-01-23 15:05 | Report Abuse

Hi, Ann Thian. Thank u very much. Will have a look on it. Much appreciated. :)


2014-01-23 14:48 | Report Abuse

Couture Kepong. Can u please shut up?? Didn't asking ur comment also. Shut ur voice up is my greatest appreciation. Thank u.


2014-01-23 14:15 | Report Abuse

嗨,馮師父。 您好。可以问下您对于艾力斯的传媒有何看法?对您来说这传媒的可信度有多高?以您的专业角度来看,您觉得最快价钱会几时开始反弹?希望您能和大家分享您的专业以及多年来的经验判断。在此表达多谢。



2014-01-23 10:20 | Report Abuse

Hi, vinvin. I ady mentioned. U can choose to believe in Felda. In fact, I'm quite a regret why I comment here earlier on. 'hou sam jiok lui pek'. U sendiri pandai pandai la..


2014-01-22 16:36 | Report Abuse

Wow, adnanlatifjps. Good profit. More than 100% gain. Congratulation. :)


2014-01-13 12:31 | Report Abuse

Hi Chua and Mick23. May I know which fund management company/companies visiting the IRIS HQ? Tq

Anyway, really strong support at 0.405. Well done.


2014-01-13 12:24 | Report Abuse

Haha. Is good to have a target price Perferwin. But also not forget to act accordingly to the market reaction ya. :)

Hi, Wave. Thanks. :)

Hi, Mick23. Oh really.. Will read the report later. Thanks for the info. :)


2014-01-13 11:39 | Report Abuse

Hi Wave, my opinion may be not to sell all ur stocks now and awaiting the price correction on 15/1 and 16/1. May be u can liquidate half of ur stocks and hold another half. Cos if the price can go up higher before 15/1 or 16/1, even there is a price correction on 15/1 or 16/1, the correction price may be also traded at above 0.40. Provided there is still strong demand and price shot up.
All the best to u and happy trading. May the coming "Horse" Year will bring good wealth to everyone. Cheers. :)


2014-01-13 11:16 | Report Abuse

Hi Wave, I don't think 15/1 and 16/1 will trigger a significant drop for its Iris price, though the volume traded was huge on last week 8/1 and 9/1 may be due to some contra traders or may not. But personally I do believe that contra traders do exist in these two days as the volume is tremendously high. In my point of view, contra traders will not necessary quit the market on the last day of period (which is the third or forth day, T+3 or T+4), they may quit earlier. So, some players may ady quit the market by today or even just now ady left the market as the strong resistance at 0.41 may also warn the contra traders to left in this morning Btw, the price is also against the trend on the last two business trading days.

I'm quite agree with Citytrader, the chart is in an unfavourable pattern move for today. TA is giving positive signals and strong support at 0.405. I believe the resistance at 0.41 will break soon as there are strong support at the bid after the resistance level at 0.41 and most importantly there are people still collecting in big volume at 0.41.

** Just my point of view, not trying to mean anything.


2014-01-08 22:02 | Report Abuse

Hi 'Risk Trader', may I know where u get the info about listing to the main board? Couldn't saw any announcement yet.
Is it leak out on the end of last year EGM?