
alan55 | Joined since 2020-05-22 06:19:33

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2022-04-17 17:27 | Report Abuse

I saw one investor or shareholder asking if last year AGM had any door gift.
What a joke, hoping to collect freebies when attending AGM. Informed investors attend AGM to ask quality questions and promote shareholder activism. Only pariahs attend with objective of collecting freebies.


2022-02-15 09:08 | Report Abuse

I already warned you guys on 11 Jan 22. good luck to those trapped


2022-01-11 14:14 | Report Abuse

main shareholders playing themselves I guess. company is run like a SDN BHD consisting of father, mother ,son and daughter in law. No independent professionals taking charge of strategic planning at senior management level. Good luck to minority shareholders..

News & Blogs

2021-12-13 09:24 | Report Abuse

Neither a borrower nor a lender be...Shakespeare taught us this
I lent RM2k TO A BANKRUPT who was in need at that time, one month became a nightmare to get back my hard earned money. Once bitten, never try.

News & Blogs

2021-11-11 10:27 | Report Abuse

Proceeds from a private placement cannot be used for share buy back unless you have Bursa approval.
When steel price dropped, AYS may have higher cost stocks which will incur a trading loss. Dont tell me you dont know that KYy ???


2021-10-29 08:55 | Report Abuse

when durians opened already, the price must drop to find buyers....Hiaptek is no difference. The more KYY and his gurus talk about it, the more price will drop. Good luck


2021-10-14 19:13 | Report Abuse

may be he dreamt that co will give special dividend....haha


2021-10-13 12:54 | Report Abuse

Let us attend the AGM to fire them for the mismanagement and lackadaisical attitude to identify new businesses for past 2 years.
Every quarter bleeding.


2021-09-24 11:39 | Report Abuse

Even BNM auditors acknowledged that it is extremely challenging for banks to verify or authenticate local trade financing via BA instrument. Kiting for cheap financing and roll over of financing is not uncommon. So long as the "music" has not stopped, everybody is happy, but the real risks is when the music stops, some bankers will be ended up without a chair (the unsecured ones). Even for BA to finance purchases and you said funds are routed to the "Suppliers", there are ways to verify but I shall keep this as my secret for now.
Let us be honest, how many lenders and trade finance personnel at banks know how to "smell out fraudulent trade financing transactions?
I will be pleased to offer my 2 cents worth sharing for those willing to pay.


2021-09-20 11:01 | Report Abuse

you all still believe in kyy? good luck. pumped up, then write very rosy pictures. you guys chased and he dumps


2021-07-23 16:15 | Report Abuse

directors and staff continue to take fat salary at expense of minority shareholders. We go in big number to fire them at next AGM and ask them to step down and appoint professionals to manage


2021-05-31 19:04 | Report Abuse

Those who commented must used little bit of this rare substance known as "common sense"
1. KPMG need only to visit and get the 12 plus trade debtors to confirm the balance owing to Serba
2. The same goes with the handful of trade creditors.
3. Did KPMG call for the same confirmations for the past 3 years when sales, trade debtors/creditors and bank borrowings keep growing at such high rates?
4. EPF was NOT right all the time with its investment decisions. This one will cause EPF to lose few hundred millions of members money.
Tomorrow limit down again. Just wait and see.


2021-05-31 16:28 | Report Abuse

Our EPF and KWAP have more than 400M shares in this Serba. What kind of INVESTMENT PANEL they have?
the amount of debtors/stocks/creditors and sales are red flags every where
total bank borrowings more than RM3B. Good luck to these banks who are like cows, follow herds to lend


2021-05-31 15:40 | Report Abuse

defamation against KPMG with your insinuations may land you in court.


2021-05-29 15:29 | Report Abuse

looking at the reply to KPMG, do you still believe there had been no fraud???
good luck to those with this shares and the lenders. Mini HIN LEONG in Msia
Asking KPMG to verify few more times to expect different answers is just INSANITY. Don't expect different answers of course


2021-05-26 10:48 | Report Abuse

NST highlighted that Bursa may censored this company if they did not do anything to regularize the breaches despite sitting on a pile of cash. (RM0.80 per share)
Some minority shareholders who collectively have more than 10% share can convene EGM to kick out the useless Board of directors.
Investors who see value for this stock may chase up prices next market day.


2021-04-04 18:01 | Report Abuse

soft property market and economy do not offer much growth prospect for SKB. Those who bought will be shut up long time by the roller shuttle door. hehe


2021-02-17 13:14 | Report Abuse

how Bulldog ? why no strength . No angpao liao


2021-02-13 20:34 | Report Abuse

Bulldog, you want to huatcai, buy Widetec(7692) faster on Mon. Tight control and rumour is that there will be a change in control soon. Just like SJC, limit up 3 times
Huat chai


2021-01-20 10:34 | Report Abuse

keep barking non stop, price will go south


2021-01-18 20:56 | Report Abuse

huh, the bull dog is barking here too. Tired !


2021-01-18 20:52 | Report Abuse

Bulldog Bulldog, why you are barking whole day non stop ??? Not tired ah


2021-01-14 07:39 | Report Abuse

prospects of special dividend whether RM0.30 OR RM0.40 is sure to happen. If another predator were to accumulate sufficient shares to requisite EGM to fight for control, the existing shareholders who controlled the board will have everything to lose. They better do something quick


2021-01-13 10:19 | Report Abuse

prospects of a special dividend payout is gaining grounds. This is so after few months, the management has failed to identify viable business to regularize its business. What is there to hold on to the cash earning meagre interest.


2020-08-03 14:09 | Report Abuse

AI and 5 G will be the next theme play. XOX and its wb will fly. Hurry up folks


2020-07-31 11:48 | Report Abuse

many investors did not realize Omesti has a 64% subsidiary known as Microlink Bhd whose share price has more than doubled to RM1.72 WITHIN ONE WEEK. This translates another RM0.22 per share to Omesti NTA. Microlink is expected to bag some big IT/e-payment projects by teaming up with Scicom Bhd. Savy investors should switch to buy Omesti for more upside potential in coming week


2020-07-01 11:12 | Report Abuse

BNM issued policy document for banks to comment on the eKYC yesterday. GP's recent announcement to buy Xendity should be positive news and great opportunity to ride on the digital banking. a leader in eKYC . don't miss out


2020-06-16 12:40 | Report Abuse

the best has yet to come as Co is expected to release its last Q results, delayed due to MCO. The logistic division under Line Clear expected to turn around due to substantial increase in business during the MCO . Just look at Gdex performance. So, dont be surprised if the Warrant price flies TO NEW HIGHS


2020-05-22 14:32 | Report Abuse

Gdex share price had surpassed its 52 weeks high and profit sure to set in. cash out and go into MMAG and its Warrants B. It has large logistic business manned by ex key staffs from Gdex. A hidden jewel not many people knew