
apanama | Joined since 2015-08-03

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2015-12-16 23:01 | Report Abuse



2015-12-16 17:19 | Report Abuse



2015-12-15 23:32 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..confirm naik besok..pasal aku dah jual..haha..memang pundek kan...hehehe..never mind rezeki korang...I m OK..org Melayu TAKDIR..haha..but actually I have to admit this time I loss because my stupidity jugak..haha..

1. I should not post at my blog

2. I should not long because I was at advantage because I can see the market direction..

3. I should not disclose HONESTLY my theory because market mover don't like they kantoi

Last but not least...I like this stock market hahaha...:)


2015-12-15 20:24 | Report Abuse

Actually the MARKET MOVER BLOCK AT 1654..FOR FKLI DEC..they short..thus 1614 is the close position..with give a bit at 1610 on downside..they push back now at 1624..perhaps the RIGHT MOMENT TO PUSH BACK TO 1654..BECAUSE THE GAP WT CASH IS THERE IF U CAN SEE..THE CASH HAS TO BREAK THAT BLOODY 1644..THEN THEY PUSH LOR...hehe


2015-12-15 17:01 | Report Abuse

Semakin seronok aku dgn menatang ni..hahaha..


2015-12-15 17:00 | Report Abuse

Loss profit jer huhuhuhu..capital still ada..hahahahha


2015-12-15 16:59 | Report Abuse

Ghahahaha..aku dah agak dah..bila aku close position..sure FKLI pundek naik..hehehe..like I said 1652...congrats to all warriors that long from 1610 n get that 1624...like I said too..govt flush money PENSIONER tomorrow..then GOMEN SALARY 17..BIASALAH ..MARKET UP...FED USA TIME DELAY A DAY...yg pasti I market up punya lah...

Hangpa jgn risau lah...1500 tak akan pecah punya..paling lowest pun 1610-1608 for cash..ITU pun I think Susah coz aku dah close position hahaha..saja puak bangkai ni bagi aku loss..hahaha..but no prob..I will still comeback huhuhu

Lim..ambik ja..aku pun ingat mau tikam.hahaha


2015-12-15 11:39 | Report Abuse

anyway AnnH....will you date with me? ahhhaahahah...i think i wanna having coffee with u la..before i am going to hell..hahahhaha...::)


2015-12-15 11:37 | Report Abuse

If god really exist..orang macam Mahathir..Najib...even Muhyiddin and all these politicians..and even Zeti..tuhan kasi mampus lama dah..pasal these are the people who bring the currency value turun macam sial tahun ni..habis banyak business melingkup..ahhhhah....so if heaven n hell is really exist..i wish i can be Mahathir neber..hahhah..coz i think he is the best brain inside the hell. Najib? people that has interest mestilah anggap najib heaven..apatah lagi..melayu yg makan belacan banyak..ahahhhah..:)


2015-12-15 11:33 | Report Abuse

orang bodoh pun tau..end of this year market naik..pasal AMANAH SAHAM BURIT..tutup akaun...:)..memang setiap kali all of this AMANAH SAHAM BURIT...AMANAH SAHAM MACAI..AMANAH SAHAM NASIB yang diuruskan oleh PERTUBUHAN NASIB BURIT..sama ada bulan JULY KA..DEC KA..waktu barua barua tu freeze akaun orang..waktu tu naik lah market..la ..bawak turun dulu..kasi orang penat..ahahaha...thats system...dari dulu lagi..bukan tak perasan?

nak aku cakap jugak ka? ahahahahah...hanya Atheist macam aku ja nampak all these games..selagi hangpa dok dengan kepercayaan agama pukimak masing masing..walhal kat market semua tak kisah dah pun..ahahahahha...BURNT IN HELL..:)


2015-12-15 11:16 | Report Abuse

Mr. Lim...nah ambik ini nombor...2887..i think toto naik ni...i bagi duit u tikam boleh? banyak melayu itu mcm//...hahahaha...:)..tapi aku atheist..so tak pa la..:)..oops..:)


2015-12-15 11:15 | Report Abuse

Tuan Apanama dah loss...hahaaha...tak pa..hangpa masuklah..selalunya bila aku juai market naik..hahahahha..pasal..ini negara memang untuk orang yang menipu ...hahaha..orang jujur macam aku tak layak..hahahaha..



2015-12-11 10:48 | Report Abuse

thanks vews08...i dont believe about market crash etc etc...market is just having correction. The crash is already done at August. I am not too technical and i am more into fundamental which i do not foresee any sign of fundamental weakness either in domestic or international. Its just a FEAR creating by the monopolies to made people scared to throw n throw n made them rich and richer. Thats all.

For instance, if CRASH or DEFLATION etc etc...you also even cannot post any comment at iklse because iklse also will close shop. The CRASH word is just a choice of word. it should be CORRECTION. It is healthy for market to have correction.

I am moving around and always moving around either by train, taxi, flight, i still saw people on the road. If we are talking and yelling and screaming this GST is burden, i still saw people melantak at Nasi Kandar , buying cigarette even its RM 18 and VAPE at RM 800.00 and even massage parlour is still full with customer to pay the Thai Vietnam etc etc for blowjob etc etc...so where is the bad economy?

The AXIA still people buy even engine aluminium. Even Tun Mahathir still buy songket and wear songket that RM 1,000 over. Even Tun Hasmah still wearing rambut palsu and pay her saloon. Even makcik at kampung still selling nasi lemak RM 1.00 with half telur. and people still lepak at warong buying teh tarik at RM 1.20...even BRIM still government pay. even rosmah do her botox..heheh...

last but not least..it is just merely propaganda by the rich to control the economies by creating all the nonsense with FOMC la itu la ini lah..at the end, people throw...then they buy..when its too low...n enough their swallow..they start push...then they asked their sales people to go n meet retailers bukak account..n start all the good news...paint as good as Hidung Rosmah Mansor..then start dumb pulak...then the cycles goes..thats real PUKIMAK LIFE at Malaysia n this pukimak DOG EAT DOG ENVIRONMENT..

Thats why in Quran its clearly stated..the balasan for the those makan duit riba..is really scary..hahaahhaha...:)...yes u guys love to made people the Rakyats Retailers burnt at stockmarket and laugh...but at the end..life after death..all of these monopolies will be definitely BURNT IN HELL...either they are broker, dealer, apa jawatan sekalipun..even you the edge reporter..i can confirm punyalah..burnt in hell


2015-12-10 11:59 | Report Abuse

Asia market dah recovered n will recovered and Europe too this afternoon..i am not surprise the repeatance like last year..always expect the unexpected..market sure GREEN COLOR ..


2015-12-10 11:51 | Report Abuse

just because of FOMC meeting next week? How about suddenly Yellen tak jadi bawak naik interest and Larry Summer n the gang win the lobby..hahahahah....pasai tu aku kata ..hangpa ni menipu....:)


2015-12-10 11:50 | Report Abuse

lets go back to basic mathematic.....1671.82 + 1653.37 = 3325.19/2 = 1662.60

now cash is selling at 1653.81 ...hmm...thats really discounted...i dont know..i x see the logic already...from 1867 to 1503 then 1744 so if we average...it will be about 1704.67...now u are selling at 1653.81..WOW THATS CHALLENGING HUMAN INTELLECTUAL..:)


2015-12-10 11:40 | Report Abuse

bukan market nak close below last year lowest...tak logic...memang tak logic..


2015-12-10 11:40 | Report Abuse

Yakin Boleh..Rakan Muda...at this level...it is already too far below than 1671.82...it will invite some...:)...


2015-12-10 10:00 | Report Abuse

ini namanya main kasar...n mengundang cursing di pagi hari....heheh...it should go up..they push it down..


2015-12-10 09:21 | Report Abuse

becoz the opening is 1660..more than yesterday lowest..


2015-12-10 09:20 | Report Abuse

nampaknya ada harapan untuk FKLI DEC try 1662 and FBMKLCI will climb back to 1663-1665


2015-12-09 23:00 | Report Abuse



2015-12-09 21:55 | Report Abuse

It said..it sent code to my number but x get it..that's why I can't join...


2015-12-09 21:53 | Report Abuse

Oh ya TB..I tried but failed..maybe coz my line was meant for tablet only..I x know..I'm not too IT hehehe..


2015-12-09 18:44 | Report Abuse


Thats why i need to take cuti cuti malaysia...ini semua cari pasal ...:)...


2015-12-09 17:33 | Report Abuse

apa apa pun...stockmarket still the best place to earn...dapat banyak..makan banyak..dapat sikit..makan sikit...tak dapat langsung..SABAR..tapi sure dapat...kalau tak dapat jugak...hmm..i think you should follow whats the philosopher said...7 times life in stockmarket...thus pakat pakat kiralah sendiri..:)...have a great day ahead to all the warriors...gua mau cuti cuti malaysia already...


2015-12-09 17:24 | Report Abuse

No worries sam...thats your rezeki...eventhough i am targetting that which i did not get it today...but no problem..i am always believe in sharing knowledge etc etc...because my aiming is not to be rich with this trade. I am just aiming for me to do my level best to earn a living. Who knows i will strike my legal suit...hahahah...than i can be market mover..n one thing for sure..i wil definitely share with you guys when i want to push and when i want to make it down..ahhahahahahahah....but now i am just ikan bilis..:)


2015-12-09 16:59 | Report Abuse

Apa apa pun JANGAN CARRY TRADE!!!!!!


2015-12-09 16:58 | Report Abuse

Most likely aku tunggu habis FOMC dan semua bala bala ni selesai pak jib pak din pak det..baru aku masuk balik kot..pasai aku tak mau dah ....penat lah ..waktu turun dia x turun..waktu naik..dia x naik...hahaha...huhuuhu...yo lah aku nak give up dgn menatang ni..sorry lor..huhuhu..


2015-12-09 16:55 | Report Abuse

Aku belajaq dari kesilapan besar aku since 99..so aku close all transaction bila ada untung..walaupun 25 ringgit hahaha..dan ikat tangan ..baru boleh bernafas..kalau tak yg kenyang remisier banker hahaha...besok..newbie..besok kita cerita


2015-12-09 16:12 | Report Abuse

KAQ..aku stocks memang aku boikot terus pasai remisier aku mcm palat..aku back to FKLI jer...tapi tu lah..now FKLI dah macam pelaq jugak..berapa tahun aku buat menatang ni..FKLI pada aku ikut TECHNICAL ANALYSIS...tapi lately..dah ikut BUNTOT..semalam aku kena..hari ni aku kena..tapi nasib baik...ada skill lagi ahahahahh..tapi tulah..AKU NAK IKUT MR LIM LAH..REST....PASAL..NTAH....SOMETHING WEIRD THESE TWO DAYS THE MARKET MOVEMENT..SERIOUSLY..!!!...


2015-12-09 16:00 | Report Abuse

now lantak lah...hangpa nak naik ka turun...aku dah boring..pasal macam celaka hari ni..should cross that 1650 FKLI...but somehow..looks like something weird lah...:)


2015-12-09 15:57 | Report Abuse

nak cari 200 sehari pun susah ini hari hahaahahah..:)


2015-12-09 15:57 | Report Abuse

hahahhaah....newbie...memang macam haram jerlah perangai FKLI n FBMKLCI ni...malas dah aku nak support CIMB etc etc...bukan i takbur...but my data accuracy is 98.98 accurate this year..hahahahahaha..except yesterday jer silap tekan calculator..ahahahahahah


2015-12-09 15:51 | Report Abuse

kena maki kat forum baru nak turun...:)


2015-12-09 15:21 | Report Abuse

tak dak beli HK or C pun Mr. Lim...i am waiting for JUALAN MURAH..baru i masuk...i just monitor..geram tengok bila my data tak tally dgn market behaviour...semalam jer masuk sikit..hari belum masuk..pasal..i am waiting the SIGNAL..which is should be at 1650 already for FKLI DEC..


2015-12-09 14:42 | Report Abuse

IT IS SO WEIRD...the cash now at 1664 thus the FKLI DEC should be at 1655 or 1656.5 already


2015-12-09 14:04 | Report Abuse


Should go down already Malaysia market....today is the the 7th Day already...it should drag to 1633.06 if follow last year trend...but somehow..this people still want to play magic copperfield...therefore 1655 should be within today or tomorrow for FBMKLCI while that FKLI should be at 1652-1649 by today!!!...if not..thats mean memang hangpa kaki penipu macam NajibRazak..baguslah ..atas bawah semua penipu...kat sekolah ..kat universiti .kat rumah ajar budak..ajar anak bangsa ..suruh JUJUR..but real life..all of us penipu..hahaahahaha...:)


2015-12-09 13:38 | Report Abuse

whatever it is market should test 1650-1640-1600 first..then we can claimed our market is resilient...:)


2015-12-09 13:36 | Report Abuse

this year is Goat Year..it will follow The Goat Year graph..hhahahaha...2003...:)


2015-12-09 13:35 | Report Abuse


where is in the world that there is no OPPOSITION PARTY?....ini sure Queen Control ni...hahahaha...


2015-12-09 09:40 | Report Abuse

it should test 1640-1650 for FKLI..tapi saja...


2015-12-09 09:38 | Report Abuse

market malaysia memang macam haram jadah macam ahli politik pemimpin mereka pun..ikut suka hati barua barua ni jer...it should goes down...but then..they push up..when it should goes up..they push down..memang babi anak haram jadah..


2015-12-09 08:29 | Report Abuse

hahhahahahha...IT IS REALLY NICE....AAB...i am also think that way....haaaaahhhhhh


2015-12-09 08:07 | Report Abuse

Good morning..see Malaysia is A Boleh Land...sampai kapai terbang parking lama lama pun tak pa..hahahaha..:)



2015-12-08 23:44 | Report Abuse

Semakin menarik

Hehehe..but normally bulan tiga or March Malaysia selalu dapat PM Baru..hehehe..thus..I'm x surprise if the pressure is keeping on..najib might pass the baton n exercise his escape plan..hehehe...