
SiggyWiggy | Joined since 2020-07-24

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1 month ago | Report Abuse

@Ahmad Shauqi you can thank the spineless moderators of i3investor for this. Eagle77 is just like herpes - he's everywhere! All he does is spam baseless positive/ negative sentiments in counters that he invests in (usually penny stocks). While it's not against the 'rules', he is incredibly annoying but that's what happens when forum moderators sleep on the job.


2024-04-29 15:37 | Report Abuse

Minetech has recently completed a website revamp & moved their physical office from SunwayMas to Desa Sri Hartamas. While these updates may seem minor & has no direct impact on the share price , it shows that work is indeed happening behind the scenes to build credibility for the company. Hopefully some good news is imminent!


2024-04-19 10:06 | Report Abuse

"Up ⬆️✅ good 👍"

"Down also ⬇️🩸 also good 👍 for those who waiting low"

Posting the above comments back-to-back looks absolutely hilarious. This dude is absolutely shameless


2024-04-19 10:00 | Report Abuse

We're witnessing a serious mental health condition in real time with Eagle77. My god, it is exhausting to read his rubbish posts day after day. I've flagged all of his posts as abuse by going to his profile and reporting every post of his with just a simple click. Feel free to do the same if any one of you feel the same. Hopefully the forum moderators will take some action, tho it looks unlikely given how an inbred like him gets the privilege to consistently bark here like the strays in my neighbourhood.


2024-04-16 10:19 | Report Abuse

Now, back to the main topic which is MINETECH - this is truly a golden opportunity to collect. Let's fooking go!


2024-04-16 10:15 | Report Abuse

I was one of the earlier ones to call out Eagle77's nonsense and I'm glad he's still the 5-year-old that I expected him to be. The U-turn was inevitable and this is the 2nd or 3rd time it has happened within the past few months. It's clear that he's just a penny stock gambler and the only reason he's here is because he's a malay and can't enter Genting casino 😭


2024-03-21 16:43 | Report Abuse

The news below was out two days ago and I believe it serves as a very strong hint.

“A total of 46 projects were approved under the water sector in Sarawak through Petra, namely 33 continuation projects and 13 new projects costing a total of RM6.01 billion. The amount approved for implementation in 2024 is up to RM298 million.

“These approved projects include flood and coastal flooding protection, coastal erosion, estuary conservation, study for Integrated River Basin Management, sewage treatment plant development, treatment plant sludge, sewerage system development and upgrading of water treatment plants,” he said in a statement.


2024-03-13 16:06 | Report Abuse

@Eagle77 not even your wife and kids call you and you expect us to believe that you were in a call with Abg. Lower your drug consumption, uncle. Anyways just topped up more PA. Let's go!


2024-03-07 10:47 | Report Abuse

"Siggy change to Piggy 🐷🤣🤣🤣"

That's the best comeback you've got? I've seen 5-year-olds dish out better insults than you do. LOL


2024-03-07 10:46 | Report Abuse

Many of Eagle77's comments have actually violated the forum's rules. What we need to to is to actually report them so that the admins take notice. Let's go!


2024-03-07 10:44 | Report Abuse

@Eagle77 It's certainly not your grandma's forum too. That's why you need to be banished for good.


2024-03-07 10:39 | Report Abuse

I'm going to get the ball rolling. Feel free to join me in banishing this inbred from i3.


2024-03-07 10:38 | Report Abuse

Will the admins of this forum actually do anything of we collectively report Eagle77's posts? It's really getting out of hand and disruptive.


2024-02-08 09:02 | Report Abuse

A person who spends his day making 70+ comments on a forum can only be:-

a) Jobless
b) Friendless
c) Fatherless
d) All of the above

I'm inclined to think that it's d), but I guess we'll never know 🤣. Anyways, good luck to all holders incl. myself. It's been one a hell of a ride, to say the least.


2024-02-07 20:57 | Report Abuse

@Eagle77 You make on average 70 daily comments on this forum. Terang2 kaki sindiket tapi xnak mengaku pulak. Dasar xda telor. Fakoff laa 🤣🤣


2024-02-07 20:42 | Report Abuse

@Eagle77 "The share plunged from 0.245 till today still shouting good" HAHAHA. Babi, ko ada tgk cermin tiap2 pagi x? You are the same person who was promoting Reneuco last wk at 0.085 when it plunged from 0.225. Pastu sebar citer renewable energy, next TNB apa lancau sume. You ni barua no.1 la pakcik. The truth about the situation is that you are a conman and a very bad one at that 😭😭😭. Nak scam pun x pandai. Ingat org xde receipt. Haktuihh


2024-02-07 18:37 | Report Abuse

Eagle77 koyak like mad when I called him out last week and he was never the same again. Typical response from a poorly educated person lmao.


2024-02-07 18:35 | Report Abuse

Topped up my holdings. Can't wait for Eagle77 to come here and jilat Abg Jo's cum every 10 mins when the price starts to move up again 😍


2024-02-02 09:15 | Report Abuse

@Eagle77: "the future is uncertain see even the founder and his family members also resigned and sold off the company that everyone claimed to be so good"

The "everyone" is YOU. You were giving daily blow jobs to Abang, telling us every 10 mins what a great, magical man he is. LOL


2024-02-02 09:08 | Report Abuse

@Eagle77 is now setting RM1-RM2 TP for a financially distressed company and calling it the "next TNB/ YTLPOWER". This clownery is happening in real time in the Reneuco forum - go see it to believe it. It's the same script every single time. This guy has zero shame.


2024-02-02 08:58 | Report Abuse

@Eagle77 Did you forget your medication this morning, old man? Now you're making a U-turn and saying things like "nowadays we can't be too confident about the future". HAHAHAHAHA. You're a certified grade A piece of trash 🤣. But now you're promoting Reneuco, a company that is confirmed to have made a late annual submission report and is at risk of suspension?? It' wonder nobody takes you seriously here. Share your lies and trash opinion to your family and those close to you can already. We are completely uninterested in what you have to say here


2024-01-24 10:48 | Report Abuse

@SummerHoliday It's possible. Either that or he's a petty gambler/ swing trader with extreme dedication to promote the counter he just bought in. Just look at his comments in SCIB. It's direct copy+paste from his time here 😂😂. "Gamuda of Sarawak"..."Next week won't get this price"...and the classic "washing out weak holders" whenever the price dips. Zero reliable source of information. Zero insights. Zero chart analysis. Just vibes and prayers.


2024-01-23 10:21 | Report Abuse

It's absolutely hilarious how this donkey Eagle77 is using the same script that he used when promoting Minetech not too long ago, word for word 😭😭. Matter of time before this shameless pig starts claiming that SCIB has discovered the cure for cancer.


2021-05-05 15:58 | Report Abuse

This counter supposedly "mirrors" the momentum of leader Supermx but guess what? It drops >3% every day instead - even if Supermx stays unchanged or goes up. Huge group of sellers can be seen waiting to throw at every incremental sen to press the price down. Absolute trash of a company controlled by shorts. Might as well price it down to ATS or Luster levels while they're at it.


2021-02-26 15:05 | Report Abuse

This counter will catch up to Hiaptek once QR is released. It's inevitable


2021-02-24 11:58 | Report Abuse

Hero76 Based on last QR EPS 0.65, if we annualized is 2.6
@ PE 10 - RM0.26
@ PE 20 - RM0.52 (HIAPTEK PE 22 @ RM0.44)
@ PE 26 - RM0.67 (Standard PE for steel industry).

Current price RM0.165 is very undervalued.


2021-02-05 18:47 | Report Abuse

What I find interesting is this: "They are negotiating the design of the trial which would replace Sputnik’s second shot with CanSino’s, and may announce a plan as soon as this month, they said".

Could Solution's latest agreement with the MoH pave way for larger orders in future if the trial is proven to be successful? Interesting stuff given that the MoH had placed orders for both Sputnik V & Cansino's vaccine...


2021-02-05 18:40 | Report Abuse


Russian vaccine team in talks with China on combination trial

(Feb 5): Fresh off global validation of their Covid-19 vaccine’s extraordinary effectiveness, Russian developers are in talks with China’s CanSino Biologics Inc. to test a combined regimen of their shots to better protect against new virus strains, according to people with knowledge of the matter.

The Russian Direct Investment Fund, a partner in the Sputnik V vaccine program, forged a preliminary agreement with the Tianjin-based vaccine developer and Petrovax Pharm Llc, owned by billionaire Vladimir Potanin, to conduct tests in Russia, four people said, declining to be identified as the information isn’t public. Petrovax is Cansino’s Russian partner.

They are negotiating the design of the trial which would replace Sputnik’s second shot with CanSino’s, and may announce a plan as soon as this month, they said. Spokespeople for Petrovax and RDIF declined to comment, as did CanSino.

Researchers are looking at whether combining different developers’ vaccines in a two-shot regimen produces results that are as good as, or better than, using the same product as a booster. That flexibility could help to relieve pressure on individual vaccine makers if they run into manufacturing difficulties. While the Sputnik V program already has success using different vectors for its two doses, it has faced challenges ramping up production amid an ambitious rollout.

The prospect of a Russia-China tie-up could potentially offer developing countries a new tool to fight the pandemic and increase the two giants’ geopolitical influence as major western countries remain pre-occupied with their own crises.

Other tie-up plans are also progressing: the University of Oxford plans to start a trial combining vaccines from AstraZeneca Plc and Pfizer Inc., while Russia will begin testing a mix of Sputnik V with the AstraZeneca vaccine in the United Arab Emirates and Azerbaijan next week.


2021-01-26 15:53 | Report Abuse

The year is 2028. The Covid-19 pandemic which ended in late 2022 saw a huge influx of glove stock holders going absolute bonkers. Here we have, a Supermax stock holder in a local Malaysian mental asylum sharing his firm belief that glove is still the the no.1 commodity to invest in:

"I don't understand why people are not seeing the importance of gloves! The demand will only rocket up year on year and the current price is low solely because IBs are pushing it down. People should be wearing gloves when they're cooking, jogging, showering, watching movies, fingering, swimming, and more. Heck, we should even put on a pair when we go to bed. In fact, I wish there was a full body latex available. We should wear it every day for safety. TP100!", shouted Mr Tan as he was escorted back into his cell by security personnel.

<Click to read more>


2021-01-14 17:44 | Report Abuse

I'm guessing this company's next announcement will be somewhere along the lines of:

PNE PCB signs MOA with [insert name of dubious Chinese vaccine company] for a proposed collaboration on the development and exclusive commercialisation of the latter's inactivated Covid-19 vaccine in Malaysia.

Typical tactics by rubbish companies that want to con your hard earned money. If a property company can do it, I'm sure a printed circuit board manufacturer can pull off a stunt like that LOL.


2021-01-14 12:50 | Report Abuse

The huge buy queue (300k+) at several price points disappeared within seconds, and it happened few times already. I saw it with my own eyes. Fishy as hell. Trade with extreme caution


2021-01-12 11:35 | Report Abuse

Dear shareholders, what's your take on this counter? Seems to be moving slowly compared to its peers. Director banging balls is it?


2021-01-08 22:13 | Report Abuse

Might want to think twice next Monday...

Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine appears effective against mutation in new coronavirus variants -study

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Pfizer Inc and BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine appeared to work against a key mutation in the highly transmissible new variants of the coronavirus discovered in Britain and South Africa, according to a laboratory study conducted by the U.S. drugmaker.

The study by Pfizer and scientists from the University of Texas Medical Branch, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, indicated the vaccine was effective in neutralizing virus with the so-called N501Y mutation of the spike protein.

The mutation could be responsible for greater transmissibility and there had been concern it could also make the virus escape antibody neutralization elicited by the vaccine, said Phil Dormitzer, one of Pfizer’s top viral vaccine scientists.

The first results of tests on the variants offer a glimmer of hope while more studies are carried out as Britain and other countries try to tame the more infectious variants which authorities believe are driving a surge in infections that could overwhelm healthcare systems.

The Pfizer-BioNTech study was conducted on blood taken from people who had been given the vaccine. Its findings are limited because it does not look at the full set of mutations found in either of the new variants of the rapidly spreading virus.

Dormitzer said it was encouraging that the vaccine appears effective against the mutation, as well as 15 other mutations the company has previously tested against.

Full article in the link above


2020-12-28 15:50 | Report Abuse

I don't mean this as a dig at M&G, but when StockHunters mentions the word "news", rest assured it's nothing more than just voices inside his head.

Take a look at his comments history and what you will find is guy who recycles the same crap over and over again on "flavour of the day" penny stock counters. Where were you when this counter was trading in the sub 10cts range?

Here are some examples, most notably on TOPBLDS:

08/12/2020 4:04 PM
StockHunters if it's really fake. the price won't even be stable at 0.13 - 0.135

it will fly all the way down without support.
so just relax. yesterday same thing, when it drop to 0.095 so many ppl complain and cutloss, after that what happened? you yourselves know.

08/12/2020 4:04 PM
StockHunters if i were you, i take this opportunity to collect more at 0.13 - 0.135. because after wednesday, no more chance to collect at this price. good luck

13/12/2020 5:02 PM
StockHunters Get ready. good news to be announced this week! hold tight.
cut loss if don't believe. top up if believe.

above 0.24 here we come!

See what I meant now? :)

The guy magically disappears when the counter doesn't perform to the level he hypes them to.


2020-12-15 15:24 | Report Abuse

Profit is profit. Each person can (and should) only invest at a level they're comfortable at. There's no need to one-up here


2020-12-10 11:49 | Report Abuse

Why does Opensys keep fondling its own balls in the .610-.635 range when Solarvest & Samaiden (both key partners) have risen well in the past weeks? It's bloody annoying


2020-12-07 12:52 | Report Abuse

paktua ni kaki U-turn. Perangai org tua kurang ajaq mmg camtu. Sibuk main promote dlm 72 jam sblm ni, tibe2 "Pak Tua team pull out now". Pi mampus la kau

paktua73 yaaa..paktua sauk all vaccines counter..
bintai n solutn dah..
now kita kasi fly yong tai rm1

tut tut
ihik ihik
05/12/2020 11:07 AM

paktua73 morning to all yong tai fighters..
only 26 hours to go..
remember to set your q early..
will see one more sky is no limit..

tut tut
jangan kata Paktua tak ajak awal..

paktua73 haha ngs98..paktua not gurus but prove at solutn, bintai..

tut tut
we are swing player and we do trade as we main income..
and we know in trade no always we win..
also have absorbed loses..
in 90/15 paktua n team win..
15 we lose..
06/12/2020 8:07 AM

and many more...


2020-12-07 10:38 | Report Abuse

LOL! "Paktua team pull out now". You're full of shit and garbage. Sembang tahap warung punya pakcik. x tau malu


2020-12-05 09:57 | Report Abuse

@birkincollector Cheers for the info. Why am I not surprised anymore. I suppose the best approach for playing vaccine counters will be "I'm here for a good time, not a long time".


2020-12-05 09:26 | Report Abuse

"Sell on news" applies predominantly to garbage syndicate-controlled counters. Simply ignore the folks who woke up this morning and the first thing they decided to do was not have breakfast but instead put on a circus show here because they intend to buy at low prices this coming Monday. The latest news, IMO, gives genuine assurance that will see YT move upwards on to the same path as Solutn/Bintai in the next 7-14 days. It's as clear cut as that, really. The next Big 3 in the pandemic is here.


2020-11-20 16:40 | Report Abuse

"On Feb 18 this year, its subsidiary OpenSys Technologies Sdn Bhd launched buySolar, a one-stop online solar marketplace platform aimed to empower consumers with choices, to facilitate the end-user market with the services offered by key solar energy stakeholders.

OpenSys today signed a collaborative agreement with engineering, procurement, construction, and commissioning (EPCC) provider Solarvest Energy Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of Solarvest Holdings Bhd.

In a statement today, OpenSys said the EPCC partner will design the solar system as per customers’ premises, apply for the necessary licences, procure products as well as construct, test and commission solar panels."

It may be 'old' news but it has legs so don't say you weren't informed :)


2020-11-20 16:31 | Report Abuse

Samaiden is goreng2. Come next week the two companies most likely to land the award will be between Cypark & Solarvest+Opensys. My money is on the latter. Best of luck holders ;)


2020-11-17 22:59 | Report Abuse

This old man KYY stinks worse than garbage. Absolutely zero insights, analysis, or value in his latest article clearly aimed at destroying this counter come tomorrow. It also suggests he's merely a puppet of sorts or part of a cynical group to push the prices of ATS up and down. Shameless


2020-11-10 12:09 | Report Abuse

I wish all investors good luck but those with ill intention & greed like @simonebang go eat a pile of dog shite.


2020-11-10 12:05 | Report Abuse

@simoneabang Please don't line up for vaccinations in future then. Bloody pariah type of human. I have held glove stocks myself but to wish that it persists longer reflects so more on your character. Shameless


2020-11-10 12:01 | Report Abuse

All you glove worshippers are truly awful people & a total disgrace to your family. Meaningful progress on vaccine development are being talked down all the time to protect the value of your precious glove stocks. So many have lost their lives and I swear you guys are praying for Covid to persist for the rest of our lifetime.

I hope someday when vaccines are ready (and hopefully sooner!) you will go bankrupt and inject nitrile into your veins instead since you love it so much. You guys belong in a circus.


2020-10-28 15:06 | Report Abuse

Your name is BigPortfolio but behave like you have SmallLanjiao. You're a nobody. Just shut up and let traders trade in peace.


2020-09-15 11:09 | Report Abuse

To those who are new to Mike's antics, let me tell you a true story. He's an uncle who is balding and his wife has already left him (I mean, who wouldn't?). He seeks validation via this forum (HLT & Careplus specifically) and it speaks volumes on his character. Just ignore him, as how you would when you encounter a homeless druggie in Pudu.