YSL76 | Joined since 2017-09-11

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2020-11-15 20:55 | Report Abuse

Sebab banyak sohai tak tau ma, banyak kalah bila kejar mahshing and salcon ma!


2020-11-15 20:20 | Report Abuse

Ming, why cry?


2020-11-15 20:12 | Report Abuse

Indeed fundamental 123


2020-11-15 19:44 | Report Abuse

Mobbs68, tak mau marah marah 1st, saya tanya lu, glove stock ada future lagi tak? Or AT only no future for glove stock?


2020-11-15 17:46 | Report Abuse

Micheal, of coz no free money la, who going to give u money, it's either u win retailer money or sindicate only la.. haiz ini macam pun mau cakap meh


2020-11-15 17:44 | Report Abuse

Indeed, vaccine news out definitely going to effect the glove sentiment, no doubt and I agree, anyway it's only news, how true is it we all don't know, if Pfizer come out news saying they need more time to reach their goal 100 percent, will it effect glove? It's will, once again no right or wrong, think guys .. think!


2020-11-15 17:38 | Report Abuse

How do you make one company become strong FA? Can u tell me? Was careplus FA strong before he shoot up?


2020-11-15 17:35 | Report Abuse

Don't talk bout IB, IB one of the big sindicate! U forget how they do trimming hair job? How they manipulate the TP on Big 4?


2020-11-15 17:34 | Report Abuse

Joy from .115 till .28, how many percentage? How many volume been trade, u don't know how to calculate?


2020-11-15 17:32 | Report Abuse

OT did mention TA is good FA no good, that's why he didn't invest. He stick with his prinsip, no right or wrong also


2020-11-15 17:30 | Report Abuse

U don't misleading ppl here, it's good to share news and view, but not others way just to proof u are right, there no wrong or right ya.


2020-11-15 17:28 | Report Abuse

Mobbs68, it's even take several month, for US only, if u expect it reach Malaysia u think how long, at meantime, what Malaysia need to do? Take panadol 1st? No need wear mask? Can boh?


2020-11-15 17:22 | Report Abuse

Mobbs68, don't tell story half way, what else fauci say


2020-11-15 17:20 | Report Abuse

Or give u last option, join just ride together lol


2020-11-15 17:19 | Report Abuse

Run naked or leave this forum?


2020-11-15 17:18 | Report Abuse

Eih.. joy appear! Joy u haven't answered my question leh, if reach 0.30 apa macam?


2020-11-15 15:17 | Report Abuse

Yes 0.10 Sen coming go go go!!! I mean up 10 Sen Lolololo


2020-11-15 15:15 | Report Abuse

Other company will help sell AT glove also, who are they? U and me no idea, what I'm saying here is, when those name surface out.. u know what gonna happen to AT.


2020-11-15 15:10 | Report Abuse

AT Glove Factory Visit 13 Nov 2020

- 18 Nov The arrival of glove materials
- The raw materials come from Taiwan, so there will be no shortage of raw materials. There will be 3-4 suppliers
- 24 Nov started testing and making gloves
- Started production of gloves in early December
- There will be a total of 13 production lines
- Production of Nitrile glove, and Latex Glove in the future
- Estimated sales price USD 90 per 1000pcs, sport order USD 150+-. The gloves in China sell for about USD 130
- Cost USD 22 per 1000 pcs
- The land next to the factory is belong to Fintech, AT will help to manage on behalf and earn management fees
- LKL is one of AT glove distributor, and other companies will also help AT sell gloves
- The company expects to be profitable RM180mil in 2021
- The production volume will reach 2.6b in April 2021
- The company uses cash to build a glove factory, thus it will be completed soon
- All employees are local, there will be total of 240 employees. After completing all production lines, there will be 1,200 employees
- FDA cert is expected to be Jun Jul 2021
- CE certificate is expected to be obtained this month


2020-11-15 15:09 | Report Abuse

We talking fact here, just someone can't accept the fact


2020-11-15 15:09 | Report Abuse

Yes chelly, that's the advantages of AT


2020-11-15 15:08 | Report Abuse

Isn't TY yap group already send out the list? Ada tengok ka? Mau saya post lagi tak?


2020-11-15 15:06 | Report Abuse

That's no right or wrong, if no CE, news out AT price going down, same like PG deal


2020-11-15 15:05 | Report Abuse

CE this month ma, boleh tak boleh tengok la, FDA next year ma, slowly la


2020-11-15 15:02 | Report Abuse

Trade with skill, not your emotions mobbs68. Gd luck


2020-11-15 14:59 | Report Abuse

I tell u what, if AT slowly surface those Materials, machine sample glove, CE and FDA approved, what u think the price going be at? 0.07? 0.20? 0.30? Or 0.50? By that time when u jump like , we start disposed, u going to curse and swear again


2020-11-15 14:54 | Report Abuse

Mobbs68, u never know what behind it, even James ever commented very risky and moving too fast, but up to today, it's much higher, what if AT supporting one of Big4 production news out? Will you still comments AT was rubbish? I'm giving example only


2020-11-15 14:26 | Report Abuse

People that can't accept their failure will always the loser, no matter what u do where u go or invest. Your failure gonna hunt you for the rest of your life, change now before it's too late, good luck guys


2020-11-15 14:23 | Report Abuse

West, because they lose money at Big4 and salcon and Mahsing, so they bring in their hatred here and try condemning it, but so far each time they fail la, but still didn't give up LOL, why so thick skin ha.. LOL


2020-11-15 14:19 | Report Abuse

Mobbs68, no need curse and swear, we see the results on Monday, at current moment, no one will listen we all making money now, let's the price determine. Don't do thing like hotstuff and joy, no point, let's monitor the volume transaction. If getting low good sign, if still remains big volume, be cautious also, not saying AT no good, just worried sindicate manipulate the share price, that's how contra player lose money, remember Big Fish always eat small fish theory. And don't compare mahsing or salcon with AT, those talk only, this AT really build up to manufacture glove, totally different.


2020-11-15 13:54 | Report Abuse

Alamak, still debating LOL


2020-11-14 14:26 | Report Abuse

No point arguing so much la, let's the price do the talking la, if Monday sustainable or up, Wednesday I'll go there see their material got come or not ya LOL


2020-11-14 12:24 | Report Abuse

Hey u guys after see my video, help share leh, I alone cannot WhatsApp so much lol


2020-11-14 12:19 | Report Abuse

Why no one saying, price maybe will stay around 0.30 Sen, after a month only got movement after their production smooth, why keep saying .10 Sen ...pening betul la


2020-11-14 12:14 | Report Abuse

Omg, will someone later say I'm one of Con man worker hahahaha..


2020-11-14 12:13 | Report Abuse

Good luck everyone


2020-11-14 12:13 | Report Abuse

I don't know, as what I see here, if a con company doing so big big drama, just to con u money... I got nothing to say. Buy or not your call ya, your money your call.


2020-11-14 11:52 | Report Abuse

Need come on 18 also, see material arrive or not


2020-11-14 11:52 | Report Abuse

Yup, there working now also, for me so far doesn't look like con job la


2020-11-14 11:51 | Report Abuse

Look good to me so far.. gambateh..good luck guys.


2020-11-14 11:47 | Report Abuse

Mau tengok video WhatsApp saya


2020-11-14 11:46 | Report Abuse

I saw someone here took photo also, who drive Subaru lol


2020-11-14 11:43 | Report Abuse

Got construction guy Sana, worker car also Ada, lorry in out also ada


2020-11-14 11:42 | Report Abuse

Their factory very big also, tapi tak boleh masuk Dalam la


2020-11-14 11:41 | Report Abuse

Ok me arrive, look like they working on the construction job


2020-11-14 11:14 | Report Abuse

I think today won't be anyone there also due to Diwali, but nevermind I'll go also, not far


2020-11-14 11:12 | Report Abuse

Tak apa la, nanti saya pergi chepor check check kilang ya, apa apa update sini.. happy weekend tak mau bising bising la.


2020-11-14 11:11 | Report Abuse

LOL, pagi pagi sudah debate hihihi.. good morning perakian! Happy Diwali!


2020-11-13 23:31 | Report Abuse

What's wrong with this ppl here lol, if sick go see doctor la lolololo


2020-11-13 23:30 | Report Abuse

Lol another innocent questions hahahaha.. otak betul betul masuk air lolololo