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2015-11-12 17:06 | Report Abuse

Hopefully Yellen PR Communication advice Yellen to use an appropriate words tonight..Zetty done today..maybe they are WhatsApp now..hahaha


2015-11-12 16:33 | Report Abuse

I support u..:)


2015-11-12 16:28 | Report Abuse

Darrenliew...u have a point..nemesis also has a point but recession is not yet...x worry about recession ..its not effect MKLAND much due too infra is not done by MKLAND..infra done by govt. Plus if u look at it Damansara area is already almost completed the infra if compared to Iskandar..the toughest will be new growth area that MKLAND has position..however based on the track record..they will survive..the rest only Allah SWT knows the future..we just can build the best scenario analysis...:)


2015-11-12 16:23 | Report Abuse

Maybank n CIMB ..the trick is always they don't dance together..:)


2015-11-12 16:21 | Report Abuse

Rule #1: always go back to Rule #1


2015-11-12 16:12 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..aiya Mr lim...saya pun lari..semua saya lari INI hari...tinggal dividend counter sahaja...hehe


2015-11-12 15:44 | Report Abuse

This we call Angin Mr Lim...


2015-11-12 15:32 | Report Abuse

Now i scared with u already Mr lim...u r market mover...


2015-11-12 14:07 | Report Abuse

i m not smart ..if i am smart..im already like my used to be 'best friend' ..:(..but nevermind..i forgive him..hopefully he will change one day..

Yes Pelabur..i am still in..where as i want to go...this is the only thing that i know to feed myself, to pay my son kindergarden and enjoying good moment with him..

Takashi86..there are always TWO SET of RULES..:)..if u r in banking industry i mean used to work within banking industry..u will get my line..:)


2015-11-12 14:04 | Report Abuse

hahahah..supergeng...buy at your own risk yeah..i m just an ordinary guy..i am not a market mover..but...i think it will cross that 0.22 channel..i dont know..the feeling is the same like when someone challenge me when HK was 0.11..hahaahahha...


2015-11-12 14:00 | Report Abuse

Ok Mr. Lim..for you i will do my 18PL censorship from now onwards..

TB....thank you for the motivation..:)...


2015-11-12 12:03 | Report Abuse

Pristine68 n Risenfall..thanks for that..still a long way for me to go..i will be here as long as the PDRM n SPRM n Cybersecurity dont come and raid my operation room..haahaahhahah...:)

cheers..enjoy your lunch..enough for today ...

take care all my e-friends..


2015-11-12 11:52 | Report Abuse

whatever it is buy when it is still RED..once it turn GREEN..we dont know when its RED back..BUY CIMB this week la people..


2015-11-12 11:49 | Report Abuse

i dont put BR in the list due to 'sensitivity'. BR is more on 'domestic consumption' plus big boys want it due to want to tap government employees which i think if i am the Board member for the 4 that u highlight Kucimiao..i will advice them to try to close a deal with Pak Man Bank because Pak Man Bank has RCE Capital which still has room to go further compared to BR.

RHB i think conveniently with MBSB and just stay with their plan for Muamalat. Because it is unwise move for RHB to take one more government based bank. Because MBSB is already solid with that because TEACHERS.

Actually i want to see who is daring enough to take AFFIN. In fact , whoever get AFFIN will be the most happiest ever after. Because ARMY BANK..hehhehe..if i am CIMB Board Member too..i will go all out for this ..but dont know..maybe Nasir who was from SME ..might thinking taking Bank Rakyat is better..which i think he made a silly mistake there..oops..sorry boss...:)


2015-11-12 11:37 | Report Abuse

As ikan bilis..i go back to my Spreadsheet...

when i belek balik all my data..i think..i want to change my bearish view to bullish view..WHY?

because its another 2510 trading days actually market will bottom down..really really bad during that time. .thats actually somewhere in 2018..so..i think market still has room to go up further from 1503 that day despite all the shit.(including from myself hahahaha..bukan senang hangpa nak dapat orang kutuk diri sendiri..hanya analyst macam aku jer...ada satu analyst ni..aku tak mau sebut..dia kalau waktu genting..dia akan ambik cuti..dia pass kat junior..hahahaah..ooops..sorry boss if boss baca)...anyway...as long as market will bounce back after this correction in solid...then we are safe from my latest shit or theory..haahahahhah...

whatever it is...i dont know..i just feel like..market will REBOUND strongly after this..if not today..tomorrow..if not tomorrow monday..but..one thing for sure..better you all dispose all Put Warrants..:)


2015-11-12 10:47 | Report Abuse

Mr.Lim..Obama is coming..so Superman is up..logic logic..:)..risenfall..i am ikan bilis jer..i dont know to answer..:)


2015-11-12 10:44 | Report Abuse

15-16 G20 summit...
then Obama bring money to Malaysia..hahahaahahah..market is up..logic logic...:)


2015-11-12 10:29 | Report Abuse


Enjoy this song..it will boost CIMB share price..:)


2015-11-12 10:20 | Report Abuse

Mr. Lim..what to do...as Patriot..i have National Duty to do..Born to Serve..:)


2015-11-12 10:19 | Report Abuse

Lets listening to this song...PATRIOTISM..



2015-11-12 10:08 | Report Abuse

the MAGIC of '12'...12/11/15...+12 , FBMKLCI-c12 also will be benefit..:) 0.22-0.225..hahah..perhaps on 12pm or after 12pm..:)

so time to let go HK..and everybody say HELLO to FBMKLCI-C12...C22..sayonara HK..


2015-11-12 10:07 | Report Abuse

the MAGIC of '12'...12/11/15...+12 , FBMKLCI-c12 also will be benefit..:) 0.22-0.225..hahah..perhaps on 12pm or after 12pm..:)


2015-11-12 10:05 | Report Abuse

If the same dance like yesterday...10 points will be definitely touchable from 1657 ..so 1667 then +2 so today FBMKLCI today 1669-1670


2015-11-12 09:58 | Report Abuse


if you see Maybank green...you buy CIMB that red..because ...both will be GREEN..:)


2015-11-12 09:57 | Report Abuse

silap silap petang ni dah 1670..hahahahahah...:)


2015-11-12 09:55 | Report Abuse

dont worry...CIMB and Maybank take turn..next Monday..both fly..:)..dont worrylah ..market will bounce back..1670-1690..


2015-11-12 09:25 | Report Abuse


once gostan to 98..MYR will be about RM 4.30-4.31 perhaps..its will change market sentiments..in fact who knows..4.28-4.25..:)


2015-11-12 09:21 | Report Abuse

but ..no problem...the market will touch back that 1670-1680..if its not today or tomorrow..one thing for sure..next week..wallahuallam..


2015-11-12 09:09 | Report Abuse

Please accept the fact that Najib will remain our Prime Minister either u like it or not. Please accept the fact that Mahathir is no longer exist in the Cabinet even his proxy is out. At the same time, PAS is PAS. With G25 is no longer supported Mahathir and Muhyiddin, plus i do believe Anwar will support Najib from his cell..(oops), therefore, market will bullish :)..


2015-11-12 08:43 | Report Abuse

Newspaper is yesterday...Internet is future..we are buying for future not yesterday..hahaahaah...i feel bullish for next week...oops..sorry..:)


2015-11-12 08:36 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the tip Mr. Ong..i will jump to Hibiscus today if it break 0.25..hahahah,,:)


2015-11-12 08:26 | Report Abuse

dont worry la TB...


The C will eventually rise because MYR 'gostan' to MYR RM 4.35..which i think ..it will gostan deep further..instead marching forward to break that RM 4.40..at first i thought it will break..but then..2-days consecutive days i monitored the DXY INDEX..eventhough at party..haahhah...:)

unless tonight Makcik Yellen will use her longkang words..then it will jeopardize and give some material impact..but..if she careful in her choices of words..put it more nicely..in fact who knows she give more positive powerful words like..'WELL, i think the interest rates wont give much effect to the economy'..hhhahaahhaah...i dont know...my english not so good..maybe her PR COM will do the best choice of words tonight..:)


2015-11-12 06:55 | Report Abuse

Just to refresh ur memory about yesterday.

Market was actually move from 1657 to 1668 before settle around 1665. Today the same dance...the lowest is x yet certain but I think 1660 will be strong support level for FBMKLCI because it managed to climb as much as 10 points yesterday. Plus today is T4 for 1680 contracts. Assuming the MYR softening due to USD weakened n prospect quite high for Crude actually to recovered next week T3..Therefore..I x see significant selling pressure like yesterday..thus..MARKET MIGHT SEE MODEST GAIN TODAY


2015-11-12 06:40 | Report Abuse

Alamak I forget Pak Man bank...Pak Man no prob..China Bank..hahaha..Pak Man is always lone ranger like me..so Pak Man no merge..he can survive like me too..


2015-11-12 06:37 | Report Abuse

Let me reveal something how I see the BANKING INDUSTRY in Malaysia will position itself for next few years

1. Maybank will merge with CIMB
2. Hong Leong n Public Bank

While the best position is AFFIN. He can choose to be with Maybank CIMB or MBSB N RHB..

Just wait n see...:)


2015-11-12 06:31 | Report Abuse

Bukan mudah nak dapat saham bank murah..hahaha.buy when others afraid sell when others too confidence..hahaha


2015-11-12 06:28 | Report Abuse

Aiseh man..I just realise iklse investor target price for CIMB is almost with my target target price n I did highlighted about RM 5.60 is this stock target price..no doubt all of u might chicken out after RHB put it RM 4.10 as price target...but I think the same analyst can change its target price as usual ..like me too..hahaha...but myself..im very consistent about CIMB ..as long as this CIMB X CROSS RM 4.88 , u guys can enter n try ur luck...:)


2015-11-12 06:22 | Report Abuse

Its good for local if foreign sell..buy LA. U should buy when its red. X LA buy when its super green like those days..hehehe...4.56-4.57 yesterday actually is already nice for those who brave enough. Who knows when too many people r bearish..suddenly short term bull at bursa..jeng jeng jeng...then all of u chase again...:)


2015-11-12 06:17 | Report Abuse

Perhaps IHH N ASTRO of course don't forget favorite place for someone to jump KLCC..:)


2015-11-12 06:15 | Report Abuse

WJY...Tenaga. TM MAXIS EVEN DIGI might rescue FBMKLCI ..:)


2015-11-12 06:12 | Report Abuse

When we have INVERSE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DXY INDEX N CRUDE OIL WITHIN A SIGNIFICANT BAND..U HV TO WATCH OUT..instead u r betting the crude to break n create new lowest I'm afraid suddenly next week it climb back to USD 45-47 for NYMEX N DOLLAR WEAKENED which definitely once again rescue our MYR . just be careful...market might change its dynamic instead too many now focus on bearish ...which suddenly the SHORT TERM BULL at Bursa...:)


2015-11-12 02:55 | Report Abuse

At this point of writing..I'm enjoying see the dance of DXY INDEX N DJIA which I like to summarise as follows:
When DXY INDEX BAND IS GETTING WEAKER ( -0.30-0.20) TOGETHER WITH NYMEX DOWN BY USD 1. its mean next week crude will go up n in fact I'm not surprise it will test USD 45-46 N OF COURSE USD WILL GETTING WEAKER N MYR WILL STRENGHTENED PERHAPS TODAY N TILL FRIDAY WITH MYR 4.33-4.345. This will help TECHNICAL REBOUND for FBMKLCI N FKLI...:)


2015-11-12 02:40 | Report Abuse

Oil n gas counter is cyclical. U have to work hard on it. Let me share a few private placements and treasury price of each companies.

1.KNM - 50 sen ( therefore, don't buy above 50sen)
2. Pantech -60 sen ( don't buy above 60sen)
3. TH Heavy - 15sen ( don't buy above 15sen)
4. Destini - 60sen (don't buy above 60sen)

Monitor closely DIALOG share price. Its ahead of everybody. They tend to react first. The rest just followers. If u have strong cash and like to average, definitely Oil n Gas will give significant profits.

For glove making companies, there will be some profit taking this week I guess especially when u saw Top Glove that move from 9.40 to 10.00 yesterday. Careplus is consider just started for its second attempt to break 60sen. But still has a big question whether these particular stock to benefit the pioneers who is actually get the bonus issue who will cash out to new shareholders like us. That's time will tell.

I did highlighted about " market equilibrium". There is pro n con about next market reaction. However, the acceptance of Yuan inside the SDR by IMF , I think in simple logic, will tame down US dollar in the long run which we know what will the next positive effect. No doubt that world sentiments now are tend to be bearish due to these FOUR (4) FACTORS:
1. Crude oil price and its supply with market share vs price control
2. Currency war
3. US Interest Rates

Like I said those days in September as contrarian, the way I see market itself is actually SENTIMENTS N PERCEPTION that dominate majority market participants either they are Big Boys or Small Boys. Therefore , the market mover is easily to drive each market participants EMOTION. Therefore VOLATILITY IS STEP IN. When that's the case, PUT N CALL will attract back some movement. :)

Last but not least, don't worry too much. When u see all of the world leaders are shaking their hands, they won't go for World War 3, that's mean, market still has room to go up no doubt the downside risk is there but still go back to BUSINESS. If everyday down, brokerage house n bursa Malaysia can close shop. That's why we will see TECHNICAL REBOUND here n there.

All the best...wallaahuallam...n of course I hope FBMKLCI N FKLI WILL MANAGE TO REBOUND AT LEAST 1670-1677 for FBMKLCI N 1666-1672 FOR FKLI NOV. at least FBMKLCI C12 C22 N ALL C can gain minimum 1sen to 2sen n H will have some profit taking within the same band. Its MARKET EQUILIBRIUM. :)


2015-11-11 19:30 | Report Abuse

WJY..tomorrow is rebound day.


2015-11-11 19:29 | Report Abuse

Don't worry TB..tomorrow FBMKLCI up..rebound


2015-11-11 19:10 | Report Abuse

Mr Ong..don't la so serious...its already near to Christmas already..we should have fun..hehehe...


2015-11-11 18:32 | Report Abuse

Laxlav..x follow me..I'm just nobody...better u follow kakashi n duitkwsp...I'm also learning from them


2015-11-11 18:30 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...klcc...perhaps ong statement want to jump from klcc finally push klcc cross 7 today hahaha..kidding yeah ong...no heart feeling..

Hopefully this Dracula will help TB N all C investors punters tomorrow to clear with profits....☺