
Rocket77 | Joined since 2020-04-23

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2020-06-04 20:18 | Report Abuse

XDL had on board on rocket ready to surge, don't understand why got people willing to sell cheap at this moment...


2020-06-03 22:48 | Report Abuse

Brother Wong, I think nobody want to sell you at 0.065 tomorrow, hehehe....many will hold tight with safety belt to surge together in Rocket turbo engine.

We welcome investors and traders from glove counter to joint us and fly XDL to heaven together, cheers!


2020-06-03 22:30 | Report Abuse

XDL is very strong & rich in cash flow, low debt, low PE......1st quarter result is nothing compared with it's strong fundamental, further more current business is making crazy profit by ventures into surgical and also washable high quality face mask...let's limit up.......


2020-06-03 21:46 | Report Abuse

Many China's mill already expanded to Vietnam and also Malaysia, DickyMe, for your information. America is not stupid, but can pretend to be stupid if needed.


2020-06-03 21:42 | Report Abuse

XDL, is your turn to fly to heaven...


2020-06-03 21:40 | Report Abuse

Hand glove's players will switch station to XDL....hold tight!


2020-06-02 13:05 | Report Abuse

After China government tighten and control the quality of face mask, will rebuild confidence level in Europe countries as well, the demand of face mask not only in China, XDL is aiming global market and supply throught it's strong marketing network....Malaysia also have to buy face mask from China....think of that, how crazy of profits will bring to XDL....


2020-06-02 12:53 | Report Abuse

Since China government give permit to XDL to produce face mask, XDL will making super crazy of profit, just think, in China alone, how many people wear mask, again, people wear face mask when go out, not hand glove, face mask is much more essential needs compared with hand glove you think the next agenda in stock market is face mask ?


2020-06-02 12:40 | Report Abuse

Good news, since many low quality face mask manufacturers plant had been shutdown and government tighten on control of face mask quality produced in China, raw material's cost of face mask and machinery cost was dropped significantly, further push up the profit margin and lower the operation cost, 100% definitely, shall benefits to the survivor with premium quality face mask manufacturer such as XDL.....stay tune guys....


2020-05-31 22:43 | Report Abuse

XDL had been oversold for many weeks already, good for those buddies hold with patient, prepare to rebound anytime.....XDL deserved for higher price 0.10-0.14...


2020-05-26 16:11 | Report Abuse

XDL surely will rebound sharply, let's surge and rock it to heaven!


2020-05-26 16:07 | Report Abuse

Roger mikeann...face mask has huge demand in China now, it is advantage that XDL plant based in China...


2020-05-21 09:05 | Report Abuse

Of cause, low end quality face mask producer in China had been shutdown, but this is benefits to XDL as less unhealthy competition and rebuild confidence of market against products produced from China. Believe that you and me wearing face mask also imported from China, not USA.


2020-05-21 01:00 | Report Abuse

You are right Kedsheong, XDL price definitely will be surged very's turn will come, grab it now, or regret later...XDL is equipped with completed packages (strong fundamental & financial, strong backup from China government with plenty of real bullet pump in), very hard for XDL not to fly to moon, rocket is ready, the spark is ready, just wait the market to turn it ON....let's rock it up to heaven, cheers! My dear friends, face mask also an essential products during COVID season, don't only think about hand glove has strong demand, wearing face mask is new norm and also SOP required when you go outside from home, XDL venture in face mask business, the potential of growth in profits will be SUPER GREAT! Just think of it, are your wearing face mask or hand glove when you go out from home, the market of face mask is much more bigger than hand glove....can you guys see the different?


2020-05-18 20:25 | Report Abuse

010855,. XDL can fly!

15/05/2020 11:36 AM

Michael Kwok Please read.Are u all ready to buy XDL?Listen to the trusted name....Buy XDL 6 cents again.Target price 12-14 cents(worst case scenario), and best case scenario a surprise.....
15/05/2020 11:41 AM


2020-05-16 19:53 | Report Abuse

Some criticize, some promote, is normal, take it or leave it, no one can become God that can 100% predict what will happen, even a banker, remiser or warren buffett, some people predict by analytical chart, by news, by rumours, by fundamental, by historical trend, not say true or false, real or fake, only how precise of your prediction, it's is market's manipulated, not you either me, cheers:)


2020-05-15 12:55 | Report Abuse

After hand glove season, follow by face mask season...go go go


2020-05-15 12:51 | Report Abuse

Dear buddies, even bra company CAELY 7154, with negative profit also can surge 38.55% of share price in morning after announce venture into face mask business, so XDL's turn surely will come...XDL show continually positive growth of income from 2009 till now.....


2020-05-15 11:54 | Report Abuse

Michael Kwok, agreed with you, XDL's will rebound very's turn surely will come...


2020-05-15 09:47 | Report Abuse

Hi bro 2017, XDL is a solid company, not a blank company.XDL has positive income, much more stronger than others..don't be prejudice against China company, if it is fade one, BURSA will know better, cheers!


2020-05-13 20:30 | Report Abuse

Most of the low end quality face mask home business had been shutdown in China, only the good quality, recognized strong company will be remained, XDL supply not only for domestic but also for global, not only normal face mask, but much more higher quality of surgical face mask.....XDL surely can fly!


2020-05-13 19:57 | Report Abuse

Will XDL's potential become another CAREPLS?


2020-05-13 18:56 | Report Abuse

All related COVID 19 counters already goreng kao kao, next is XDL, cheers!


2020-05-13 12:54 | Report Abuse

MTOUCHE is flying, XDL's turn is coming very soon:) Cheers!


2020-05-12 20:30 | Report Abuse

When is XDL's turn to fly?


2020-05-12 20:30 | Report Abuse

When is XDL's turn to fly?


2020-05-09 17:41 | Report Abuse

XDL surely will grow... O.10....0.20...or even higher... .we no need to do anything, just hold tight with patience.... The time will come.... Just need some little spark to rock it to heaven:) XDL's share price is extremely under value, but it is not a blank company, people still be brave and continue to buy in share frm flight companies, casino company even though they knew the companies is red in profit now and need long time to recover from lose, ...

But my dear friends, XDL is making profit, a solid company with strong fundamental, rich in cash flow, low debt... Just the matter of confident level and prejudice on the company from China... Thats why we still be able to collect at very low price, also frm those without holding power... Thanks for offer this price...grab it while still have the opportunity, the boat won't parking and wait here forever...


2020-05-05 18:33 | Report Abuse

Ya..bro...perlu byk sabar dlm melabur saham, jika tiada holding power, terpaksa jual juga sebelum harga sempat naik....harga XDL akan naik juga satu hari nanti....tak perlu sampai satu tahun lar...


2020-05-03 21:30 | Report Abuse

Why the share price still dropped although the fundamental was so attractive? Let's think of any possibilities, If big players want to collect big volume of share at cheaper price, just press down the price and create nervous amongst public, to lose confidence and dump together with panic, you sell at cheap price, somebody else will collect it too, when the right timing is ready, big player or trader will 'goreng' up...and the increment margin is big as the current fair price is 0.14, excluded the incoming top up profit by selling face mask.


2020-05-03 21:04 | Report Abuse

Fundamental XDL consider quite positive and under value now.
PE 4.57
NTA 0.79
Cash 836mil
Short term loan 12.4m
Long term loan Zero
Current liabilities 111mil
Current assets 991mil
Debt to equity 0.010

Cash rich company with low debt has strong resistant against economic crisis. China already ramp up economic activities, so as XDL (manufacturing plant located in China).

Is it attractive? Currently XDL start to venture into medical-use and regular use face mask.

Demand of face mask is extremely huge and on rising trend, even after the COVID 19 epidemic. Wearing face mask had became a norm when go out from home at least for 1-2 years from now.

Can you imagine how profit of XDL will surge by selling face mask?


2020-05-03 19:00 | Report Abuse

ray1980, thanks for your helpful analytical sharing!


2020-05-03 12:37 | Report Abuse

Don't trapped by the traders who intentionally press down the price by create panic..this price already at bottom low already...think wise before dump with panic!


2020-05-03 12:32 | Report Abuse

If people are panic sell, can collect more unit at cheaper price...I don't think those with holding power will do the harsh sell...


2020-05-02 13:40 | Report Abuse

Thanks ray1980 for sharing the data.

Yup, XDL's profit definitely will SOAR like rocket from face mask business!

What do you think the value of share?
.,.shall FLY like rocket!


2020-05-01 18:25 | Report Abuse

*Information from the National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) doctor team.*

*Within this year you have to keep your distance, do not meet or eat together with people who have contracted Covid-19 before. You must have an understanding of self-protection; do not be careless.*

*A) Body surgery shows that:*

*1. Covid-19 is a combination of SARS and AIDS. Many doctors assume, patients who have been discharged from the hospital, the nucleic acid test returned positive. It is not a recurrence, but they have not fully recovered. This has to do with the characteristics of Covid-19.*

*2. The immune system is almost completely damaged. SARS only attacks the lungs, does not attack the body's immunity. AIDS attacks the body's immunity. The damage to the organs of Covid-19 patients is like SARS plus AIDS.*

*3. Acute lung organ damage is the leading cause of death for SARS sufferers. While death due to Covid-19 is caused by "failure of many organs".*

*B) The chairman of the major illness department of Zhong Nan Hospital of Wuhan University, Professor Peng Zhi Yong, after performing a body surgery, led the team to discuss the following:*

*1. Patients who have been discharged from the hospital, the results of the blood tests show that the lymphocyte index does not return to normal levels and the patient's immune system does not fully recover.*

*2. The nucleic acid examination of patients who have recently been discharged from the hospital, is negative, but the immune system is very bad and does not return intact. After leaving the hospital, it will easily return to be positive.*

*3. This condition is similar to hepatitis B patients who, in the long run, will store the virus in their body.*

*4. Now there is a need to investigate the patient's body that stores the Covid-19 virus, whether it can transmit it to other people.*

*C) Doctors who are in the vanguard of healing, state that:*

*1. Previously there was concentration in first aid for Covid-19 patients. As more and more patients "get well" and leave the hospital, it is necessary to shift focus to the problem of regulating patients who are discharged from the hospital.*

*Professor Peng Zhi Yong said, “We will explore them next year, the changes that occur in patients who have been discharged from the hospital, the virus that is still stored in his body can be contagious, whether it affects the people around him."*

*2. In this case, the war against Covid-19 is far from final.*

*Hence, it is recommended that, for at least the next year, people who go out of the house should wear face masks, try to avoid gathering or staying in public places.*


*在今年之内,您必须保持距离,不要与感染covid-19的人见面或一起吃饭。 必须对自我保护有所了解,不要粗心。*

*A) 身体手术显示:*

*1. Covid-19,是SARS + AIDS的组合。 许多医生认为,已经出院的患者,核酸检测返回阳性,这不是复发,而是尚未完全康复。 这与Covid-19的特性有关。*

*2. 免疫系统几乎完全受损。 SARS仅攻击肺部,不攻击人体的免疫力。 艾滋病会攻击人体的免疫力。 而对Covid-19患者器官的损害就像是SARS + AIDS。*

*3. 急性肺脏器官损害是SARS患者死亡的主要原因。 而由于Covid-19造成的死亡是由“许多器官衰竭”引起的。*

*B) 武汉大学中南医院大病科主任彭志勇教授进行了身体手术后,带领小组讨论以下内容:*

*1. 已出院的患者,血液检查结果显示淋巴细胞指数未恢复正常水平,患者的免疫系统未完全恢复。*

*2. 最近刚出院的患者的核酸检查为阴性,但免疫系统非常差,不能完整恢复。 出院后,很容易恢复为阳性。*

*3. 这种情况类似于乙型肝炎患者,从长远来看,他们会将病毒存储在体内。*

*4. 现在需要调查存储Covid-19病毒的患者身体是否可以将其传播给其他人。*

*C) 处于康复先驱的医生应说明:*

*1. 以前,Covid-19患者急救集中。 随着越来越多的患者“康复”并离开医院,有必要将重点转移到规范出院患者的问题上。 彭志勇教授说:“明年,我们将对它们进行探索,对出院的患者所发生的变化,仍存储在他体内的病毒可能具有传染性,是否会影响周围的人。 *

*2. 在这种情况下,对Covid-19的战争还远远没有结束。因此建议:至少在第二年,出门带上口罩,避免聚集或待在公共场所。*

People have to wear face mask for quite a long period...


2020-04-30 23:41 | Report Abuse

Kedsheong, thanks for remind everybody


2020-04-30 07:26 | Report Abuse

XDL will get benefits from face mask business also!


2020-04-30 07:26 | Report Abuse

XDL will get benefits from face mask business also!


2020-04-29 21:30 | Report Abuse

Dear buddies and friends, more and more industries started to operate now, not only in Malaysia, but also in US, China...

Face mask's demand will be surged as it is norm to wear face mask if need to go out frm home...people have to GO OUT frm home to work after stay at home for few weeks...

Face mask's demand increased will boost up profit of the face mask related industries... And XDL is one of the face mask's manufacturer!

Let's build up the level of confidence....break the resistance level at 0.09...or even higher than that...


2020-04-28 20:56 | Report Abuse

Dear buddy, businesses allowed to operate during MCO can go full capacity tomorrow.....means more people going to work with wearing face mask as new norm, become an essential needs.....same as what happened around the world, China,USA..imagine that face mask demand will be surge...XDL took the SMART move to produce face mask in the right timing! It is profitable business! Adidas not produce face mask, both are different business model, XDL has much more brighter future prospect... Face mask's business definitely will stimulate the incoming profit of XDL!


2020-04-28 13:19 | Report Abuse

My dear friends, produce face mask is exactly like printing money business now, the demand is extremely high, be patient...


2020-04-27 22:28 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow any buddy want to dump cheap cheap, so that we can collect more...hehee...


2020-04-27 17:18 | Report Abuse

Shark press down price create fear to collect cheap unit, will rebound afterward


2020-04-25 14:05 | Report Abuse

XDL took the positive step by produce face mask, it's just matter of time for public to realize how GREAT of this business can grow, And you knew much better than me, no need to emphasize again...

Grab the opportunity while the price is still under value...