
alenac | Joined since 2013-01-21

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2022-12-29 23:21 | Report Abuse

JV with Kpower in RE. Prospects look good but what is the overall project value? The entire framework has not been announced.


2022-12-28 15:27 | Report Abuse

Parking his shares under Kossan's TSLim so as doing a favour for VT as he need some financial back up when glove industry is having a tough time after the pandemic is over. Why did you erase your post? Cat out of the back?
Correct! VT is reaping maximum benefits by cashing out RM400m shares in BJCorp since no more steady income from BJCorp's 10 years Warrants since all expired. VT's using BJCorp's cash hoard for aggressive share buyback so downside is also minimal. He will probably get BJCorp to announce Dividend in Specie like last time as a sweetener for BJCorp shareholders including himself with 19.6%...lastly VT's using the cash proceeds from the RM400 shares sale to TS Lim from Kossan to buy more BJLand shares for what? since if BJCorp going to acquire a Financial Services License under BNM cannot at the same time owns a Gaming License from MOF under major Subsidiary BJCorp may have to hive off BJLand's 40% BToto shares to another entity under VT's control for maximum benefits. Is it ini kalilah? since BJLand's general public only left about 7% with another 4.5% owned by institutions? Also TS Lim from Kossan is no fool why spend cash to acquire 400m BJCorp shares from VT if not beneficial at all?

1 second ago


2022-12-28 13:46 | Report Abuse

VT is scheming again. The last time with Jalil at the helm was disastrous. Now another proposed concept? Without external funds supporting it, it will be another failed scheme. Remember all his schemes will be for the majority of his maximum benefit.


2022-12-28 09:09 | Report Abuse

True there are punters here. Those who bought at low prices and subsequently sold and thereafter tried to suppress the price to make another round. Traders are everywhere. Construction stock prices could be volatile as any underpricing of tenders in billions could bankrupt the company.

I see. this is a typical Malaysian mentality. when a TYPICAL Malaysian investor invests in a stock, he/she will only like to see and accept good & positive comment. any comment not encouraging them, they will be unhappy. this is quite closed to blind.

I would take pjflower & wanutama2015's comments with intention to share. I will not take their comments as bashing this counter. I see both of them are giving valuable comments, and they might be the insiders without disclosing confidential info. but unfortunately investors do not like these type of comments...

to me, I agree that Gamuda is a leading construction in Malaysia, but to be world class, long way to go. do not think too big about this company, let's be realistic.

I do hope this counter prosperous as I have invested not less amount.

1 day ago

0 seconds ago


2022-12-23 13:43 | Report Abuse

Whatever NAB available will be handed over to creditors and the balance eaten up by the liquidator.

Formula untuk Mengira Nilai Aset Bersih (NAB)
Formula nilai aset bersih terutamanya digunakan oleh dana bersama untuk mengetahui harga seunit dana tertentu pada waktu tertentu dan mengikut formula nilai aset bersih dikira dengan mengurangkan jumlah nilai liabiliti dari jumlah nilai aset entiti dan hasilnya dibahagi dengan jumlah keseluruhan saham tertunggak.

SD NAB is 0.49 sen...


2022-12-23 09:26 | Report Abuse

Let's hope the Unity government doesn't act like the tebuk attap administration. This company will have to regularise its finances above the requirement of PN17. The only way is to taken over an active and profitable companies. Long shot in the dark. Good luck Mad cat!!!!!
Posted by willc48 > 3 minutes ago | Report Abuse

syarikat ini macam parti politik sakau. buat laporan tahun mecurigakan sampai tertangkap tapi VIP hanya didenda. Yang lain kena penjara.
... baik diurus orang Cina atau mat salleh. Lebih telus


2022-12-21 16:25 | Report Abuse

Almost the end counting ........

News & Blogs

2022-12-14 09:48 | Report Abuse

Read within the lines of Amanat Hadi, the ultimate aim of Islamists all over the world.

Read Amanat Hadi as follows:
Saudara-saudara sekelian percayalah,
Kita menentang UMNO, bukan kerana nama dia UMNO. Kita menentang Barisan Nasional bukan kerana dia lama memerintah kerajaan. Kita menentang dia ialah kerana dia mengekalkan perlembagaan penjajah, mengekalkan undang-undang kafir, mengekalkan peraturan jahiliyah. Oleh kerana itulah kita menentang mereka. Oleh kerana itulah kita menghadapi mereka. Oleh itulah kita cuba berlawan dengan mereka.

Percayalah saudara-saudara sekelian,

Perjuangan kita adalah jihad, ucapan kita adalah jihad, derma kita adalah jihad. Bergantunglah kita kepada Allah dengan (menghadapi) puak-puak ini kerana kalau kita mati melawan puak-puak ini, mati kita adalah syahid. Mati kita adalah Islam. Kita tidak perlu masuk Buddha, Kita tidak perlu masuk Hindu, Kita tidak perlu masuk Kristian, Tapi kita menjadi kafir dengan mengatakan 'politik suku, agama suku'.

"But since when did the opposition want to replace the country’s Westminster-style government with an Islamic state? That is untrue as it has never been PAS’ agenda."


2022-12-13 15:01 | Report Abuse

Target 60 sen, or lower? Top glove management said 10% growth on glove market , now company downward revision of production.
"Similarly, Top Glove revised downwards its original ambitious expansion plan of achieving total annual capacity of 204 billion pieces to 115 billion pieces in December 2025, whereas Kossan guided the deferral of near-term capacity expansion plans in adapting to market conditions and curtailing excess supply. "
Overstocking and intense competition from China.
Glove makers continue heading towards losses on overcapacity amid rising costs,over%20the%20past%20three%20months.

4 seconds ago


2022-12-08 09:40 | Report Abuse

Is anyone here able to confirm the statement below? Anyway, the Russo- Ukraine war & subsequent impact on energy supply will be good for solar as an alternative source plus the drop in solar panel costs will make them more viable venture.

The group mentioned that the partnership with ERS Synergy will allow the group to actively take part on the planet’s transition to web zero, in keeping with the Gamuda Inexperienced Plan that commits the group to scale back carbon emissions depth by 30% by 2025 and 45% by 2023.

The funding will develop Gamuda’s renewable power asset portfolio to over 800 MW within the subsequent few years.
The world economy is facing one of its worst years in three decades as the energy shocks unleashed by the war in Ukraine continue to reverberate, according to Bloomberg Economics.In a new analysis, economist Scott Johnson forecasts growth of just 2.4% in 2023. That’s down from an estimated 3.2% this year and the lowest — excluding the crisis years of 2009 and 2020 — since 1993.

News & Blogs

2022-07-14 22:34 | Report Abuse

Now, the power equation seems to imply that PN is a threat to BN or for that matter UMNO. A 360 degrees turnaround when Pas & BN were once having a great time taunting factions within PH by-election one after the other and that ultimately cause the collapse of the PH government.


2022-11-30 22:20 | Report Abuse

It would have been better if got the casino licence in Macao. If Pas/PN had control of Pahang, Genting Malaysia would be shuttered. All gaming and alcohol establishments would stop as in Kedah and soon Perlis. Even Langkawi cried for tourists and entertainment outlets requesting extended hours.

Investors in Genting Malaysia Bhd will “likely feel relieved” after the company failed to win a provisional 10-year casino concession in Macau

11 hours ago


2022-11-30 21:58 | Report Abuse

Congrats Mad Cat you finally caught a fish for your P*ssy. Fishy fishy.......


2022-10-27 14:03 | Report Abuse

Fastest liquidation!!!!!!

Congratulation for Pak Karim for the fastest down trend stocks in Bursa. Award wining counter !
2 hours ago


2022-10-25 15:13 | Report Abuse

All selling out before prices crash to 2 sen.
Breakout soon.

5 hours ago


2022-10-25 10:08 | Report Abuse

EPF needs to manage MBSB properly to a full-fledged Islamic bank and get better members' returns. Dividends have to be paid if it is making a profit. The increase in interest rates will be catalyze for growth in business.
If the merging of MBSB and MIDF is done through a shares swap, then there's a purpose or a conspiracy theory to keep the share price of MBSB low to benefit the current holders of MIDF.

2 months ago


2022-10-21 13:57 | Report Abuse

Bulls, what facts? It is pure fiction. Anyway listing of rights should be next week. As in many counters, slowly the dilution will drive the shares down to the bottom.
I'm not a fortune teller alenac.. All base on facts and not imagination
3 hours ago

0 seconds ago

3 seconds ago

News & Blogs

2022-10-21 10:49 | Report Abuse

Ukraine is winning the war, not Russia. Ukraine is defending their country, just as Vietnam & Afghanistan were defending their country from the Americans. History has shown that invaders lost most of the time.


2022-10-21 10:27 | Report Abuse

No PM tickets for Anwar. It will be BN, PAS & Bersatu (maybe Pejuwang) + East Malaysia Winning camps coalition
Road to PM tickets Anwar just received, Ismail Sabri received Half Ahmad Zaid received half, Mahiadin pending payment... Shafee unable to log in... Because Sabah no Internet Signal...

2 minutes ago

News & Blogs

2022-10-20 14:53 | Report Abuse

Oooooo Malaysia Dalil king. Confused all Muslims and is a member of the Brotherhood of Islam where Saudi Government brands the organisation as a terror group. The old man has got his facts wrong, he is senile compared to Mahhadey. Ex-Communist (CPM) member Abdullah CD attests that DAP, an offshoot of Singapore PAP, is staunchly anti-Communist. His statement is to fool ignorant kampung folks when GE is near.
Komunisme rampas harta peribadi untuk bela rakyat miskin, kata Hadi dalam siri poster #TolakDAP
FMT Reporters -October 19, 2022 9:15 PM
Abdul Hadi Awang berkata fahaman komunisme lebih bahaya daripada tentera penjajah kerana ia menjajah pemikiran dan membunuh akidah.
PETALING JAYA: Presiden PAS, Abdul Hadi Awang, menghangatkan suasana ketika negara bersiap-sedia untuk PRU15, dengan berkongsi beberapa poster di Twitter menyeru rakyat menolak DAP dan komunisme.

Poster pertama tertera “#TolakDAP” dan “Pro-Komunis”, serta memaparkan Hadi berserban dengan jari terangkat, berlatarkan lambang sabit dan tukul merah.

Menjelaskan betapa bahayanya komunis, Hadi berkongsi satu lagi poster “Teori Ekstrem Komunisme”, yang menulis “Membela rakyat miskin sehingga merampas dan memiliknegarakan harta peribadi”.

“Komunisme ialah fahaman sekular yang menolak kepercayaan kepada Tuhan,” kata Hadi memulakan catatannya.

“Mereka mengganas lebih melampau daripada penjajah yang beragama Kristian dan Yahudi.”

Tangkap layar daripada Twitter Abdul Hadi Awang.
Katanya, fahaman komunisme lebih bahaya daripada tentera penjajah kerana ia menjajah pemikiran dan membunuh akidah.

“Sebarang usaha untuk mengangkat atau membenihkan semula ideologi komunisme di tanah air kita seperti mana yang pernah dilaksanakan oleh DAP sebelum ini hendaklah dicegah dan ditentang habis-habisan,” tegasnya.

Sebelum ini, bekas pemimpin Parti Komunis Malaya, Abdullah CD, dalam wawancanan Malaysiakini pada 2019 mentertawakan persepsi yang menyamakan DAP dengan komunis.

Katanya, DAP merupakan pecahan Parti Tindakan Rakyat yang “terkenal sangat anti-komunis”.

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News & Blogs

2022-10-19 09:34 | Report Abuse

Foreign investors are watching closely the next GE in Malaysia. Who will be in control of the government after the GE? A kleptocracy 2 picked by the people will be disastrous for the country. Malaysia will then continue to suffer from the result of such a choice. Low exchange rate, the decline in living standards and the poverty trap of the majority.


2022-10-19 09:14 | Report Abuse

After the rights listed sure will be below 5 sen. Anwar or no Anwar. No party will have a majority to form a government. ASB has no promising fundamentals just a gambling counter.


2022-10-18 09:08 | Report Abuse

Good morning, Global gloves market still consolidating until mid of next year. Hit and run is the norm now. Buy low and sell high.

News & Blogs

2022-10-17 11:25 | Report Abuse

Whenever USA enter an economic boom & with high inflation, doomed gurus always predicted the end of the country. But the country always recovers to the dismal of detractors. In reality, if the US collapsed, the world would be in the worst shape.


2022-10-17 09:29 | Report Abuse

End of growth. Historically no divi. The price heading south all the way. Turnover is low and declining. Next, you will hear of the change in business activity.


2022-10-14 09:12 | Report Abuse

Good morning, this GE result will be anti-climax. No party is going to obtain a majority in parliament. Last few days Zahid himself despite the overconfident, his support is waning due to his self-inflicted boastful attitude. I will not be surprised before nomination day he could spring a u-turned over his rejection to work with PAS.


2022-10-12 16:46 | Report Abuse

After rights listed price could be 2 sen. What is management thinking?

News & Blogs

2022-10-12 16:43 | Report Abuse

Dun put your hope up too high. For all we know you will have PAS, Bersatu and UMNO+ East Malaysian parties coalition government again.

Posted by Tobby > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Speakup! Let's hope Harapan wins! Because we just can't afford taliban government of Bersatu, Umno and Pas to takeover!


2022-10-12 14:54 | Report Abuse

wow a bit of jump due to the recent surge of Omnicron cases in the region

News & Blogs

2022-10-12 14:28 | Report Abuse

You have forgotten he is special. Can wear smartly to attend the court case.

News & Blogs

2022-10-11 09:31 | Report Abuse

Most urban voters will choose PH. However, the government will be formed from the majority of Malays parties and they are very dependent on the rural votes. So whatever non-Malays choose the weightage to form a government is almost nil. If the rural Malays choose a bad government, minorities have no recourse or option.

News & Blogs

2022-10-06 16:34 | Report Abuse

UMNO is overconfident that it will win with a majority in the next GE. The same can be said of Najib's last GE. Even in the middle of the night, Najib was horse-trading with Hadi. In the end, he lost and is now in jail. A GE is not a state election. Will the majority of the dominant community choose wisely? The result of the voting day will determine whether the majority will make a rational choice to better the future of the country or a fatal error that will set the band of kleptocrats, traitors and religious exploiters resume to share power all over again.

News & Blogs

2022-10-05 13:47 | Report Abuse

Yes EV is the (distant) future, but not in the near future.

ev is the future.matter of time

2 hours ago


2022-10-04 20:02 | Report Abuse

Support broke, bottom cumming soon patience is a virtue

News & Blogs

2022-10-04 19:36 | Report Abuse

Boy oh boy not so cheap EV is smallish and has range anxiety, low top speed and long charging time. Only a solid-state battery will solve all problems.


2022-10-04 16:48 | Report Abuse

Aiyo still talking about this counter. All the money will be gone once the entire group is passed on to the liquidator soon. Delisting is forthcumming.

News & Blogs

2022-10-04 16:41 | Report Abuse

Don't waste your money on EV at the moment. If you got plenty of money go ahead and play with your new toy. For most Malaysian, the lift-off for EV has yet to start. If the government is serious to transition to EV, it must subsidise the purchase of EV. Just giving tax incentives would not work. The lack of charging stations or rather a speedy charge one will piss off buyers too. Compounded by the present government lacking financial funds and with a deficit budget will not have any intention to encourage the move towards EV. Also, the importation of CBU cars is multi-billion bumiputra exclusivity to mint more money from import permits given free from the government. How much will franchise parties lose out from liberal import incentive?


2022-10-04 16:12 | Report Abuse

Overcapacity in the gloves market takes years to settle. The time is still not ripe to go in. For now, patience is a virtue.


2022-10-03 10:00 | Report Abuse

Good morning, consolidation of the glove industry is still ongoing. Not the right time to be in as yet. Going forward, TP will be earning 2 to 3 sen per share.

News & Blogs

2022-10-02 11:00 | Report Abuse

What rubbish, finished matric within 9 months and go to uni, that is the fastest route.

Posted by Tobby > 14 hours ago | Report Abuse
Qqq! Yeah, it's actually the best route to enter public universty! Finish STPM! Go straight to degree course!


2022-09-28 19:45 | Report Abuse

Really sad, many people have lost money, A lesson to be learnt.

Posted by IdleMoney66 > 30 minutes ago | Report Abuse
once a 1.6bil corp become less than 100 mil within less than 2 years.....really amazing....and none of the Director respond to it. what a shame. castle in the air


2022-09-28 19:39 | Report Abuse

Great possibility for not only TG but all glove counters that started expansion mode recently
Next Qr TG will have a Impairment Loss from 500mil to 1 Bil.....mostly from termination of Factories Expansion
& Compensation for New Machinery Ordered.....Idle factories & Machinery will take-up the rest of the Losses.
Think carefully before you lay your Bet for next Qr

1 hour ago


2022-09-28 19:29 | Report Abuse

In fighting among shareholders and fraud done by management directors. Four expolice officers, all Chinese appointed to fill the BOD. Attempts to prevent the truth from being exposed? Haven't we all seen this in Serbak too?


2022-09-28 15:34 | Report Abuse

CI sentiments and in fact world marts are heading south, many have predicted recession is on the table and the worst is yet to come by early next year. The prolonged war in Europe has already affected the world economy. US corporate earnings are expected to slump with inflation, higher operations costs, and sky-high interest on borrowing costs. Translated to fewer consumer demands and less demand for gloves too. So 10% growth is not possible.


2022-09-23 11:14 | Report Abuse

Glove theme suffers from burnt out. Similar to OnG last 10 years, slow drop like Armada, who can expect from sky high price drop to below 20 sen.
Even AirAsia share price is 60+. I think bottom for supermax is near….

12 hours ago


2022-09-23 11:05 | Report Abuse

If still drop for another year, taiko need to consolidate the shares and hopefully strengthen the share price?
Just wait China new factories start to throw prices or sell below costs.


Then let it drop lor. How low can Taikor drop lah. Haiyoh. Correct?


Glove counter will continue drop till next year

12 minutes ago


2022-09-23 10:16 | Report Abuse

For those of you not in the know, the consolidation of gloves counters and world markets is still ongoing. China for instance recent established gloves start-ups are in trouble, markets are shrinking and growth is stagnant. The bullish stance by TG managers is just speculative. Even 10% growth per annum is not attainable.


2022-09-23 10:07 | Report Abuse

Good morning, still the same face discussing this gone case counter. Dun waste time just have an early breakfast and watch "House of the dragon".


2022-09-15 09:02 | Report Abuse

Good morning, glove mart continues to consolidate with prices moving downwards for some time.......


2022-09-15 08:41 | Report Abuse

Good morning, words have got around that Maybank was charged a hefty rental for moving to 118 or rather to rescue the building owner during these bad times where there are no quality tenants.