TESSA | Joined since 2013-09-03

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile Moderate

More than 25 years experience in stock market. Manages personal investments. Member of i3 since 2013. Don't like constant bickerings. Don't like fights. Not much of a day trader. More of a long term investor. My website: https://whims2016.wordpress.com/





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2014-03-10 19:53 | Report Abuse

Hot I just balik meeting with supplier, sangat sangatlah letih, i tell you advertising more pening than your job at the bank LOL

FT sure la ada water, if takde tonite i go and serang khalid rotfl


2014-03-10 17:40 | Report Abuse

Take care my adorable ape.


2014-03-10 17:36 | Report Abuse

Go home ys. Talk to you later lol


2014-03-10 17:33 | Report Abuse

Take care ys. Kiss..kiss


2014-03-10 17:31 | Report Abuse



2014-03-10 17:28 | Report Abuse

ofcourse you teases me about it lol ft since i am no longer contra player ct aso less stress, if not i always crying and angry always mau gigit dia LOL


2014-03-10 17:22 | Report Abuse

well FT you know me rotfl


2014-03-10 17:21 | Report Abuse

Hot! that sepet mata guy, why you cabut lari from me LOL


2014-03-10 17:17 | Report Abuse

cannot la mike, must reach my tp first, i can see one or two counters sure reach my tp tomorrow LOL


2014-03-10 17:08 | Report Abuse

mike my counters belum reach my tp, so nothing i can do about that...hmmm


2014-03-10 17:04 | Report Abuse

To my bestest friends in i3, they know who they are


2014-03-10 16:43 | Report Abuse

CT and me relaxing...hmm


2014-03-10 16:40 | Report Abuse

yes, that's why harga tinggi almost to the mother, kena tengok conversion price berapa and bila tarikh luput, puncak wb kalau convert pun sebijik bayar 1,000 rgt


2014-03-10 16:30 | Report Abuse

500 rgt


2014-03-10 16:28 | Report Abuse

I bot earlier ada extra cash. Bila naik I fikir baik convert terus lol


2014-03-10 16:25 | Report Abuse

Warrant hibis dah kurang sebab banyak dah convert to mother share. Can convert anytime till 24/7/2014.


2014-03-10 16:19 | Report Abuse

Warrant only satu bijik. I nak convert to mother share. :)


2014-03-10 16:00 | Report Abuse

Ntah la ys. My counter dah hijau tapi belum reach my tp. My supplier pulak lembab datang. Monday blues.


2014-03-10 15:22 | Report Abuse

what?? you makan nasi lemak company kasi!! rotfl


2014-03-10 15:17 | Report Abuse

aiya none of my counter reach my TP, I aso Zzzzzz. Hey where's my supplier, still waiting for him..hmmm


2014-03-10 15:09 | Report Abuse

dunno la, cab ka, bus ka, keretapi ka, helikopter ka...lol


2014-03-10 15:07 | Report Abuse

Hit, FT driving cannot ganggu LOL


2014-03-10 14:58 | Report Abuse

FT don't want to watch that video


2014-03-10 13:11 | Report Abuse

Just now I saw picture of ular sawa belit buaya. Looks sexy and deadly. Now my eyes tengok everywhere real takut of snake. ..Eeeeee


2014-03-10 11:13 | Report Abuse

serious?!!? no braun buffel handbag...grrrrr


2014-03-10 10:56 | Report Abuse

Hot!!! DBHD up and up. I want my Braun Buffel handbag LOL


2014-03-10 10:49 | Report Abuse

Hit No. You in?


2014-03-10 10:41 | Report Abuse

Please pray for MH370.

MAS' flight MH370 that was heading towards Beijing Capital International Airport over the weekend went missing from radar and did not reach its destination. Investigations are still on-going on the incident. A very unusual fact was that the aircraft did not send out any distress signal before disappearing from radar. Given that we are not in the position to speculate on the cause of the incident, we only attempt to highlight potential risks to MAS based on various possible outcomes:
(1) MAS' aircraft are typically insured. However, we would not rule out a prudent write-off given the complications of the situation involving the missing aircraft; insurance claims could take time based on the final outcome of the official investigation.
(2) In the case that a claim is successful, insurance premiums are likely to rise thereafter. However, this again depends on the cause of the incident and it is still too early to determine. Insurance is a small part of an airline's cost. Fuel, staff, maintenance and user charges make up 70%-80% of operating cost.
(3) Impact on capacity? The 11-year old B777-200 used for the flight is one of MAS' leased aircraft. MAS had 13 B777s in its fleet as of end-FY13. Two of the B777s are scheduled to be returned in FY14, which will bring down the B777 fleet count to 11. As the outgoing B777 is part of MAS' capacity plan (to be replaced with a new A330-300), we think MAS' capacity plan may not be impacted significantly. The group expects a net reduction of one aircraft this year, but ASK is expected to grow by 10% via improving aircraft utilisation from an average 10 hours/day in FY13 to 11hours 10 minutes in FY14F.
(4) Again, depending on the outcome of the investigation and cause of the incident, if any, MAS' sterling track record is at stake. In the case of involvement of terrorist activities, regional airlines will likely be hit, in terms of demand and yields. This is possibly the worst outcome for the industry.
Past cases of aircraft disasters suggests negative impact on share price immediately after the incident. While it is too early with little firm information to reach a conclusion at this stage, we think that share price is likely to see some knee jerk reaction from this news - as the most possible outcome (on MAS as a company) looks negative at this stage. #PrayforMH370



2014-03-10 10:32 | Report Abuse

FT I blame my itchy heart and fingers
connie atleast one green ok aso


2014-03-10 10:29 | Report Abuse

FT, don't have...grrrr


2014-03-10 10:26 | Report Abuse

From the Chartroom
After falling to a low of 1,813.60 last Monday, the FBM KLCI clawed its way back to as high as 1,838.69 on Thursday. At last Friday’s close of 1,832.26, this represented a tiny weekly loss of 3.4-point or 0.2%. Chalking up steady weekly gains though were the FBM 70 Index (+1.5%), the FBM Small Cap Index (+2.1%) and the FBM ACE Index (+2.3%).

Technically speaking, the bellwether is set to climb – slowly and steadily – above the immediate resistance threshold of 1,840 before advancing towards the next hurdle of 1,860 going forward. On the downside, just like in recent weeks, the benchmark index is expected to find support at the 1,825 (first) and 1,800 (second) levels.



2014-03-10 10:11 | Report Abuse

YS, MAS tak handle the crisis well. In situation like this never use internal PR department, go for outside consultant. Then again a big organisation like MAS tentu ada big international agency handle their account. So people like me cannot masuk. Big international agency not necessary good at this. Unilever I pernah approach for their aviance product, kita propose tup tup they say kita guna PR services from the appointed international agency by Unilever. Tapi the result not that good. Sometimes the smaller agency better that those big ones.


2014-03-10 08:19 | Report Abuse

Good morning to all adorable friends@i3investors.

Good morning is not just a word, its an action and a belief to live the entire day well. Morning is the time when you set the tone for the rest of the day. Set it right! – Fain Blake


2014-03-09 20:14 | Report Abuse

Goodnight all, very very tired, my house esok pagi tak ada air for 55 hours Eeeeeee


2014-03-09 20:04 | Report Abuse

I think terorrist, kena hijacked, kalau crashed it could take months or years to find, tempat tak tahu, a friend rasa mungkin kapal terbang kena tembak, then again we dunno for sure, its a very very sad occasion, dari arah mana sekali pun kita melihat :( MAS kalau ikut rekod seldom crashed. This is our national flight, been around for many many years...just saying


2014-03-09 19:51 | Report Abuse

YS I have a friend ex-pilot TUDM, he said to me nak dapat lesen pilot bukan senang, because unlike cars, kapalterbang tak boleh park rata-rata, takan nak park kat atas pokok, so the criteria nak jadi pilot tu tinggi nak renew license pun tak senang, insurance policy pun ada clause if you pilot you nak insurance ini tak boleh cover, high risk job...hmmm


2014-03-09 19:04 | Report Abuse

Yes Ooi that would be nice. Hugs


2014-03-09 17:58 | Report Abuse

To all forumers this song for you


2014-03-09 17:51 | Report Abuse

Connie, MC, Moon, Sky, Ooi don't be shy, come here


2014-03-09 17:41 | Report Abuse

Connie since your house in grey area, come stay here with me lol


2014-03-09 17:36 | Report Abuse

Meena u so rajin :)


2014-03-09 17:26 | Report Abuse

Mike its a mystery lol


2014-03-09 17:24 | Report Abuse

932kakis like our missing MH370..hmmmm


2014-03-09 16:59 | Report Abuse

Tj all the best. Hot why so many question mark? ????


2014-03-09 16:54 | Report Abuse

I have asked forummers to be nice... and yet they still give me flag


2014-03-09 13:53 | Report Abuse

So many flags, blue flags jadi red sooner or later then account kena banned. Getting flags not a good sign, be nice to your fellow forummers.

News? Hah, today sunday, mana ada business news. I think the plantation counters should be ok for short to mid term investment. If you have extra cash, perhaps MAS another good idea, this temporary problem gives buying opportunity when the price down. No contra please. How low on Monday? No idea. But I bet not as bad as Boeing. Then again Boeing not on our bursa LOL

What I normally do on weekends - Saturday buy Star newspaper or Theedge weekly.

A little bit of local news
Sarawak governor’s son Mahmud Abu Bekir Taib today escaped contempt of court proceedings brought by his former wife Shahnaz A Majid. Syariah High Court judge Azzeman Omar delivered his verdict after hearing Bekir’s explanation. This follows the court’s order for Bekir to pay more than RM900,000 as interim child maintenance for the couple’s only son.

Confounding mystery of the missing MH370 flight
How did it go off the radar? Why was there no distress call? Where did it disappear to? That is the mystery of Flight MH370.


2014-03-09 10:45 | Report Abuse

U r welcome. Super busy today. Tomorrow water rationing start..today need to do alot of cleaning. On the way to jaya grocer.

News & Blogs

2014-03-09 01:15 | Report Abuse



2014-03-09 00:39 | Report Abuse

YS, Hitman, Ratna, very sad indeed. Early morning CT hantar message to me with regard to the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, I tot not serious, I thanked him for the news. I went out. Came back 2 lebih. I read news online realising how serious the situation, I jadi takut, now I cannot sleep waiting for the latest news :(