
WellingTonSky9 | Joined since 2020-05-29

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2020-06-02 14:24 | Report Abuse

Smaller details, Demosisto Party. How many US dollars does King Wong have in overseas accounts. Just a hunch.
Can he honestly declare who paid for all those US trips and entertainment. Just a hunch.
Now is grown up does he still have an overly paid maid to make is bed. Just a hunch.
How old is he, just a hunch.
Come on, expose them one by one


2020-06-02 13:48 | Report Abuse

After this move, it is almost certain Taiwan residents will resist the 1C2S concept and despite these weak clarifications by BJ, people around the world will perceive China as not honouring commitments under the JD. HK people will worry about their social activities, what they post on facebook, youtube etc. and almost anything you say on the streets. Hard-nosed businessmen might still make short-term investments in HK but will definitely not be here for the long haul. One night, you just might find agents knocking on your door and take you away for almost anything they deem subversive. Corruption will rear its ugly head again as some people just have too much power and wish to receive bribes.


2020-06-02 13:48 | Report Abuse

RAMPAGE GODLIKE ! What a load of nonsense. Its the 'silent majority' myth all over again. The 2 million or so people already represent most of the city's population so your comment is way off.


2020-06-02 13:25 | Report Abuse

1997+50years=2047! simple maths.....after year 2047 then only ccp dogs come out barking! not now!


2020-06-02 13:18 | Report Abuse

you mean All those black riot provocateurs are staring at lengthy jail time. Finally, justice will be served? No way jose! Or hell in any chances! CCP should not disturb hk!


2020-06-01 15:44 | Report Abuse

That is not to suggest Beijing will not pay some price for its decision to enact the security law, analysts said.
As well as any targeted sanctions Trump hands down, the move has further angered the US Congress, which is already considering dozens of anti-China bills. It also could add momentum to US plaintiffs claiming damages suffered because of Beijing’s delay in stemming the spread of the virus, lawsuits that rankle China.
Beijing’s tough stance also highlights to third countries working with China, including its Belt and Road Initiative, the “potential negative consequences of economic involvement with China”, said Terry Haines, an independent policy analyst and former Congressional staffer.
But these steps, and Thursday’s joint statement against the new security law signed by the US, Britain, Canada and Australia, ultimately are not giving Beijing too many sleepless nights, analysts said.
“It’s a lot of ink,” Eisenman said. “Does it make one Hongkonger more free? No. Does it change any of the other facts on the ground? Not really. It’s a nice sentiment, but it won't change Beijing's approach.”


2020-06-01 15:44 | Report Abuse

All else being equal, Beijing would rather that Hong Kong maintained its special US economic and trade status, but the financial capital has become less important to China’s economy. At the time of the British handover in 1997, Hong Kong accounted for about 18 per cent of China’s total GDP, a figure that is now below 4 per cent, according to World Bank figures.
And having Hong Kong more on a par with other Chinese cities offers certain political advantages, analysts said. Beijing’s tougher stance toward Hong Kong is popular on the mainland, which has tended to view the city’s residents as spoiled and unappreciative of China’s largesse, analysts said.
“This decision enjoys extensive support from Chinese people, including in Hong Kong, many of whom believe it should have been done long before,” Cui said in his article.
Coming further into Beijing’s orbit will also leave the city and its people garnering less international attention, overseas political support or economic ties.
“This is turning Hong Kong into just another city, and that’s exactly what Beijing wanted,” Sun Yun, director of the China programme at the Stimson Centre, a think tank in Washington, said at a National Committee on US China Relations event.
“I suspect in Beijing’s calculation the economic cost of the removal of the special status of Hong Kong will be carried by many, but the political benefits will be enjoyed by Beijing,” she said.


2020-06-01 15:44 | Report Abuse

As China’s economic and political clout has expanded and its nationalism become more pronounced under President Xi Jinping, international opinion holds far less sway, particularly on issues related to party control, analysts said.
“I just don’t believe that much of what happens in Washington or London is going to matter that much to Beijing’s Hong Kong policy,” said Eisenman, a former analyst with the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission.
“We’re all in reactive mode. Western leaders can huff and puff, but Hong Kong is China’s territory.”


2020-06-01 15:43 | Report Abuse

Also in its calculations, analysts said, was the likelihood that the Covid-19 crisis would keep some percentage of Hong Kong protesters off the streets given fears of infection and that the global health crisis would keep some number of foreign nations distracted.
“If you’re pretty sure you have to take this step anyways, from their perspective, you might as well do it now,” said Joshua Eisenman, an associate professor at the University of Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs in Indiana. “You want to pay the least cost for it that you can.”
US analysts said Beijing and the Hong Kong government were not able – or had not spent the time – to address underlying concerns of residents in the city, which has one of the world’s largest rich-poor gaps.
“The decision by Beijing to impose a national security law to coerce obedience by the people of Hong Kong is a stark admission of the failure of their policy there,” said Daniel Russel, vice-president of the Asia Society Policy Institute in New York. “But it is also a failure of US policy.”
Russel, former president Barack Obama’s point person on Asian affairs, said it was likely China’s leaders had calculated that Trump’s penchant for acting alone, his attack on the World Health Organisation in the middle of a global pandemic and his divisive domestic policies would work in their favour.
“The Chinese government is no longer worried about what Washington thinks, nor is it afraid that the Trump administration can muster a unified international response,” he said.


2020-06-01 15:43 | Report Abuse

“At the same time, external forces have increasingly interfered in Hong Kong affairs without scruple. Because of this, Hong Kong is in disarray.”Cui said the Hong Kong government tried for 23 years to enact security laws but the opposition had sought to “strangle them”, prompting Beijing to act.
Hong Kong would retain a “high degree of autonomy”, and residents need not worry as long as they avoided “splitting the country, subverting the government, committing terrorist activities and externally meddling”, he said.
US analysts said that once the ruling Communist Party of China became impatient with the unrest and decided it had to crack down on Hong Kong – despite commitments to maintain its relative autonomy under a “one country, two systems” formula agreed to before the 1997 handover from Britain – it started honing its calculations.
Driving the decision, they said, was concern that the protracted protests made it look weak domestically and that unrest could spread into southern China despite successful efforts to portray many Hongkongers as ungrateful and unpatriotic.


2020-06-01 15:42 | Report Abuse

In a Bloomberg editorial on Saturday, China’s ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai said Beijing chose to enact the national security law in Hong Kong after demonstrators became increasingly aggressive and “external forces” put the nation at risk.
“Protesters have time and again instigated violence and clamoured for Hong Kong’s ‘independence’, crossing a red line for the central government,” he said.


2020-06-01 15:41 | Report Abuse

“It would almost be better if he didn’t say anything until he had specific measures,” Coflan said. “The biggest difficulty is the uncertainty.”


2020-06-01 15:40 | Report Abuse

Beijing has reason to be pleased with the West’s relatively muted response to its plan to introduce a new national security law in Hong Kong, US analysts said, and increasingly confident in the decision to tighten its grip on the city.
Following Beijing’s passage of a security law, the US has revoked Hong Kong’s status as autonomous from China and threatened to revoke its special trade and investment privileges, without providing specifics.
The US also signed a joint letter of protest with Britain, Canada and Australia. And Britain has offered to extend citizenship to some Hong Kong residents if China remains on the same course.
“Beijing is probably thinking, a lot of bark and little bite,” said Andrew Coflan, a China analyst with the Eurasia Group consultancy.
US President Donald Trump outlined various threatened actions on Friday, without details, including what restrictions would apply to Chinese students or the timeline on any trade or customs actions, he said.


2020-06-01 15:40 | Report Abuse

Beijing has reason to be emboldened by response to Hong Kong national security law plan, US observers say
China’s leaders are probably thinking West’s reaction was ‘a lot of bark and little bite’, analyst says
China’s ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai says Hong Kong tried for 23 years to enact security laws but opposition sought to ‘strangle them’, prompting Beijing to act


2020-06-01 15:18 | Report Abuse

MoneyMaker168,That coming from someone educated by the Tiananmen square massacres engineers


2020-06-01 15:14 | Report Abuse

QueenElizebeth IV ,Your wet dream is only a stain on the sheets haha


2020-05-29 15:01 | Report Abuse

My sincere sympathy to our Malay friends. On one hand being misled by UMNO and PAS to hate DAP and Jews but on the other hand stealing money from Malays and having coffee with Jews. Sampai bilalah orang Malay kena kencing tak habis habis. Wonder where and how they can uphold the integrity and pride.


2020-05-29 14:52 | Report Abuse

How smoothly that spinning wheel spins! So now it appears that Israel, the merciless oppressors of the Al Aqsa Mosque and Palestinian human rights, and the Jews, the insidious agents of world domination, are actually alive and well and living in Mont Kiara, Kuala Lumpur. And not only that, they do so under the loving patronage of Najib Razak, UMNO, and ...wait for it … Mahathir Mohamad! Can we ask for anything more in the noble cause of international harmony?

The good ship “Mercy” may sail the Red Sea, bringing relief and comfort to the distressed of Gaza amid much lamenting, beating of breasts, and shedding of tears. Meanwhile back at the ranch, Najib and friends the fearless defenders of race and religion in the Middle East and beyond, are rolling on the ground laughing at the idiots and their usual antics outside the National Mosque and the US Embassy whenever the bugle is sounded.

There is one Israel for public consumption and another for turning to when times go really desperate and the satay hits the fan. All manner of justification can be offered for fraternizing with seemingly long-hated enemies; the surprise is that there are still hordes who queue to buy snake oil from a bossku and his reliable mantra of “You can count on us to protect you, our race, and our religion”. We await your rebuttal, Najib, humorous as it surely would be.

Many of us certainly do not protest good relations with Israel, we only sneer at the hypocrisy UMNO and evidently Harapan practice. The use of public funds for party purposes as in this Project Magnum has been so long established that when we come across further evidence of it, we don’t care to even bat an eye-lid. The only small surprise is that Mahathir, who frenziedly froths at the mouth when the Jews are mentioned, seems not amiss to seeking the aid of his supposedly lifelong foes.

Wherefore art thou, O Zakir Naik?


2020-05-29 12:51 | Report Abuse

