
Trevor777 | Joined since 2020-12-06

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2021-03-12 15:02 | Report Abuse

Please try to use common sense, facts and figures (especially money!) there was 1.289 billion shares done 2 days ago and only 226 million yesterday. 1 Billion shares due today. How come so many people just look at the price value and not separate the transacted blocks taken by funds and small retailer?

The operators were kind and good enough to push from yesterday's 0.87 to above 0.955 and new high for the rollover and parking to other acc.

And you would think the several operators and especially chinese tiger funds would let it slip back to below 0.87 after such a hard push?

There will be several rounds to go.....


2021-03-12 10:17 | Report Abuse

How to believe when that someone tells you the way to make money is buy and sell with 0.01 sen profit????? His mother must have dropped him on his head when he was a baby.


2021-03-11 09:31 | Report Abuse

Hell of a funny, ticklish.....when they expect it to break 1.00 anytime soon...they are haggling over 1-2 sens....must be day trippers.


2021-03-11 08:36 | Report Abuse

We are all here for the singular reason and that is DNeX's capturing Silterra and with SMIC would transform it into a money making machine. Gloves companies are having an unprecedented and unexpected windfall, possibly for the next 1-2 years. Silterra is a step into the next few decades. Gloves companies are having billions in profits for the mid term, whereas Silterra would be making billions for much longer term.

Imagine, what attracted investors into DNeX, sure as hell wasn't PING.

However, PING is not a bad deal too. It's also earning pocket money for DNeX. The BOD had scrutinised every details before reversing their decision to buy 60% more, instead of selling of the 30%. They bought the 30% for a song at USD10 mil in 2016, and has since contributing approx. RM23 mill annually. Anasuria's deal is 50:50 with Hibiscus. Fellow investor, Goldberg has graciously revealed the figure and size of the oil field and the expected ROI.

Commodities such as fossil fuel has it's supply limitations and envisaged to deplete roughly in 2035-2040. Countries are looking for substitutes in alternative and sustainable energy all the time. UK has banned the sale of fuel engine vehicles from 2030 and Singapore has also moved to restrict all public transportation such as buses and taxis using fuel engines for 2025. Expecting many more countries would do the same. Moving on with this transition period into Hybrid and full EV may take a decade. As long as many fuel dependent vehicles are still around, oil will still be in demand. All about supply and demand, and oil price would not be any exception. Imagine the price of the last tank of fuel.

Petroleum is also used in many, many more capacities. Unlimited avenues and basic ingredient in Plastics.....and more.


2021-03-10 19:53 | Report Abuse

Dataprep's poison, is meat for DNeX....hahaha.....


2021-03-10 19:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by Borntoberich > Mar 9, 2021 5:11 PM | Report Abuse

Chart shows tomorrow 0.90 closing :-)


Sorry, you are spot on.......what about tmr 11th March????


2021-03-10 19:44 | Report Abuse

@ Born to be Rich,
Kudos..well called..first to call will touch 0.90 yesterday, but just not's TODAY. All the stars aligned for the push with NasdaQ shooting up.


2021-03-10 17:13 | Report Abuse

Afternoon Forced selling cleared Monday 493 millions traded. Today's volume staggering 1.289 Billion shares! Momentum already built up, cannot stop now,.... or else avalanche.


2021-03-10 16:16 | Report Abuse

Chomp...chomp...taste good...time to feast.


2021-03-10 16:03 | Report Abuse

This was what I was waiting for.....yummy


2021-03-10 06:32 | Report Abuse

Amazing...fabulous...with all due respect, @ you play and I play, did you see all these? Investors' interest are piqued and drawing more opinions, views and sharing more on this free Forum platform. This is better stuff than those brain dead zombies shouting of baseless LU, new TP and more fake announcements everyday.

We're all here to share information, views and caution each other of risks, which we willingly and solely decided.


2021-03-09 22:39 | Report Abuse

That was also in the vineyard rumours with only 133 million NOSH. Unfortunately (my personal perspective), it could be a tick smallish entity for the humongous appetite the chinese partner needs to enlarge working capital for the venture. DNex is at right size with over 2B NOSH.

Silterra is the jewel on the crown of the JV. Everyone knows that and no further elaboration required. World semiconductor chips business was valued at 120 Billion in 2020. The partner also had their last order valued at USD3 billion, suspended and delayed, possibly cancelled by US Supplier due to licensing.

More upgrading would be required in this foundry, being in commission more than 15 years ago. And the chinese are bringing in more than money to turn it around. Second highest loss making entity under Khazanah's stable and a gold mine to the right owners (hopefully sooner, rather than later)


2021-03-09 21:56 | Report Abuse

Many thanks for your valuable insights. Co-incidentally, both counters triggered much interest with heavy volumes and Board movements. The Press releases also played a hand. However, having said that, money as in price movements speak a universal language.

Of course, all seems low or high at any linear point, only in hind-sights are we able to conclusively perceive what was missed or found.

Not to be mistaken again, we are also hoping DNex is on track for the wonderful ventures and are strongly rooting and committed. But we are also leaving nothing to Chance.


2021-03-09 21:27 | Report Abuse

Very true, Goodboy. Investing in fundamentally sound companies. So far, PING is not done and even so, would that turn our beloved DNeX around?

Secondly, Silterra is so called agreed in principle, but how many times have we seen U-turns with regards to decisions on GLCs?

You're also right to say Dataprep is somewhat "cornered" counter and highly speculative. But there's no smoke without fire.

We're all speculating when buying for the future.


2021-03-09 21:10 | Report Abuse

Unless you've misconstrued my messages, I am talking DNex and in comparison with some others for a better overview. Also, why questioning my postings when some others also highlighted the same issue explicitly?

Decision is theirs, whether to invest or avoid. I'm not calling a sell or buy.


2021-03-09 20:47 | Report Abuse

Wise strategy....good luck


2021-03-09 20:39 | Report Abuse

Wow, what makes you think we are not having more than one boat? Unlike you having all your eggs in one baskets, later all the King's men cannot put Humpy Dumpy together again....

And you are sole owner of DNeX meh? Others cannot trade? Like you said, you play and I play.


2021-03-09 19:53 | Report Abuse

Good guess...Dataprep 3rd time LU today, meanwhile DNeX still struggling to break 0.75......what does that tells you?


2021-03-09 17:27 | Report Abuse

My 2 sens....
there will not be any signing before breaking 1.20...
there will be several LU after signing....
the crash would be hard if can't catch Silterra..
the Silterra deal would not work without Chinese partner...

That would need time and a lot of hard work to arrive....

And if reached would become many people's retirement levels above RM15.00



2021-03-09 17:16 | Report Abuse

Why so many fake people?...fake doctors, fake pilots, fake fund_manager (touch 0.80 today!), fake charters (0.90 tmr), fake news....soon fake signatures too.


2021-03-09 17:13 | Report Abuse

Still have brakes on...zzzzzzz


2021-03-09 17:08 | Report Abuse

Yesterday's push to above 0.72 was superb. Closing green today is wonderful. 493 million traded, heavy deliveries on the way....see how.


2021-03-09 15:15 | Report Abuse

So David, is it 3rd option?...Sell out? Today's volume, less than 2 hours from close is only 100 mil (20%) of yesterday's 493 the maths.


2021-03-09 14:34 | Report Abuse

Back to square 1...0.15


2021-03-09 12:31 | Report Abuse

Yes baby, please sit quietly in the corner and wait for your 0.45 Don't make a sound.


2021-03-09 12:09 | Report Abuse

Seems support at 0.15 never ending. When collect enough to move up?


2021-03-09 12:06 | Report Abuse

If goes back to 0.45, you can have it all....don't save any for us, please.


2021-03-09 11:33 | Report Abuse

Yeah, not so ugly now...starting up...


2021-03-09 11:20 | Report Abuse

Thanks David, afraid of the 3rd's volume doesn't show the momentum to carry over...


2021-03-09 11:09 | Report Abuse

What would happen when due on the 493 millions shares traded yesterday?


2020-12-23 14:06 | Report Abuse

Funny... you are the boss and you don’t know what is really happening? You don’t know your house has fallen down or you pants caught fire? You see the price rushing up 1500x and just cash out? WHERE IS YOUR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY TO SHAREHOLDERS?


2020-12-22 21:32 | Report Abuse

Lights, camera rolling..ACTION!

Take 2.0 coming up. Debt/shares swap.


2020-12-22 21:27 | Report Abuse

Year 2017, place 10 mill in Bank FD.
Year 2018, dividend at 100% = 10 mill
Year 2019, dividend at 100% of principal, non-compounding = 10 mill
Year 2020, dividend at 100% of principal, non-compounding = 10 mill

Cash out and full withdrawal = 40 mill.
Thank you very much, Bilis Bank.

Where to get? I also like this Bank, no need to do tiresome and risky business.


2020-12-22 20:56 | Report Abuse

The plot many imageries, smokes and mirrors. Head already spinning. Telling something and yet not saying.


2020-12-22 19:53 | Report Abuse

I don't care how or what others might feel about sharing perspective, invoking some train of thoughts to question illogical directions or understanding bizarre resolutions. To share kindness is a divine gift and a virtue to spread truthfulness. I know since I have always been on the receiving end.

Don't dare speak with ill intends, but only say "the whole Truth, nothing but the Truth, so help me God"

And don't cause harm, damages and irreversible destruction to others INTENTIONALLY.


2020-12-22 19:27 | Report Abuse

And I also wish to ask, do I need to pay some protection money to be here? Or buy an Admission ticket to come in? Who own this platform or so suggested to have ownership?

Do I care if there are a million Traders out there reading what we write? Why should they have to worry if what I wrote holds no water?

Please feel free to contradict my views, but please be civilised and an honorable gentleman.


2020-12-22 19:19 | Report Abuse

I have said many time before and I'll say again. I don't have privy to any PLC or Govt's internal info. I just hate to see people losing their homes and assets and being misled to the wolf's den. I ask pertinent, logical, intelligent and realistic questions. Not those shouting profanities because their ruse is out.

I don't pretend to advise or solicit support or avoid any investments.
This is a free minded forum for the exchange of views and opinions. If anyone see what they don't like, please skip.


2020-12-22 18:41 | Report Abuse

Cannot believe this....Chinese vaccine approved, so what? Govt bringing in or PLC????????? Govt giving FREE shots, whichever or Whatever vaccine....PLC bring in and give FREE??????? OMG!


2020-12-22 18:36 | Report Abuse

Anthony, I've been posting since it was at 1.40. You should know as I've always said "KARMA is a Bitch" you reap what you sow. Many people would be burnt for the few who fleece and schemed. Tell me, where's the Pipe Piper and the few Cyber troopers?


2020-12-22 18:19 | Report Abuse

PM mentioned in the Press Conference this evening that the Govt is also looking into procuring Chinese vaccines.

KJ had said before in Parliament that PLCs can sign documents or bring in Covid vaccines provided they have the APPROVALS from MOH, NPRA, with CTIL and MTEX verification.

The Govt is going to provide, vaccinate, control and monitor results for FREE...FREE...FREE...FREE...FREE...FREE...FREE.

Now same scenario, you want to bring in chinese vaccines...for what purpose?....FREE publicity? FREE purchase with purchase? or just to collect some parking charges?


2020-12-22 18:11 | Report Abuse

Now, it's not "A Sucker...but a whole battalion of Suckers are born every minute"


2020-12-22 18:10 | Report Abuse

IF I were one of those substantial shareholders who had cleared out, possibly and probably at around 0.85 last week. Dump 30 million shares and forget about the support, let it drift to 0.615 this morning. Collect back 30 millions shares. Push all the way to 0.79 and let loose again all the way to 0.75 (possible since nearly 300 millions shares traded) Fry the bilis and have them fed to the circling sharks. make another deposit in the Bank.


2020-12-22 15:49 | Report Abuse

Govt already signed for Pfizer-BioNTech, covering 20% of populations, COVAX for 10% and AstraZeneca for 20%. The balance and contingencies are DIRECTLY (no Middlemen)from chinese pharmaceuticals.

May even deploy FnF inside Malaysia. So, the pretenders? Time to run for the hills?


2020-12-22 15:45 | Report Abuse

The Govt ain't using any middlemen for procurement. So, what's the chinese vaccine play?


2020-12-22 11:14 | Report Abuse

Never learned....costly lessons


2020-12-21 07:36 | Report Abuse

Paktua at Nexgram....but won't be so easy again.

now paktua will lepak sini woo..
bintai already done so
come here melalak laa..

hi oku2020..
paktua OKU 2021 yer..
here now hospital mental nexgram..
next year will be gold mine aka neckel gram

tut tut
yareebaaaaa handree handree


2020-12-20 18:17 | Report Abuse

Joy has gone to work blowing his pipes at Solution.


2020-12-19 12:56 | Report Abuse

Undoubtedly, people can sleep more soundly, hugging RM20 to 30 millions in bank accounts, than holding 30 million tickets.


2020-12-19 12:40 | Report Abuse

Price on 23rd March, 2020 was 0.05 At present price, it's a super windfall for all substantial sounds a lot better than tickets.


2020-12-19 12:22 | Report Abuse

Whaooo...wooooo! That's not me. Why not use another pseudonym? That's cutting it too close...I don't cursed or use profanities, YET.