
Secrecy | Joined since 2014-06-27

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2017-05-25 11:22 | Report Abuse

I''m here at AGM, now passing resolution 3


2017-05-25 11:18 | Report Abuse

Waiting again


2017-05-25 11:18 | Report Abuse

Sold all 3.11


2017-05-25 11:15 | Report Abuse

Thank you, I bought 2.91, waiting next round


2017-05-24 16:52 | Report Abuse

We should trap the big boys, taking their short selling position, when they buy back, we throw out the share. Borrow somebody knife and kill.


2017-05-24 16:51 | Report Abuse

We can earn money in AA, re-enter at RM 2.55


2017-05-24 16:49 | Report Abuse

No golden rule in stock market. Down is down unpredictably, save our bullet, strike when the right time is coming RM 2.55


2017-05-24 16:48 | Report Abuse

That is why I assume RM 1 adjustment


2017-05-24 16:47 | Report Abuse

I learnt a lesson last time from RM 3.30, then plugging to as low as RM 2.20 a matter of fact. Now the history repeats itself. Please consider


2017-05-24 16:45 | Report Abuse

Earn 40c more


2017-05-24 16:45 | Report Abuse

Guys, better sell and wait at RM 2.55 to re-enter, now RM 2.92, still got room for your bullet


2017-05-24 16:44 | Report Abuse

Air Asia is an authorized short selling counter, easily selling down without cause. But I'm pretty sure that RM 1 correction


2017-05-24 16:42 | Report Abuse

History tells us: RM 2.55, waiting that level


2017-05-24 16:39 | Report Abuse

Don't think support , unstoppable!!!


2017-05-24 16:38 | Report Abuse

At least RM 1 correction, 3.59 to 2.55


2017-05-24 16:36 | Report Abuse

2.55 is coming


2017-05-24 15:51 | Report Abuse

I can tell at least 50c drop, may be stopped at 2.5-2.6, up to certain high , then retreat to certain low , normally 80c to RM 1 different ( high- low), source: 5 years trend


2017-05-24 14:59 | Report Abuse

I sold all, bye bye


2017-05-24 11:44 | Report Abuse

ladies and gentlemen , nothing has to be fear, our boss said they wished to retire within 3 years, I'm believing that numerous corporate exercise is on the way implementing. First: AAC, Second: PAA lPO, Third: Listing in Hong Kong/ can see and sense how our boss manage the company, on these sequence of events, our boss clearly and consciously got what should be done and doing the right thing.

Is AAC may not get through?

Those who had suffered GMT report incident should not place a doubt on this corporate exercise. Price from 2.5 plunged until 0.765. Many suffered tremendous loss, but what is the outcome finally? Our boss honest or GMT?

Tony knows many speculators not investors in AA, he may have a reason not to tell you early. He wants to see how you behave as a shareholder. If you dont like it, please leave and sell all your share. 12 cents dividend already in pocket, if you press down the price, you indirectly provide chance for someone to buy low and low. Use you calculator 12c x share holdings=?, every 10c downwards.

I calculate profit would-be announced by tomorrow, range 350m- 500m


2017-05-17 11:55 | Report Abuse

Please shareholders , please short it short it.


2017-05-17 11:54 | Report Abuse

Come on please sell please sell, I want cheap sale and dividend 12 cents. Those who can't hold please let it go......


2017-05-12 23:14 | Report Abuse

Ali cloud has been determined to operate in Malaysia as a hub in South East Asia, Air Asia is one of the partner. Since only AA has numerous routes to and from South East Asia. How do You think the future of it?

Monday onwards... AA flies to a new milestone


2017-05-05 16:40 | Report Abuse

Let's short it, let short it like yesterday.


2017-05-05 16:37 | Report Abuse

Sell whatever you got. Sell sell sell


2017-05-05 16:37 | Report Abuse

Thank you for let me buying cheap again RM 3.23 yesterday ... thank you. Please sell down sell down .


2017-04-14 16:26 | Report Abuse

Air Asia sitting on the best of two worlds:


1: If crude oil up, AA protected by hedge; If down, AA will be benefited from remaining unhedged jet fuel.
2: If ringgit going weaker, AA protected by hedge; If going stronger, AA will be gaining more from unhedged position.

What a fantastic administration of finance!

1: Preparing for the worse during good.
2: Preparing for the good during worse


2017-04-11 12:17 | Report Abuse

My friends I only had one thing in my mind, 12 cents dividend, those who cannot hold or got better counter in hand better sell and leave it, I want to buy in more.


2017-04-07 19:38 | Report Abuse

Let them dump and leaving with disappointedly , a successful player in stock market always earns the Panic, Timid, lack of directions, speculator, lack of holding powers....etc whose money, otherwise where got opportunities to be rich, winners always siting tightly on a heavy stone, whereas the losers only following, asking, questioning, hearing, or buy with no reason, like a bird with no leg. However, my dear friends, we should be grateful for living in human world.

Further advice:

Please don't hesitate to sell all your AA holdings, 12 cents dividend on next month, I won't miss such a great chance. Please sell without regret, 12 cents is nothing worth in your mind.


2017-01-23 18:56 | Report Abuse

EPF grabs the opportunity to buy in, please see the big picture.

Someone in this forum trying to jeopardise what a well- established company.
Most people fears of negative news, however truth or not, they don't care, they only knows following other people buttocks.

Simply, most person did a thing which should not be wrong, their just follow. What a fallacious mind set and lack of analysis skill.

2015- GMT report
2016- UOB / Deutschebank report
2017-bribery allegation

Some syndicate attempt to take over what a world famous budget airline.

Regardless of what accoUniting figure, heavy debts ,all pointing to AA better close shop, right?

Importantly, "trust the one you should not trust "rather than "trust the one you should trust!" History told you everything.


2017-01-20 10:59 | Report Abuse

Thanks for yesterday selling, I buy in more cheaper!!


2017-01-18 17:15 | Report Abuse

Thank you for selling cheap last week. Thank you very much


2017-01-11 16:53 | Report Abuse

Thanks for giving me buying cheap.


2016-12-01 14:47 | Report Abuse

STC 1136: before I answer you, could you please point out the source of Malaysia income?


2016-12-01 11:56 | Report Abuse

Whey Whey: Yes, let's see the show.


2016-12-01 11:53 | Report Abuse

STC1136: Risks always associate with opportunities.

You must learn how to counter against the drop of MYR, not just complain. Nothing is taken for granted.

I suggest one example for you.
If you got a house which is cost 200k currently, in future it will of course raise. Why ? The construction and labour costs already hike as well as the scare of land ( human will only increase not decrease) This indirectly protect the buying power of your current money.


2016-12-01 11:36 | Report Abuse

Today opening sell down to 2.69 is due to some " lack or even absence of analysis and reading retailers" who think that crude oil up, Air Asia no hope already, die lor.....they think that their mind-standard equal to the management of Air Asia.

Air Asia is running a corporate business, it can be said that no huge different between a corporate and state.

Don't forget that Air Asia got a huge amount of data in their hand which is classified as confidential. This will guide them how to manage, promote, hedge their position.

I was once working in cable factory as the production manager. Cable's principal input is copper, the second is PVC. My colleague who is the purchaser of copper, when he decide to buy-in copper, he will have a meeting with upper administration officials including boss. He prepared a lot of statistic ( big picture ) to persuade them that we should buy how many tons of copper. That is called forecast. If forecast is right about the rise of copper ( as now), we will be advantage.


2016-12-01 11:18 | Report Abuse

We all here in this forum also exercising the power of hedge, don't you realise ?

Once you decide "to invest" whatsoever, including stock market, physical business......etc, you have already hedged against your current asset with the movement of future uncertainty.

The ultimate reason is " hope to gain more" and " lowering or dispersing the risk".


2016-12-01 11:12 | Report Abuse

Crude oil upwards = Jet kerosene price move up

Air Asia is sitting on the best of 2 worlds.

Reminder and also true facts:

1: AA has hedged 70% of jet fuel requirement for Q4 at 59/bbl and 60/bbl for 2017, the current jet fuel price is 56.92/bbl ( Singapore source).

- Hedge means no matter what is the latest price you still get the lock- in price ( without keeping actual stock).
- Q4 , 70% hedged at 59/bbl, if jet fuel up to 65/bbl ( because of OPEC cut-off deal), this means that Air Asia will save 65-59= 6/bbl of 70% , the rest 30% will accord with market price.
-2017, by the same token, regardless how high the jet fuel price, Air Asia has hedged at 60/bbl.
- From such analysis, I may say that the much high jet fuel price, the much better advantages to Air Asia in terms of competitiveness ( other competitors may not have hedged or insufficient hedge, from that they hardly promote air ticket attractively as they don't have cheap jet fuel),
- secondly, the gain of 70% from is more than sufficient to cover the 30% market rate.

How about jet fuel going down?
- the reverse also true, because that is the power of hedge.

Some reader may be upset by OPEC cut-off but I advice that no need to worry.

The strategy of hedge is the utmost important in airlines industry and also to other industry where the earth resources are prime cost.

Succesful hedge suggests AA got talented officials who can see further. This explains why AA can benefit from hedge and low jet fuel period. Whereas Taiwan Airlines, Cathay pacific are suffered tremendous loss due to their mistakenly hedging. I can say that the foreseeability of future movement by Air Asia is much stronger.

2: Air Asia also hedge their USD borrowing.


2016-11-30 19:18 | Report Abuse

On behalf of the Board, CIMB and RHB wish to announce that BNM has granted its approval for the Subscriber’s offshore funding for the purpose of the Proposed Shares Issuance (“BNM Approval”).

With the BNM Approval, the Subscription Agreement has become unconditional as of 30 November 2016 (“Unconditional Date”). In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Subscription Agreement, payment for the Subscription Shares shall be within a period of sixty (60) days after the Unconditional Date (or such other later date as the Parties may agree), with its issuance and allotment within 8 market days after such payment.


2016-11-21 20:36 | Report Abuse

Reference to a rate shall be on Bank Negara Website. Bank Negara has power to control in or out flow of ringgit


2016-11-21 20:34 | Report Abuse

This is called " non- deliverable forward, NDF", as Bank Negara said it did not recognise off shore exchange rate. Only onshore rate is recognised. NDF is a kind of financial derivative that concerning future contract. It is a type of hedge rate, that is why some speculator or predator who short sell RM through this channel. All such person took opportunity to short it down and buy from lower in order to gan the differences .


2016-11-18 23:38 | Report Abuse

In stock market perspective: AA did not feed "him" any milk, he attempt to jeopardise and spread negative sentiments to all.


2016-11-18 23:35 | Report Abuse

"Someone" always said Singapore is the best best best, ringgit depreciation bla bla bla... By human psychologically analysis, " who feeds him milk then who is his mother", in another words "opportunistic person", lack of sense of patriotic!

If Singapore falls into the similar situation as Malaysia, would this person repeat the same words?

Is this Singapore mother guy holding PR or citizen?
If PR, i suggest he should surrender his Malaysia citizenship. If Sg citizen, then i have no words to say.


2016-11-18 23:23 | Report Abuse

good comment


2016-11-18 17:42 | Report Abuse

Business still going on, booking still as usual.


2016-11-18 17:41 | Report Abuse

Golden rule: be greedy when other is fearful, don't fear loss otherwise you will lose tremendously.

AA has massive debts: what is major comprising of its debts?

Answer: expansion of fleets( buying aeroplane). AA can sell its plane slowly one by one to reduce its debts. Similarly, you bought a shop worth 100k, you loan 90k which means you owed 90k. In the event of cash crunch, you may sell and lease it back. By the same token, AA always sell and lease.


2016-11-18 16:51 | Report Abuse

Shark tank : we have a common point


2016-11-18 16:33 | Report Abuse

Thank you to who selling : 100 lots top up at 2.55. Yes!


2016-11-17 21:16 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.......had you all felt the impact of GMT last year, these few days selling off just little witch. At that time, I holds AA from RM 2.20 until to 76 cents. How can you endure this? I guest many will cut loss, however, I didn't . I bought again from 0.90 cumulatively . Because I believed the words " be greedy when others are fearful" and " opportunities always associated with risks".

Don't fear loss otherwise you will loss tremendously and leave stock market frustratingly.

You may counter argue " my money is mine, you is yours".

Every bearish only lasts a very short time, 1-3 months ( as 97/98, 08/09), why you so fear and sell?

In stock market , theory of analysis is important, however how pro you are, you shall overcome psychology barrier. Holding power.
