
SpartanFury | Joined since 2020-05-28

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2020-06-30 16:52 | Report Abuse

Qr came out

Reported a +1136.95% QoQ
And a +3021.40% YoY


2020-06-30 14:57 | Report Abuse

Kudos to edge.. i feel like they read a different report than I did... :)


2020-06-30 14:54 | Report Abuse

There we go... @Boston edge highlights losses but also discusses... soaring international sales... what does the hopeful investor bet on...:)


2020-06-30 14:51 | Report Abuse

That being said... @Boston.. it's a matter of packaging..

if we consider the current biz environment a strong revenue growth is probably better than losses incurred...

So is actually correct that revenue grew.. and if you look at AA you will see that their loss actually reduced by 11m from the previous year..

Similarly we could see an article which states that their kiple systems has seen a growth of 112% increase in revenue..

Yes its cherry picking the nice to see details.. but it's the same for all businesses...


2020-06-30 14:41 | Report Abuse

Lol... ok.. now I suspect we hold and wait for anmedia blitz


2020-06-30 14:30 | Report Abuse

I wouldnt be surprised if the price gets attractive enough that great eastern and other funds may wish to uo their stake


2020-06-30 14:28 | Report Abuse

I am doubtful price moves below 0.45 though.. and buying may kick in earlier than that...


2020-06-30 14:25 | Report Abuse

the advantage for CCP is he has the benefit of time.. price will move when he is ready for it... and it will move that's assured.. only thing is will it move in 6 months or 1 year


2020-06-30 13:28 | Report Abuse

Well it's not great... but since its pre MCO not surprised..
I wonder how much post march they earned from warrant sales and conversion...

Ok.. so the comforting aspect.. is about their digital services which is what most of us are concerned about ....their AA claimed 6+ million revenue (up about 112% from previous year).. from the qr.. it looks like the digital revenue for this qr contributed 3.07m alone (I.e half of their annual revenue.)

Things to watch for is that the loss which offset the digital revenue is almost entirely from thos quarter @6.29m... however, this is expected.. new tech initiative in the initial stages techs have higher fixed costs... but once their sales increase. their profit margins will explode onto the 1000-2000 percent rate... next qr will be an decent indicator as to what their actual costs will be...


2020-06-30 12:30 | Report Abuse

Yep.. there are also some oddities I was wondering about... yesterday i saw two buy walls one at 2million shares and one at around 1+ million shares.. basically the 2 million buy order would always sit below the queue originally i had assumed CCP but he dint pick up anything yest... so it's another party..

Today we see no direct pressure on the selling.. but every sell point now magically has around a million shares..

over the last week of trading I got used to seeing 200k to a max of 500k at each step... hell in some cases it was around 100k or less.. it went down that quickly.


2020-06-30 11:57 | Report Abuse

haha... suhaimi... if you tracked the stock the entire of last week and the amount of down pressure on it.. you will find that this is actually a momentum


2020-06-30 11:54 | Report Abuse

today is end of month and it's also the 6 month mark . so it might be possible that there may be some sell off by large groups to fix their books... but should be back to a rising trend b4 market closed


2020-06-30 11:09 | Report Abuse

plus... theres quite a bit of money that's disappeared due to recent odd price movements.. so would not be surprised if it shows up again as a loan


2020-06-30 11:08 | Report Abuse

stevenckheng : immediate cash flow would put it down to warrant sales.


2020-06-30 11:00 | Report Abuse

been ticking up well..


2020-06-30 03:12 | Report Abuse

This really is an odd duck AR..

Once you get to Page 228, its basically as of 1 June,2020.

Summit Energy is still there
So is Kendall

Surprisingly, Great eastern is on the list.. looks like GP is their hedge bet if boost fails. (plus they hold around 4.8m warrants)

So whats the take here i google searched all the news dates

xendity was the 16th,
ai petrol on 2nd,
visa- 4th,
cloud was 5th,
school scanners after the 20th,
Hukm UTM ties around early june,
hell even launch of Kiple prop was 1st of June with their subscription model.

The 112% increase of sales in the digital service may have been like the tail end of May sales of kiple products..

Similarly, Its like these news worthy events were filtered out... the e-kyc with tencent is not mentioned.. However tencent's agreement with GP is based around the tencent cloud providing the technology. So i guess No cloud.. no e-kyc... i kinda get the rush to get the AGM and EGM over with regarding "diversification to cloud services"


2020-06-30 02:41 | Report Abuse

Observations of

AR19 Part 1

They own 20% of Shenzhen memo technology. Dint expect to see this kind of product wonder how it sells..


AR19 Part 2

Assets up by 200M but liability only went up by 60M
Revenue up by 53% and Loss reduced by around 11M to 51M

No of shares in issue was around 933.53M (but i dont know if this figure includes the private placement of 135m shares which takes place in Q3 2020)


2020-06-30 01:45 | Report Abuse

Observations of CGR:

Well this is a surprise.. I knew he kept buying his small portion of shares.. But i did not realise that
Mr Boey Tak Kong is the Chairman of the Audit Committee. He is active in providing technical training for the Malaysian Institute of Accountants, the Malaysian Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators, Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance and Malaysian Investor Relations Association Berhad.

If anyone knows the financial status of the company it would be him. (of course they could just be token buys but oh well)


There really is something odd going on that's making them rush...

Practice 12.1 Notice for an Annual General Meeting should be given to the shareholders at least 28 days prior to the meeting.

But their reason for departure from the practise 12.1 is To promote cost savings and time, the Board decided to convene the 18th AGM and EGM (to pass an ordinary resolution) on the same day.



2020-06-30 01:17 | Report Abuse

Yep.. I finally got to look at the chart on the 30min and 1 hour.. and the last 2 hours of trade are indicating a triangular break out..heck the last half hour of trading was sort of a mini confirmation...

if pressure is released it could go all the way to 0.55 where it will hit first resistance... following that 0.565

Normally I would end my range estimation at 0.54 as limit before retrace but... the charts a little bit unnatural as there isnt really any resistance point before the 0.54 and the next resistance is only 1 sen above it.. I havent seen such a suppressed price before...

Question does price suppression follow physics.. the longer you suppress the higher the rebound?


2020-06-29 23:25 | Report Abuse

It was in the news actually... remember they sold their fabric equipment and invested in tech a few months later...


2020-06-29 22:42 | Report Abuse

every country is basically bleeding cash at this stage.. i think the only trades that are gonna get stopped are those suspected to be drugs.. or carrying refugees...

I'm with blackwhite on this.. if we were in a normal timeline I may be worried about the CAPs urging becuase it is a valid concern.. but for now... it's all a one eye closed situation...


2020-06-29 21:58 | Report Abuse

@Agjl.. well I just got the file as well.. so clause 62 amendment... is basically that they want to remove the limit of 10% aggregate limit for share issuance ... and make it whatever percent bursa allows.. any idea what that is? I assume this is due to the warrants being converted... so they convert the warrants to new issuance and then go... oops we are nearly at the 10% aggregate question is whether this is only limited to the warrants or is it a way to issue new shares..

Nvm the next section answered 20% of total issued shares.. explanatory note mentions its a covid contingency...

1.008 billion shares.. 20% is 201.6 million shares..(if it follows the constitution then the warrant conversions and other new issuance are part of the 200m which probably ain't so bad)

So the share grant scheme can contain only 15% of total issued shares. So SGS can hold about 181.44 million shares..

And looks like CCP can get another 10% of that as I think he may have crossed the 20% threshold.... so that's 18.144m more shares to him..I'd like to say we let resolution 10 fail and he doesnt get his shares... but I think this EGM is a mere formality.. as they seem to have controlling...

So heres my question ... is this purely a power play or since they are so serious about the shares are they announcing dividends or something?

Seriously this was actually included...

To ensure physical distancing and to reduce the number of crowds at the meeting, there will be no refreshment
served nor distribution of door gifts/goody-bags to all attendees of the meeting.


2020-06-29 20:04 | Report Abuse

Did you all see the EGM announcement..
Where do I find clause 62 of the company constitution
And what the hell is a special grant to ccp


2020-06-29 19:25 | Report Abuse

Nope it's right...the disclosure is on how they plan to spend some of the 42 million they obtained from selling to gribbles..

And it's one heck of a play... they now have an exclusive license for this type of cancer therapy..

So google search CAR- T cell therapy

This article explains the therapy and cost pretty well...

CAR-T cell therapy is expensive because of
the unique way that it works. Doctors harvest
patients' immune cells, genetically alter
them to rev up their ability to fight cancer,
then reinfuse them into patients.

Not sure how the costing works for medicine in malaysia when in comparison to the USA.. but a single treatment in USA is around USD 375,000... if you add up hospital fees etc then patients there are looking at an expense of around USd 1.5million... out costs should be way lower.. but then again its cancer so who knows what kinda economics are being considered here. The benefit to it is that' it's pretty much a single use drug. One time treatment and done.

Results are pretty decent for this therapy with test showing 30-40% going into remission

However, if your asking how the counter will do nowadays... no clue.. if it ain't covid related then it's probably a peripheral issue..


2020-06-29 16:57 | Report Abuse

I'm actually curious about whom keeps converting the warrants..


2020-06-29 16:30 | Report Abuse

market is finally easing..
Ageson warrant is actually being bought like crazy


2020-06-29 14:56 | Report Abuse

@agjl... No offence taken at all... it's just a funny image in my head... and theres also a possibility to it so... why be bothered by it...

Heck when I invested in this stock... I looked at the chart and saw the march bottom at around 0.395... but closed at 0.43

If it can go lower than that... I think that would be pretty spectacular... the only sector that currently managed to be lower than march low point is the logistics..


2020-06-29 14:39 | Report Abuse

So how many million did CCP pick up today...

Less than 1 million
1 to 1.5 million
More than 1.5 million..

I will go with more than 1.5m


2020-06-29 14:22 | Report Abuse

Well just to have fun with cryptoteaders speculation might as well say that the 10% was sold to greenpro.. which is a malaysian counter listed on nasdaq and also a financial institution... and the logic for such... becuase both have GP as their name


2020-06-29 14:16 | Report Abuse

@printing etcetcetc...
Well from a personal view point it's true that Chinas tactics are basically aggressive towards their neighbour's.. to the point that it's a pain for all neighbouring states.

That being said using USA as a counterpoint is pretty much idiotic. You might not care about what govt/economic model they follow and it's a fair statement.

China is basically in the category of emerging world power... dont forget they were isolated from the world till the 90s.. just to clarify when I use the term world power I am not talking about having nukes but rather the socio-economic development that matches its status (this is also why you might need to care about political/economical model)

Historically, you need to look at the patterns of an emerging world power ar the time they start dealing with the world. The last emergence was america. Pretty much around the time the time they were formed within 50 years they had invaded Canada twice (1775 and 1812). Similarly, almost every south american has basically been at least once been destabilise and controlled american puppet. Highlight is Uruguay which had a traditional democracy of 150 years being replaced by an american backed dictator.

If we look at America and south America relationship.. you may be right... political/economic as well as right or wrong dont mean a thing... it sure as hell did not matter to's only about national interest. America doesnt need to take our islands because they already took what they needed long before you were born..

They have military bases for their army,navy and airforce in Australia, Germany, Israel,japan,south korea, Afghanistan, Bulgaria,UK and many more.. why on earth would they now need an island of malaysia? When they have control of the entry and exit points..

I dont need to go further into history and detail what happened when the British, the french, the Spanish, the Dutch and the germans were emerging as world powers... or even further back when the Turkish, Mongols, Greek and Rome expressed interest in workd power.

This is not a pro china and anti american post... but a factual statement that when a new world power is emerging there is massive friction with its neighbouring states...

the only thing is that we are lucky that towards the end the British decided to move towards economical imperialism instead of colonialism..

Americans were smarter in that they fine tuned it towards cultural and economical imperialism...this influence is seen today by the China and its debt trap policies, silk road plans, etc. Americans and chinese learned from the british example that it is simply an administrative nightmare to try and control countries which are not part of your own land.. occupation is a debt trap all by itself.. and it leaves the home country weakened both internally and externally.

Malaysia is unfortunately located between two potential emerging world powers india and china.. so even if it weren't friction with china it would be friction with india.

Interestingly india had shown promise of matching their status development wise... but they staggered around the late 90' early 2000s... i cant say it was only becuase of corrupt local politicians but also suspect America had an indirect role in that stagnation.

The late 90s and early 2000s saw the entry of american call centres and a new lower middle class was created.. with a high school cert your first months salary was double/triple that of a fresh basically stopped a generation from pursuing more education to improve their chances. Furthermore, at the time experience in that field was not applicable to any other fields.. so it basically locked those people into a specific income category.. whereas college grads would eventually exceed their earnings and status..

Then there was the rise of the software industry in the early 2000s..where india was outsourced much of the software design work from the world. Sounds great right.. I mean leaders in cutting edge industry.. and so we have another new upper-income middle class group being developed.. but india couldn't compete with silicon valley... the best and smartest were bored away leading to a 2nd wave of brain drain. The first being around the 70s and 80s where top scientist were taken in by top research institutes.

My point for bringing this up is... dont fixate only on china as the sole aggressor on malaysias national interest.. you may be worried about islands which by the way is being disputed by not only china but also taiwan, Philippines,Brunei and vietnam. But if malaysias brightest and best are taken away or the ambitions of an entire generation get cut off by instant gratification. Then Malaysia as a whole lost something way more valuable then just some islands.


2020-06-29 13:06 | Report Abuse

Oddly by my index..I'm only moderately funny with small biasness towards neutral


2020-06-29 13:04 | Report Abuse

Welcome to the SpartanFury index..

If you find the joke funny and wanna share a cup if coffee with me.. your investment is probably less than 5% of portfolio

Moderately funny would probably be sub 20%

Neutral is 20% to 30%

Not funny 30% to 50%

Annoying 50% to 75%

If you want to hunt me down... your probably in the 75% up range..


2020-06-29 12:54 | Report Abuse

The level of humour in my jokes is inversely proportional to the amount of money you have invested in GP


2020-06-29 12:53 | Report Abuse

@Agjl...your scenario on announcing the QR..
Kinda paints an odd picture in my head..

Shareholders: ok finally price has settled it cant get any worse as we have bottomed out..
CCP: *hold my coffee* pulls out QR.
Shareholders: ...


2020-06-29 12:48 | Report Abuse

@striker90 not necessarily true.. if too lazy to travel so far just to lose money on red... might as well just place it over here and get over and done with...

But you know..
It's actually not bad at all the drop... when you consider the situation.

I mean bursa has been melting since tuesday.
The stock price had already been trending downwards a week before that..
There has been pretty much no direct news from the company
We have the exit of a substantial shareholder
We dont know who the new substantial shareholder is
We have a ceo whose been buying against common sense.
A Qr due that does not actually cover the estimated profitable period..

But yet.. the prices only just around the average range before the speculation of digital banking hit. Oh sure we may see a drop but it's still within realistic range..

As for what's positive to look for in the stock...
Next 2-3 qr
Identity of new shareholder reveal
CEO who looks like he is mad ends up being recognised as a genius.. there is often no distinction between the two so sometimes it's good to take a risk on madness .

I'm actually quite fond of this thread at the moment as theres no more crazy buy buy buy and sell sell sell calls.. everyone who is still around either got caught too high and are grudgingly resigned to the long term hold or they are genuine long term investors... so excessive negatives and positives are at a minimum..

Theres alot more clear headed rational speculation being taken place here.. of course I will acknowledge we may be all comforting ourselves as we walk towards the gallows. And it's kind of an education fee being involved in the price move of a stock whose major event is a year away...its been an interesting learning experience so far..
For example lowering volume on sells would indicate an eventual reversal... but is it meaningful when its bought by the same person? Does the mad genius plan to drag this out long enough so that the maximum number of shares are on the sell board and then on one shot buy all the way up to 0.6 (does he have the money for that)?

Anyone here has any idea how much the GP will be worth if they forego the digital banking plan and go it alone as pure service to sme and institutions with kiple.. oddly i would still rate it at the 0.55-0.65 range..

I mean when they did nothing their range was around 0.50-0.60...I do expect prices to take a hit as the holders for the banking license give up... but good QR should be able to support speculated price


2020-06-29 11:39 | Report Abuse

any clues on this? or is it a consolidated report?


2020-06-29 11:39 | Report Abuse

I'm not so sure about the QR I believe it's for the Jan-March period only correct... I believe popularity of KIple services took off post March


2020-06-29 11:24 | Report Abuse

i wonder whose buying at 0.51, 0.505 and 0.50... lol...


2020-06-29 11:22 | Report Abuse

ok I'm thinking 0.5 is the lowest we see and then it rebounds... no reason just a feeling. could be wrong... but most of the depressed traders already left so the flaming should be lower :p


2020-06-29 11:20 | Report Abuse

@Alvin... technically he has been supporting by buying around 20 million plus shares this week.. :p


2020-06-29 10:43 | Report Abuse

That's actually an interesting point..frankly if we think about it both parties are right and wrong at the same time...

Here is a fact, no country is 100% democratic nor is a country 100% communistic and their economic models are neither 100% capitalist nor 100% socialistic... basically it's impossible for any country to tout they are 100% of any ideology and not be a liar.

So what's the difference then? Well it's only from which extreme they begin.. both are gonna meet at the middle with their own version of quasi demo/communistic political system with a quasi capitalistic/socialistic economic model.


2020-06-29 10:10 | Report Abuse

expected.. market is following fridays DJI drop
market is down about 8 points so far.. and I cant spot the sector that's leading the fall... seems to be evenly spread... normally can spot... if its banks or gloves or OnG


2020-06-29 09:23 | Report Abuse

its interesting looks alike a CCP buy wall is being formed at 0.52.. an order for 800k shares maybe..


2020-06-29 03:18 | Report Abuse

I'm only trying to figure out why he was buying like crazy before IDSS resumed.


2020-06-29 03:13 | Report Abuse

well it does make sense.. buying to maintain his shareholding level... and no reason to buy in March becuase warrants were not converted


2020-06-29 01:23 | Report Abuse

There is a curious bit of logic that i am trying to apply here..
it was triggered by Cryptotraders remarks..

he is right if you look at the mood around GP if short selling was allowed.. this counter might have had a horrible week next week. I wont say that it will hit 0.1 but 0.4 range should be easy.

So old news.. everyone knows.. IDSS is going to open on June 30th and the price will crash from there... agree so far?

Now here's what is not logical if everyone can predict price is going to crash from Tuesday onwards..and everyone was also caught by surprise when Bursa announced on 26th that suspension was extended.

Now CCP must also work under the same knowledge as everyone else so why would he buy so many shares the week before IDSS is opened and the expected price crash.

The guy spent:
5 million shares @0.67 on Tuesday = RM3.35m
14.26 million shares @0.565 on Thursday = RM 8,056,900
1.33 million shares @0.545 on Friday = RM 724,850
Total Spent this week is around 12.13Million.. (that's around 14% of his 2018 networth spent in one week)
and i seem to recall him buying more earlier.. so his outlay is way higher.

(Note: the gap between Tuesday and Thursday looks like money needs to be gathered and the last volume feels like whatever cash that could be sourced was used)

I mean why not just use all that money and place a buy wall when the panic sell starts..

Mind you all this purchasing was with the condition of the US meltdown creating a bearish market and most likely a bearish market in the following week.

Lets be honest.. an average to good QR would not really be able to stop the price from dropping a bit further... due to frustration some traders had with this counter + Market overall sentiment
Even an excellent QR.. would probably see the price stalling... against overall market sentiment.

So what would make you confident to buy.. I think it should go beyond just a simple QR.

But now that i think about it further, whatever News they planned to announce could probably be delayed.Since IDSS is no longer looming.. Just it seems CCP bought what he could buy unless he managed to gather more funds over the weekend.


2020-06-28 05:10 | Report Abuse

@singh1.. many kinds of deals can be made... even if you are an idealist.. say you wanna move out to protect the reputation buiit but dont want to lose entry..

no problem we got time.. let me do my thing then.. afterwards we spin off kiplepay and give you at a discounted price.. well what do you know.. after discount price is exactly how much you earned at exit... great deal . New company has a clean rep.. after a few years everyone forgets the 2020 price wars and we all sing praises as enlightened entrepreneurs of the future...

Or no need to worry.. share prices shoot up.. let's dilute the shares and do a private placement does silent partner x agree yep.. ok done..

Or dude, heres the deal I need you to go out and theres a premium but I will be taking advantage of this to let the price free fall and you can reenter at sub 50 and the amount you can get is all on u want to risk it? You look at news from america and u say... deal.

That's kinda why I split them into idealist, realist or capitalist.. depending on what they do..


2020-06-28 05:00 | Report Abuse

@kendall just a small correction.. its spartan fury and not spartan furry ..completely different meanings..:p

Another other point you made about the QR I forgot to address. Kendall apparently prides itself on holding positions for 3-5 years so I have this odd feeling that it's an issue of management.

Internally,I think they are idealists if they never return. Realists if they re-enter as investors for kiplepay. Capitalists if they re-enter GP at sub 0.5

That being said the QR report itself although I do hope its good-excellent.. considering the way the management has capitalised on the price movement down.. a bad qr may just be the final kick needed for hitting bottom and for them to pick up more stocks.

Only consolation is that CCP has been kinda desperate in his buying lately. so it may be he sees the QR as the point of no return and l he is trying to get what he can before the price moves higher... I'm actually setting a minimum tp of 0.8 simply becuase of the entry points of the substantial holders. If you see the price moving up with high volume prior to QR being it's probably him.

Becuase reading the sentiments in this thread I am not sure how many here would want to buy and risk more money..

(Btw one crazy speculation to support china buyers is becuase the entry is 0.8, lol) I mean if your paying higher might as well make it auspicious, no?


2020-06-28 04:39 | Report Abuse

Personal feelings.. if you are investing only a small portion of portfolio and dont mind the risk of it going rogue..then chill it's a fun stock to monitor..dont worry about the stock so much becuase the reason we got in the stock is a year away.

If you have more invested then set your stop less and exit becuase this stock has a greater price range it can drop as i dont think we have seen the bottom yet .. and it's likely it will be one massive drop get what they need and then let the price grown naturslly from there. But there is too much time for them do so..on other words these finds coukd be tied up for months.

IMO, management has been doing their best to not attract attention of institutional investors.. becuase all their tactics are inline with that logic. It's a mad one but i dont think they have managed to build their positions yet.. so they dont want other big players muddying the water just yet.

Ya,know reading back what I wrote.. I should probably be a conspiracy