
WellingTonSky9 | Joined since 2020-05-29

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2020-06-26 11:36 | Report Abuse

QuellingBlaster, better save your sanity and energy for better things. You'll go nuts trying to to talk to them..end up frustrated and nothing gets done..they will flip and flop until you give up.


2020-06-26 10:44 | Report Abuse

TNB bill: Consumers can lodge claims with TTPM

PUTRAJAYA (Bernama): Consumers who are not satisfied with the increase in their electricity bill during the movement control order (MCO) period can file their claims at the Tribunal for Consumer Claims Malaysia (TTPM).

Deputy Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Rosol Wahid said besides lodging complaints to Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) and the Energy Commission, consumers have another alternative to file their case with TTPM for a fee of only RM5.

"The issue of high electricity bill during the MCO has come to our attention. We noticed that many consumers have expressed dissatisfaction, ” he told Bernama here on Tuesday (June 16).

He added that the TTPM has received two claims so far, including one on the extraordinary spike of electricity bill, filed on June 5.

The increase in electricity bill has been seriously discussed by the consumers in the social media, and many have shared their frustrations with current electricity charges.

"File your case with TTPM for a RM5 fee, and it will be judged fairly, ” Rosol said.

TTPM was established on Nov 15,1999, to serve as an alternative channel for consumers to claim compensation regarding purchase of products or services, and the cases can be resolved within 60 days.

The tribunal also enables consumers to seek redress not exceeding RM50,000 for the purchase of products and services, which are not as advertised.


2020-06-25 14:17 | Report Abuse

QuellingBlaster , Not yet reactive.. Viral load not enough to trigger a positive. Which is why SOP has it that all who went overseas, Quarantine anyway. Within that 14 days might tell a different story.


2020-06-25 14:06 | Report Abuse

Guilty as charged.


2020-06-25 14:06 | Report Abuse

What else can you expect from a Sarawakian? Cowboy liar!


2020-06-25 13:30 | Report Abuse

Wasn't she supposed to wear a wristband upon arrival from overseas to indicate the 14 days home quarantine? Who was in-charged of placing the wristband on her? Unless she took it off!


2020-06-24 10:43 | Report Abuse

Hello LOVE IS IN THE AIR........says only ur son no essay. My nieces n nephews got essay to write during online class. They got the title discussed the contents n write out. Once finished they send to the teacher via online too n get corrected. Period


2020-06-24 10:19 | Report Abuse

I'd like to believe that these complains do not come from the teachers themselves. If frontliners who worked all throughout MCO risking even their own lives and neglecting their own children, who are we to complain when we are asked to work a few more days to help our students catch up on their studies. Not all students were able to follow online lessons during MCO. Also the number of hours of online lessons were so limited, it is nothing like being in the presence of yr teachers from 8am - 1pm. Thk God teachers still keep their jobs, are paid their salaries and will receive their pensions. There is no better place to be a teacher than in Malaysia.


2020-06-23 14:06 | Report Abuse

SALIB Kekuatanku ketiga'saya berdiam TUHAN Yesus kristus yang bertindak Syukur puji Tuhan Haleluya Amin


2020-06-23 12:41 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the info friend.....


2020-06-22 10:33 | Report Abuse

Nature is not a benevolent deity with ‘intentions’, and natural is not a synonym for holy. Understood as an absence of human intervention, naturalness is neither good nor evil.

Now more than ever, understanding the difference is crucial for the health of humanity, and the planet. The time has come to abandon our false faith in natural goodness and confront the complexity of what it means to be responsible unnatural animals in a natural world.


2020-06-22 10:33 | Report Abuse

Natural isn’t always better
The urgency of living in harmony with nature has never been more acute. But we should not make the mistake of believing that living in harmony with nature requires living naturally. After all, the technology required for renewable energy is far less natural than simply burning wood. Refrigeration and freezing prevent spoilage and food waste.

Humans are, as the author HG Wells put it, unnatural animals. Our success in saving infants and the elderly contradicts nature’s intentions, and few would deny the morality of our unnatural efforts. And yet, given the susceptibility of the elderly to COVID-19, the narrative of nature’s punishment makes for a ghastly conclusion about whether we should continue with our successes.


2020-06-22 10:32 | Report Abuse

In this view, God is synonymous with nature, and ‘natural’ means whatever has been ordered by God. The opposite of natural is anything chosen by humans that does not align with the divine order – and it leads inevitably to suffering.

Understandably we want to believe natural forces are benevolent. That’s why studies show we tend to overestimate the risk of actions perceived as tampering with nature, from nuclear power plants to lab-grown meat. We know what happened when Dr Frankenstein tampered with nature, or, as it’s often put, when he ‘played God’


2020-06-22 10:32 | Report Abuse

‘Sending us a message’?
“Nature is sending us a message,” said Inger Andersen, executive director of the UN Environment Programme. Or, as the Duchess of York tweeted: “Mother Nature has sent us to our rooms… like the spoilt children we are. She gave us time and she gave us warnings. She was so patient with us. She gave us fire and floods, she tried to warn us but in the end she took back control.”

Though ‘nature’ may look like a secular term, this framing is fundamentally a religious one. Religious leaders throughout history have framed natural disasters as God’s punishment – even today, prominent figures blame coronavirus on ‘unnatural’ se.xuality, just as they did with everything from hurricanes to HIV.


2020-06-22 10:31 | Report Abuse

Clearly we have some way to go, since responses to the pandemic have framed it as a ‘punishment from nature’ for our unnatural lifestyle.

Circulating on social media is the idea that ‘humans are the virus’, yet the arguments towards this are suspiciously general, theological catch-alls: they take every human sin, and discover that all of them contribute to the current crisis.

Is industrial agriculture one’s focus? Then it is to blame for the coronavirus. Likewise for overconsumption and climate change.

The ultimate version of this approach, now a viral meme on social nature, is simply to blame humans for all disharmony in nature. The virus isn’t the problem, since viruses can’t sin. They are a part of nature – perfect and harmonious unless humans interfere. We, the sinners, are the virus.


2020-06-22 10:31 | Report Abuse

Chinese wet markets offer meat in its natural state: unrefrigerated, unprocessed, unpackaged, uncooked and sometimes unslaughtered. When I lived in China, wandering through the open-air stalls felt liberating and authentic, a welcome change from sterile supermarkets where the chicken lies behind glass, plastic-wrapped by faceless corporations.

Similarly, Chinese medicine represents a natural alternative to the pills pushed by Big Pharma. Gnarled roots, ground herbs, wizened mushrooms, and exotic animal parts line the traditional pharmacy’s walls. These claim to be Mother Nature’s cures that will realign us with her rhythms, unlike the synthetic chemicals that, according to some, will end up making society sicker.

Now, of course, we are reckoning with the catastrophic shortcomings of unregulated open-air wet markets. Calls for change within China will hopefully lead to safer food standards and reduced exotic animal trade.


2020-06-22 10:31 | Report Abuse

Coronavirus: is nature ‘sending us a message’?

Experts and celebrities alike have suggested that this new coronavirus outbreak is a form of punishment from the planet. Alan Levinovitz, author of Natural: The Seductive Myth of Nature’s Goodness, says we mustn't equate 'natural' with 'better'.


2020-06-22 09:41 | Report Abuse

Well guys as you can see during the last financial crisis, the govt introduced savings bonds for retirees to cushion the loss of income due to the drop in FD interest.

The PN govt should do the same to help out the old folks aged 60 years and above by allowing them to buy savings bonds which can yield about 5% p.a. subject to a maximum amount of RM 50,000.

Such gesture can enable the old folks to derive a benefit of around RM 200 per month to cover their day to day expenditures.


2020-06-19 10:22 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the correction chap....


2020-06-19 10:21 | Report Abuse

There are millions of undocumented foreigners in the country. That is a fact. What does that one fact alone say about the Immigration Department ?

And given the reports yesterday about the immigration racket busted in Johor by none other that mydin ali pitchay, should we still continue to say that jabatan imigresen is the cleanest enforcement outfit in the country- even cleaner than PDRM?


2020-06-19 09:23 | Report Abuse

He has the right to swear in Maids as senators..What is wrong with Malaysia..This old heck is a gonner who uses current conflicts to satisfy his needs..Ask him about the one student one notebook..How much of money he made..Ask his finance pengarah Dato Bala..if he is still alive..


2020-06-19 09:13 | Report Abuse

As one of the opposition party leader, Vigneswaran was left to carryout his role as President of Dewan Negara. That is an indication of how mature the PH government was and how much they were willing to extend the Olive branch to the other side of the aisle, for the sake of the nation.
The current backdoor government, knowing that the cabinet and senior positions are depleted of minorities, did not blink to consider a non-Malay minority to lead the august House.
This, I really really hope is an act of desperation by Muhiyuddin but I highly doubt it.
We are in a dangerous and darkest moments in the history of the nation, where narcissistic and racists are running riot while the rest of the world is at an inflection point of ending mankind's greatest evil; racism. What a tragedy. PH must take over immediately.
And Rais Yatim, traitor you are. Zero respect for you. What respect? QuellingBlaster....


2020-06-18 13:45 | Report Abuse



2020-06-18 13:29 | Report Abuse

As in any other flourishing trade in Malaysia, the importation of digital products would flourish, destroying nascent digital economy as the result of the racist regime formed to escape the jail time for the corrupt elements in the society.


2020-06-18 13:29 | Report Abuse

Why so? The product of the digital economy is colour blind. The activation and trade of digital products are based on invisible digital technology that has no preference for race, religion, culture, se.xual orientation but to meet certain digital steps. We can confidently assess that Malaysia is not the place where any real investor gives any importance as the place of gainfully involved in investment when ASEAN has vibrant economies such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia seamless for the digital economy. So as Chairperson, the author can Sit back and goyang kaki till someone knocks the door as a replacement. In the meanwhile, nothing going to happen in our digital economy by appointment.


2020-06-18 13:29 | Report Abuse

Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) chairperson and the president/CEO of Emir Research, an independent think-tank focused on strategic policy recommendations he can only involve in “syok sendiri”. The author is no fool to know that there will be no serious domestic and foreign investment will ever come to our beloved land as long as this racist regime is in place.


2020-06-18 13:20 | Report Abuse

God, whether we feel God exists or otherwise, helps those who are a little self-disciplined and help themselves. That includes on the virus.

God exists if we feel God exists although God may not exist.

God does not exist if we feel God does not exist although God may exist.

God is not about the collective but the individual, the personal, the personal experience.

God does not interfere in human lives in the collective. The pandemic was brought by wuhan china.


2020-06-18 13:20 | Report Abuse

Viruses don't know mathematics.

Mathematics and physics are the nearest to God. We know how God thinks. God is about a little self-discipline. It's the universe that is chaos, it's only predictable property. The universe is an illusion. It does not exist. We only perceive it exists because we are limited by the five senses in a gross body which we inherited and went on to gather the energy of the sun through Mother Nature on Earth.

The gross human body is not "us".


2020-06-18 13:20 | Report Abuse

The focus of public healthcare authorities should be on the cause of death, whether Covid-19 related or otherwise, not on infections.

When we are finally rid of the virus, no one will remember all this worldwide talk about the so-called New Norm.

The New Norm BULLSXIT would collapse and implode. We would go back to the good old days -- endless mugs of teh tarik kurang manis kaw kaw at the mamak shop -- until the next pandemic comes.

This time, those who do predictive modelling studies on epidemics should be referred by a court to the nearest hospital for an evaluation and institutionalised for life to keep the public from harm.


2020-06-18 13:19 | Report Abuse

There are no specific tests for the novel Corona virus, at best only for Covid-19 related causes which may also be non-Covid-19 related. Tests, unless specific, are invariably inconclusive.

WHO misled the world by introducing a flawed code for Covid-19 related deaths. They may have been cahoots with China, vaccine promoter Bill Gates who appears to suffering from a obsessive compulsive disorder, the failed Big Pharma model of one size fits all, and dangerous men like Anthony Fauci and those at the CDC and FDA, among others.

About 8K people die daily in the US, for example, of non-Covid-19 related causes. Less than 2K people in the US die daily, assuming the cause of death is correct, of Covid-19 related causes.


2020-06-18 13:19 | Report Abuse

The number of reported novel Corona virus infections has caused public scare, shock, panic, rumour-mongering, disorder, disorientation, confusion and chaos.

Blame outfits like the hysterical CNN which was screeching every minute of the day on testing, contact tracing, treatments, ventilators and vaccines. They misled the world with virtually fake news.

This was a case of carrying journalism, being based on the idea of reporting bad news, to the extreme and the height of lunacy. Such journalists should be shot on sight, hung, fried and fed to the pigs.


2020-06-18 13:19 | Report Abuse

Now, when the economy finally re-opens, there may be any number of red zones as the surges -- V-shaped, W, U, and reverse L i.e. _I -- bring 2nd Waves, 3rd Waves and God alone knows how many other surges.

The economy cannot be shut down again, virus or no virus, vaccine or no vaccine, unless the gov't wants to risk irrelevance. The idea of central control, a top down control freak approach, has failed. The economy may collapse and implode if shut down again.


2020-06-18 13:19 | Report Abuse

It was a grave strategic error to shut down the economy to flatten the curve of infections i.e. keep hospitalisations for Covid-19 related causes at a level which would not result in the public healthcare system collapsing and imploding.

The curve should have been flattened with the economy open. That would have given the people the chance and the experience in exercising the necessary self-discipline i.e. ensuring the virus has no place to go and dies out at least in the country for a start.

If the curve could not be flattened, many of those who in fact needed hospitalisation would have to recover at home. If they fail to make it, their families should take them straight to the crematorium after informing the police.

There's no need for post-mortem.


2020-06-18 13:19 | Report Abuse

The economy is more important than the novel Corona virus.

Viruses come and go. There are no vaccines for viruses. SARS and MERS came and went. There are still no vaccines for these viruses which were Corona viruses.

What makes the novel Corona virus any different except that it became a pandemic, being more contagious?

This is a contagion spread by movement.

It was locals from Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, who initially carried and spread it throughout the country and the rest of the world.

China could have prevented the virus from spreading to the rest of the world. It was the first country to have 80K infections long before the next country.

The cure cannot be worse than the disease.


2020-06-18 13:18 | Report Abuse

It was a monkey see, monkey do situation which saw the introduction of economic stimulus packages, a sheer waste of money. The sheer waste would not have happened had the economy been kept open.


2020-06-18 13:04 | Report Abuse

traderstrades, These counter staff and their bosses often forget the source of funds paying their salary. Very often they behave in an arrogant manner and abuse their power with impunity. They are protected by their higher-ups while the aggrieved public are often at their mercy.


2020-06-18 12:26 | Report Abuse

Those millions of young voters who will dramatically ramp up the electorate from 14. 9 million to 22.5 million by 2023 don't share the misgivings and the perceived hurt inflicted on the older voters. This deluge of the young voters will reshape the political landscape of multiple constituencies. It is pointless to be looking at seat allocations at this juncture as nobody is properly acquainted with the thought process of the young. In fact, they haven't thought through their politics. Hopefully, this new political equation will render as unnecessary the usual race to land politically strategic cabinet posts such as the Land the Rural Development Ministry. KL/Selangor is the new heartlands where inhabitants relish the journey to the old heartlands to cast their vote. In any case, the electoral roll has never before witnessed such a spike. The very composition of political parties may actually change over the next few years. MPs looking to keep their seats should be dazzling a national audience. Admittedly, some cybertroopers and a number of the former MPs eyeing a quick return via snap polls will be among those bitterly resisting attempts at reconciliation and unity government ideas. The nation should not blink.


2020-06-18 12:25 | Report Abuse

Take another quick example. The Electoral Reform Committee (ERC) will propose an institute to educate the millions of young voters who will now shape national politics. The ERC believes politicians should be similarly educated to be accountable. Will they ever listen? Will they not turn around and tell us they have a country to run, which is why opposing Members of Parliament (MPs) must be brought over to buttress stability? The current political impasse presents an opportunity. A swift return of Harapan with, say 120 or so MPs, will please and infuriate voluble segments in equal measure. By extension, this PN government should not endeavour to persuade rival MPs to take a leap of faith, for it will only deepen discord. Already in the coming years, key strategists will cringe as they look back at this dishing out of appointments to government-linked companies to earn legitimacy. To address multiple frailties at once, Malaysia needs a "super" government that draws the best talents from among serving MPs. Politicians are inherently networkers, built to assure and assuage. Disparate persuasions have given us a bigger talent pool of politicians. Many of the senior ones have worked with each other in the past. They must now huddle. There have been ideas about easing patronage and money politics, such as nurturing a class of professional party officials. Surely the government cannot be expected to fund party coffers. In the meantime, a few of the old certainties have vanished. To cite one example, the old pendulum that used to vacillate between Chinese support for MCA in one election and DAP in the subsequent political contest has come to halt. DAP has been the overriding choice in successive elections. We are now blessed, not tormented, by having a class of senior MPs who would be able to offer precious insights and perspectives. They are now kept apart in rival camps, cheered and jeered by feuding supporters. They should brainstorm collectively in a bipartisan manner, to produce urgent solutions. The world is watching. Young Malaysians will soon pose tough questions. In tandem with a bipartisan cabinet drawing the best talents from among serving MPs, the nation should similarly establish an effective reconciliation commission with an advisory role. This commission should look at events of the past five decades and peer into the future to fashion a formidable Malaysia.


2020-06-18 12:25 | Report Abuse

In a reflective mode, Dzulkefly wrote that Pakatan Harapan personalities have been spared a merciless hounding had they stayed on as cabinet ministers throughout the Covid-19 lockdown. During Harapan's tenure, they were indeed pilloried as the polarisation machination was ramped up in tandem with the historic defeat of Umno-BN. In truth, the pattern of inflamed politics resembles not a mere cycle, it characterises an entire era. This may prove disconcerting to most Malaysians. Our democracy is evolving, maturing even, only excruciatingly so. Remember the 2005 unsheathing of a keris by a scion of Umno founding president Onn Jaafar? It was as if a confident Melayu Baru circa 1993, straddling the world, had retreated to shore up the ketuanan Melayu (Malay supremacy). This particular debate is harrowing. Ketuanan Melayu relates to Malay empowerment, about a race finding their footing after centuries of subjugation. It is a self-motivational theme aimed not at suppressing other Malaysians. Admittedly, the keris incident was a bad illustration of ketuanan Melayu, at a time when the national conversation was inspiring (or agitating) a rise in participants. Anyone with a view could spit them out as the comfort of anonymity was extended across the online sphere. The online din has not been entirely pointless. It has served as an ecosystem of watchdogs marshalling over the entire political terrain. One wrong move will trigger a leaked document from some government entity that is sure to go viral. The apprehensions over politics versus the economy aired by Asyraf and Mustapa, the musings of Dzulkefly, rumours of crossovers, and above all, polarisation, neatly fill a canvas that is shaped by the post-Covid19 challenge. This is the precise moment to attempt a major rethink. We have been assaulted on several fronts from health to politics to business. It is time to confront our troubles. One prognosis is fairly straightforward. The Malay political class during the triumphant Umno era cultivated strong support bases. Anyone with extensive grassroots support was always going to have a better chance at the much-anticipated party polls. These support bases saw themselves as professional, paid loyalists. While this is already changing somewhat, the old warlords are around still. So, the nation will have to step in to calmly address this. Fuelled by ambitions and money, bad politicians could always be dressed up with a fine sheen.


2020-06-18 12:25 | Report Abuse

Unity gov't will pave the way to a better Malaysia

Umno Youth chief Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki and Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Economy) Mustapa Mohamed have, in recent days, called for an end to the latest cycle of intense politicking. Asyraf and Mustapa, back in the cabinet, didn't, however, offer a means or instrument that will magically aid this whooshing. Another minister had earlier eased into the public domain the enduring idea of springing an anti-hopping law on levitating elected representatives. Soon after, the Lubuk Antu MP bolted from PKR, a party he swiftly embraced after winning the seat in May 2018 on a different ticket. No howling and hounding ensued. The nation has been glued to the mobile phone, rooting for, and also fearing, news on some stupendous crossovers. "I am just preparing myself for another long political battle that will affect my business," a lady entrepreneur told this writer. Let's hear out another personality. Amanah strategic director Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad was the serving health minister when the silent enemy, Covid19, was about to terrorise normalcy and sent us retreating into our bunkers, homes that we so cherish.


2020-06-17 15:07 | Report Abuse

Well..people will accept UMNO if they can show.....

1. against corruption
2. be accountable
3. be fair to all Malaysians
4. reject extremism
5. respect minority rights


2020-06-17 14:45 | Report Abuse

Special circumstances? You mean like being Umno members?


2020-06-16 10:04 | Report Abuse

Why it is when Tun M becomes PM again, how is that OK? Moreover, just for everyone to wake up, he has become PM twice, 95 years old and he was the one behind this mess.


2020-06-16 09:50 | Report Abuse

Why is it that Malaysians continue to tolerate garbage in their political choices?

What depths do you have to stoop to to accept that “better than PAS” or “ better than UMNO” is a standard worth aspiring to?

What is it?

Do you have no standards? Possibly so, because your principles are so flexible they are not principles at all

Is it because you are too lazy or so lacking in motivation that you constantly need to be told what to do? And there are plenty of conniving politicians who will do just that. You act like a mob of zombies the way you are devoid of any individuality.

Are you so consumed with your own delusional self importance that you think that someone “just like you” is adequate for the job

Whatever your reasons you make some appalling choices

And then your desperation to save face won’t allow you to admit you could ever be wrong


2020-06-16 09:36 | Report Abuse

You can test your hypothesis by seeing what happens in the 120 Malay-majority seats in the event of an election.

UMNO-PAS are no fools, they have done the calculations, and they will win comfortably.


2020-06-16 09:22 | Report Abuse

QueenElizebeth IV, do you think anyone from Umno such as former PM Najib Abdul Razak or party president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi or anyone from Bersatu is better? Or what about PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang, who can help us go back to the medieval age?

In politics, everyone carries "baggage". Look at ‘Mr Clean’ Mustapha Mohamed, who seems to have no problem with sleeping with the "devil" too.

Yes, Anwar has his baggage but among the devils, I consider him a lesser evil.
