
Tyre220069 | Joined since 2018-12-31

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2020-05-15 10:49 | Report Abuse

Better run as fast as possible, syndicate is selling , imagine placement share few months ago only 1.3 cents ...check the bursa announcement.
If drop to 6 cents ,may be can buy back


2020-04-22 15:00 | Report Abuse

Market sentiment not very good but Jaks up to 1.04,,, waiting to fly


2020-04-17 08:43 | Report Abuse

Dow futures rally 700 points after report says Gilead drug showing effectiveness against coronavirus


2020-04-15 21:23 | Report Abuse

Not to worry, one day up 500, next day down 500...will be around 23000to 24000 until next month when Lockdown lifted, then will move to 26000 or 27000


2020-04-09 08:32 | Report Abuse

Gap jump at 1.00 today, will move and test to 1.04, if can sustain, next target 1.10


2020-04-08 12:01 | Report Abuse

Dj future recovered from loss of 250 to even now.
By another 2 weeks .. Covid subsiding, Jaks 1.50


2020-04-08 11:59 | Report Abuse

No more turning back..... 1.04 now will go up to 1.10 easily


2020-04-08 11:44 | Report Abuse

The first 2 coal power plant completed under BOT are sufficient proof that they will generate huge profit, do not bother with these people who argue without solid proof of evedence... They are only hoping for the price to come down, but it looks like no more turning back, based on PE of 10, this year the price should go up to rm2. 50


2020-04-08 09:31 | Report Abuse

If DJ move up further and Covid stabilising, will ho up to 118/120 next week or the 4th week


2020-04-08 09:29 | Report Abuse

From the price movement, it will go up again, may be not today, next 2 days very crucial, chances move to 1.07/09 is very high, now is clearing those who are weak holder


2020-04-08 09:10 | Report Abuse

Looks like going to move back to above rm1


2020-04-08 09:07 | Report Abuse

May not reach 94,,,,may be close at 97/98 but if can maintain at 1.00 better


2020-04-07 15:10 | Report Abuse

Dj future up 500 now, tomorrow open at 1.00 if closing never achieve 1.00


2020-04-05 10:38 | Report Abuse

Thanks DK66,, Jaks power plant will be the 3rd power plant and 13 more are queuing to be completed.... No reason for Vietnam to award so many BOT power plant projects if they don't need it, the Chinese company will not be so stupid to invest 70% without seeing its potential


2020-04-05 10:12 | Report Abuse

Thanks DK66 for your clarification. I also note that Jaks power plant is the second BOT projects and there are 13 more to be built for the next 10 years... If completed, this power plant will be operated in full capacity for tgw next 10 years. To get Profit of 250m in 2021 as calculated by DK66 and OTB will be no problem.


2020-04-05 08:12 | Report Abuse

How serious is the permit for construction of disposal site which was mentioned as biggest obstacle?


2020-04-05 08:11 | Report Abuse

Can DK66 and OTB enlighten us why the date of commercial operation is on 1/12/2020 and the stage of construction is only 75%,not 93% as at 31/12/2019 as stated in the report?


2020-04-05 08:08 | Report Abuse

Implementation of power projects in the form of BOT in Vietnam
08:14 | February 14, 2020

Up to now, Vietnam has 19 thermal power plant projects invested in the form of build - operate - transfer (BOT), with a total capacity of nearly 27,000 MW. In which, 4 projects have been put into commercial operation, 4 projects are under construction, 4 projects are completing the BOT contract to prepare for official signing, 2 projects are under negotiation and 5 projects are under negotiation. The project is being implemented at an early stage (not yet negotiated) - The source from the National Steering Committee on Electricity Development said.

Minister of Industry and Trade interviewed 'Vietnam Energy' expert

Specifically, 4 projects have been put into commercial operation (Phu My 2.2, Phu My 3, Mong Duong 2 and Vinh Tan 1); 4 projects are under construction (Hai Duong, Duyen Hai 2, Nghi Son 2 and Van Phong 1); 4 projects are completing the BOT contract to prepare for official signing (Vung Ang 2, Nam Dinh 1, Vinh Tan 3 and Song Hau 2); 2 projects are under negotiation (Quang Tri and Dung Quat 2) and 5 projects are under implementation at an early stage, not yet negotiated (Long Phu 2, Vung Ang 3, Son My 1, Son My 2 and Quynh Lap 2).

According to the report of the National Steering Committee on Electricity Development, the implementation of projects is under construction and is completing the BOT contract, including the following 8 projects:

1 / Hai Duong Thermal Power Project, as committed in the BOT contract, Unit 1 will be commercially operated on December 1, 2020, Unit 2 will be commercially operated on June 1, 2021.

Up to now, the overall progress of the project is about 75%. Total mobilized capital reached USD 1,206 billion (of which, bank loans were USD 877.5 million, contributed capital was USD 328.5 million).

However, this project still has some existing issues that need to be addressed. In which the biggest obstacle is the Permit for construction of Slag disposal site (first).

Regarding this problem, in recent years, the Department of Electricity and Renewable Energy (Ministry of Industry and Trade) has instructed the BOT Company to resolve the problem. But because this is a matter of responsibility of Hai Duong People's Committee, while the progress of the Project is very urgent, the BOT Company should urgently send a written request to Hai Duong Provincial People's Committee for support and report to the Prime Minister. review, deal.


2020-03-11 04:02 | Report Abuse

DJ up 1164..today close at 1.18


2020-03-10 14:06 | Report Abuse

Oil rebounded 8%


2020-03-10 14:05 | Report Abuse

Dj future up 800


2020-03-09 11:05 | Report Abuse

Golden rule, never stay long in a stock where Kyy is holding huge shares, always kena Margin call


2020-03-09 11:04 | Report Abuse

Already rebound to 112


2020-03-08 14:04 | Report Abuse

He said a few hundred percents from buying price of about 1.00 means at least 3.00 to 5. 00 in 2021


2020-03-08 14:02 | Report Abuse

All of you must have read the above comments by Kyy
KYY's comments on the potential growth and huge profit Jack's will enjoy starting from 2020 for 25 years was true. Unfortunately he sold his shares due to margin call. In 2018


2020-03-08 13:59 | Report Abuse


I refer to kelvin61’s comment which I copied and paste below:

kelvin61 The trouble with self-proclaimed super investors is one day they tell you their secret winning strategy is to buy shares which make more money this year than last year to justify their buying, now the same super investor will tell you he will also buy even if the company make losses last year to justify his buying because he knows the business better than the founders. Because before he bought the share, the price didn’t move, but once he is in, everything changes. That is what he wants you to believe so you will help him to push the price up. Cheers.

21/04/2017 10:46

Here is my answer to kelvin61’s comment:

Point 1: An exception to my share selection golden rule.

An old English saying “Exception proves the rule”. If there is no exception there is no rule.

My selection golden rule which is “I will buy when I can see that the company has been making increasing profit for 1 or 2 quarters. It is most likely will report higher profit for the next quarter and when people see it is making money continuously, they will rush to buy to push up the share price.”

I have been using my golden rule successfully in buying Latitude Tree and Lii Hen. Each of them has gone up more that 800% within 3 years. I also bought VS Industry which went up more 550% and it is still going up. I have been one of the top 5 shareholders of each of these companies.

In the case of JAKS, I understand its Independent Power Producer (IPP) business very well because I have more than 50 years of experience being a co- founder of Mudajaya, Gamuda and IJM Corporation Bhd. Unlike other novice investors, I am willing to buy it show losses last year. I know that when JAKS starts to show profit all investors will rush to buy it to help me make more money.

Last year JAKS lost money because of interest charges for its bank loan but to be successful you must be able to see beyond your nose.

JAKS Resources Bhd was awarded the contract to construct two units of 600 megawatts (MW) coal-fired power plant to sell electricity to the Vietnamese Government for a 25-year period in August 2011.

Since the total cost of US$1.87 bil (RM7.76 bil) (based on US$1=RM4.15) is so huge that JAKS could not find any bank to finance the project, the construction of the power plant was postponed several times until JAKS found China Power Engineering Consulting Group Co Ltd (CPECC) to be its joint venture partner in March 2016.

The construction is scheduled to complete in 2020. CPECC is very experienced in conducting survey and designing of power generation and transmission plants. Moreover, CPECC has been playing a leading role in China’s power survey and design industry with about 90% of such work in the country undertaken and completed by the group.

After careful study of the viability of the concession, a consortium of three banks, namely Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank Corporation and Export-Import Bank of China have expressed preparedness to finance US$1.4 bil (RM5.81 bil) for the entire scheme.

I dare to buy JAKS even though it lost money last year. It is an exception to my share selection golden rule.

Point 2: I post article on JAKS to encourage people to buy to push up the price so that I can sell to make profit.

This is not true because you can see JAKS’s announcement that my wife Tan Kit Pheng and I have been buying almost every day. We have about 120 million shares and we are more shares than the CEO Mr. Ang Lam Paoh.

Kelvin61’s comment reminds me of all the senseless comments from losers who always doubted my sincerity when I recommended Latitude, Lii Hen and VS Industry, each of which has gone up several hundred percent. If you look back you would see that I recommended those shares when they were just starting to go up. After 3 years of my recommendation VS is still going up. Can you imagine kelvin61 sold VS 3 years ago?

In the same way, when I wrote and posted my article “Why I bought into JAKS” the price was lower and it was beginning to go higher. If you look at JAKS’ announcement in Bursa for the whole Malaysia to see that I bought 6.9 million shares at Rm 1.06 on 28th February 2017 when it announced its losses for last year. There must be several million stupid losers including kelvin61 selling to me.

I strongly believe JAKS will go up a few hundred percent and you must buy and keep it for your grand children because it will receive about Rm 400 million in the coming 3 years during construction of the 1,200 MW coal fired power plant and 40% of the profit every year for 25 years from selling electricity to the Vietnamese government. Moreover, the selling price has a price variation clause in the contract to cover coal cost, foreign exchange, inflation etc.

I am very rich and my wife and I are the controlling shareholders of JAKS. I do not need to encourage people to buy JAKS so that I can sell to make more money. If I sell


2020-03-07 13:53 | Report Abuse

Thanks Bro OTB, is the briefing is internal only or reporters from local papers or the Edge will be around to do the coverage?


2020-03-07 11:50 | Report Abuse

Dear OTB is the first analist briefing by the management since 2019?


2020-03-04 19:33 | Report Abuse

Tq Bro OTB.
One year after COB date in June 2020


2020-03-04 18:53 | Report Abuse

Tqvm Bro Huahtai98 and OTB for the clarification.
The TP in 2021, I presume is middle or end of 2021,that means another 2 years?


2020-03-04 15:50 | Report Abuse

Dear huattai 98
Is 0.5 cents usd a nett profit? Jack only has 30 %, so the correct profit should be 0.15 cents per kwh?, correct me if I am wrong


2020-03-03 07:50 | Report Abuse

Dj up 1293.. Jack's will fly to 140


2020-03-01 15:49 | Report Abuse

Can someone enlightened me on the possible amount of loss from the legal suits especially from Star?


2020-02-21 06:29 | Report Abuse

3.03 if you don't buy at this price today, next week you will not see this price, you may have to buy 3.10 and above, for those who bought 2.93, already make 20 cents, about 7 %


2020-02-20 12:28 | Report Abuse

Infected cases dropped substantially to 400 f ft om 2000... Good news


2020-02-14 17:11 | Report Abuse

Genting TP 7.00
Biught a lot at 5.35.just wait for it to go up 7.
35% profit in just 10 months... Better then fd only 3.5% per year... Also Can get dividend


2020-02-14 10:00 | Report Abuse

All those who are waiting to buy at rm2. 50 will regret later.... Compare with tax increase and the purchase of loss making company Empire, the virus we know very well will be contained in few months and back to normal... Dropped f ft om 339 to 299 13% dropped... Will go up to 339 again in a short period


2020-02-12 12:22 | Report Abuse

Started to move......virus is being defeated


2020-02-12 08:21 | Report Abuse

You can sell but will regret later.
The virus has been contained in China, Monday 3000plus new cases, Tuesday 2000 plus and now 1600 plus, let's see tomorrow if drop to 1000 only..


2020-02-11 11:22 | Report Abuse

The most Conservative IB pbb TP 3.35


2020-02-07 10:00 | Report Abuse

Imagine 2 tourist A and B cancelled the trip to Genting and got refund... After the virus over, A and B will definitely come back to genting in June let say, than another 2 tourist who planned to come in June will also come in June, so when the outbreak is over, the arrival of tourist will be double... This what happened after the Sars where tourism business increased 50%


2020-02-06 09:30 | Report Abuse

Initially I planned to buy at different stages 2.94, I get some cheap stocks.
Do not compare the situation during the Sars virus... That time GENM don't have outdoor theme park and chinese tourist arrival not many


2020-02-06 09:28 | Report Abuse

I bought 2.94 yesterday... It is better not to wait until it reach 2.78 as it may not reach that price


2020-02-04 16:37 | Report Abuse

Dj future up 300 points


2020-02-04 09:40 | Report Abuse

Buy.... Sell at 3. 12


2020-02-03 21:30 | Report Abuse

Below 3.00 close eye and buy, sure make money when theme park open I. JULY


2020-02-03 21:29 | Report Abuse

Dj up 200 points


2020-02-03 17:51 | Report Abuse

Dj future up 90


2020-02-03 09:45 | Report Abuse

Opportunity vto buy at 2.94/5,disappear.....now 3.00


2020-02-01 17:16 | Report Abuse

By end of Feb, the virus will be contained, than all analysts will be very positive and mbb will revive to TP 3.65