
TTD1990 | Joined since 2020-07-24

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2020-09-07 09:51 | Report Abuse

Bye retard boy, see u never, hahahahahaha. Go fuck urself. Die in a shit hole u low life piece off shit


2020-09-07 09:31 | Report Abuse

Guys, this forum no use anymore, lets all leave. Am opening a closed blog, whr we can all share and discuss, will update u guys once its up and running. This place has become very toxic since retard fuck mikecyc started to spam. Cannot ban him as well. No other choice


2020-09-07 09:25 | Report Abuse

Angelinvestor, back again with his doomsday prediction. Away the entire weekend, back on Monday with 1 post with the aim off scaring ppl. Hahaha, so funny la u dude


2020-09-07 07:32 | Report Abuse

Retard boy, Mikeycyc, pray u never meet me in real life. I will beat the living shit out off u. Simple as that


2020-09-07 01:26 | Report Abuse

Am not lost la retard boy. Haha, u r the real loser. Spamming a forum like the low life son of a bitch u r. Absolute human trash. I pray u die in a fiery car crash. Nobody gonna miss u la u kimak retard boy. I hope the same fate befalls ur family as well, as a punishment for spawning a piece off shit like u la retard boy. Hahahahaha hahahahahahahahahhaa


2020-09-06 23:25 | Report Abuse

Careplus profit by disposed off subsidiaries?? Wow, what a finding by dumb retard boy. Everyone clap,clap,clap. So intelligent la our dumb retard boy. Haha, read properly la boy. Dont be a dumb fuck ok boy. Guys, looks like this forum will continuously be spammed by the retard mikecyc. I think its best if we have a telegram group. Whr we can chat in peace and leave the dumb fuck retard mikecyc posting here all by himself. Anyone interested to open a grp?


2020-09-06 23:17 | Report Abuse

Haha, retard boy. U so funny la. Recycling same news again and again. Update yourself first la retard boy. Read the news first before u copy paste. See when its dated. Cannot be careless like this la retard boy. Now ppl label u as dumb retard boy. Already gave u chance. Still no improvement ah retard boy. Haha. In hlt forum also u spam, here also u spam. Go topglove and supermax and spam la retard boy. U will be eaten alive. U cowardly come here try to copy paste and scare ppl. Go tactics dumb retard boy. Good effort. But not good enuf, we all will lose money first before sell to u retard boy. Simple as that. Hahahahahaha


2020-09-06 22:50 | Report Abuse

Wy chan, am at level 1, no issues, thanks for the wishes,hahahaha


2020-09-06 22:15 | Report Abuse

Wow, retard boy, can construct very good sentences ah. Looks like u have a good grasp off math and english. So proud off u la retard boy. Keep up the good work


2020-09-06 22:13 | Report Abuse

Wy chan, already all in. Later when i cashout, u want some money, just need to beg from me. See my mood how. If am in giving mood, i can spare ur poor sorry ass some cash. No worries. U wont be left out. U can have 3 meals a day. I noe now u struggling alot. I pity u,hahaha


2020-09-06 22:05 | Report Abuse

Haha, mikecyc retard boy. Haha, so cute retard boy, with his sideways cap, giving us his thoughts about share investing. Smart la retard boy, despite IQ off 70. Still can function well. Haha


2020-09-06 20:54 | Report Abuse

Bargainhuntsman, good information shared


2020-09-06 19:15 | Report Abuse

Retard boy, we all feel so sorry for u. U looking for friends to talk to. But nobody layan. Keep spamming retard boy. Maybe somebody will take pity on u,hahaha


2020-09-06 19:12 | Report Abuse

Retard boy, tp 7.8. u dont jealous when the rest off us make money ok. We throw u some money. U catch like the dog u r. Ok retard boy? Hahaha


2020-09-06 13:54 | Report Abuse

Wow, retard boy did so much off research. So proud off u. But retard boy, is all same thing u recycle again and again la. Come up with something original la boy. U already retard, don't be stupid as well la boy. Come up with something new. I know ur tiny retard brain has limitations, but u can do better la retard boy. And read ur post before u share la boy. All ur facts points towards vaccine getting approval next year end 2021. Hahahaha. Dont self burn la retard boy. So cute la u


2020-09-06 09:29 | Report Abuse

Retard boy, nah, i teach u how to copy paste actual facts properly ah. After this do better job ok.


2020-09-06 09:21 | Report Abuse

Retard boy working so hard late in the night and early morning, copy and pasting. Clearly money well spent in retard school. So efficient in finding random sources and pasting them. So smart la u retard boy. Didn't know ur small brain with even smaller IQ can work like this. Clap, clap, clap


2020-09-05 20:57 | Report Abuse

Wow, retard boy. Can use calculator very well ah boy. So clever one ah. Guys, round off applause for our retard boy. So good with calculations.


2020-09-05 17:23 | Report Abuse

Wow, good job buddy. That retard school must be teaching u well. U have become good in copy pasting. But need to check the facts correct or not first la boy. Dont simply2 paste random wrong facts. Aiyooo, poor retard boy


2020-09-05 16:20 | Report Abuse

Wow, retard back. Retard school finished early today ah boy? What u learned in retard school today? How to count till 10?? Such a smart retard boy i tell u,hahaha


2020-09-05 11:51 | Report Abuse

Wah, retard gt another special talent. Copy pasting. Shud recommend to retard friendly companies for job off spamming. Oh wait, he already has that. Oh well.


2020-09-05 11:42 | Report Abuse

Wah, retard boy can pick up on fraudulent activity from financial report. Guys, we have a special retard here. Shud award him. Hahahaha


2020-09-05 11:36 | Report Abuse

Anyone noe, how to get someones post removed from the forum? Mikecyc is back with his irritating comments, and i would really like to remove them, before i go hunt him down and murder him.


2020-09-05 11:35 | Report Abuse

Looks like there are certain idiots here, happily commenting, and talking to air. Haha, so funny to see their retarded brains at work. Everyone, join me to give this retards a round off applause, clap,clap,clap. Wah, so clever ah, retard with iq less than 70, can read so well, hahahahah


2020-09-05 01:01 | Report Abuse

Haha, come on la asshole. Try harder. Be a good conman. Not a cocksucker. Everybody in this forum noe who i am. And everyone noe who u r as well. U just a copy pasting bullshitting low life piece of shit coward keyboard warrior who goes running to hide when confronted. Tell u what, come down Kajang, tell that to my face. And lets see what happens. Anyways, before i completely ignore u from here on now, know this very well. U were ignored through out in the hlt forum and now coming here to seek new attention. Pathetic old man. Either find life or go die. Simple as that. Dont post here, thinking ur a hero. Ppl are just laughing at u dude.


2020-09-04 23:37 | Report Abuse

Welcome Mikecyc, the sohai bullshitting low life piece off shit, with no life, with his random made up mumbo jumbo calculations. U r hilarious dude,hahahaha


2020-09-04 21:22 | Report Abuse

There are 7.8 billion ppl in the world, if by some miracle, we can produce 100 million doses a month, that would mean 1.2 billion doses in a year. It will take about 5-6 years to vaccinate everyone in the world. Think about that. Gloves aint going nowhere. Hold tight guys.


2020-09-04 18:26 | Report Abuse

Guys,just found out. Wy chan is actually a retard. Hence his sadistic comments. Dont get angry at him, feel sorry for him yea


2020-09-04 16:53 | Report Abuse

Wy chan, u low life piece of shit. U have no holding in Careplus, and yet u r hear taunting the rest who r holding and being patient. U must be some special kind off retard.


2020-09-04 16:14 | Report Abuse

Wy chan, another sohai sour grape, come here to make fun off ppl


2020-09-04 13:35 | Report Abuse

Hello stockraider, pls dont mislead ppl. I am in health sector and a staff off KKM. There is no vaccine coming out soon, no approved vaccine by China as well. Dont cook up cock story here


2020-09-04 09:31 | Report Abuse

Keep drop, keep shop. Careplus, fair value at least rm5.2, drop further, can add more guys. Strong fundamentals. Currently all gloves red due to dow jones down


2020-09-04 00:57 | Report Abuse

Today all healthcare counters down. Dont bash on Drwarrant, he is doing his best to keep u guys here. U all x suka, boleh jual dan blah.


2020-09-04 00:53 | Report Abuse

Its really sad to see, all the healthcare counters being pressed down like this despite their excellent performance and outstanding upcoming qr. Just shows, lots off stupid ppl together can actually be harmful


2020-09-03 15:45 | Report Abuse

Hnw, very true bro.


2020-09-03 15:37 | Report Abuse

Newtothis, relax bro. Take a deep breath. Obviously that sohai wy chan, is class A arsehole and sadist who really enjoys seeing others in pain. Probably the kind off person to laugh at someones funeral. The worst kind off ppl.


2020-09-03 14:47 | Report Abuse

Healthcare stocks, which are the ones guaranteed to turn a profit is taking a massive hit. What a world we live in.


2020-09-03 14:19 | Report Abuse

Notice how he is never posting in supermax or topglove forums?? Why?? Because he noes, he will kena roast by the big boys there. So, he come here, try to scare the small fry. Simple as that. I see right thru u, conman


2020-09-03 14:06 | Report Abuse

Just because u claim to have insider news, automatically we must believe u isit?? Go to hell la. For all we noe, u one off the sour grapes, who trying to con ppl to collect cheap. At least i back up my comments with facts. What about u?? Conman


2020-09-03 14:01 | Report Abuse

Angelinvestor, none off us believe u. Who r u??


2020-09-03 13:14 | Report Abuse

U see all these crap talkers here. Avoid listening to their comments. They are out to get your tickets for cheap. They have absolutely no interest in helping u. Just wanna con u. Why else u think they so eager to advise u to sell cheap?? Think for yourself. Its your money. You dont even need to heed my advise. Study the company fundamentals and their projected earnings backed by their expansion. You think this doomsday predictors noe better than the company ceo?? Come on la, they noe next to shit.


2020-09-03 12:14 | Report Abuse

Angelinvestor, back with his doomsday prediction. Has insider news, and knows better than the glove companies themselves. Screw u la dude, haha. Another sour grape trying to scare others to sell cheap. Try different tactic dude. Careplus fair value is 5.2, and right now its undervalued. Top up more, excellent QR coming in September.


2020-09-03 09:28 | Report Abuse

Typical sour grapes comments. Speak as if they know the ins and out off the industry by their fingertips. U think u noe better then the industry giants?? U must be higher than the sky


2020-09-03 00:08 | Report Abuse

Newtothis, stay calm bro. Power88, another mofo, just trying to stir u up. Thats all. Probably some loser who gets his kick from seeing others miserable


2020-09-02 17:07 | Report Abuse

Disappointing show from all gloves today