
AliceTey | Joined since 2014-11-22

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2016-01-21 10:18 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha it is as solid as it can be validity is like a gold and titanium alloys solid LOL LOL


2016-01-21 10:13 | Report Abuse

Wow, i'm who am? Am i dato chong? Kenny chong? The bastard son of dato chong? A lawyer? Or am i tey chee bye, the bastard daughter of tey por yee? LOL LOL LOL

Nah, that was based on true story bro....the actual dialog may be differ but the essence is all there. There also abundance of evidence to back it up, naturally.


2016-01-21 09:51 | Report Abuse

The market just open; but nexgram already start falling down LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-21 09:42 | Report Abuse

This is a re-enactment on the road tey and ooi cheated protasco:

Ooi Kock Aun: Tey, we cheated herman and benny but we could fly back to malaysia should they lodged legal action against us in Indonesia. But our home is in malaysia. If we cheated protasco, then we cannot run any where.

Tey Por Yee: easy lah brother...all we got to do is hiding our name. The way forward is to establish a new indonesian company or a special purpose vehicle then we induced our indonesian friends in the said companies; so when protasco realized that the project is a scam, we could make the indon kuli as our scape goat. Got it?

Ooi Kock Aun: but who we goona put as nominee?

Tey Por Yee: I propose Dedi Francis, Jan Tangkilisan, Jerry Djajasaputra; Tjoe Yudhis; and Azmy Alqamar etc.

Ooi Kock Aun: you sure want to do that to your best friends?

Tey Por Yee: aioo, they are not my friends. They merely my coolie. Easy to depose if needed be.

Ooi Kock Aun: wow, you so cruel leh....

Tey Por Yee: money is number one bro. When you have money people will come. So we can throw other people to trash [thinking in his head: that include you brother].


Ooi Kock Aun: bro; Jerry Djajasaputra just got sued for IDR 175billion and his house is going to be confescated by the court because we put him as a personal guarantor to a business we made with Koperasi Sejahtera Bersama. What to do bro?

Tey Por Yee: just let him die. But let pretend that we care. We don't want the stupid indon to know that we gonna left him to rot.

Ooi Kock Aun: ok. You know better than me lah bro.


Protasco's board: wah lao, ooi, tey, the project you brought in is a disaster. We want to cancel but already deposit money. What to do?

Tey Por Yee: easy peasy...just sue PT Anglo Slavic Utama mah...while we at it, just sue and kill it director Tjoe Yudhis and commissioner Dedi Francis if they refused to return the money. If they play hard ball, we will kill their family as well. This is how we do business.

Protasco's Board: you are too cruel bro...this is what we are going to do: as a gesture of good faith, we will give them one more chance.


Protasco's Board: holy crap....our internal investigation just found out that PT ASU, PT ASI, PT FAS and PT Haseba and its managements are nominees who are fully controlled and owned by Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun. We are being duped. What to do?

Dato Chong: there is nothing to do but to sue Tey Por Yee and his cohorts then we beg forgiveness to our shareholders and investors.


Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun: our name is in ruined. Let create fictitious board room drama to make us look good. Since no respectable mass media would want to publicly lie, then we have to create the drama using free hosting blog sites.


The end?



2016-01-21 09:15 | Report Abuse

Oo, don't forget to clarify who is the client, supplier, consultant etc etc etc LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-21 09:12 | Report Abuse

Nexgram is coming to hell.... LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-21 08:58 | Report Abuse

I woke up early to save you from nexgram. That tey chee bye woke up early to stole your money.


2016-01-21 08:45 | Report Abuse

What website? The free hosting blog sites concocted by tey chee bye and ooi puki themselves LOL LOL

This is a re-enactment of what happened then:

Tun Daim: Yo, chong, i want to sell my stakes. Do you want or not?
Dato Chong: i don't have enough capital to buy the shares. But i'm gonna look for buyer, ok?
Tun Daim: ok Chong.

Later on

Dato Chong: i was introduce to you by a mutual friend, mr. a banker. So, a friend of mine want to sell his shares. Interested?

Larry Tey: [Thinking in his head: prostaco is a good company, better than that junk of mine called nexgram, sure can tipu-tipu him].

Larry Tey: sure Dato. I'm in. Anyway dato, i got this oil and gas project in indonesia. The profit is so and so. Guaranteed. Interested?

Dato Chong: since you are introduced by a mutual friend and he believe in your reputation, then i'm interested. But it's clean and clear and at arm's length?

Tey: Yes, clear. But i'm bringing my friend ooi kock aun to your board, ok?

Dato: ok, let sign investment agreement to seal the deal.


Tey: oooi, i just met this old chap. Think we can cheat on him like we cheat herman koswara and benny tjokro.

Ooi Kock Aun: great...double the profits. Money, money, money, money.


Dato: just met this gentlemen larry. He will invest in protasco and bringing new projects.

Board: ok. Approved.


The end.


2016-01-21 08:14 | Report Abuse

Fund manager only want your commission lah brother..


2016-01-21 07:21 | Report Abuse

As you all may aware by now that tey and ooi's flagship company in indonesia has been suspended by the indonesian sc before it silently went bankrupt to the dismay of it investors.

What do you think these investors would give for the information i provide here that the company they were invest in were a sham and very soon will meet it demise? This is chance of a life time people....nexgram is ruined. No company controlled and managed by tey-ooi has ever have good health. Their companies are like sand castle, look strong and big, but it still made of sands, easily destroyed with a small wave of water or a small doze of breeze of wind or kick by toddler.

Save your money. Cut loss now. Nexgram is doomed to fail.


2016-01-21 06:38 | Report Abuse

Nexgram is worthless, it is heading to 0,00000 valuation. A junk penny stocks that not even straton oakmont would want to touch it LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-21 06:25 | Report Abuse

Yo Cheong, I want to talk to that old fart Lim Chye Guan LOL LOL LOL

Already answer lah brother. Are you just plain stupid or blind? I told you everybody in the board know the reason dato chong bring in tey chee bye to protasco is to acquire dato daim's stakes at protasco to meet the dateline set by him. And as a board member, tey have the right to propose new project provided it was taken at arm's length.

So, now answer: who is the consultant, client, vendor, supplier? LOL LOL


2016-01-21 06:21 | Report Abuse

Yo Raziq...all signs is there to sell man....sell or not to sell is your business, it's your money. But if you want to keep it, it would be wise to heed to my warning to avoid the fate of Indonesian investers that were duped by Tey Por Yee and lost all of their money by investing in the now defunct PT Inovisi Infracom, Tbk.

And I don't have any ulterior motive bro...but I do believe in kamma. People reap what you sow is the most beautiful concept that is quite true. Look at Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun crumbling empire for instant. The empire was built upon the deceit, tears and blood of innocent people so it is about time kamma kick in.


2016-01-20 23:59 | Report Abuse

Everyone running away from nexgram but people here running towards it LOL LOLp


2016-01-20 23:00 | Report Abuse

Target price tomorrow: 5 cents....woohhhhhhooooo....


2016-01-20 23:00 | Report Abuse

That is how tpy and oka do their goreng-goreng...they repeatedly sell and buy to decrease or increase the price until reach the targeted price.

Regarding the auditor; i think it was the other way around: the auditor fired their client when they found out too many "black hole" inside nexgram's financial report.


2016-01-20 19:05 | Report Abuse

Told you, i am not a chong, my name is tey chee bye LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-20 19:04 | Report Abuse

Bonus round.

24 Oct 2012 Larry Tey Por Yee via Global Cap Venture signed Term Sheet with Herman Koswara, the controlling shareholders of PT Fas. The purpose of the term sheet is to acquire project kuala simpang timur oil field. It is agreed that Larry will purchase Herman's shares priced at IDR 6billion (Larry has only paid IDR 3billion).

1 November 2012 Larry Tey Por Yee and Benny Tjokro agreed on how to move forward with handling over Benny's shares at PT Fas, i.e. Tey Por Yee paid the operational costs of PT Haseba as of the date of the agreement and Larry Tey Por Yee take over Benny's debt at Mayapada Bank in the amount or IDR 23 Billion (both conditions are not fulfilled). However in the said date Larry already received the shares of PT Fas belonged to Benny Tjokro. Tey put the shares in PT Asi.

28 December 2012: Larry Tey Por Yee sold his shares to Protasco Berhad in the amount of USD 55million.

21 May 2013 Larry Tey Por Yee sent a forged invitation for egms of PT Haseba which will be held at the office of Djamkk Asmur, the public notary in Aceh.

14 August 2013: to pay his debt to Benny, Larry wired in IDR 5billion and put Inovisi's shares as a guarantee. Few month later when Larry is in default; Benny attempted to execute the block of Inovisi's shares and finds that the value has dropped to a meager 10% of its initial value.

23 August 2013 Larry Tey Por Yee changed the directors and commisioners of PT Haseba based on the illegal egms.

24 February 2014 Herman Koswara and Benny Tjokro lodged police report against Larry Tey Por Yee alleging that he forged Herman and Benny's signature and defrauded them.

1 April 2014 Benny Tjokro through it vehicle PT Dayasakti Putradharma filed lawsuit against PT Anglo Slavic Indonesia at south jakarta district court.

25 April 2014 Koperasi Sejahtera Bersama filed lawsuit against PT Green Pine, Jerry Djajasaputra, PT Equator Securities and PT Inovisi Infracom Tbk arguing that it had invested IDR 125billion in PT Inovisi which was guaranteed by a block of Inovisi's shares. But it had not seen any profit and when they attempted to cash in on the shares, it shares dropped significantly.

11 December 2014 Benny Tjokro and Larry Tey signed settlement agreement in which Larry agreed to pay IDR 18billion, at the latest 28 January 2015. Up to this day Larry failed to honor this settlement agreement.

10 January 2015 The court ruled in favour of Koperasi Sejahtera Bersama and order Inovisi to pay IDR 200billion.

15 July 2015 Indonesian police raided the office of PT Inovisi Infracom Tbk.

December 2015 PT Inovisi Infracom Tbk closed down it business without prior notice to the investors and employees. It management went hiding.



2016-01-20 16:05 | Report Abuse

Ciaooo...let me know when nexgram is valued at 3 cents LOL LOL

last but not least Kievan Rus Siberian Limited Ltd LOL LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-20 16:03 | Report Abuse

Last gift for today:

Star Consulting Ltd, Seychelles 070301, Suite 305, Capital City Building, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles.

Knighthood Holdings Limited, Company Number 2235834 LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-20 15:52 | Report Abuse

"Someone" sent Adrian Ooi Kock Aun this email:

"Dear Adrian,

If this police call was based on the Cheque issue to Eka, and I did not know who is Eka.

And the Cheque with covering letter greenpine, sign by you.

I believe at that time i was not around, on leave.

What is the strategy?

Coz...., I can not lie;




2016-01-20 15:33 | Report Abuse

This is a quote from term sheet by and between herman koswara and global capital limited represented by larry tey por yee.

"Global Capital Ltd, the offeree, is a private equity and investment holding company in an offshore centre who is principally engaged in investments, financing and corporate advisory servises. Tentative target as a buyer as arranged by Globalcap for this exercise is PT Inovisi Infracom; Tbk, market capitalisation of approximately USD 1,70billion."

"SPV: a special purpose vehicle to be setup by Partner B [Larry Tey Por Yee] for the corporate objectives of an IPO or RTO, and to raise funds for this business project. The SPV will acquire 100% equity of PT Firman Andalan Sakti for the main purpose of this corporate exercise."

"Business Structures on SPV

a) management:

a. Partne A [Herman Koswara] and Partner B are to jointly run/operate the entire business operations, and undertake 100% exiting business and daily operation needs..."

Want to know more? LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-20 14:58 | Report Abuse

5 cent!! wohoooo....


2016-01-20 14:31 | Report Abuse

Let see if today nexgram will closed at 5 cent...LOL LOL


2016-01-20 14:29 | Report Abuse

Look kid, the devil in the flesh and his bangla bodyguard LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-20 14:25 | Report Abuse

exactly, now it is easy to cheat, and the forgers is tey and is their moda operandi...even in Malaysia it is been proven that some forged documents were linked to them...but for this you have to wait for the trial to begin...


2016-01-20 13:18 | Report Abuse

Herman and benny file police report because tey and ooi forged their signatures to stole fas and haseba. It's that simple.


2016-01-20 12:45 | Report Abuse

Down it goes, down it goes, down it goes, nexgram is down doom down doom down doom down..... tey and ooi cheated on their wives, ruining people's life while nexgram goes dive to bottomless pit LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-20 12:33 | Report Abuse

Nexgram will be delisted and then bankrupt LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-20 12:32 | Report Abuse

Well, it is simple really...tey promised investment in the amount of 18billion rupiah in exchange for fas and haseba. Tey and ooi already got the shares by forging herman and benny's signatures (tey is a suspect at the indonesian police) but the money never come through. This is clearly a breach of contract.


2016-01-20 12:14 | Report Abuse

Omg...don't be stupid lah brother...pertamina refusal to extend the contract had nothing to do with bribery but because tey and ooi stole haseba and fas from herman and benny. It's that simple.


2016-01-20 12:08 | Report Abuse

He would not be able to do that since pertamina's stance is very firm in this one. Pertamina don't want to involve with unstable company. The only way for pertamina to grant the contract is tey and ooi honoring their agreement with herman koswara and benny tjokro, and then, only then that benny and herman would be persuaded to waive their rights to fas and haseba.

After tey and ooi legally gained full control of fas and haseba, then they should file application to renew the contract to pertamina, which at pertamina sole discretion may or may not grant it as the original contract has lapsed since 2013.


2016-01-20 11:43 | Report Abuse

Not 0,01 but 0,000.

Soon enough.

Nexgram is ruined and doomed LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-20 11:40 | Report Abuse

*not to extend haseba's contract.


2016-01-20 11:39 | Report Abuse

Yo chinaman.

I don't think the chongs will regret anything. The project is in dispute between the owners and tey-ooi because tey-ooi failed to honor the agreement to pay them 18billion rupiah as well as tey-ooi forged their signature to steal pt fas and pt haseba. This dispute led to pertamina's decision to extend haseba's contract.

If chongs proceed with the deal he will have protasco entangled in legal dispute over the shares that was initiated by tey and ooi. And they will receive a shell company that is empty and without any projects. But they most certainly are regretting the day they brought tey and ooi to protasco.


2016-01-20 11:33 | Report Abuse

So afraid to answer because it will reveal that you've been lying eh? LOL LOL


The party to the transaction are:

1. Herman Koswara and Benny Tjokro who agreed to sell their shares in fas and haseba to tey in exchange for investment by tey and ooi. Up to this day never received money but their shares has been stolen by tey and ooi by the way.

2. Protasco who agreed to purchase pt fas' shares provided the deal is clean and clear.

3. Tey por yee and ooi kock aun who "bought" fas and haseba's shares, setup up fictitious companies to hold the shares; and also the one who offered the shares to prostasco.

4. In setting up the deal (which mean to make anglo slavic's looks legitimate), the following companies were involved: globalcapventure, nexgram, pt inovisi infracom tbk, green pine group of companies, acclaim. All of this companies owned or controlled by tey and ooi.

5. There also swarms of tey and ooi's indonesian and malaysian nominees.

So tell me, which one is the consultants, vendors, clients, suppliers, brokers etc etc?


2016-01-20 11:25 | Report Abuse

Lol lol mentioned vendors etc bull shit and cannot explain it LOL LOL

A friendly advise..don't make lie if you cannot back it up LOL POL LOL

what cimb? Don't know anything about it lah brother because the blogs setup by tey and ooi did not mention it. I think it is an information that only possessed by tey por yee himself...LOL LOL


2016-01-20 11:11 | Report Abuse

Answered already lah brother. Respond on it if you are able.

So, who is the consultant, vendor, client, supplier yada yada yada? LOL


2016-01-20 10:58 | Report Abuse

Well, am no chongs nor lawyers dear brother tey LOL LOL

And my english is so so, but i'm fluent in hokkien. Watch this. Tey por yee, hor de kan, hor gao kan LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-20 10:54 | Report Abuse

Long pause and no answer eh? Cannot explain which of the parties involved in the transaction are the consultants, etc? LOL LOL

Shall we concludes that that one of tey and ooi's lies? LOL LOL

I already answer lah breach of duty by the chong as everybody including the board know the reason tey and ooi existence in protasco....tey and ooi promised to introduce project which every members of the board and management is entitled to provided the project is at arm's length and no financial interest of protasco is compromised. Which unfortunately that exactly what is done by tey chee bye and ooi puki, they brought their financial interest in the project offered to protasco.


2016-01-20 10:37 | Report Abuse

Wow, nexgram start falling....timbeerrrr LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-20 10:34 | Report Abuse

Well, you brought the consulant, vendor, client bull shit so answer which of the following parties fit the roles?

1. Benny Tjokro who agreed to sell their shares in fas and haseba to tey in exchange for investment by tey and ooi. Up to this day never received money but their shares has been stolen by tey and ooi by the way.

2. Protasco who agreed to purchase pt fas' shares provided the deal is clean and clear.

3. Tey por yee and ooi kock aun who "bought" fas and haseba's shares, setup up fictitious companies to hold the shares; and also the one who offered the shares to prostasco.

4. In setting up the deal (which mean to make anglo slavic's looks legitimate), the following companies were involved: globalcapventure, nexgram, pt inovisi infracom tbk, green pine group of companies, acclaim. All of this companies owned or controlled by tey and ooi.

5. There also swarms of tey and ooi's indonesian and malaysian nominees.

So tell me, which one is the vendors, clients, suppliers, brokers etc etc?

And, nope, dato chong did not breached any fiduciary duties as it is evident that everybody then already aware that he brought tpy to buy the shares of one of protasco's co founder who ask for buy out. This is contrary to the fact that tpy and oka breached the duties as well as perjured themselves LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-20 10:20 | Report Abuse

I see, still selling the "consultant, brokers, vendors bull shit" 'eh?

Please do answer, which of following party is the consultant, vendor, broker, client etc etc:

Benny Tjokro who agreed to sell their shares in fas and haseba to tey in exchange for investment by tey and ooi. Up to this day never received money but their shares has been stolen by tey and ooi by the way.

2. Protasco who agreed to purchase pt fas' shares provided the deal is clean and clear.

3. Tey por yee and ooi kock aun who "bought" fas and haseba's shares, setup up fictitious companies to hold the shares; and also the one who offered the shares to prostasco.

4. In setting up the deal (which mean to make anglo slavic's looks legitimate), the following companies were involved: globalcapventure, nexgram, pt inovisi infracom tbk, green pine group of companies, acclaim. All of this companies owned or controlled by tey and ooi.

5. There also swarms of tey and ooi's indonesian and malaysian nominees.

So tell me, which one is the vendors, clients, suppliers, brokers etc etc?



2016-01-20 10:03 | Report Abuse

Ok, since you already confirmed that tey and ooi breached their fiduciary duties to protasco and perjured themselves, let answer the issue on the agreement between tey and chongs.

You would forgive me if i don't believe any of it since tey and ooi are pathological liars. Like their press con on October 2014 for example. Tey publicly alleges that dato chong received kick back out of the asu's deals from various companies. The companies mentioned by tey and ooi are anglo slavic utama, pt goldchild, pt nusantara rising rich, fast global investments limited, telecity investment limited and the money then funnels to rs maha niaga, chongs' company.

Thing is these companies are companies owned and controlled by tey and ooi. PT goldchild for example is a subsidiary of pt inovisi and pt inovisi is owned by tey and ooi. And the money transferred to rs mahaniaga is a repayment of loan given by dato chong to enabling tey and ooi to finalize their purchase of stakes in protasco. Even gideon tan, tey and ooi's lawyers now admit as such.

Another example of the lies is of course that tey and ooi claimed they don't have any financial interest in pt asu and pt asi eventhough they are the owners who setup these companies with one single purpose: to hide their involvement in the acquisition of pt fas' shares from herman koswara and benny tjokro.

So, this is a case of the boy who cried wolves. Because tey and ooi have made so many lies, now nobody put their trust in them.


2016-01-20 09:48 | Report Abuse tey and ooi did have financial interest because they attempted to gained obscene profits from protasco where at the time the sits as the directors and owes duties of loyalty and duties of care. And corporate fiduciaries is breached when they divert corporate assets, opportunities, or information for personal interests. You know, like buy 18billion rupiah and sell 55million dollar to the company LOL LOL


2016-01-20 09:41 | Report Abuse

Last chance to defend tey and ooi deceitful action to the shareholders and stakeholders of protasco.


2016-01-20 09:36 | Report Abuse

Your answer indicated that tey and ooi did have financial interest in the transaction because like you said, the spent 1 dollar and expect to profit by selling 100 dolar to the company that they owed fiduciary duties as directors to. hence, tey and ooi committed perjury when signing sds saying they don't have any financial interest and the transaction was taken at arm's length LOL


2016-01-20 09:33 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha, try divert the discussion eh? As written above, tey and ooi promise investment in the amount of 18billion rupiah in exchange for shares in pt haseba and pt fas. That's got acquisition all over it lah brother LOL LOL LOL

So, why tey and ooi did not disclosed that? But instead they setting up companies to hold the shares and hide the facts that tey and ooi are the owners of the shares in an inflated price, from 18billion rupiah to 55million usd LOL

Stop running and start answering please LOL LOL


2016-01-20 09:23 | Report Abuse

Coming down to 4....

Nexgram is falling down, falling down.....nexgram is falling down falling down LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-20 09:18 | Report Abuse

hehehehe...still failed to answer the fact that tey and ooi failed to disclosed their 18billion acquisition deal of pt fas and haseba to protasco? But instead their greediness led them to inflated the price to protasco. This is what you call brokering deal? No, that what you call cheating shareholders and company LOL LOL LOL