
Zbaikitree | Joined since 2015-09-30

Investing Experience Beginner
Risk Profile High

Some people love zbaik. Some people hate zbaik. They all have valid reasons. Laughdieme liao. Wakakaka





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2015-12-07 15:20 | Report Abuse

cimb came to the rescue.


2015-12-07 15:20 | Report Abuse

volume is good, price is good. will go up from now.


2015-12-07 13:00 | Report Abuse

For the last time i announce. Longterm is uptrend. The slaughter is on shorterm ppls.
how many times i have to remind you ppls i m commenting on shortterm traders?.

good luck boys n gals. No need over-react on my stmt. I m just a nobody with a vulgar name.

wakaka. Sorry i just woke up.


2015-12-05 22:27 | Report Abuse

More companies come out to claim china connection.... wakaka.


2015-12-05 16:50 | Report Abuse

everyday is a weekend to me. I m not like u ppls have to report to work everyday.


2015-12-05 16:16 | Report Abuse

7c before bonus rise to 34c post bonus. that is actually 45c. up almost 7x in less than 2 month. u ppl still argue its cheap? if it go to 1.00 means up almost 19x.
u ppl r insane to believe in demoted guy.
all he has ever commented is instaco. both here n investla.


2015-12-05 16:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by demotedloveangel > Dec 5, 2015 04:04 PM | Report Abuse 

Instacom recap - price has risen pre bonus from 8c till now 26.5c. 

Has solid business, excellent fundamentals, bright future prospects n strong China connection. 

With a sound valuation report from CIMB at 70c. 

Uptrend still intact. Shares never shoot up in a straight line. Moves Up down, up down without fail. 

Overall market very weak. Shares tumbled in Europe U.S. n across Asia. 

Ok Instacom shares dropped too like all counters. But no free fall. Still very well absorbed and supported at every level.If syndicate driven game over now. But it's a well managed counter with sensible market making activities. 

Current downtrend provides an opportunity to collect at lower levels. Long term uptrend still intact n attainable. 

40 mid term target still in play. Long term GEM with TP still unchanged at RM1


2015-12-05 16:09 | Report Abuse

this demoted guy is syndicatr runner la. last sat say tp revised to 1.00

now asking u ppl don sell n buy more.


2015-12-05 15:29 | Report Abuse

how best can one laugh, I already laugh till laosai.
laughdieme liao.


2015-12-05 15:23 | Report Abuse

I m sure there r more ways to make u ppls feel better. all of you stucked big time.I predict over the next few days most of you throw the towel n jump into other hot stocks.


2015-12-05 15:13 | Report Abuse

so is the pp still 28.5c??? genius myview.


2015-12-05 15:12 | Report Abuse


from Myview. see how wrong he was.
 Dec 3, 2015 06:58 AM | Report Abuse 

Having said we should keep for a couple of years, I expect to see 2 things: 1) Periodical announcement of increased book order value to 1.8b in 2016 and 5b in 2017. And 2) Quarterly report of 20m profit in 2016 and 40m profit in 2017.


 Dec 2, 2015 07:45 PM | Report Abuse 

They are controlling the price to fix for the PP. Most likely 28 or 28.5 after 10% discount. Be patient. The company needs funds for the billion dollar projects. If the share price is too high, investors won't place the large sum of money. I am sure there is already some sort of price agreement for this. After that, there will be more action for sure.


2015-12-05 15:07 | Report Abuse

pathetic. myview was the person who shouted big bull coming once the result was out. it was trading at 33c


2015-12-05 14:17 | Report Abuse

you r the one who is conceited n too sure n arrogant.
lose already refuse to admit.


2015-12-05 14:16 | Report Abuse

talking abt the game. you lose liao. other stocks r moving. your fund sit in a stock that worries u every minute.

wakakaka. so cham.


2015-12-05 13:58 | Report Abuse

pls explain why all my predictions of instaco spot on so far???


2015-12-05 13:45 | Report Abuse

the cimb report while writing. the stockist already stocking up. it was completed days before it time the released. all these stock has been dump into the greedy ppl who chase up to 34.


2015-12-05 13:37 | Report Abuse

cimb stockist has a lot more to throw. their cost is 20c.


2015-12-05 13:29 | Report Abuse

from now any attempt to push up will b greeted with heavy sell down but the forced cut loss ppl. not the type u mention as calm n peaceful unvestor. wake up la. everyday there r huge contra ppls due next few 7 days.


2015-12-05 13:17 | Report Abuse

again pls tell those who dont understand englush.
I comment on short term. i dont care longterm.

so all the socalled longterm ppls dont respond to me.


2015-12-05 13:12 | Report Abuse

the way I see it. they r punters. but since sitting on loss. they force to bcome longterm investor. but deep down they hope this stock would rise back 34c and they will sell n run like crazy.


2015-12-05 13:09 | Report Abuse

I comment on short term but I have many so called longterm investor come and dispute n argue with me. it shows how insecure they r in their so called longterm holding. means they r very doubtful now n need my endorsement to console them


2015-12-05 12:41 | Report Abuse

Taka. Busy on other things now. When the time is right wil let u know.

1991 posts

 Posted by Taka > Dec 5, 2015 12:30 PM | Report Abuse 

@zbaikitree, you save many people from becoming poor by warning them of disasters. 

Hope you also can help people to become rich by recommending profitable stocks. 

Have a great weekend


2015-12-05 12:26 | Report Abuse

Why a co which made 86m net profit last 4 quarters mkt cap is 750m but a co which made 6m profit in last 4 quarters mkt cap go as high as 1000m with the pp n 3 classes of warrant.
U call it bargain? Undervalued?

It looks like a bubble. You ppl r paying for a dream projections on best possible scenerio.

Turn out the fajar bidding 8bil with china co suspect to be crcc.
And instaco only has less than 0.5bil project from crcc.

Is that not call suckers?


2015-12-05 12:16 | Report Abuse


 Posted by ktsk88 > Dec 5, 2015 12:00 PM | Report Abuse 

zbaikitree, we all here do not care you have antic, conscience, morality, etc. 

you can blows your hot trumpet, air, water, sweat, saliva, eyedrops whatsoever. 

no one bothers about you.


2015-12-05 12:14 | Report Abuse

If u say no one bothers me why so many keep replying to me? U r liar.


2015-12-05 12:13 | Report Abuse

Ktsk. I feel sorry for your education level. Can u kindly enlighten me what is antics?
See? I m talking to a lowly educated ppl who challenge me on my judgement.


2015-12-05 12:10 | Report Abuse

All these greedy ppls put their live saving into a stocks that has balloon 12.5x mkt cap within last 2 month and dont feel any sense of risk. My respect for you ppl.
The paid up of instaco is higher than iris. Who recently got a 700m project. And higher than sumatec with pp and dilution of warrant.
This kind of mega paid up stocks once the passion is over its very difficult to move back to its peak.
So far i have not seen any.
Quarter profit 6m mkt cap almost 1 bil inc pp n warrant.
U r paying pe 40x for a unproven co. Where it failed u last 5 yrs.
There r so many proven co. Trading at pe 10x.

Mitra pe less than 10x. Mainboard. Profit abt 86m if i remember. Mkt cap abt 750m
dividend 5c or 4.2%
When i mention this everyone keep quite. When i mention xox everyone say dont compare with xox. Different sector.

tell me which fund mgr in their right mind will buy instaco.


2015-12-05 11:56 | Report Abuse

Sorry i dont have antics.



2015-12-05 11:44 | Report Abuse

So far what i have predicted on instaco all spot on
U blow meh?


2015-12-05 11:43 | Report Abuse

I said what i want to say. U blow me?
Wakakaka. Laughdieme liao.


2015-12-05 11:26 | Report Abuse

all greedy pig punters turn into longterm investors.

failed to take profit at 34 and now trying to console themselves at 26c.

what a joke.

i have enough jokes from this thread.


2015-12-05 06:43 | Report Abuse

don't talk as if you have unlimited fund to keep buying. such a BIG liar.

Posted by Daz Ng > Dec 5, 2015 06:42 AM | Report Abuse

Thanks zibaik for creating the fear! This is the best weapon in stock market! Everything price correction is an opportunity for me. Does a 15-20% correction for a stock spell the end? Im collecting this stock like there is no tomorrow and i will turn into a player and not a prayer any more. Have a great weekend.


2015-12-05 06:42 | Report Abuse

this is the most silly question i always encountered in a downtrend stock.

Posted by Daz Ng > Dec 5, 2015 04:18 AM | Report Abuse

Have you ever wonder who is collecting/buying while all the people here is bearish and selling?

Daz, have you ever wonder who has been buying XOX at 60c? 50c? 40c? 30c?

at all those level they have been Very strong buyer.

Daz u r so silly. i cannot help u anymore.


2015-12-05 02:19 | Report Abuse

so iris the more project it gets, the lower TA would give its TP. not forgetting TA gave its TP 71c 2 yrs ago.


2015-12-05 02:02 | Report Abuse

is the entry condition of Dr Yeoh specifically spelt out any contract taken from his influence must be exclusively injected into Instaco and not any other company linked to him or his proxies? (its hard to put that in contract anyway. difficult to prove)

eg. the Fajar case, could it be him that push the deal into Fajar and he stand to benefit from stock rise in Fajar?


2015-12-05 01:59 | Report Abuse

the question i want to ask CIMB analyst is. since everything is connected to Dr Yeoh and his connection. in the event Dr Yeoh is a) sick, b) accident, c) insanity d) fall out of favour from China.

what would happen to the tp? is it still 67c post pp. or 6c?


2015-12-05 01:50 | Report Abuse

i have never seen mkt cap inflated at such a magnitude in such a short time. 12.5x within less than 2 month. on a stock that has 2.3 billion shares. (was 1.1billion)

really a good case study.


2015-12-05 01:45 | Report Abuse

sorry the profit guaranteed not 14m, but 17m? i don't bother to check anymore. either amount doesn't justify the massive inflated mkt cap.


2015-12-05 01:41 | Report Abuse

the above figures hasn't added in the increase in valuation by its 3 warrants. if all included. Instacom was valued in excess of rm 1 billion last week. for 10 days.

it was a billion ringgit corp from just 80m 2 months ago.

an increase of 12.5x in mkt cap. just bcos of Dr Yeoh?? i find it too optimistic and simplistic. talk is cheap, if Dr yeah is so confident why can he list his own company? since they don't need the Tower biz its not synergistic to them at all.

many questions unanswered while ppls blindly paid 12.5x more mkt cap to a company in less than 2 months. this is not Apple Malaysia or Tesla Malaysia...


2015-12-05 01:36 | Report Abuse

A) if i can remember correctly. it was paid up 1.1b just 2 months ago. at 7c.

B) then added 600 million by acquired Neata. become 1.7b it was then push up to 24c.

C) then 1 for 3 bonus issued. then paid up become 2.3b. it was then ex at around 16c.

D) then with CIMB help, it went to 34c.

take a look.
A) mkt cap abt 80m

b) mkt cap abt 400m

c) mkt cap abt 360m

d) mkt cap abt 780m, plus 10% p.p. total mkt cap 860m.

as you can see, from A to D. its less than 2 months.
the mkt basically value the Vivocom at almost 800million.

when they only guaranteed profit for 2 yrs at 14m each year. there after, no guaranteed.
so what is the PE given to vivocom? PE 57 x.

accountant and financial analysts don't come argue with me, it was just to simplify in explaining the quantum. no exact data is used here.

Instacom may be a different animal. the old one was 80m. the new animal is 860m (at 34c)

are you sure we are not looking at another Sumatec?


2015-12-05 01:21 | Report Abuse

read KYY on investor over reacted to good news and bad news.

prior to CIMB write up on Instaco. the mkt cap was only 500m at 22c level.

within 48 hours, the mkt cap balloon into almost 800 million. just becos CIMB timed release a report that says its tp 73.

a write up can create rm300 million wealth almost overnite. (print money also not so fast)
its so magical. when 2 months ago the total mkt cap of Instaco was less than 100m, infact for the most part of the last 3 yrs it had been less than rm 100m.
1 paper release can create 3x the mkt cap of the past.

the extra 300m wealth was build on greater fools sand. so its not surprising to see it revert to sanity.

and those who are helping to make this miracle happen was the ikan bills that buy blindly at 32c-34c.


2015-12-05 01:03 | Report Abuse

8wpw, u sounded very desperate.


2015-12-05 00:49 | Report Abuse

suggest u wait n see instead of keep averaging down.

Posted by 8wpwtmt8 > Dec 5, 2015 12:47 AM | Report Abuse

Still got lots of construction works coming throughout next year from CRCC. Only don't know can move this VIVOCOM price or not? Above 30 sen got huge roadblocks. What is more important is this company got growth or not in its EPS. Next quarter already expected not yet got effect from those construction projects. Only the first quarter of 2016 can see the effects. That is why I said got to hold for six months (two quarters). I still not yet average down. Still hoping for RM0.23 to purchase.


2015-12-05 00:43 | Report Abuse

8wpw, u may want to read again what i wrote on 30 nov.

Nov 30, 2015 08:59 PM | Report Abuse

if the price unable to move tomorrow, then u have stale bull at 32/33/34 that will take months to digest. in btw if u have any global crisis or local troubles it will hit back to test support at 26.5c and repeat xx time. i bet u don't want to hold a stock to see that.

knowing very well it is not cheap now. neither is expensive compared to the rosy forecast. but forecast is just a forecast.

Nov 30, 2015 08:55 PM | Report Abuse

myview. u r welcome. i never said u r wrong. i only said they throw a wildcard now the PP. that may derail the momentum and technical of the stock movement.

you can have CIMB barking 67c everyday but if they keep throwing out funny things. the investor will get tired and move to others.

the momentum need to maintain if the price is to go up further. there is no point u have a high tp by CIMB like ifca recently upgraded by cimb tp 1.60? u see the price struggling to hold at 1.00


2015-12-05 00:37 | Report Abuse

Instaco promised Instacash. Cimb report Insta-up.

Fajar report then Insta-melt, punters Insta-coned and insta-cooked.


2015-12-05 00:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by zbaikitree > Dec 5, 2015 12:30 AM | Report Abuse X

unfortunately nobody expected CRCC to be a playgirl. sleeping around with Mr Fajar now.

so CRCC showering love to Mr Fajar and Mr Insta suddenly become Mr Ulta. wakakakaka.


2015-12-05 00:17 | Report Abuse

once a stock push up to peak and collapse i no longer interested, becos i do not want to buy from stale bull.


2015-12-05 00:14 | Report Abuse

8wpw. no, i do not plan to enter at any price level.

i m just using this as my Phd thesis on stock market expectation vs actual performance.