
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-09-22 18:43 | Report Abuse

Hence, maybe this is the reason why local chinese are so good in business! Beside how to calculate good profit margin in running business! They keep customers happy!
I mean, just go to government agency! Yeah, government agencies are running business too you know! What, you think they are there to help rakyat only! Government agencies are generating income for the government too!
If government agency have significant presence of local chinese, i am sure, we would get better service as well! Unfortunately, it's like 100% malays nowadays! Because this 100% malay only policy, they don't learn from other races! How to tackle problems with ease and send rakyat happy! So you get sour face civil servants and very unhappy rakyat in return!


2022-09-22 18:39 | Report Abuse

Among all races in Malaysia, i would say, local chinese are the most cheerful despite struggle with many challenges in life!
Maybe it's genetic! Maybe because of 5 thousand years of culture! I really dont' know!
You can really tell the difference! If you enter shop run by chinese, you get a respectful welcome and a warm thank you for you visit! And of course, the know how of thngs are much better like, repairing you car, usually, the boss will explain in detail how and what are done to your car! Well, not all of course as there are bad hats too!
Basically even malays would patronage chinese shops due to better customer service!
I do once in the while eat in malay shops! And yeah, malay food are indeed very delicious except that it's quite fattening due to generous use of santan, sugar and so forth! But the level of customer service not as welcoming as chinese! Maybe because i am chinese but i do see even among malays, the service is the same! It's like they are not as enthusiastic!

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2022-09-22 18:25 | Report Abuse

Yeah! Basically the separatists like Donbask region hard to recapture!


2022-09-22 18:23 | Report Abuse

Anwar and Zahid are true teacher and student! We should see plenty of gaffe from them!
Luckily for Anwar, now he has Rafizi to coverup his mess! As for Zahid, i think Tok Mat would rather sit on the sideline! I mean, why would he damage his reputation!


2022-09-22 18:19 | Report Abuse

Don't worry guys! We will be entertained! Just prepare alot of popcorns! I mean, Zahid will break into more comic gaffe!


2022-09-22 18:18 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! Zahid is very entertaining indeed! After making a fierce speech in front of Umno members that he is willing to swim in flood water just to get voters, suddenly he is claiming everybody twisting his arms!

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2022-09-22 18:05 | Report Abuse

I don't know what Putin is thinking but seems Qqq333 really know his backhole very well!
But analysing the situation in Ukraine objectively, it's hard for Russian army to win it! Reason been, it's already half a year, and they are losing alot of occupied territories! Furthermore, Russia is running out of missiles! Ukraine already recapture their air space! Basically, Russia warplanes will be shot down using latest arms provided by US!
Ukraine also capture plenty of arms from deserting russian soldiers! It's Aghanistan all over again for Russia!
Don't compare to Crimea! It was walk in the park for Russia back then! This round, ukrainians are willing to die for their sovereignty!

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2022-09-22 17:22 | Report Abuse

BN or Harapan, it's the same! If Harapan was totally idolized Mahathir, don't be surprise BN worship Zahid as their new God!

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2022-09-22 17:20 | Report Abuse

Yeah! How can we forget Senior Lim turn like puppy the moment Mahathir became PM for Harapan!

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2022-09-22 12:51 | Report Abuse

Yeah! Now send civilians to fail invasion! Brilliant idea!

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2022-09-22 12:49 | Report Abuse

Plenty of gaffe from Zahid Hamidi! This dude just the right spokeperson for Umno! Unlike Tok Mat or Bosku who can speak with conviction! Everytime Zahid speaks, Umno lose votes! Let it be! Good for Umno in general! Sure to lose GE15 if Zahid leads!

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2022-09-22 03:59 | Report Abuse

We may end up with deep multipolar world! I am doubting enlightens will be able to control course of the world! Maybe in western hemiphere but in Asia, CCP will dominate!
Eventually, Asia will decoupled from western hemisphere! But looking at current geopolitics, western nations will lose out! Blame US for all this decoupling! US has been too busy engineering war here and there!
China has been busy building infrastruture all over the world!
Take Africa for example! US and EU has been colonizing Africa countries and engineered so many civil wars, supplying arms! Then came China, then civil wars have lesser alot! Nowadays africans are busy fighting over materializing things! China extract natural resources from Africa and africans getting goods from China!
Then US suddenly realise that selling arms to africans no longer profitable! Africans simply get bored playing civil war! Just like the rest of us, africans are wagging war in social media like Tiktok!

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2022-09-22 03:51 | Report Abuse

Qqq! I don't take side! I am just reporting it as it is! Ukraine invasion is a failure! It is what it is!
Chairman Xi is no dumbass either! He won't cover for Putin! Chairman Xi will extend his friendship for Putin replacement!
We are living in a dynamic era! The elitists have their own ambition! You have US enlightens who hava deep thirst to dominant the world! Then you have CCP who wants to dominant narrative of humanity too!
Then you have Putin who is absolutely corrupted by absolute power for far too long! Tried to take credit for CCP global domination, but hey, you think Chairman Xi wants two tiger on top of the mountain!

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2022-09-22 02:13 | Report Abuse

Putin already checkmated! Even Chairman Xi who idolized Putin now keep a distant!

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2022-09-21 20:04 | Report Abuse

Alot of russian weapons fallen to ukrainians now! Go figure!

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2022-09-21 20:02 | Report Abuse

Wait for winter! It's game over for you know who!

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2022-09-21 19:15 | Report Abuse

Actually its better to hold GE15 during monsoon! So that Umno can be defeated easily!

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2022-09-21 17:41 | Report Abuse

Furthermore, no Asia country will lead a help to Taiwan! Japan can't do much! Even Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand would rather close their eyes! Why try to defend Taiwan, its' non of their business! Only US and the enlightens are so shiok over it because of the billions to be made from sales of arms!

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2022-09-21 17:39 | Report Abuse

Taiwan is an island! Decade from now, US will be too poor to help! Trust me, US will be another Japan in a decade time! Taiwan just relying on US!
In a decade, China will master even lead chip industry! China doesn't need Taiwan by that time! Basically, Taiwan only bargaining chip is total goner!
I say, Taiwanese doesn't realise what they are fighting! Look at Hong Kong! Already succumb to CCP pressure! Taiwan is juat matter of time!

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2022-09-21 17:34 | Report Abuse

Sending off civilians to war! That's an act of desperation on Putin side! It's all about supply chain! If Ukraine keep destroying main supply chain, then it's really useless to send more troops!


2022-09-21 16:55 | Report Abuse

Russia has been in timewarp for too long! Putin didn't do anything to improve Russia! All spent on mega yatchs and useless spending on military! We already seen how Putin system was co corrupted, Russia military equipment were so poorly provided!

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2022-09-21 16:52 | Report Abuse

This is the best way forward! We are looking forward for peaceful reunification of China Taiwan! A peaceful reunification will only bring much prosperity for Asia as a whole! Don't let US and it's enlightens bring chaos to Asia!


2022-09-21 00:58 | Report Abuse

Anyway, Putin is an island! He tried to sell Russia China hegemony but Chairman Xi is distancing himself from loser Putin! I mean, why share the credit when China has been doing all the heavy lifting! While let Putin take the credit for all CCP hard work! There's no place for 2 tigers on top of absolute power! Especially Putin which has proven failure in Ukraine invasion!


2022-09-21 00:56 | Report Abuse

And the enlightens are smilling ear to ear! Heck, why not launch another war in Asia right! Keep Asia people join the suffering and misery like what europeans are right now! That's right, europeans are going hungry and this winter, they are certain not to get any heating source! Probably many will die due to cold!
I mean, if the enligthens do not have problem with that, while making tons of bilions from Ukraine, then why not spread such golden opportunity to Asia too!


2022-09-21 00:54 | Report Abuse

That's right! Oil will become cheaper and you get cheapest still from Russia!
Meaning, Russia even at current market price will translate into losses as their can't no support Russia budget anymore! And of course, Russia can't afford to finance Ukraine war any longer!
That's why you see russian soldiers just giving up and running back to Russia! Because they know they ain't going to get supply anytime soon and future supplies will be certain halt!


2022-09-21 00:52 | Report Abuse

Anyway, UKraine invasion has turn into epic humiliation for Putin! Making thing worse for him, oil price is getting lower! Mind you, Russia is now selling oil at 30% discount to China and India! No wonder Indonesia is importing from Russia as well! I mean, why pay the Saudi when you can get it from Russia at discount right!


2022-09-21 00:50 | Report Abuse

Yeah, oil going to drop and drop and drop! Demand is not like it used to be! EVs are getting mainstream simply because it's better that ICE cars!

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2022-09-20 20:12 | Report Abuse

Let's hope sanity prevail and Taiwan China able to resolve their difference! Or else a civil war will greatly land Asia into devastating economic turmoil!

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2022-09-20 20:11 | Report Abuse

Yeah, US confirms they want to create another war after Ukraine invasion has humiliated Russia!
Chairman Xi already distancing himself from Putin! US now moving on to create heighten Taiwan China tension and eventually explode into war!
I hope Asia leaders would not take side like what EU has done! Today, europeans are suffering greatly! The enlightens do not care if millons of ukrainians or european go hungry due to Ukraine invasion! For US obligahs, humanity suffering is a huge opportunity to make billions! That's the only thing matters to them!

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2022-09-20 19:43 | Report Abuse

Speakup! Agreed! It's time for Harapan to speak for all malaysians! All this victim cards used by Hadi or the Lims or those corrupted Umno leaders are outdated! It's very divisive and only create alot of animosity! LGE should highlight how those in outskirts are not getting enough fundings! There are still plenty of dipliated schools in interiors! Not another ploy how chinese or indians are treated 2nd class all over again! Heck, bumis are treated 3rd class by BN Umno for decades yet the Lims turn it into a joke even insults!

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2022-09-20 17:39 | Report Abuse

Ks55! Britain nowadays good for their softpower! Just look at football! You really thing British football that good! No, they are lousy but the most marketable and income generating!

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2022-09-20 17:16 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Yeah, Pas fake holymen are the true socialists! Useless ministers! 'Gaji buta' is their only aim!

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2022-09-20 17:08 | Report Abuse

Pas fake holymen have nothing offer! Just bunch of useless parasites exploiting Islam!

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2022-09-20 17:07 | Report Abuse

Beinvested! That's a good fairy tale!

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2022-09-20 15:43 | Report Abuse

British monarchy generate huge revenue for Britain! Even Queen Elizabeth funeral generate income for Britain! Unlike other royals, Britain royals are working! That's why they call it working royals!

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2022-09-20 15:33 | Report Abuse

As for Mohiden and Sabri, both are lousy in international relation! Mohiden has killed HSR just to satisfy his cronies! Sabri is too busy with his bahasa agenda!

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2022-09-20 15:31 | Report Abuse

To be honest, Assmin Ali did a good job handling his portfolio! We saw outstanding 2nd quarter GDP! Unfortunately for him, his political career is dead!

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2022-09-20 01:49 | Report Abuse

I believe, if Harapan actually grow up and tell us the harsh truth, we can take it! As long as you guys are competent for the tough job ahead!
Please! Don't scream and shout thinking once you get power, you can play the same nonsense that BN Umno has played for so long! We simply can't afford it anymore!
Malaysia already cross the point of no return! Another term of self inflicted and imcompetent leadership, we are tossed for good!
Just look at US and EU! They already lost it and they dont' even want to admit it! Same with Putin! He blew it big time with Ukraine invasion!
Whether you like it or not, if the next administration can't get their act together, we will lost our sovereignty!


2022-09-20 01:45 | Report Abuse

Speaking for all malaysians regardless of race and religion, we want competent lawmakers in Putrajaya! Lawmakers who are fit for the job!
And the harsh reality that we cannot make sweet fake promises! Nation need income and GST is not something we can do without! Or removing tariff on goods like imported cars and so forth! In the end, Malaysia ends up with no income!
Or demand that we continue to take in more cheap migrant workers! That will only bleed our ringgit to death!


2022-09-20 01:43 | Report Abuse

Yes! I want Harapan to win! Yes! Like most of us, we want better government in Putrajaya! And yes, we want corrupt free government!
But i assure you, Harapan leaders can't resist the abuse of power and corruption! The moment you taste the power, everything you have promse to rakyat quickly forgotten!
To naive malaysians, they thought democracy is all about the beautiful picture of Utopia nation that prophets and lawmakers promise us! All promise us heaven! But instead we get the same hellish journey!


2022-09-20 01:40 | Report Abuse

It's pity to see the same narrative coming from the Lims, Mat Sabu and Anwar! They retire need to retire if they can't become best option for rakyat!
We have been on this road before! You can be the best opposition but they moment you are given the power by rakyat, you guys really mess up big time!
Look! We can see that Harapan is very divided! We know the Lims want to be dominate and regard Amanah and PKR as subordinates!
And it's predictable what Harapan administration can offer! The same no GST! The same 'reform' that never materialize! The same shouting and screaming but end of the day, nothing right will be done for rakyat and this nation!
Malaysia really can't afford another 22 months of self inflicted leadership!

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2022-09-19 23:56 | Report Abuse

Tommy Thomas should know better! He said current all malay government has failed! This is no different from Hadi who said that non malays are corrupted!
This should be lesson to all politicians and lawmakers! Stop using race and religion card!

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2022-09-19 18:44 | Report Abuse

Senior LIm should retire! Make way for those between 40-60!


2022-09-19 05:37 | Report Abuse

But for sure, younger malay voters will be with PKR going forward! So Rafizi assessment that 30% of majority malay will vote for PKR is spot on!
But perhaps such figure will only grow given current turmoil in Umno itself!


2022-09-19 05:35 | Report Abuse

With a very tainted reputation, Umno no longer enjoy support from younger malay voters!
More so that it's now confirm, Zahid Hamidi will lead BN Umno into GE15! You know i know even Umno members can't stomach such corrupted leader!
The major change was when Rafizi came back as active leader in PKR! Hunger for change, majority malays may finally cross over to PKR!