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2020-11-19 13:22 | Report Abuse

Maxam - your letter and URL link is dated 1992. Laws and Regulations have moved on with times. Please be current. this is now 2020, and the pandemic is real.

Glove must be used for any injection being administered. Go to any medical center or hospital and observe for yourselves.


2020-11-19 12:40 | Report Abuse

Don't worry about supply. That is what the IBs want you to think. The demand is so great that even if there are 10 or 20 more new comers, the supply will still be insignificant compared to the demand.


2020-11-19 12:36 | Report Abuse

see2sea - nothing to do with covid transmitted through you skin, its the transmission of other blood related diseases like HIV, Malaria, Dengue, etc. All Medical staff will wear disposable gloves to protect themselves and their patients. If they do not follow SOP, insurance will not cover.

Common sense, lah. or maybe not so common nowadays.


2020-11-19 12:29 | Report Abuse

Sam Singh,

The projection for glove demand is true and factual. All you need to do is apply basic common sense. We know what is factual and true. Obviously you don't.


2020-11-19 12:22 | Report Abuse

To all, the requirement for glove is a must for any form of injection. Not so much for Covid infection but other blood transmitted infection like HIV, Malaria, Dengue, etc, etc.

I am sure none of us wound want a medical staff who has just injected some other patient with their bare hands whose blood could have been already infected with other diseases to even touch us.

So this is the standard SOP safety requirement that disposable gloves must be used.

Please see for yourselves in any medical centres and hospitals, for any injection administered.

Please apply basic common sense. Or maybe common sense is not so common anymore to these naysayers.


2020-11-19 11:09 | Report Abuse

Green now. Naysayers you need to work harder. Or maybe market knows the truth.


2020-11-19 10:40 | Report Abuse

The naysayers are trying to supress the price but they have not been successful. Believe current pricing range will be the lowest. Good time to collect. TP 13 and above. Many research houses have already indicated as such. Refer top page, under research, price target.


2020-11-19 10:28 | Report Abuse

Windfall tax will hurt EPF so much that they will not be able to pay Account 1. So its a "Loose" for the government to impose windfall tax.


2020-11-19 10:26 | Report Abuse

@ email. This is already an old song. Maybe try singing a new song for a change.


2020-11-19 10:25 | Report Abuse

He is an independent MP. This is already yesterday's news. The PH and UMNO have already provided their unity budget. No windfall tax at all. The debate to pass the budget is based on the proposals put by the majority representation - PH & UMNO.


2020-11-19 10:05 | Report Abuse

Those naysayers. If your are negative and confident that glove is doomed, that means you have sold. If so why are you still here in this forum? It's obvious that you are still here because you want to create a panic sell so that you can collect cheap. You could also be working for share manipulators or IBs, wanting to suppress the share price so that their call warrants can be profitable. Clearly there is a hidden agenda behind your negativity.


2020-11-19 09:58 | Report Abuse

Below is CGS-CIMB analysis for Top Glove today, 19 Nov.

"We also reiterate our add call, with a target price of RM10.00, based on 17 times calendar year 2022 price-earnings (in line with its five-year historical mean)," he added.


2020-11-19 07:59 | Report Abuse

Will not believe local IBs. They keep changing their views and opinion. It was CIMB that stated TP for Supermax at TP 13.20 on 4th Nov. The fundamentals remain the same and better since then.


2020-11-19 07:54 | Report Abuse

when panic sellers sell, who do you think is buying?


2020-11-19 07:53 | Report Abuse

Investors are back, and into healthcare. They are collecting all the cheap prices from panic sellers. These are smart investors. They know where the best returns are. In fact they know that its only healthcare that is profitable during this pandemic.


2020-11-19 07:43 | Report Abuse

Not in denial. We use facts and numbers. Not sentiments.


2020-11-19 07:42 | Report Abuse

Even after Pfizer's latest announcement, Dow Jones down -344 points. US market already knows that more than half the population of the world will reject these fast track vaccines. The emergency use will be distributed amongst the frontliners who will reject because these medical professionals know a lot more than the general public. You can do this is China because its not a democratic country. Not in the US and Europe. Know the facts first about these fast track vaccine. This is your life and that of your loved ones. Cannot gamble like casino or stock market.


2020-11-18 20:26 | Report Abuse

No panic sell. Market already realise that Vaccine is the catalyst for glove. Will boost the demand for glove.


2020-11-18 20:24 | Report Abuse

Therefore more than half of the world population will reject these fast track vaccines. The recovery rates from the virus is high and they will take the chance to keep safe and build the natural immune system.


2020-11-18 19:07 | Report Abuse

My friends, its time to discuss the safety of our lives and that of our family and loved ones.

The Vaccines that uses mRNA like Pfizer and Moderna modifies our DNA structure. Our very existence and identity which is our unique DNA will be altered. The long term effects are still unknown. Whether it will affect our reproduction organs, our offsprings, future births, long term effect on our organs, limps, etc.

90% or 94% efficacy rate over a few months is not a safe data for a vaccine that alters your DNA. Many in the USA, Europe and other parts of the world are beginning to question this. Many have just become aware of what these Vaccines will do after research.

I and my family will stay away from such Vaccines and continue to use masks and practice social distancing for at least 2 to 3 years until we are confident that its safe. Believe many will do the same.


2020-11-18 19:02 | Report Abuse

My friends, its time to discuss the safety of our lives and that of our family and loved ones.

The Vaccines that uses mRNA like Pfizer and Moderna modifies our DNA structure. Our very existence and identity which is our unique DNA will be altered. The long term effects are still unknown. Whether it will affect our reproduction organs, our offsprings, future births, long term effect on our organs, limps, etc.

90% or 94% efficacy rate over a few months is not a safe data for a vaccine that alters your DNA. Many in the USA, Europe and other parts of the world are beginning to question this. Many have just become aware of what these Vaccines will do after research.

I and my family will stay away from such Vaccines and continue to use masks and practice social distancing for at least 2 to 3 years until we are confident that its safe. Believe many will do the same.


2020-11-18 17:50 | Report Abuse

Windfall tax was not part of the unity budget proposal by PH or UMNO to the Finance Minister. The debate to consider is what has been proposed.


2020-11-18 17:41 | Report Abuse

No windfall tax. This will hurt EPF investment in TG. EPF will loose Millions. Will not have enough funds for account 1 withdrawal.


2020-11-18 17:39 | Report Abuse

This is just a collaboration agreement for priority access to Covid 19 Vaccine. But the Vaccine should be first approved by WHO. This will be sometime mid next year.

Anyways, this is good news as well. Vaccine is catalyst for glove. Will boost the glove demand.


2020-11-18 17:26 | Report Abuse

Finance Minister already confirmed no windfall tax. Just the 400M contribution. This has been agreed. Also now TG facing slow down in production due to workers being quarantined.


2020-11-18 10:55 | Report Abuse

One more positive Vaccine news. Good for glove rally.


2020-11-18 10:01 | Report Abuse

Any news on Vaccine will only boost the demand for glove. So Vaccine is the catalyst for glove. We have already confirmed and established that fact.

Also any increase in Covid 19 cases will also boost the demand for glove. Known and established fact.

So to all, it's a win win game all the way.

Don't listen to the negative noises that you hear. If you have noticed, yesterday was a classic example. Those who had followed the negative noises yesterday are now regretting because the sold cheap and loss a lot of money. If only they held on they could have prevented the losses and gained in return.

So lets learn from their mistakes. Hold and buy more when there is still time. All glove counters will rally up.


2020-11-18 10:01 | Report Abuse

Any news on Vaccine will only boost the demand for glove. So Vaccine is the catalyst for glove. We have already confirmed and established that fact.

Also any increase in Covid 19 cases will also boost the demand for glove. Known and established fact.

So to all, it's a win win game all the way.

Don't listen to the negative noises that you hear. If you have noticed, yesterday was a classic example. Those who had followed the negative noises yesterday are now regretting because the sold cheap and loss a lot of money. If only they held on they could have prevented the losses and gained in return.

So lets learn from their mistakes. Hold and buy more when there is still time. All glove counters will rally up.


2020-11-18 10:00 | Report Abuse

Any news on Vaccine will only boost the demand for glove. So Vaccine is the catalyst for glove. We have already confirmed and established that fact.

Also any increase in Covid 19 cases will also boost the demand for glove. Known and established fact.

So to all, it's a win win game all the way.

Don't listen to the negative noises that you hear. If you have noticed, yesterday was a classic example. Those who had followed the negative noises yesterday are now regretting because the sold cheap and loss a lot of money. If only they held on they could have prevented the losses and gained in return.

So lets learn from their mistakes. Hold and buy more when there is still time. All glove counters will rally up.


2020-11-18 10:00 | Report Abuse

Any news on Vaccine will only boost the demand for glove. So Vaccine is the catalyst for glove. We have already confirmed and established that fact.

Also any increase in Covid 19 cases will also boost the demand for glove. Known and established fact.

So to all, it's a win win game all the way.

Don't listen to the negative noises that you hear. If you have noticed, yesterday was a classic example. Those who had followed the negative noises yesterday are now regretting because the sold cheap and loss a lot of money. If only they held on they could have prevented the losses and gained in return.

So lets learn from their mistakes. Hold and buy more when there is still time. All glove counters will rally up.


2020-11-18 09:53 | Report Abuse

EPF does not have any stake in Supermax. So no worries.


2020-11-17 18:17 | Report Abuse

So now do you believe me when I say Vaccine is the catalyst for glove. Vaccine will boost the demand for glove to new heights. Any positive news on Vaccine will further boost glove demand. Similarly, any negative news will also boost its demand due delay in combating the virus.

The pandemic getting out of control, spreading, and number of new cases increasing in hundreds of thousand daily will also drive the demand for gloves.

So it's an inevitable boost at any circumstance. Win, Win Win all the way.

Glove is the next gold / oil commodity. Governments are stocking up gloves as their reserves, like the US dollars.


2020-11-17 14:39 | Report Abuse

Hahaha, good one. many more clowns out there. Maybe they can start a circus.


2020-11-17 14:16 | Report Abuse

Disagree. ASP and demand will continue to increase due to Vaccine.


2020-11-17 14:10 | Report Abuse

For all glove supporters, this is a truly Malaysian product. We are mature enough to ignore the noises. Good fundamentals will always prevail. Sentiments will only last for a while. It will then fade away like the noises that we hear.


2020-11-17 14:01 | Report Abuse

It was when humans first though the earth was flat, until they were enlightened with the truth.

Same analogy here. Soon they will realise that Vaccine is the catalyst for glove.


2020-11-17 13:53 | Report Abuse

Fundamentals are key. Glove earning Millions and Billions will overcome all this noise.


2020-11-17 13:48 | Report Abuse

On 4th Nov 2020, CIMB TP was 13.20. The fundamentals have not changed. Infact improved since then. The IBs are the manipulators.


2020-11-17 13:42 | Report Abuse

Glove counters are now on the uptrend. Will continue to go up from now.


2020-11-17 13:36 | Report Abuse

Disagree. Market has already factored that in. The perception is Vaccines are already ready for use. Now market is beginning to realise that Vaccines will boost the demand for glove. Vaccine is the catalyst for glove. This will be as low as it gets. From now on upward trend. Glove rally begins.


2020-11-17 12:40 | Report Abuse

Vaccine is the catalyst. Successful vaccine will boost demand for glove. Failed Vaccine will also boost demand. The new norm is that glove is required for the future. Its will be the next sought after commodity. Governments all over the world are stocking up gloves. Building up their reserves. Like oil and USD dollars.


2020-11-17 12:28 | Report Abuse

The catalyst for glove is Vaccine. Vaccine will be driving the glove demand now.

Share manipulators are trying to trap you by creating a panic sell, so that they can buy cheap and sell at TP 13 and above.


2020-11-17 12:25 | Report Abuse


This is Moderna Vaccine. Medical Staff preparing the vaccine to be injected into a test subject.

Pay attention to the gloves that she is wearing. This is proof that for vaccines, glove will be required. 2 doses X 8 Billion people.


2020-11-17 12:21 | Report Abuse

The worst is over now. Max bottom is RM 1.10. Well done for those who held and still holding. From now on, its all the way up to TP 3 and above.


2020-11-17 12:20 | Report Abuse

Its standard SOP that when you administer injections, you must where disposable gloves. See this for yourselves in every medical center and hospitals. They even charge you for it. Its one disposable glove per patient. So sharing. Your itemised bill is full charged for each glove used. The charged is not shared. Medical centers and hospitals will get into trouble if they do not follow SOP. Insurance will not cover them.


2020-11-17 12:19 | Report Abuse

The worst is over now. Max bottom is RM 2.38. Well done for those who held and still holding. From now on, its all the way up to TP 6 and above.


2020-11-17 12:17 | Report Abuse

Its standard SOP that when you administer injections, you must where disposable gloves. See this for yourselves in every medical center and hospitals. They even charge you for it. Its one disposable glove per patient. So sharing. Your itemised bill is full charged for each glove used. The charged is not shared. Medical centers and hospitals will get into trouble if they do not follow SOP. Insurance will not cover them.