
Trevor777 | Joined since 2020-12-06

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2021-06-30 10:57 | Report Abuse

You really need to be locked up for your own sake.


2021-06-30 10:56 | Report Abuse

Hope your wife knows about your sick condition and report to the Police to keep your own children safe!


2021-06-30 10:51 | Report Abuse

Sore loser with foul mouth, cannot face the FACTS....didn't know you're also suffering from pedophilia too. Get help.


2021-06-30 10:33 | Report Abuse

When you step into a GLC, you're in the Tiger's lair. Countdown has begun..3rd LAST day. Good Luck,.... you may need a lot of it.


2021-06-30 10:28 | Report Abuse

Ever wondered why all Utilities, Medical, Food, Fisheries, even Natural resources are under the Government? They never lose, you do....


2021-06-30 10:26 | Report Abuse

Yes, buy more, buy, buy, buy one way ticket to...


2021-06-30 09:57 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-30 09:39 | Report Abuse

Is this all you have to show? Below 5.50? How to get past 6.00? 7.20? 10.00? 15.00? Some even said 20.00?


2021-06-29 22:19 | Report Abuse

@jlex11....I understand you're not one to be posting Fake News..but thanks for your understanding. There are others trying to create fear out of Nothing.

No offense meant towards you, I hope.


2021-06-29 22:13 | Report Abuse

Maybe these 2,000 lots is a mis-sell, wrongly pressed Sell instead of BUY, inadvertently causing a SHORT....hahahaha


2021-06-29 22:05 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...not sure who has the better jokes...these Fake news makers, or the dumbest group of Shorties ever to walk the Earth.

Hahahaha...want to short Dnex at this price levels???? Greatest joke ever...


2021-06-29 21:44 | Report Abuse

Have news for you, WE DON'T SCARE EASILY!

Today 29th June, only 2,000 lots shorts in a 49,700 lots traded? Shorties usually do their homework before moving in. Tell us again when there are heavier additional listing, other than that, be prepared to get BURNED.

Better still, we'll introduce you to a friend, please meet GAMESTOP of Malaysia.

Bring it on!


2021-06-29 19:55 | Report Abuse

Those with TA should know that Shorties target a LONG candle stick, usually closing at the bottom (red end) than the top side (Green end)

Please feel free to advise or correct me. Thank you.


2021-06-29 19:43 | Report Abuse

Please ignore the Fake news of shorties working on DNEX.....not any issue....

The Net Short Sell Volume as at 28th June, 2021 is only 2.650 million shares (0.11%) That is 2,650 lots within daily Traded Volumes between 50 to above 100 million shares.

Shorties intend to make profits on shorting a counter which has high possibilities and probabilities of a big drop in price. They will get burned if......the price STAYS STILL, unchanged and "LOCKED" during trading hours.---->>> When the price is UNABLE to move up for the sale or down for their covered profits, their TIME runs out.

Secondly, with Dnex's currently traded price, how much do they hope for it to drop?....a few sens?

They have bigger fish to fry when other counters are losing steam and lesser support.

Dnex is aligned for a "Double Bliss" to be announced when the jingling sounds of a bunch of keys are dropped from Khazanah unto the hands of Dnex, as new Owners of Silterra.


2021-06-29 15:00 | Report Abuse

With effect from 30th June, 2021, the Vendors of PING shall be holding 7.099% of Dnex shares to become a Substantial Shareholder until further additional listings. They shall participate in the Company's future growth in all aspects of businesses. Welcome to Dnex!

Anticipating the "Black Gold" profits to be gushing into Dnex by 1st July, 2021.

Hopefully, the 1st acquisition should be completed in the next 2 days.


2021-06-29 14:36 | Report Abuse

Awaiting for Tan Sri Dato Syed Zainal's PC for Completion of additional acquisition of 60% in PING....----->>>>


2021-06-29 11:10 | Report Abuse

It's very hard to stay hard, but just hard enough for LTAT, PNB and EPF to spew out lava hot tickets and collect cold hard cash.


2021-06-29 08:45 | Report Abuse

Good morning PriorityFF88, are absolutely Correct to say Fox is in this for the continuous and uninterrupted supply chain for their foray into EV manufacturing. Nonetheless, Dnex has not shown intentions to move into investing for nano-chips productions yet. The leap is capital intensive and capability is not at hand yet.


2021-06-29 08:38 | Report Abuse

The Dividend Reinvestment was done at 3.08 and yet market price is lower, was the DR price inflated? Does self investment out done prevailing market price or the investors have different perception of Dpharma's potential?


2021-06-29 08:36 | Report Abuse

Any news on the Bonus issue date? Pharma already announced 5th July ex-date. It was Dpharma whom announce Bonus issue one week before Pharma but to date still no further news.


2021-06-29 07:34 | Report Abuse

It's good to see the Warrants conversion additional listing is "regulated" by the Registrar and offers some relief for the weight on price.

Some may have shouted for the price to sink to 30c, 40c and 50c. With pressure easing and the Fox taking a seat and keen eye on development, many local funds are feeling more at ease and hoping for a piece they can afford. They may not size up to the bigger blocks offered on PP, and with the current price equaling last PP at 0.7225c they now have the opportunity.

We embrace July as the long awaited final piece of jigsaw for all the "moving parts", i.e. Warrants conversion, acquisitions, and see the delayed PP tranches positively for the way forward. Be brave and strong for at present point in time and BOD decisions to take Dnex past the unpleasantness of doubt and face the Reality and Facts smacked right on the windshields.

Our faith and personal decision lies not on the small oscillations in price but in conviction of the bigger picture and future generations of Malaysia. And of course, our invested dividends in return by multiple folds.


2021-06-28 14:57 | Report Abuse

"Everything that happened, happens with a reason. There are no coincidences"


2021-06-28 12:15 | Report Abuse

Warrants listed at Open market has converged with mother price. Traders would not care since there's no more margins. Only those FREE Warrants Detached to Rights Issue since 2016 has suddenly become alive in Feb 2021. Holders thought they were confetti since mother was only at 20c and conversion at 50c.


2021-06-28 11:41 | Report Abuse

Finally, someone else understands the frustration and the disparity in IQ with some of these people. Does this mean my occasional outburst and temperament is forgiven? They just want to show who is right and who has the bigger banana. Their pea sized banana brain always do the "thinking" for them. Incidentally, the banana (the fruit or vegetable, not you) share the same 50% DNA with human beings!

Wasn't aware the Golf courses were opened last weekend during MCO.

Extended and "unlimited" MCO period, on top of dissipating and ebbing of FDI, local bourse may see more consolidation. Political impasse and timetable on the card is nerve wrecking.

Over the horizon is approximately 383 millions Warrants yet to be converted and additional listed. Do you think the Institutional and Foreign "Soros funds, Tiger funds" would pay big buck to take your tickets, which they know very well costing you at 50c? You would be grossly disappointed if you think the price would take off now. Even with PING and Silterra announcements soon, baby steps would be in order.


2021-06-27 17:23 | Report Abuse

Now, who says the future is not already here for us to grab???????

Please don't tell us the current price is at 70c, 80c or 90c (we did mention the CAPPING at 90c) We choose to ignore those single lined statements from standups comedians.


2021-06-27 17:15 | Report Abuse

So, in the near future, Online purchases from Lazada and Shopee might be dropped by drones within hours after the purchase....incredible and thanks to Chips.....and Dnex Semiconductors Sdn Bhd.


2021-06-27 17:13 | Report Abuse

Electric Planes for Air Cargo...Uber Taxis of Electric drones....Online Purchases delivery by Personal Electric Helio..



2021-06-27 16:26 | Report Abuse

Thank you to you too, @PriorityFF88 for your contribution on PING and the tech News from world over on Chips and their potentials.

As mentioned very much earlier, the procurement of additional 60% in PING shall be invaluable to influx of profits for Cash flow pending other acquisitions and undersea Cable projects.

Once PING is done, this instalment shall hit the ground running immediately. The earlier 30% PING was purchased at a steal of only USD10 million in 2016. Oil price was at a low.

Your PAT module and calculation should be at 90 days per quarter and not 60, barring any down time, for oil pumping is 7 days a week. Also, they were pumping 2,600 barrels per day back in 2019, but have increased with hope to 4,200 bpd. Currently, should be 3,700 to 4,000 thereabout. In addition, Brent oil has hit above USD75, let alone break the USD70 on average these past few months. One cautious and pull back factor is the OIL TAX imposed at 38% which may seems to lower some bottom line considerably. Having said that, the Tax was not new and they should have that factored for P&L before committing to the purchase.

Your assumption and computation of the Earning and profits based on contributions from PING in 2018-2019 is Actual and this figure would greatly be increased at present Brent Oil price.

Thank you.


2021-06-27 16:04 | Report Abuse

Ted, anyone may contradict our statements, or show better, logical, rational and unbias FACTS and FIGURES, in order for us to concede they are right. But should they vehemently spew acids, personal attacks without basis and racists remarks, then we always choose to IGNORE and move on. We don't have time for people who might be "crying for spilled milk".

We should always on our own, make considerations, ingest, decides and take appropriate actions, WIN or LOSE. No regrets and blame no one else.


2021-06-27 15:48 | Report Abuse

Think long and think deeper...there are 5 Economic Industries that are for the Future of the World. One of them is AI as in electronics and it's building blocks (chips and semicond)

China has started marketing her locally manufactured EV at much lower prices than Tesla! Products (EVs) are stylish, elegant and futuristic (please Google for photos, you'd be amazed) TESLA has commissioned a plant near Zhuhai, bordering Macau for their fray into Chinese market.

President Xi and his comrades have encouraged the impetus into semiconductor Industry boosting chinese ventures and chips project to the tune of USD100 Billions.

Products from China today, regardless of electrical or mechanical, are no longer the inferior quality from back in 1970s, when Deng Xiao Ping opens China's doors and promoting the Industrial Revolution for growth and prosperity. See how far China has come today.

Back at Silterra, their products and the 200mm chipboard are still very much in demand and for future of EVs. Tan Sri Dato Syed Zainal has also laid out their intentions to develop downstream add-on values to their products for better pricing. Their MEMS and Sensors projects are for things to come and gadgets of the future.

And you think this one opportunity (at pennies) for Malaysians to climb onboard is going to waste?


2021-06-27 15:26 | Report Abuse

The current daily price fluctuations has little meanings, if not none at all to the big boys. It is during this crucial period of fund raising and warrants conversions, coupled with political impasse, that some Shorties and Contra players are trying to make a few bucks.

So what if you are holding from 93c or 97c? You could have had your chances to average at 62c, 66c last month. Before the storm settles and the acquisitions, exchanges and mergers are completed, some turbulence are expected.

Are you in this to make 20c or 30c???? And please don't say you want a "quickie" instead of breakfast too?


2021-06-27 14:38 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...We may see some EV from Fox's JV at Thailand in a couple of years' time, but some of us may not set eyes on the "Flying Fox", a deluxe flying mobile with components from FOXCONN SEMICONDUCTORS (M) BERHAD or Dnex Semiconductors Sdn Bhd, whichever is applicable......just food for thoughts.


2021-06-27 14:35 | Report Abuse

Welcome Newbie318,... always invest prudently and not all at once, leave some spaces for averaging up or down if you intend to be in for long term.

Not a Buy or Sell call, trade at your own risks.


2021-06-27 14:16 | Report Abuse

Thank you, hantamking......not enough stress placed to emphasise and UNDERLINE these paragraphs from the Report....(Fox already reportedly to have JV for EV manufacturing at neighboring Thailand.) :-

The indirect investment in Malaysia-based SilTerra and the joint venture with Thailand's with PTT are among Foxconn's efforts to accomplish its final goal of building an EV supply ecosystem in Southeast Asia.

Foxconn has spared no efforts advancing its deployments in the EV and semiconductor sectors, having also struck cooperation deals with China's EV maker Byton, US-based Fisker and Europe's Sellantis over the past year, as well as setting up a joint venture, Xsemi, with passive components supplier Yageo to develop power components MOSFETs, diodes and other chiplets to be fabricated at 6-inch and 8-inch wafer fabs.


2021-06-27 13:29 | Report Abuse

Welcome MV,..have a good day with your family. Stay home and be healthy..... HEALTH IS WEALTH.


2021-06-27 10:28 | Report Abuse

"Born losers are always left standing on platforms, just to hear the train has arrived at their intended destination, because they needed the proof"......- Trevor777


2021-06-27 10:22 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-27 10:17 | Report Abuse

"In the land of the Blinds, the one eyed man is King!"


2021-06-27 09:49 | Report Abuse

Win-Win for shareholders and investors, either Dnex controls or Fox takes.... we can wait. If we are wrong, then we are willing to see our container loads of Dnex tickets up in flames.


2021-06-27 09:32 | Report Abuse

Do you know how much it cost to build a Wafer Semiconductor foundry? How long it take to set up with equipment, machinery and the calibration, test run......and more importantly, POLITICAL peaceful nation, (no Riots as in Thai and Myamar), free from earthquakes (west coast USA) and the daily threats of Arms (Chinese towards Taiwan) and Natural shortages, Water (drought in Taiwan) and Power rationing (in Taiwan)....think Malaysia must be heavens.

Are you also aware how much it cost to take over Dnex to have Silterra???????? Pennies....just pennies compared to USD Billions for new plant!


2021-06-27 09:27 | Report Abuse

Not saying it's 100% for certain YET!. But last we checked, Company Act 1965 does not have any Guidelines or Clauses to bar Foreign Holdings or take over. Furthermore, Malaysia needs FDI and also invites world wealthiest conglomerates to help with re-building and shaping the future. Would love to hear MOF turn away APPLE, AMAZON, Microsoft or TESLA.... begging to hear please!!!!!



2021-06-27 09:00 | Report Abuse

DR Bob Chen to Terry is what Ms Pepper Potts is to Mr Tony Stark (IRONMAN) And already sitting on Dnex Board.


2021-06-27 08:30 | Report Abuse

Anyone familiar would have guessed the Fox's move is playing the "Queen's Gambit" by the initial "Queen Sacrifice"...Dr Bob Chen, SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO FOUNDER OF FOXCONN, is same as his Personal Assistant.....see where the cannon aiming?


2021-06-27 08:21 | Report Abuse

@fengping, on. Don't know where you found or wrote this piece yourself. The game and battle is on and Fox fired the first salvo when they arranged 120 mill shares from off market (back door). Not sure if many realised, but to get big blocks of shares is not possible from Open market and may cause incredible spike in the swoop up.

We posted the Fox's intention the same day they were reported on a Daily media that they have only Silterra on their radar and have "no eyes" for the rest of core businesses in Dnex. They'll wrench the Foundry out and split/strip the other assets to be sold, thus lowering and gain back outlaid costs.

For the moment, all options are opened for "friendly" co-operations and to link up for targeted supplies from foundry. Anything goes later depending on the transition and improvements placed, also whenever the opportunities arises,... ALL GLOVES ARE OFF!

Few days back, we also posted that the listed price should not drop too much to expose and cause the company to be more vulnerable to attacks. (they can swoop all the way from a low to even above back door prices)

Tan Sri Dato Syed Zainal and the BOD have their plates full, guiding the acquisitions, take-over, pacifying chinese partner and at same time be diplomat in wading, hold the Fox at bay.

Tan Sri Syed Zainal also knows the 30% PP would never be out the door "All at one shot" or "To one single party" hence the tranches and better distribution. Primarily, also the funds may not be required all at once and a bit later down the road, may fetch a little higher price with acquisitions bagged and business moving at renewed and revamped pace.


2021-06-27 08:04 | Report Abuse

Amateurs think Fox sees Values and only go for 3%-4% bite????? Think deeper and you shall see the bigger picture.

In the game of Chess, Masters and Grandmasters plan at least 7-8 moves ahead


2021-06-27 07:54 | Report Abuse

And you should also know the 4% shares means loose shillings to them. The correct question is why even buy a tiny fraction? The real purpose? plant a "needle" in the boardroom. Avoid and be absent from all and every other meetings to come, EXCEPT THOSE CONCERNING SILTERRA FOUNDRY....get it?


2021-06-25 20:56 | Report Abuse

MV1970, glad you find some amusements after a long hard day, right?