Blog Posts
2024-09-02 17:49 | Report Abuse
I believe will be E-CNY ….then compulsory use of ztrade….. then hopefully Indonesia also use ztrade
2024-04-27 16:15 | Report Abuse
Look up wordcoin …… promoter of worldcoin had a meeting with our PMX. People speculate MyEG will benefit
2023-11-24 15:38 | Report Abuse
001 condoms are by karex? I thought there are by Okamoto. One condom released a Graphene condom 1 month ago is US
2023-05-26 22:09 | Report Abuse
Alamak…… people still think Iris can finish the project…… Iris is selling the company with the project lah…..they want to take the money and run lah…… wake up …. Hello
2023-03-09 19:51 | Report Abuse
I don’t think there are going down that route of debts restruccture where creditors and lessors were prepared to take a deep hair cut.
They are planning to transfer the aviation part of capital a to aax . I am not sophisticated enough to know if it can work or just wayang. What is your opinion ?
2023-03-09 18:22 | Report Abuse
After restructuring when both aax and capital a is no longer pn17 …… u think won’t go higher meh
2023-03-09 18:19 | Report Abuse
Tony is a magician….. look what he did to aax. Repeat performance for capital A is sap sap water
2023-02-11 10:28 | Report Abuse
Iris already alibaba rm70 million doing nothing !!!!
2023-02-11 10:27 | Report Abuse
Firstly I strongly suspect the NIISe project is dead in the water……. Secondly, u think the government can save cost from doing it themself? Think again lah……the amount of wastages and leakages …. Will end up costing the government more
2021-10-28 20:09 | Report Abuse
So many gamblers here...... genting is open lah .. easier and faster
2021-07-14 12:10 | Report Abuse
buy and hold lah......dont give yourself so much headache lah everyday think this think that. in 6 months everything back to normal d lah.....we dont have to be a genius ...just look at US and Euro cup.....look at the airlines in US.......... if AA go down i will bet u all except SIA or MAS will bakkrupt first.
question 1. will this pandemic pass? confirrm will pass lah
question 2. Will AA go down before then? highly unlikely as the end is in sight.... vaccine role out
2021-03-04 20:42 | Report Abuse
He is either a person of no principle or a very bad lier........ bad lier cause he kena margin call but want to appear smart by saying he sold 3 weeks ago
2021-01-27 10:20 | Report Abuse
I like words such as EXCLUSIVE (for 12 years), ONE AND ONLY platform, regional expansion, VALUE ADDED SERVICES........ another myeg in the making !!!!!
2020-09-07 07:17 | Report Abuse
Almost Everyone agree the party will end some time next year right? Look around !!!! Maybe people r starting to leave. Don’t be the last to leave oh.......... the last few to leave will have to clean out your account!
2020-08-17 10:32 | Report Abuse
hopefully its their superb result they r going to announce
2020-08-08 16:56 | Report Abuse
There r not many companies in Malaysia that can claim it’s the biggest in the WORLD
2020-08-08 16:55 | Report Abuse
Good for long term investment. They obviously know how to produce condom at a very low cost if not they won’t be the biggest producer in the WORLD. They r changing form an OEM producer to an OBM producer which is the absolute right thing to do. Strategy of a Low cost mass producer Is a sunset strategy. Look at the glove industry ..... they r Also trying to Change like Karex.
Check out ONE brand and myone condoms. Karex has in the last 6-8 months gone into Indonesia, Thailand, singapore and Vietnam. There will be a gestational period. In 1-2 years I foresee it doing well.
2020-07-12 10:35 | Report Abuse
Karex is now in a few new markets such as Thailand, Vietnam, singapore and Indonesia which they were not a few months ago. Karex is a good turn around company with great potential
2020-07-09 08:28 | Report Abuse
Betting against airasia is betting against a vaccine. I support a right issue. Buy low.... cuti cuti Malaysia in airasia..... in a few months cuti cuti di bayar balik dari AA
2020-06-08 11:36 | Report Abuse
Why nobody mention tek seng ....... they produce material for PPE ...... must be selling like crazy
2020-05-31 17:53 | Report Abuse
I think they made an excellent decision few years ago to enter into the OBM segment.
The Tender segment is going down hill and will continue to do so as HIV is no long a prominent concern by various government or NGO
They r the BIGGEST condom producer in the WORLD. How many of these biggest in the world company can we find in Malaysia ?
2020-05-31 17:49 | Report Abuse
2020-05-31 17:49 | Report Abuse
2020-05-29 21:09 | Report Abuse
I feel they did better... revenue and cost of product increased but more importantly gross profit also increase despite the mco shut down. Imagine if mco shut down did not occur, their gross profit will be even higher
Their revenue increase means they did not loose market share during their social compliance audit period.
They recently went into Thailand and singapore do admin and marketing cost Will go up.
Tender market will no doubt suffer due to Covid But their strategy of moving into OBM and commercial segment is paying off.
Their products r actually not bad according to reviews on the internet
2020-04-27 17:47 | Report Abuse
This company will do well in the medium term.
2019-09-20 20:28 | Report Abuse
Karex is the BIGGEST condom producer in the WORLD...not a jaguh kampung........ name me another company that is on the same league .......... they have the economic of scale....their OBM condom is gaining traction...they r suffering now.... can u imagine other condom manufacturer...? Die straight straight .. buy when others r fearful.
2019-01-16 12:20 | Report Abuse
Dear Choivo Capital
what are the 2 companies u mention below? tried to dig around but cannot find. i am just a newbie trying to learn. i definitely cannot bid up the price. i know u r not recommending the 2 stocks .... i will do my own analysis. thanks
Spot on!
This is why i dont consider RCECAP or AEONCR is a wonderful business.
A wonderful business is one with an economic moat, and also the complete public backing. Where by the company succeeds by contributing to the net happiness of society and improves it.
People want these companies to make more money, because if they make more money, society is better off.
I can only think of 2 companies in bursa with this. Both of which i own. One of which you picked in your 2019 stock pick.
2019-01-02 10:06 | Report Abuse
one of the fastest growing property company......... they need capital to grow..... as long as the return is more than the cost of capital ...... furthermore they r partnering ph government to offer affordable housing to first time buyer........ when nobody one, u buy.....when everyone merebut rebut , u sell to now in on a down cycle; it will come up again for sure
2018-12-15 16:26 | Report Abuse
No wonder90% of traders loose money....... when it’s time to buy they sell; when it’s tome to sell they buy ........... I only buy stuff when there is a SALE.........
2018-12-12 20:33 | Report Abuse
Good time to buy........ Christmas came early ....... hoootttt
2018-12-03 21:28 | Report Abuse
@Egold77........ what r the unsolved issues ? Didn’t managed to go to the agm
2018-12-01 20:01 | Report Abuse
Think about what u r investing in.......... u r planning to be a partner of jaks ........ hoping they will make money from a power plant business that have no experience in....absolutely zero...... they r a typical Alibaba business........ u all keep saying in bursa u need to rely on your own work to succeed and not blindly follow a sifu....... this applies to jaks too..... they blindly follow a China company and u expect they will make jaks a lot of money ? This is venture capital level of risk which no serious retail investor can hope to succeed....... think carefully
2018-10-24 21:14 | Report Abuse
Time to buy.........I believe if EW close shop ..... majority of property counters close shop..... property is cyclical...... now it’s time to buy and wait for durian runtuh
2018-10-22 16:50 | Report Abuse
Aiyo There r still people questioning the letter from MACC ah....... please lah..... its an offense to make a false announcement through bursa lah...... TS Wong not so stupid lah.......if can simply make announcement then why nobody annouce Mahathir is a major shareholder in the company ah......
2018-10-21 18:58 | Report Abuse
Hahaha..........U all should thank each other.........if no seller how to buy........ if no one buy how to sell .....
2018-10-21 10:44 | Report Abuse
Short sellers will have to cover their position tomorrow....... so I think it will go up :(
2018-10-21 10:40 | Report Abuse
hopefully it will drop ....... I will buy......
2018-10-20 10:35 | Report Abuse
Hamidi is quite smart....rob Mastoro kau kau. sapu the money but contract give to myeg......what can the person do ?.......... 13 million is kacang putih lah to get the contract......
2018-10-20 09:51 | Report Abuse
Who is the interior minister now? From where ah the minister ?
2018-10-20 09:48 | Report Abuse
Haiyo MACC already said myeg is not involved mah.... last time they pay dumno kaki....... now they pay ph kaki loh......... Ph politician angles ah ?
2 months ago | Report Abuse
Invest23 … where did u get the zetrix revenue figure of 84 million for this quarter ?