UMNO2HANGUS | Joined since 2013-11-06

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2013-11-06 04:12 | Report Abuse

哈哈哈!!!欢迎大家继续杯葛!亏到他仆街!不讲不知道,老马儿子的油站Petron 今年头六个月共亏损了一千两百九十万!哇哈哈!大家“杯葛”有功!

Dilapurkan dlm media business section.. PETRON sekali lagi mengalami kerugian bersih utk 6 bulan pertama berakhir pada 30
June 2013.. sebanyak RM12.9 Million. Yang penting sejak PETRON bertapak diMalaysia.. tak pernah mencatat keuntungan.. tak perlu jadi roket saintis untuk memahami kenapa.....

Baik lah tutup habis. haahaahaa

News & Blogs

2013-11-06 04:08 | Report Abuse

PAS untok semua

UMNNO untok siapa, nak tanya. UMNO untok sendiri, untok anak sendiri, untok cronies????

Hidup PAS, Hidup Rakyat, Hidup Malaysia you aku cinta.


2013-11-06 04:08 | Report Abuse

PAS untok semua

UMNNO untok siapa, nak tanya. UMNO untok sendiri, untok anak sendiri, untok cronies????

Hidup PAS, Hidup Rakyat, Hidup Malaysia you aku cinta.


2013-11-06 04:06 | Report Abuse

PAS untok semua

UMNNO untok siapa, nak tanya. UMNO untok sendiri, untok anak sendiri, untok cronies????

Hidup PAS, Hidup Rakyat, Hidup Malaysia you aku cinta.


2013-11-06 04:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by akito > Nov 5, 2013 12:53 PM | Report Abuse

Umno hanya BODOHKAN melayu !!!


Benar, benar, benar, benar???? Fikir sendiri.


2013-11-06 04:01 | Report Abuse

Posted by akito > Nov 5, 2013 01:19 AM | Report Abuse

Wait a minute, how come we missed this story!!!

Officials from Health Ministry caught on CCTV planting larve in a factory to extort bribe??? WTF !!!

We face petrol price naik harga.
We face barang naik harga.
We face electricity rate naik harga many times.
We face rumah sewa rate naik harga.
We face enforcement officers taking bribes.
We face robberies
We face snatch thieves
We face house break-ins
We face low salaries
We face cari makan susah overall
To top it off, we face sugar naik harga to improve our sex life.
NOW we face authorities extortion by planting mosquito larve???

We know all these bad "cari makan" enforcement habits have been passed down from one generation to another generation. C'mon lah, too obviouslah! Next time try to plant a crocodile... just something different to tickle our funny bones......HUH?

C'mon lah! Govt enforcement officers, why need to abuse your power to victimize ordinary Malaysians anymore? We have enough stress already lah! You need to eat, we need to eat too.

Something is really wrong with some of our Govt servants???

Watch Video here -

Ref Link-


ini pun boleh jadi????


2013-11-06 03:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by akito > Nov 4, 2013 08:01 PM | Report Abuse

Bila Barisan Nasional menang PRU, apa rakyat dapat? Harga gula naik, kena cukai gst, harga minyak naik, harga barangan dan harga rumah naik. Paling sedih bila BR1M bukan rm1k. Ha ha. Alahai.

Kepada pengundi BN, kami tidak marahkan anda. Cuma kami kesal bila anda tertipu. Lain kali jangan pilih mereka. Semoga pengundi BN sedar.

P/s: jangan kutuk pengundi BN, berilah mereka peluang untuk U-Turn. Haha


hahaha, memang suka.


2013-11-06 03:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by hangu2umnobn > Nov 5, 2013 07:29 PM | Report Abuse



UMNO nak tipu lagi? Sial? PAS, PKR & DAP chakap yang benar. Malu lah UMNO? UMNO akan Hangus?????

News & Blogs

2013-11-06 03:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by hangu2umnobn > Nov 5, 2013 06:27 PM | Report Abuse



- Cabinet Ministers,

-to Deputy Prime Ministers

-to the State CHIEF Minister

-and even his father the FORMER Prime Minister,

-Millions for a Chinese School with ONLY 15 Students,

-People PRETENDING to be seriously injured after claiming on being PUNCHED,

-to hanging doll legs symbolizing the Former late Chief Minister's legs that were amputated from Diabetes and trying to blame it on Pakatan saying WE are trying to frame UMNO-BN...

-and even so called CLAIMING there were 300 PAS members who LEFT PAS and entered UMNO including an 'Indian'!

Let's just look at it THIS way. We are now playing a game of "STAMINA" against UMNO-BN.

It's Healthy Fit Cholesterol Transfat Free PAKATAN RAKYAT
vs. Overweight Full of Cholesterol ( Corruption Money) Fat BARISAN NASIONAL.

It's dangerous if they whack or hit us, because they are BIG and have a lot of energy in a single blow, but WE have better metabolism, speed, agility and stamina on OUR side. We don't need to hit them much, just duck and AVOID their shots and WEAR THEN OUT. Because UMNO-BN is full of Cholesterol, Big, and Fat they are also SLOW and would TIRE very easily. And when they are TIRED they get HUNGRY and must EAT BIG too...and BN/UMNO's main diet is Government Corruption Money from our National Budget... with the Federal Government ALREADY in huge debts and our Sovereign Ratings already downgraded, they are running OUT of FUNDS to steal from...if we could keep them up eventually they will not only TIRE but begin to STARVE because NOT ENOUGH corrupted money to FEED them, and once that happens and they are Down...THAT is when we move in and WHACK THE $#!+ out of them with all the energy we have saved!

Looking from the increase of our National Debt since Najib took over, and how poorly they performed during THIS 13th GE as well where Pakatan GAINED 9 Parliamentary means one thing...

THE PRICE ( Bribe & Corruption Money) in order for UMNO-BN to WIN and MAINTAIN both Parliamentary and State Assembly ( DUN) Seats...has gone UP!

Making even 1 Parliamentary Seat or DUN Seat for BN, very-very EXPENSIVE that they have NO CHOICE but to resort to cheating and the worst tactics possible!

Let's just keep it up!


Beautifully said abang hangu2umnobn, support you 100%, a good job done by you abang hangu2umnobn, please keep it coming, we all love it. Thank you so much abang hangu2umnobn.

News & Blogs

2013-11-06 03:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by hangu2umnobn > Nov 5, 2013 07:45 PM | Report Abuse

Malik Imtiaz: Malaysia, along with China, is one of the most corrupt nations in the world, according to an Asia-Pacific Fraud Survey Report Series 2013


Adoi, alamak, Malaysia ku jatuh standard lagi, apa sebab? UMNO lagi, saya mahu tanya.

News & Blogs

2013-11-06 03:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by hangu2umnobn > Nov 5, 2013 07:28 PM | Report Abuse



Alamak, ini pun jadi??? UMNO Hangus????

News & Blogs

2013-11-06 03:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by hangu2umnobn > Nov 5, 2013 07:26 PM | Report Abuse

Kalau lah Malaysia ni kecik mcm Brunei takpun mcm Singapore ada minyak je tapi kekalkan menteri2 dan ahli2 politik sedia ada, rasa2 korang Malaysia setaraf x ngan Singapore atau Brunei?


good good job. 100% support.

News & Blogs

2013-11-06 03:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by hangu2umnobn > Nov 5, 2013 05:58 PM | Report Abuse

Once again they blame the chinese for sungei limau loss.In the bukit besar stream where the majority of chinese stay PAS got 1557 votes to BN 443 giving PAS a 1114 votes majority.
Why dont BN make a serious effort to find out why the chinese votes all over the country is going to Pakatan Rakyat?


How can UMNO/BN do this? Where is DEMOCRACY? No DEmocracy in Malaysia?

Hidup PAS, Hidup Rakyat, Hidup Malaysia yang say cinta.

News & Blogs

2013-11-06 03:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by hangu2umnobn > Nov 5, 2013 05:55 PM | Report Abuse

Kenapa Cina mesti undi BN? Ini negara demokrasi, Cina suka undi PAS itu Cina punya pasal. Apa lagi Macai BN mau?

100% very good & correct 100% support. UMNO Hangus 100%, haahaahaa


2013-11-06 03:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by hangu2umnobn > Nov 5, 2013 06:28 PM | Report Abuse



- Cabinet Ministers,

-to Deputy Prime Ministers

-to the State CHIEF Minister

-and even his father the FORMER Prime Minister,

-Millions for a Chinese School with ONLY 15 Students,

-People PRETENDING to be seriously injured after claiming on being PUNCHED,

-to hanging doll legs symbolizing the Former late Chief Minister's legs that were amputated from Diabetes and trying to blame it on Pakatan saying WE are trying to frame UMNO-BN...

-and even so called CLAIMING there were 300 PAS members who LEFT PAS and entered UMNO including an 'Indian'!

Let's just look at it THIS way. We are now playing a game of "STAMINA" against UMNO-BN.

It's Healthy Fit Cholesterol Transfat Free PAKATAN RAKYAT
vs. Overweight Full of Cholesterol ( Corruption Money) Fat BARISAN NASIONAL.

It's dangerous if they whack or hit us, because they are BIG and have a lot of energy in a single blow, but WE have better metabolism, speed, agility and stamina on OUR side. We don't need to hit them much, just duck and AVOID their shots and WEAR THEN OUT. Because UMNO-BN is full of Cholesterol, Big, and Fat they are also SLOW and would TIRE very easily. And when they are TIRED they get HUNGRY and must EAT BIG too...and BN/UMNO's main diet is Government Corruption Money from our National Budget... with the Federal Government ALREADY in huge debts and our Sovereign Ratings already downgraded, they are running OUT of FUNDS to steal from...if we could keep them up eventually they will not only TIRE but begin to STARVE because NOT ENOUGH corrupted money to FEED them, and once that happens and they are Down...THAT is when we move in and WHACK THE $#!+ out of them with all the energy we have saved!

Looking from the increase of our National Debt since Najib took over, and how poorly they performed during THIS 13th GE as well where Pakatan GAINED 9 Parliamentary means one thing...

THE PRICE ( Bribe & Corruption Money) in order for UMNO-BN to WIN and MAINTAIN both Parliamentary and State Assembly ( DUN) Seats...has gone UP!

Making even 1 Parliamentary Seat or DUN Seat for BN, very-very EXPENSIVE that they have NO CHOICE but to resort to cheating and the worst tactics possible!

Let's just keep it up!


on, I love this one, very very true to the point. Excellent job abang hangu2umnobn. sambong lagi. thank you so much abang hangu2umnobn .


2013-11-06 03:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by hangu2umnobn > Nov 5, 2013 06:20 PM | Report Abuse

Kenapa Cina mesti undi BN? Ini negara demokrasi, Cina suka undi PAS itu Cina punya pasal. Apa lagi Macai BN mau?

support 100%. good jon abang hangu2umnobn.

Democracy rules, not BN & definately UMNO.


2013-11-06 03:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by hangu2umnobn > Nov 5, 2013 06:20 PM | Report Abuse

Kenapa Cina mesti undi BN? Ini negara demokrasi, Cina suka undi PAS itu Cina punya pasal. Apa lagi Macai BN mau?

very good. true democracy, 100% support. Good job abang hangu2umnobn


2013-11-06 03:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by hangu2umnobn > Nov 5, 2013 06:19 PM | Report Abuse

You will never see such pictures in Utusan,Star,Straits Times,Malay Mail.RTM 1 to TV9.The reality on the ground is many malays voted for DAP in Gelang Patah or else Lim Kit Siang would have lost.
UMNO macham mana, nak tanya

very true too, what say you UMNO?


2013-11-06 03:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by hangu2umnobn > Nov 5, 2013 06:03 PM | Report Abuse

Memang sial haramjadah
Rakyat kau seksa dgn penghapusan subsidi gula, kenaikan harga petrol & barangan keperluan...
Macam mana UMNO, nak tanya sahaja.

very true, hahaha


2013-11-06 03:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by hangu2umnobn > Nov 5, 2013 05:58 PM | Report Abuse

Once again they blame the chinese for sungei limau loss.In the bukit besar stream where the majority of chinese stay PAS got 1557 votes to BN 443 giving PAS a 1114 votes majority.
Why dont BN make a serious effort to find out why the chinese votes all over the country is going to Pakatan Rakyat?

bagus , support 100% hangu2umnobn


2013-11-06 03:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by hangu2umnobn > Nov 5, 2013 05:49 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by akito > Nov 5, 2013 02:08 AM | Report Abuse
Hasil kekayaan Brunei dikongsi bersama rakyat Brunei. Di Malaysia, 80% masuk poket menteri, yg lain baru dikongsi rakyat
Nak elak kencing manis kena kurangkan gula... Kalau nak elak dari kena kencing dengan BN macam mana..? Saja nak tanya...



2013-11-06 03:34 | Report Abuse

good feedback zamsaham , thank you.


2013-11-06 03:33 | Report Abuse

sure naik lagi


2013-11-06 03:32 | Report Abuse