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2020-05-25 15:02 | Report Abuse

If Supermax going 95% OBM, safe to assume massive stockpiling by governments of major markets taking place. Dont forget there are many OEM in Malaysia, they can use this services if they are willing to make less frm this. If can go 95% OBM, making less frm other segment shoulnt be a problem. Other OEMs also can make more frm Supermax business.
Win win situation!


2020-05-25 13:19 | Report Abuse

@minyang86 ya my friend also said its over valued....


Ya ya my friend also say before at rm2 also overvalued. Hahahaha.......

Thats why in stock market, listen to friend mostly will loose money. Must know who is expert la!

When u sick, ask friend what medicine to take ah? or ask doctor. Lousy doctor also hv. So u must know which specialist to consult.

News & Blogs

2020-05-25 10:52 | Report Abuse

The fact of the matter is, these guys provide valuable info and most of the time it is verifiable. U also must study la!

Blindly buy then blame people! Hehehe......

Phillip sometimes remind me of EPF.....hehehe..


2020-05-25 09:49 | Report Abuse

You better grab Gooshem as a friend before its too late. People of this level are getting to be a rare commodity!


2020-05-25 09:46 | Report Abuse

@GooShem Sharks may sell down gloves anytime soon. Over value.. All good news already factor in.
The profit only up 100%. Means supermx fully value at 2.5. Price was 1.2 early this year. Now 5.75.... Factor in next few quarters profit already. Ja better swap your money to tech, oil, AA, construction
25/05/2020 9:42 AM


You forgot to factor in your intelligence level................ Hahahaha...


2020-05-25 09:40 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak throw all your other shares n in glove stock on wednesday on any correction, last chance.


Exactly what i told my friends and family.
However, we can only bring a horse to water, we cant force it to drink!


2020-05-25 09:36 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak will asia melt down start from today ?


I feel safe in gloves!


2020-05-25 09:23 | Report Abuse

Ni Talib, ambik kesempatan bila cuti je!


2020-05-25 09:20 | Report Abuse

@chopstick 9/11 and covid-19 had caught everyone by surprise , so long term players might just be a DREAM . profit taking is the safer game, grand mother stories will be your children days


Clearly you havent travelled by plane before 9/11. For yr info drastic changes to flight security resulted after the sad event, things changed forever!
A new norm! Get it?

Chopstick, Talib looking fr a friend like you. Mayb you can contact him privately! Could be the start of a glorious friendship!


2020-05-25 09:08 | Report Abuse

@Talib when people said grow company, it fall to tech company, from 5g, then 6g and so on. but for glove company, once you hit your maximum output, you stuck with the maximum number of gloves that can be made only unless you build your capacity. understand or not? bodoh


Talib, go do home work first! Gloves one of the most consistant growth industry in the world. Companies hv been adding production output nearly every year fr past 20 years.

Also market demand just keeps on growing steadily because of population growth and awareness. Covid has bumped up awareness.

Global Disposable Gloves Market Report. The disposable gloves market size is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 14% during the period 2019–2025.

Ramai kat sini pandai la. Kenapa you panggil orang bodoh? Sebab you cari kawan ke? Dia orang sudah lama tak datang sini, tinggal u sorang je!

A friendly reminder, pls dont self abuse after Wednesday closing!


2020-05-25 00:53 | Report Abuse

Thank you YTH888.
Very clearly laid out.


2020-05-24 19:09 | Report Abuse

@Talib breaking news - Spain will welcome foreign tourists starting 1st July 2020.


Talib, u want to go to Spain? Hehehe....
Viral tourism strategy.... Hehehe...


2020-05-24 17:50 | Report Abuse

Talib similiarity between hengyuan and supermx
1. all become oil/gloves expert wannabe
2. all incorrectly calculate the future earning
3. give unrealistic tp like 20, 30, another nestle ect
4. same group of promoters - pang72, probability
5. abusive comments towards non supporters
6. some tycoon promote like mad


How incorrect calculation fr Supermax?

Show la your correct calculations!
I want to know yr correct!

Also pls dont forget not to abuse yourself after Wednesday closing!



2020-05-24 14:53 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak dunno why everyone keep abusing talib. everyone is freetospeak. we jus debate dun abuse.


Ok ok i stop!

Talib also pls agree not to self abuse after Wednesday closing.


2020-05-24 14:36 | Report Abuse

Talib, im sorry for the amount of abuse you got!
Actually what you deserve is a greater amount abuse.......... Hahahaha!

After Wednesday closing, u might even start self abuse.............. Hahahaha.....


2020-05-24 13:28 | Report Abuse

Guys! please show some class an resist temptation to promote Supermax at other forums.
Supermax already has phenomenal exposure eg. top performing stock of the week, topic of top 4 trending articles in I3, record smashing re-ratings by IBs, NHS news.......................... etc


2020-05-24 12:32 | Report Abuse

Good! quikly sell on Wednesday 9am, if you want yr nightmare to begin ASAP.



2020-05-24 12:07 | Report Abuse

OBM!!! OBM!!! OBM!!!


2020-05-24 10:12 | Report Abuse

Talib, you wait la! When Supermax donate cash fr vaccine developement, then you hv the clear picture. Game actually over, gloves won!


2020-05-24 10:05 | Report Abuse

My personal opinion is the percentage of deposit collected upon order is correlated to profit margin frm the order.


2020-05-23 23:08 | Report Abuse

Hahaha......... another new fool, use crytal ball strategy to invest!

Where is our Mickey Mouse? Miss him la. These new fools no fun la, very low grade!


2020-05-23 22:59 | Report Abuse

@Talib lol. same pattern with hengyuan last time. tp 20 lar tp30 lar. haha. all become gloves expert now, last time all is oil exoert.


Moron, are you comparing OnG to gloves?
See once you to talk abit more, clearly shows how foolish you are!

Hey fool, go and check any top four glove companies profit fr past 18 years and compare with Hengyuan.


2020-05-23 22:11 | Report Abuse

Talib, even as a troll you are lousy!

Im sure your life must be a total disaster!


2020-05-23 22:08 | Report Abuse

Talib another great news for mankind. thanks mf. looks like limit down is imminent
23/05/2020 9:56 PM


Hahahaha........ Talib, we heard all this and more. At least the earlier guys tried to give some calculations. Even among the sour grapes, you hv no standard! Go and learn some new strategies then come back!

Actually you are one of the weakest of the string of doomday prophets who have graced this forum.

Chicken! No wonder la holiday only talk alot, sure Wednesday will resume shamefull silence again.


2020-05-23 21:56 | Report Abuse

@sharez talib u buy stupid hibiscus share, we will buy hibiscus flower
23/05/2020 9:51 PM




2020-05-23 21:16 | Report Abuse

PureBULL ... to sifu Talib

happy hari.raya n more ...
23/05/2020 1:29 PM




2020-05-23 21:12 | Report Abuse

Hahaha....... then who is the idiot who refer to him as Sifu earlier, he must be another nutcase!


2020-05-23 21:05 | Report Abuse

Talib do you hv any followers ? All run away is it? Loose alot of money?

Seems like you are on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Why so desperate?

Very very bad for yr mental health to be constantly proven wrong month after month after month............poor thing!


2020-05-23 18:49 | Report Abuse

Talib purebull already pass the head. drop is imminent
23/05/2020 6:21 PM


Many sifus are gradually loosing credibility by reapeating this. Just like the new norm, if this continues fr next few quarters, new sifus will naturally take over.

The decision is yours....


2020-05-23 14:11 | Report Abuse

Soon MCO will be over, then many of you guys can get together and organise a picket protest at glove companies and IBs headquaters against the injustice of doing well in business and making many investors tooooo rich!!!!!

Hahahahaha..............Can already imagine it!
Real funny sight!
Since you guys are into humour, I would like to recomend a great book, a very funny one, its called
'Confederacy of Dunces'


2020-05-23 13:59 | Report Abuse

@Talib even panda also said sell gloves. he a super guy


You can hv super guy, i want Super Max!


2020-05-23 13:50 | Report Abuse

Joyvest, any tips for the future?


2020-05-23 10:20 | Report Abuse

@joyvest i am not concerned with the " time frame " of delivery of the vaccine. What matters most to the Market is the " hope and optimism of the vaccine " . The moment the hope and optimism is delivered, it s basically game over "
23/05/2020 9:48 AM

@joyvest every time you guys talk about the quantitative factors. by the same token, we must consider the qualitative factors as well............... no matter how good the business is , if there is no confidence in the market , it is all back to square one......
23/05/2020 9:57 AM

@joyvest well, if the closing is good , then it could be due to the fact that investors are just ignorant of such news and/or the blinds just follow the blinds on a snow balls rolling effect. I hope it is not burst when the reality is becoming to set in ..............


Make up yr mind!
Try yr best to snap out of this peptual state of confusion.......!


2020-05-23 10:04 | Report Abuse

@joyvest i am not concerned with the " time frame " of delivery of the vaccine. What matters most to the Market is the " hope and optimism of the vaccine " . The moment the hope and optimism is delivered, it s basically game over "


Market already desensitised after many such news, so the number of investors sharing yr concerns are depleting rapidly. You will see on Wednesday. I hope this will be the last lesson fr you. After this Wednesday closing if still dont get it, hv no choice but to categorise u as .........


2020-05-23 09:47 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak Targeted, there is no export data readily for free on market to others except to US. But the US export data represent 60% of total export of supermax.So if export to US gonna hit all time high from apr to assured other place is the same.


True, sharp and diligent


2020-05-23 09:39 | Report Abuse


Game already over la! Gloves already won, lead time fr delivery already streched to almost 12 months. Great hygene awarness already created, approaching virus and bacteria will never be the same again. Direction of new norms have been firmly established.

I am hoping they speed up vaccine trails and roll it out ASAP, however a best 12-18 months!


2020-05-23 09:16 | Report Abuse

OBM!!! OBM!!! OBM!!!



2020-05-23 08:55 | Report Abuse

freetospeak If the past 10 yrs belongs to stanley thai glove, the next 10 year belong cecile thai aveo lens. 2020/2021 is the turning point of contact lens business. With rm60 billion worldwide market to be tapped. With a high margin. And a trend towrds using cheap disposable online subscription plan since covid lockdown. Lets support our own home grown contact lens manufacturer.


Ive been using Aveo lenses fr about past 1 year. Have tried all major brands, after trying Aveo no turning back!
By far the best! No kidding! Hard to explain, but it feels more moist and fresh fr longer.

A great product with Supermax marketing abilities, Ive no doubt that it will eventually become a huge success.

To those contacts consumers, I strongly recomend trying Aveo


2020-05-23 08:06 | Report Abuse

PureBULL ... Certainly OTB is the true sifu in i3.
Stock like supermx that he called at right timing 360 is the Ms Universe stock now!
Perfect score to sifu OTB. More is coming ...

Any stocks that he calls in future that can fly immediately, will be the Ms U stock on klse.
jaks undoubtedly is far from not!


Yes, with regards to Supermax, the ulimate pandemic beneficiary, the history is already written and can be reviewed.....while the future is gradually getting clearer fr the masses.

Along the way there hv been several outstanding heroes, a pioneering few even had unshakable and unbreakable convictions that withstood a price decline frm 1.90 all the way down to 1.30,
amazing grit!

Very early, early, just on time, optimum time, slightly late, left early .......its in reviewable written history.....and cant be altered. Only the future can be......

Deserving very special mention is Sifu Pang72, Sifu Kim and our extremely talented Sifu freetospeak.


2020-05-22 16:35 | Report Abuse

OBM!!! OBM!!! OBM!!!


2020-05-22 16:24 | Report Abuse

Maxam I think C88 is flying because it is the cheapest warrant but very high premium already


I think ure right, cant be because of the expiry date. Has to be the cheap cost per warrant thats attracting the premium.

C88 - expiry 26 Jan 2021- premium 26.62%
C87 - expiry 22 Jan 2021- premium 1.9%


2020-05-22 15:36 | Report Abuse

Any warrant sifu can help explain why c88 is trading at a much higher premium compared to c87 when both are expiring in january 2021?


2020-05-22 14:16 | Report Abuse

@freetospeak supermax obm can buy from topglove n rebrand it to sell double dun earn much...distriubtor n retailer earn the most....all those pharmacy crazily hike up price of those ppe to bottle of sanitizer 3 x last time price...but the manufactuer dun charge 3x more to distributor....supermax rise 3 x becoz supermax earn 3 x more already. if O n G can earn 3 x more of course will rerate 3 x.


Yes, i hv been thinking of the 200 tons recently delivered to NHS frm Malaysia. Only Supermax has the licence. So is it possible that Super uses in own production cap. to fullfill the NHS licence obligation and use other OEM services to cater fr other less regulated clients?

Hmmmmm............ 200 tons one shot......


2020-05-22 14:06 | Report Abuse

Joyvest seems to be in a constant state of confusion, resulting in a lack of ability to decide and act with conviction.
This is however a challange everybody faces, the difference is some are able to overcome this challenge.
Its takes experience and conscious practice to achieve this.


2020-05-22 09:53 | Report Abuse

How many days market closed fr raya?


2020-05-22 09:24 | Report Abuse

Calling Geco, anybody home?

Hhahahaha........ Funnieee....


2020-05-22 09:07 | Report Abuse

Hey Geco,!morning session not over, no need to celebrate too early!!!


2020-05-22 08:59 | Report Abuse

Geco ure new here. In This forum 'con' has become a positif word, thx to people like you!!
If you dont believe just watch the morning session, im sure u will understand! Everytime people say 'con' its a signal to buy!!! Watch and learn, little boy!


2020-05-22 08:48 | Report Abuse

Wow, record number of reratings.......hahahaha

This record will stand fr a long time!