
akuree | Joined since 2012-01-16

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2012-07-16 09:39 | Report Abuse

kenapa dengan fgv nih....adous....why?why?why?anybody know what was happen?poning gak den dibuatnyer...banyak fulush den beli kat fgv nih....


2012-07-11 15:27 | Report Abuse

kasihan nyer counter ni...taukenyer dah jual share....lambatla mau naik...


2012-07-09 10:09 | Report Abuse

haiya....datuk i think u manyak share la dalam ini sozo...masih belom jual ka datuk hehehe....time to collect la datuk otherwise nanti rugi lo...hehehe


2012-07-06 16:03 | Report Abuse

tahan je...kita tgu sampai hunung bulan nih...the price will up n up...FGV is a strong counter....M'SIA boleh FGV boleh hehehe


2012-07-06 09:47 | Report Abuse

bye epmb....


2012-07-04 10:02 | Report Abuse

kita cakap banyak hal pengurusan atasan pon tak guna...dok diam je lah, kita tak leh wat apa2...tapi bagus gk pandangan u all tu...apa yang penting sekarang nih kita kena majukan diri kita...usaha itu pada diri kita sendiri...kalau tak usaha mana nak datangnya rezeki....cm saham nih gak...duit yang kita gunakan utk beli saham nih atas usaha kita gk...pereroka pon sama gak...mereka kalau nak hidup mewah sikit kenalah usaha lebih...jangan harapkan orang lain...semua manusia sama jer...kalau tak de usaha manakan nak datang kekayaan...kita main saham pon kena usaha buat homework...kena rajin cari maklumat belajar TA or apa2 lagi la...baru boleh suksess...jangan asyik nak blame orang je...hidup tak kan maju...so kesimpulannya kita sama2 usaha...semoga usaha kita ini diberkati olehNYA AMIN....


2012-07-02 15:03 | Report Abuse

gohchinlim....maybe u r right...but how long that we need to wait for this counter...coz no 'jerung besar' want to invest of this counter...i thing i want to sell out of my share at this counter heheheheh...tungu lama2 nanti merana lo....heheheh


2012-06-25 11:46 | Report Abuse

waduh....gimana ni schi....gua tgu dividen aja lah...lps tu tido balik...kalau tak up gk...malas nak layan EPMB nih lagi...


2012-06-20 08:02 | Report Abuse

jackylim...thanks...but how long i need to hold...lama sudah tidak makan lo...heheheh

News & Blogs

2012-06-19 14:11 | Report Abuse

how long penantian u all???1 month 2 or 3 month or more hehehe sabar nyer u all....how to be like u all ha....kikiki...


2012-06-19 12:34 | Report Abuse

i dont know wthr i should hold this counter or juzt sell it as long as got a ltle bit of 'untung'....or juzt wait for dvdn on 2/7 hemmm...any idea bro...


2012-06-19 12:19 | Report Abuse

so boring this counter....


2012-06-15 10:44 | Report Abuse

Maju Holdings Sdn Bhd proposed rm1.7 billion sale of MEXX to EPMB appears to be in limbo. It has emerged that Maju Holdings has yet to obtain the government’s proposal to sell the highway concession three months after the proposal was announced. The company and the vendors had mutually agreed to extend the period for the fulfillment of the conditions precedent to the acquisition agreement for a further 60 days to Aug 14 2012 from June 15 2012.
Tan Sri Abu Sahid has a 91% stake in Maju Holdings which in turns owns 96.8% stake of MEX. The bone of contention is that Maju Holdings was given rm977 million in government funding for the construction of the elevated portion of the highway that runs between KL and Sepang.
The opposition is that the proposed sale. It said the government should buy back the concession shortly after Maju Holdings announced its plan. Several matters pertaining to policies on the highway concession are still being studied by the government.
Maju Holdings stands to make a profit of over rm600 million if the proposal goes through and Abu Sahid would be left with an indirect interest of18.2% stake in MEX through a special purpose vehicle.



2012-06-15 10:41 | Report Abuse

adakah epmb nih akan naik lagi...cm slow jer...


2012-05-25 11:55 | Report Abuse

betol2....tq bro...banyak lagi la aku kena tahu sal saham nih...aku ni main base on TA graph n tanya remaiser aku jer..tapi kekadang tu...tak cun gak...


2012-05-23 11:21 | Report Abuse


ye ker...tak pe aku tgu je bila dia naik...long term sampai bila la nak tgu???hopefully dalam bulan 6/7 ni dapat la duit raya hehehe.....TIME & AMB...cm ner nak beza unit trust dgn unit lain???ada berapa unit ada...hehehhe gue baru belajar main saham nih...tolong cer ckt hehehe


2012-05-22 10:36 | Report Abuse

aku nak jual epmb nih aku nak beli ipo felda mana la tau...aku dapat...remaiser aku soh buat cm tu...i try dulu..aku nak jual ep nih @0.79 ada la rugi rm97 heheheh lembab sangat la ep nih vol x da...cow awa la la bro sblm terlambat..cm ner ngan felda ok x???


2012-05-22 08:54 | Report Abuse

Bro nubhan...

TQ atas tunjuk ajar...aku nih baru lagi dalam trade nih...masih belajar2 gk...aku kebanyakannya beli ekot TA graph...tapi information lain aku tak tau la plk...aku salu ekot remaiser aku gk...kekadang tu apa dia soh beli lansung tak mengena tu yang aku bengang gak.....apa2 pon any news update la dalam blog nih k bro...


2012-05-21 14:53 | Report Abuse

tapi bro...kalau aku tengok melalui TA dari bulan feb sampai mei harga turun je naik nya tidak...lagi2 la sekarang...aku nak juak counter epmb nih...32lot aku beli...at 0.78, bro rasa which counter yang bagus...or aku juzt hold dulu epmb nih....


2012-05-21 13:07 | Report Abuse

nubhan: cam ner nak tahu counter nih tak de migrain???


2012-05-21 11:29 | Report Abuse

wait n c.....sampai bila?????adossss


2012-05-21 11:02 | Report Abuse

necro mana you dapat info about this counter....haiya....patutlah ini counter tidak naik2....what was your suggestion bro...do i need to wait for tis counter or is that any posible that this counter will speed up.....


2012-05-18 17:51 | Report Abuse

kejatuhan yang amat memilukan....


2012-05-10 08:49 | Report Abuse

this counter will go like a pisang panas...i guess....


2012-05-04 11:48 | Report Abuse

bro...ada apa2 berita tentang counter ni tak???company nampak untung tapi counter ni x naik2 pon....


2012-05-03 11:56 | Report Abuse

can anyone know about this counter....


2012-04-27 11:48 | Report Abuse

sabar je la....bila nak tunggu counter ni naik....so far now there is no news about this counter...


2012-04-27 11:20 | Report Abuse

TQ bro...risau gak yek looking for this counter...when will it go up n up?you all ada news about this counter ka???


2012-04-27 10:09 | Report Abuse

saya budak baru belajar...may i know whwt was GE mean????


2012-04-27 10:07 | Report Abuse

so scare of this counter....everyday down...ah tidak...frenz any news about this counter....


2012-04-04 12:26 | Report Abuse

tasoke...base on my homework and TA the price will incrs about 1.12 in 4 week...that why i buy this counter quite a lot...this week is 1st week,last monday i buy 0.78 n i was gain ribu2 juzt 1 week hahahaha


2012-04-03 19:34 | Report Abuse

hopefully it will be more up up up....i buy a lot of this counter @ 0.78....


2012-03-20 12:29 | Report Abuse

hi eileen,juzt be patient...wait n see....i also heard a lot of this company news...mybe they try to kill out the contra player....


2012-03-20 10:12 | Report Abuse

i will buy this counter only the price down to 0.1,so that cn buy a lot....and see it will move up soon....


2012-02-29 12:04 | Report Abuse

anybdy know about this counte


2012-02-09 11:33 | Report Abuse

really...alamak!!!!i hv buy a lot of this counter...


2012-02-02 18:11 | Report Abuse

wow..siggas up up today ah...go go siggasssss


2012-02-02 10:25 | Report Abuse

hai adam... i'm interesting
to join ur's blog also can i???.My email : akumiakbaru@gmail.com


2012-01-27 08:39 | Report Abuse

today the dbe will incrs up to .16 up up up.....


2012-01-19 11:54 | Report Abuse

hai everyone...everyday i was reading a lot of comment from this forum...mine also are newbe in this market...i have join this market on 10/01/2012 and have buy 3 counter drbhcom,osk and siggas...until today this 3 counter juzt maintain they price around lacp only...hopefully this forum can give me a lot of information on how to invest in the good counter...TQ

News & Blogs

2012-01-16 13:39 | Report Abuse

hopefully the price will be increassing