
Vincenbravo | Joined since 2016-12-30

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2019-07-24 15:07 | Report Abuse

??? Sorry Bro... Mandarin i dunno. Can type english pls


2019-07-23 15:11 | Report Abuse

How your English? Better improve first. If not later might kena Karma :) who say U say 20 kgs? If that also U cannot read properly, how U want to comment here? If cannot understand simple english maybe will kena karma. Be careful :)


2019-07-23 14:47 | Report Abuse

Everyday karma. Dunno if english bad and cannot read properly, can kena karma also a not? Haha!!


2019-07-22 15:25 | Report Abuse

Why so scared? If 70 sens +++ also people buy now got almost 20% discount. Its the same thing... i still have not finish buying what i have sold above 70 sens. If U all think it will drop a lot, then dont buy yet. Thats all... U cannot force everyone to think like U


2019-07-22 09:47 | Report Abuse

Why so scared? Drop a lot meh? Just 1 sen onli like wanna die already. If drop a bit more, surely U all will pengsan... Haha !! Remember NO one can buy at the lowest and NO one can sell at the highest. Cheers !!


2019-07-22 08:39 | Report Abuse

Happy for U that U won 5 digits before. Coz for every person who won, some else lost. So U should be happy and not be so negative. Anyway as i said before there are now 2 groups of people in bahvest. 1 believe that bahvest will drop a lot more then onli they will buy and U belong to that group. Another group says that at this price can already start collecting slowly and i belong to this group. Just divide your money into 5 parts and everytine it drops a bit more can buy your next part. So your strategy is to wait now and buy at a lower price. And also to ask everyone to sell whatever they have and buy back at a lower price. My strategy is to start collecting slowly now and not sell. Eventually everyone also wants to buy cheap and hopefully the cheap price comes...


2019-07-21 10:11 | Report Abuse

There are now 2 groups of ikan bilis in this group. 1 group believes that bahvest will drop more and encourages people to sell their shares and not buy at this moment. Another group thinks that is now the time to buy slowly and not sell their shares at this moment. There is no right or wrong as no one can predict the future. If U want to buy divide your money into 5 parts and everytime it drops a bit more U buy another part. And if U want to sell all your shares its also ok. Have a target price on what price U plan to buy back. Again when buying back divide your money into 5 parts and buy the next part everytime it drops a bit. My prediction is still the same RM2 to RM2.50... it might drop a bit more before it flies or maybe this price is already the lowest. No one knows but once it finish dropping it will fly to the new high of RM2 to RM2.50 easily. Cheers !!


2019-07-19 11:23 | Report Abuse

12 July 2019 / 9.37am
Investopology : Ok buy some 66c, and son 375 matched all. Thanks for selling.


2019-07-19 10:57 | Report Abuse

So how if it cannot reach below 60 sens?


2019-07-19 10:49 | Report Abuse

So U dont have a target price to ask people to wait. Meaning wait and dont buy aimlessly... So everyone dont buy now and also dont buy in the future as there is no target price. Becoz everytime it rebound is a SELL again. So can bahvest reach negative?


2019-07-19 10:42 | Report Abuse

And if every rebound is sell now. Why when it was 32 sens in December 2018 and it rebound. It DID NOT fall lower. Since your say EVERY rebound...


2019-07-19 10:39 | Report Abuse

Ok now wait. Just wanna ask U wait until when? Whats the price to wait for? And how if Bahvest dont reach that price. And how if world gold price keep on going up? How?


2019-07-19 10:30 | Report Abuse

So how if U keep on asking people not to average down. And bahvest didnt drop anymore. Instead it went up. Then how. Their average is now 70 sens +++. And they wasted their opportunity to buy cheaper than what they bought at 60 sens +++ and wasted their good chance to average down. U can guarantee the world gold price will not go up further? Or U can guarantee bahvest will drop further? Btw its up today... So how?


2019-07-19 10:06 | Report Abuse

If U want to the price to drop so U can buy low, then be a man and say honestly. Comment i now plan to buy low. Hope U all sell all your shares and make the price low so i can buy back all your shares at a lower pirce. Dont write all the nonsense. Pusing here and pusing there. World gold price at NEW HIGH usd 1440 ++. Why U all selling? I also LOVE to buy low but im not the F***er who trick people to sell so i can buy their shares at a lower price. Also if U wanna leave bahvest, its your choice. Sell and leave and go comment at your new counter. Just comment BYE BYE i sold all my bahvest shares. One time enough. Dont be an AUNTY. Everyday type the same thing...


2019-07-18 09:18 | Report Abuse

My humble predictions for this month...

1. Monthly production DOWN below 50kgs

2. Annual Report out with Tabung Haji out from Top 30 Shareholders list for both Bahvest shares & Free Warrants

Cheers people & Happy Trading :)


2019-07-17 12:07 | Report Abuse

Bahvest 65 sens and free warrants 35 sens makes bahvest at RM1.65 :) High or Low?? Haha


2019-07-17 09:57 | Report Abuse

Goodbye Gold Heaven :)


2019-07-09 13:30 | Report Abuse

Queing to buy at 65 sens :)


2019-07-09 10:12 | Report Abuse

Kfliau, my humble opinion is just to stay with a few counters and not jumping everywhere just when people tell U a tip. For me i only have 3 counters maximum at any moment. Bahvest is 1 of my all time favourites. The other 2 onwers NOT goreng king. Boring good companies with massive profits and dividends & steady growth. If only they learn from bahvest, hahaha easily their price can jump double. Haha :)


2019-07-09 09:50 | Report Abuse

Again the calculation for RM2 to RM2.50 is bahvest X 2 + free warrant X 1. Cheers LMN9997


2019-07-09 09:48 | Report Abuse

Why not? If 32 sens in Dec 2018 to 74 sens in June 2019. Once owners and gang feel they have collected enough and scared all the ikan bilis away. The U will see again how the GORENG KING works... So many senarios to make that happen (1) Just announce monthly production 100kgs (2) World gold price usd 1500 thanks to some stupid war or tension with US (3) New substantial from GLC announcement (4) Announcements found more gold or some other NEW good news (5) Owners just goreng out of nothing becoz they have more shares now and easily to goreng up. Hahaha !!


2019-07-08 19:29 | Report Abuse

Relax guys... from the highest 74 sens until today 66 sens. Maximum U can lose is only 8 sens. Also i dont believe there is anyone out there with an average price of 74 sens. Surely lesser. So how much only can U actually lose. Maybe 5 sens... Agree? If 5 sens also U cannot tahan how la can U win at Bahvest. Remember in December 2018 bahvest was only 32 sens. Just to share with all of U, at 32 sens i was negative around RM500k !!! So wat? I bought at 32 to 35 sens until really 0 money left in my trust and used up all my margin and even borrowed from my Mum and Wife :) Me the greedy pig. But at 40 sens already break even. And at 40.5 sens already profit !!! So can U be able to take the same SHIT like me? This time Bahvest is different. Im very very sure it can never drop to 32 sens again. Becoz there is gold production, videos of their gold mine, reporters and funds allowed to visit their mine, real workers, subcons, contractors, drivers all at the mine. Newspaper, TV, remisser, FB all also out. Workers at the mine got mouth and will tell their family and friends. Also world gold price is at all time high above usd 1400. Owners will again throw the price to scare the ikan bilis to sell. But it cannot fall so low anymore. Maybe 50++ sens lowest. And owner might get injurred if not careful. My advice is dont be scarred when others are selling. What is the bad news. Just tell me 1. There is none. So why are U so scared? Owners and gang will always scare people to sell low. And ask U all to buy high. Thats how they earn. So U must not be stupid to fall for their trap. Again i ask U. If bahvest would to fall to 32 sens, will U still be with bahvest buying until your last penny or long ago U cabut and sell everything already. U ask yourself honestly. Cheers guys and today my average is even lesser than 40 sens as i sold 1.1 million above 70 sens and will soon buy around 1.2 million shares for the same price of what i sold. Meaning i got extra 100k shares for FREE. So maybe my average cost is around 39 sens becoz i still have so much more bahvest shares besides this 1.1 million :) Anyway i still have 300k shares to go to get back my 1.1 million and free 100k shares and i will buy as bahvest drops. So relax guys and dont get stressed up. Remember buy low and sell high. And only buy with your spare money. Cheers and Happy Trading Guys !!!


2019-07-03 08:29 | Report Abuse

What happen pussycats? Why are U so sad when the world gold price is UP?


2019-07-02 11:05 | Report Abuse

Anyway kfliau, now if U have spare money, divide it into 5 parts and buy to average down. Dont buy all one shot. Buy your 1st part and if it drops further U buy again. Dont go buy high already. U really NOT smart... Another sad case ikan bilis


2019-07-02 11:02 | Report Abuse

Omg. Buy so HIGH how to win la !!! U teach me la. How to win if U BUY HIGH? And sell low...


2019-07-02 10:40 | Report Abuse

Kfliau, U only buy if U have the money. And it must your spare money. Dont go play all the T2, T1 or margin or contra shit. It wont work. U buy warrant or mother also OK. Finish buying now hold and wait. Dont be greedy and buy more and more with borrowed money. Just wait now thats all. When the price is higher U sell and earn. Finish. U understand??


2019-07-02 10:25 | Report Abuse

Thats so sad kfliau. Have U ever wondered why U keep losing? Becoz for everyone who losses, someone MUST Win. Why dont U learn how to be part of the WINNING Team... Did U follow my advice to Buy Low Sell High? Or U did the opposite...


2019-07-02 10:12 | Report Abuse

Bahvest 66 sens and free warrants 37 sens makes Bahvest RM1.69 today... Happy Trading Guys !!!


2019-07-01 11:10 | Report Abuse

Strong support at 30 sens


2019-06-28 09:45 | Report Abuse

Bahvest 65 sens and free warrants 37 sens makes bahvest RM1.67 :) Remember RM1.40 to RM1.70 is the neutral range... Happy Trading Guys !!


2019-06-28 09:40 | Report Abuse

Selamat pagi. Woke up a bit late :) bought 200k shares at 65.5 sens. Terima kasih kepada yang menjual...


2019-06-26 19:16 | Report Abuse

With bahvest its easy becoz Owner and Gang loves to GORENG. Meaning the price goes down very low then very high and again and again. So if U catch it correctly a few times U gonna be rich... i also have a few other counters whereby the owner dont goreng. Up also wont sell like this becoz owner dont goreng like bahvest. They really focus on the business, profits and dividends. BUT its boring la. Sometimes 1 whole month also no one comment :) wahaha


2019-06-26 18:30 | Report Abuse

The more it drops. Then the better than chance of flying higher. Have U played the rubber band elastic when U were small? If dont pull very hard to the back how to fly? RM2 to RM2.50 is bahvest X 2 + free warrant X 1. Guarantee Reach easily :)


2019-06-26 18:15 | Report Abuse

Dont drop like hell, how to scare the ikan bilis away. This is not hell yet. Just a bit only. Wait below 60 sens. Then even the brave turn chicken and sell. Thats the YUMMY time to BUY. Anyway its back to basics... bahvest 67.5 sena and free warrants at 39.5 sens makes Bahvest RM1.74 today :) Haha !!


2019-06-26 18:07 | Report Abuse

Kfliau, how can a person called the KING OF GORENG has no money? U serious. Everytime the majority losses do U know who wins? Small players like me also earn millions from bahvest. How can the owner has no money? Now the KING OF GORENG has a gold mine and world gold price is 6 years high !!! Think again...


2019-06-26 17:07 | Report Abuse

Quarter report if above RM50 million revenue. Easily RM1.50 !!! Nta RM1.73 :)


2019-06-26 16:58 | Report Abuse

Buy slowly Bro Holyman. Dont all in. Cheers & Happy Trading !!


2019-06-26 16:45 | Report Abuse

Yala. Dont drop how to scare ppl to sell? Drop so little very few people onli scared. Below 60 sens then people will get confused and sell. Come on DROP more. Then only really MEGA SALE ma :)


2019-06-26 16:37 | Report Abuse

Yeah Bro. Join the gang. Previous average 40 sens. Sold above 70 sens +++. Now buying back 60 sens +++. One day when my target RM2 to Rm2.50 is achieved. Sell again. I think if owner sees me, will spit into my face. Wahaha :)


2019-06-26 16:32 | Report Abuse

Bought another 100k shares at 67.5 sens. Terima kasih kepada yang menjual :)


2019-06-26 16:18 | Report Abuse

"Im so sad today. Im selling low after buying high. Wa wa wa :( i lost a lot" cried the ikan bilis... together with their family and friends...


2019-06-26 09:35 | Report Abuse

Bought 100k at 67.5 sens :)


2019-06-26 09:05 | Report Abuse

Bought 100k at 69 sens :)


2019-06-25 16:37 | Report Abuse

Bought back 400k shares at 69.5 sens :) U know its a good deal when U see one. I sold 1.1 million so balance still 700k... Haha :)


2019-06-25 13:23 | Report Abuse

Hi cybergreen. Im just asking to hold and see how first. Just dont sell. Not to buy or all in. Cheers Bro :)


2019-06-25 13:21 | Report Abuse

Wow RM1.20 to RM1.50 anytime soon before Quarter Report :)


2019-06-23 10:43 | Report Abuse

Teareader, i can guarantee U the owner and gang DO READ EVERY SINGLE Comment here. Im 100% sure. Onwer maybe no la. But Datuk have people to read for him and update him in Hakka. Its just that most of the time they "Buat Tak Tau" coz thats the truth. What can they do? They really GORENG KING ma & everyone knows about it...