YSL76 | Joined since 2017-09-11

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2020-11-13 23:29 | Report Abuse

Another innocent questions.. who ask u come this counter go away otak dekat lutut LOL


2020-11-13 23:20 | Report Abuse

Sudah la hush77, janji bikin duit, so apa hang punya comment? Jual? Lepas tu? Pergi main Mah sing atau salcon? Or beli big 4?


2020-11-13 23:18 | Report Abuse

My goodness... 600k !


2020-11-13 23:09 | Report Abuse

(0.10 is in your dream and 1.00 is in your fantasy .... 0.30 is in in a miliion years)
From my beloved Joyvest


2020-11-13 23:06 | Report Abuse

U r wrong oriental!! It's should reach in million years! Mark my words! I learn from joy la LOL


2020-11-13 23:05 | Report Abuse

Ignore yupetan, newly created account and try comments here, he sound more like faizal, could be same person


2020-11-13 23:02 | Report Abuse

Joyvest, u ever say if AT 0.30, will be in million years, what happen if really reach 0.30? Are you going to run naked at public playground? No la, I just joking, if really done 0.30, I hope u just vanish from this forum and back to your Mah sing or Big 4 ok tak? Deal?


2020-11-13 20:54 | Report Abuse

Soon TY will out talk about how many millionaire I created again ! LOL


2020-11-13 20:51 | Report Abuse

Hahaha.. becareful also, but so far as I know, Tan C H already sell all his position. Hopefully he earn his Mtronic and let TY do his AT.


2020-11-13 20:47 | Report Abuse

Good strategy also KYY, Kasi u orang standby duit Monday pump lol


2020-11-13 20:46 | Report Abuse

I tot 2 days markian92 LOL, third day kasi jatuh kita beli balik ya lololo


2020-11-13 20:43 | Report Abuse

Lol cicak, money is everywhere, talk only glove everyone wanna invest this business, every businessman one a piece of the cake, that's why TG keep expending, some even JV ..same like at this forum we all one a piece of it also lol


2020-11-13 20:35 | Report Abuse

During that time is limit up trend ma , lol, remember how HLT limit up notion limit up, esceram limit lol I like crazy already, although bought abit lol


2020-11-13 20:31 | Report Abuse

Yea, I still remember mahsing can limit up lol, wonder will AT also hahahaha...


2020-11-13 20:27 | Report Abuse

Actually really got set up factory for his own and got supported from some big pplI think only AT so far, the rest only talk or JV only. Now wonder what going happened to Mah sing next year.


2020-11-13 20:19 | Report Abuse

Plan semua sudah keluar, big ppl also keluar, factory pun sudah keluar, statement pun sudah keluar, reality pun sudah keluar, from 0.07 till now, APA lagi u mau?


2020-11-13 20:18 | Report Abuse

Mana stock tak goreng, itu stock tak goreng boleh untung meh


2020-11-13 20:17 | Report Abuse

Aiyo. Susah la if your head hard like stone Ong, u betul betul punya lembu, if sudah buat glove , u think 0.20 u can buy now.. fikir la sikit!


2020-11-13 20:14 | Report Abuse

Did u invest at careplus during 2016? Did u bought careplus at 2020 April? I'm saying during that time all giving bad comments on it, I end up let go at rm1.05.


2020-11-13 20:12 | Report Abuse

U want vulgar words I also have Omg, respect abit


2020-11-13 20:12 | Report Abuse

Careplus not new, did u see his QR? U don't scold ppl here sohai, I never say careplus no good, read properly before u comments la KongKam!


2020-11-13 20:05 | Report Abuse

Careplus from 0.14 reach till RM5.80 joke tak?


2020-11-13 20:04 | Report Abuse

Joke or not joke, u and me won't know, careplus a joke also when he reach RM5.80? U won't know prime


2020-11-13 20:02 | Report Abuse

Like I say, follow the trends and market sentiment. Apply strategy don't be too greedy, minus your position when reach some of the TP, I mean your own TP, kyy tp 0.70 doesn't mean u sell at 0.70, always remember share won't shoot up straight, it's isn't same like previous glove counter, that time was MCO, now is CMCO, yet vaccine news will out anytime, I doesn't mean vaccine will reach Malaysia soon enough, but it does effect glove sentiment, that undeniable.


2020-11-13 19:58 | Report Abuse

Max, u can't wait few Qr, as ppl will start push it, remember each time those big 4 come out QR, next day crash, that's the way how Malaysian invest in stock market


2020-11-13 19:54 | Report Abuse

By yelling from 0.07 till 0.255 without any proof is useless. Anyway no matter what share it is, won't last long as well, look at TG and supermx, how many kena burn. That's why invest smart not talk smart.


2020-11-13 19:51 | Report Abuse

Prime doesn't matter, I bought at low price, like I say, let price do the talking, I believe ppl here don't like negative comments, if u are kind enough , guide them provide good info, not just open mouth blindly without any evidence, I believe if u do that much more ppl will appreciate it.


2020-11-13 19:44 | Report Abuse

Loading , yes anything might happen, but at this moment I guess quite safe, with esos , factory build up, and info from Ty yap and kyy.. I guess not easy to crash, but as an investor u need set your own TP, don't be greedy, let go some positions if meat your target price, as for contra player, play smart, always remember strategy, win 4 lose 2, if u chase high, ask yourself do u able to hold or not, if not, apply strategy, if u can set your tp earning, don't forget to set your cut loss point.


2020-11-13 19:38 | Report Abuse

Happy Diwali Tun!


2020-11-13 19:38 | Report Abuse

You all go play salcon la, salcon Good! Salcon best! Salcon Genuine sincere business!! Go there la, tak mau talk like God here la .. each time I come here read also vomit blood lo, pls la go away la.. I'm begging you all kids . Don't play at this playground la.. later kena con..nanti uncle bring gold fish here ask u go toilet susah la. By the way did u all ask your parents u come here play?


2020-11-13 19:23 | Report Abuse

AT 0.07 rubbish company!
AT 0.115 rubbish company sure drop back 0.07!
AT 0.18 u see, vaccine out, sure back to 0.07!!
AT 0.27 this is con company!!! Sell sell selll!!!!
AT 0.22 told u all already many sohai die, wait u all at 0.07!
AT 0.255 TP 0.70 .. mana ada sohai Kasi free money.. fuxxing con old man! Burn burn burn!!!
Kanina.. boh chaw Zi Bai.. talk like GOD here.
Wonder if Monday shoot up above 0.30..
Those chau ci bai will come out what excuse..


2020-11-13 18:53 | Report Abuse

KYY TP 0.70!! Good luck AT holders!


2020-11-13 12:18 | Report Abuse

No point arguing also, let's the price do the talking. Bye and good luck everyone, not going to comment anymore , just remember money important or your pride !


2020-11-13 12:16 | Report Abuse

Hotstuff, don't call ppl morons, remember, never ever against the market sentiment, and follow the trends. Good luck


2020-11-13 12:06 | Report Abuse

Hotstuff, nothing wrong if u doing a wrong thing, just admit it, no body know who you are, money important or your pride? Wake up and think carefully ya, anyway good afternoon Perakian and and everyone!


2020-11-13 12:04 | Report Abuse

Lol, good guess hotstuff, they dam rich yet do this monkey drama to cheat u money? Lol come on la .. have u wake up yet LOL


2020-11-13 11:32 | Report Abuse

Then why TY and KK go there for what? Main kukujio with AT boss is it.. another loser that didn't get tickets while cheap.. pity kids


2020-11-13 11:28 | Report Abuse

No link, it's photo I got


2020-11-13 11:27 | Report Abuse

Sell your salcon , buy AT


2020-11-13 11:26 | Report Abuse

Primeinvestor, beli la sikit, all big guys already there lo LOL


2020-11-13 11:23 | Report Abuse

Siao liao, TY Yap also there LOL


2020-11-13 11:16 | Report Abuse

Don't act noble here, no one need your advise, punter have their way to punt, well for ppl like me we have our holding power, we just hold, and we have our strategy to invest, by the way my cost still below 18 cent after average up yesterday, but my profit increase LOL


2020-11-13 11:13 | Report Abuse

Lol, giving good image of salcon help ppl win or lose. How many kena when they chase above .38, u tell me Mr saint!


2020-11-13 11:06 | Report Abuse

Primeinvestor, go back to your salcon forum la lol, faster collect more at 0.365, shoot up soon! By the way good luck ya hehehe..it's fukin genuine business!


2020-11-13 10:59 | Report Abuse

Eih.. hotstuff mana leh, saya mau tanya pasal itu salcon leh.. hotstuff help help help!!


2020-11-13 10:46 | Report Abuse

To me, as long AT price stay above 0.20 is already good enough, volume reduce good also, 3 days big transaction u and me also don't know who buy who sell, just hold tight, if AT willing to do so big drama by building up factory and hiring ppl just to con ppl, I also think is worth it, rather then those who came out statement saying venture into glove business, glove demand will be not that hot as last time, well if u think 0.30 is your tp, just take profit, by selling 50 to 70 % of your holding and fight . Everywhere got sindicate, big 4 also have, IB and EPF also sindicate, what can u do about it right.. your money your call. Good luck guys .


2020-11-13 10:39 | Report Abuse

Faizal.. enough is enough la.. boring la look at your comment, kYy say per piece glove is worth 0.23 cents la sohai