
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-09-11 18:33 | Report Abuse

PM Sabri is so insubordinate against Umno! And yet Zahid looks like toothless dog!


2022-09-11 18:32 | Report Abuse

Yet again, Zahid demand PM Sabri to dissolve parliment! And yet again his call will be ignored!
The perception is that, Zahid is powerless despite been Umno president! The more PM Sabri ignores Zahid, the weaker Zahid in eyes of Umno members!
As president, Umno should just sack PM Sabri from Umno immediately!

News & Blogs

2022-09-11 17:12 | Report Abuse

DAP national chairman Lim Guan Eng has urged Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri M. Saravanan to relinquish his ministerial portfolio after only 12 per cent of foreign workers successfully entered Malaysia to help plug labour shortages

Answer : Yeah! LGE true colour! Slave to his tycoon friends! No different from Mahathir! The only difference, Mahathir would say locals are lazy!

News & Blogs

2022-09-11 17:10 | Report Abuse

If you work in those whiteman companies, you are sure to be paid handsomely! Come on, don't lie! Those who work in Nestle, Carlsberg, those tobacco companies are getting 5 figure salary easily! So yeah, between chinaman vs whiteman company, the choice is obvious!

News & Blogs

2022-09-11 17:07 | Report Abuse

Sure! If there's a huge prospect of upward potential and salary increment, please, work hard at it!
But let's be honest! In chinaman companies, you are expected to do elephant work for peanuts! Your chinaman boss has huge expectation of you despite paying you the minimum salary! Unless you work there to gain experience, staying and expecting things to get you better remunation is out of the question!

News & Blogs

2022-09-11 17:03 | Report Abuse

I hope Malaysia would standardize all charging station to be DC! Please don't install AC charger, it's just not practical and too slow! As for range anxiety, as long as charging stations are easily available, it's non issue!

News & Blogs

2022-09-11 14:52 | Report Abuse

Gone are the days where fresh graduates are getting peanuts and employers expect them to work beyond their scope!
That's why you see majority no longer interested to further their studies! I don't blame them! Education is free, degree is paid! And degree nowadays, in fact even decades ago are useless! The difference between those who are getting high pay and low pay is cable! If you come from T20 family, chances of you getting employ with super high pay is very good! If you come from B40 even with excellent result, you degree is useless! In fact many of those T20 children didn't even bother to study during their undergrad! Why because, they can pay for their degree!

News & Blogs

2022-09-11 14:31 | Report Abuse

Muda is a spoiler fro Harapan! Muda only rely on Harapan voters! They don't have support at all! No lost at all if Muda is not included!


2022-09-11 14:30 | Report Abuse

Actually, it's a shame that Khairy only rely on Rembau to extend his political career! What is he so afraid of! Harapan leaders can field themselves in hostile territory!


2022-09-10 23:30 | Report Abuse

Having children are expensive nowadays! Not easy! Many said that the previous generation can rise a family with small salary but those days, they don't have much expenditure and cost of living were very reasonable!
Nowadays, you can't even operate without smartphone! You have tons of bills to pay! Salary has been stagnant for over 2 decades because you know, Malaysia loves cheap migrants!
Many already emptied their EPF, just to give you the reality of malaysians! They can't even afford to send their children for further studies! Thankfully 70% do not intend to further studies which is a relief!
And yes, those who are well off especially the boomers generation which are the wealthiest generation, saw their children migrant elsewhere!
But for Gen Z, i say they will see things getting worse and worse! Just look at inflation rate that we never saw coming! Owning property is a thing of the past for most Gen Z malaysians!
Why, i better not share! Something that i know best kept a secret! Many just a hint! Capitalism is the biatch of this new era!


2022-09-10 23:09 | Report Abuse

I have only one kid! He can't wait to get our from the house! Want to be independent! But hey, not complaining! Maybe he hates it everytime i joke about him looking like Kim Jong Un! He is near 30, married with a newborn daughter!
Now living with wifey only!
This is another reality that most dare not talk about! Even if you have a dozen children, chances are, by the time they are adult and working, they won't have time for you! So end up, even if you have a huge mansion, eventually it will turn into empty nest! Don't be surprise many old folks die alone and nobody knew about it!
In Europe, they have service where health workers will come and visit every week and they provide emergency device in case of emergency!

News & Blogs

2022-09-10 17:36 | Report Abuse

Tree! It's not the ordinary people we are talking about! It's the leaders! UN is full of self serving leaders!

News & Blogs

2022-09-10 16:06 | Report Abuse

Education is free! Degree is paid! Nowadays, degree is just plain useless! Fresh grads end up going to hundreds of interviews only to land a job paying 1.5k a month!
That's why nowadays, majority skip going for further studies! Better go for vokasional training! A skill workers are high in demand! Especially in those dangerous jobs! Take highly trained electrician for example, can easily beat general doctor salary anytime of the day!

News & Blogs

2022-09-10 16:02 | Report Abuse

Easy for King to preach others! He is born with diamond spoon! Try living on 1.5k salary per month!


2022-09-10 16:01 | Report Abuse

For the younger generation especially the Gen Z, their aging rate are even faster! Just look at them! So obese to begin with! I mean, living with extra person on your body is a total burden! Most are overweight by 30kg thanks to US fast food culture that are flooding our lives!
If you are obese, eventually all the health issues will bring you down very fast! Some are fortunate! They simply die standing due to heart attack! But most will suffer tons of health issues,a self inflicted food indulgence!


2022-09-10 15:57 | Report Abuse

Dickyme! Yeah, true! When you are young and energetic, and arrogant, we would think that we will remain such forever!
But once pass the age of 60, the energy level drastically drop! I can imagine by 70, i may have to walk with a stick, so do the rest of us! Yeah, i kinda scared because i seen majority old folks can barely walk! They only sit all day long, walk to bathroom to once in the while! You think they are watching tv all day long but to some, they can't even see, you know, those thick cataract blocking their eyes! And you need to shout to tell them something because their ear drum are failing!
This is something most of us don't even dare to talk about!


2022-09-10 15:46 | Report Abuse

Anthony! Yeah, you seems to have good knowledge of property! True, developers want to make biggest margin ever!
Actually shoplots are the fattest margin! And using less brick and mortar also part of cutting corners to get as much margin as possible!
That's why i hate those with huge windows because i know, the only reason developers are doing so is because, brick and mortar are expensive! For buyers, they going to spend alot buying curtains! Or get them tinted! Or else it's going to be oven inside such property!
That's why when i buy old property, i make sure to change the spec to smaller windows! To me 6 feet by 4 feet is the best window configuration! And each room only has one side with windows and other 3 walls are fully bricked! This is to ensure when you switch on your air cond, the tempeture remain cooler for longer!


2022-09-10 14:31 | Report Abuse

Decades ago, developers only go for single storey! Then in 80s we saw this double storey thingy became a trend! Then 2000 onward, triple storey was the rage! However, as we get older and pass 70, those double or triple storey will become a huge burden! Installing private lift is one big expenditure! You looking at 20k to 100k for those simpler ones! So yeah, nothing like good size single storey will ample space at the back for gardening!

News & Blogs

2022-09-10 14:28 | Report Abuse

Yeah! Get rid of UNHCR! Another tool of western nations to control Asia!

News & Blogs

2022-09-10 14:27 | Report Abuse

PM Sabri has always been 'tuan melayu' leader! No surprise there!


2022-09-10 14:21 | Report Abuse

Yeah! Khairy should join Harapan!


2022-09-10 03:18 | Report Abuse

During rejuvation of Umno, Khairy ceramahs were also not that popular! Hardly able to attract crowd to hear him speech! Perhaps the only reason why Khairy is so good is that he is among few competent minister around!


2022-09-10 03:15 | Report Abuse

So yeah, it seems Harapan leaders are talking about Khairy as if Khairy is Harapan candidate!
But to be honest, Khairy no longer popular with voters! Especially after his superb handling of Covid pandemic!
I mean, if Khairy is so popular like what Harapan leaders are bragging about, then how come Khairy dare not go against Anwar Ibrahim in Port Dickson! Or other places like what other Harapan leaders have been doing for so long!
Even Senior Lim dare to be field in Johor! Then why not Khairy field himself outside of N. Sembilan!
Truth to be told, without Rembau, Khairy is nobody! So best to admit he is just a N. Sembilan boy or to be specific Rembau boy that dare not venture outside the box!


2022-09-10 00:16 | Report Abuse

Lurker! The newer ones yes! But those built 7 years back, they didn't plan for private lift! Bare in mind, this type of lift requires maintenance every 3 months! It's not maintenance free you know! Another big fat home expenditure!


2022-09-09 20:37 | Report Abuse

I see more and more housing are build to showoff that to actually provide full function! I have seen so many high end condos with zero sense functions, all for sake of showoff to friends and family how great and expensive their new toy is! Pointless!


2022-09-09 20:33 | Report Abuse

Yeah! You can't build land! It's limited! Anyway, what is most important is the space that you need! You need kitchen, living room, bedroom and of course bathroom!
If you ask the europeans, they will be shocked that we have master bedroom with attached bathroom! It's non existent to them! In fact in the olden days, usually a house consist of like 2 or 3 bedroom with one bathroom!
Today however, you can even find triple storey bungalows with 3 master bedroom with attached bathroom! It's totally wasteful!


2022-09-09 20:20 | Report Abuse

Anthony! Yeah, I only beginning to notice those huge triple storey bungalows are complete waste! I mean, would you climb all the way to 3rd storey everyday! Sure, if you are young and strong, no problem! But once you hit above 70, those stairs are really pain! And end up nobody living there as even their children hardly come and visit!
Better live in single storey with beautiful garden!


2022-09-09 19:47 | Report Abuse

Oh yeah, wifey already on tons of medication! Fortunately i am a bit active, always walk to shops almost daily, still not on medication! That too already cost her like 1k a month!


2022-09-09 19:45 | Report Abuse

Teeth! Don't mention about it! Already sink like 10k doing this and that! And mine you, it's consider minor repair!


2022-09-09 19:44 | Report Abuse

Tree! Yeah, you can joke about it but as you grow older, you eyes will lose it's clarity! Please prepare 8k for cataract surgery! Did mine at Optimax! Only took 15 minutes but boy, it's expensive!

News & Blogs

2022-09-09 19:42 | Report Abuse

Umno too corrupted beyond repair! Election time, use 'BN' to bait all malaysians regardless of race or religion! But once you give them power, they will scream and shout 'tuan melayu' using non malays are their bogeymen! Now non malays are so fed up with Umno that they won't dare to vote for BN anymore! Wait, BN doesn't exist already!

News & Blogs

2022-09-09 19:41 | Report Abuse

The Lims exploited local chinese just like Pas fake holymen exploited malay muslims! One using race and the other using both race and religion!


2022-09-09 15:16 | Report Abuse

My advise to future home buyers, buy double storey house but make sure to make you have space to convert portion on the ground floor into master bedroom!
Because by the age of 70 and above, you will not be able to climb those steps up to the next floor!


2022-09-09 15:14 | Report Abuse

Yeah, that the reality of growing old you know!


2022-09-09 15:13 | Report Abuse

The idea is, to slowly use the upper floor as our storage area! We also plan to install those chair thingy that can go up and down the stair!


2022-09-09 15:11 | Report Abuse

Because of that, i have decided to convert one of our room on the ground floor into our master bedroom! Just in case, one fine day, both of us will not be able to go to the 2nd floor anymore!


2022-09-09 15:10 | Report Abuse

And i notice many older folks walking with stick or those thing with wheels that you push around like a cart! Scary!


2022-09-09 15:09 | Report Abuse

Which prompt me to think of the future! What if one day me and wifey can't afford to go up the stair anymore! Both of us already above 60! So probably if we live pass 70, do both of us still able to go up the flight of stairs! I doubt it!


2022-09-09 15:08 | Report Abuse

This trend of buying double even triple storey landed house has become a malaysian thingy! Owning a double storey landed is considered as form of success! Heck, i have many but i don't consider it as a success rather investment!
However, of late, i do notice that going up and down the stairs has become a burden! No, my legs are perfectly fine! I still can outrun dogs chasing me if situation warrant that!


2022-09-09 14:34 | Report Abuse

So yeah, i am slowing buying more stocks!


2022-09-09 14:34 | Report Abuse

As expected, Bank Negara rise interest rate! That's a big signal to buy stocks!
PLCs will have no choice but to rise capital from bursa! But they also need to get investors excited and jack up their stock price!

News & Blogs

2022-09-09 14:29 | Report Abuse

Yeah, we have too many political dinosaurs! One of the reason why Malaysia is failing!

News & Blogs

2022-09-09 14:28 | Report Abuse

Malays above 60 years old will probably still vote for Umno! But below that, most of them will not!

News & Blogs

2022-09-09 14:27 | Report Abuse

Qqq3! US will go the same path as UK! Once upon a time, Great Britain rule the world! Today, UK is full of migrants who are demanding more rights that ever!


2022-09-09 14:26 | Report Abuse

Harapan also doesn't even dare to showcase their shadow cabinet! Look, if you have capable leaders to fill all the ministry, i am sure that will be the biggest selling point for voting Harapan!