
auditorandconsultant | Joined since 2020-10-18

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2021-05-23 02:43 | Report Abuse

For those buying at lower price, no need to worry, can hold for long term and wait for TGuan to become a multibagger....

For those short term trader where they cannot hold too long due to higher price, you need to exercise judgment...

All the best to all.

Wait for my sharing soon on other counter....I will be very busy for my corporate reporting and corporate exercises for the next 2 weeks..

Just be careful everyone.

Do not chase higher price. .....My advice...

I wish to bring everyone to MAKE I hope no one is making loss because of being too greedy by chasing higher price.....



2021-05-22 15:01 | Report Abuse

Last but not least,

I would like to emphasize again, the price of MBSB will still decrease or drop next week. But how long will the plummet happen, I could not tell. I am not a GOD but I know the best and prudent entry point which I have the evidence of my analysis already DONE & READY NOW but I will only disclose here for sharing purpose to prove in June 2021.

Definitely my gang and I will buy quietly without telling the public. I believe everyone will do so. But, again, RM0.595 is still very very EXPENSIVE.

I expect the price will go down further. High bungalow High bungalow for those buying in the past few days......

Good weekend to everyone

Disclaimer: Buy or Hold or Sell at your own discretion. This is not an advice but just a sharing of my idea


2021-05-22 14:34 | Report Abuse


Good idea and thank you for supporting my stands.

After I helped a lot of Thong Guan investors, now and here I am coming to help more and more ppl in MBSB.

Thank you for all your trust although some so called "Experts" in this forum think that they know MBSB better than me, and talked big in the past few days when my hypothesis about the decrease in share price was given out early of the weeks. Now I believe, they just hid behind and kept quiet. I would not want to attack anyone but I just want to express my opinion so as to help more and more people to maximise capital gain via BUYING LOW.

RM0.500 and below is the most desired price but you need to analyse the likelihood of share price plummeting to RM0.500. Of course, at this juncture, I could not tell. But at least I proved that the price decreased from RM0.620 in the past to RM0.595 as of yesterday closing. My hypothesis and information will be disclosed gradually!

As in my past comments, I have already mentioned I could not share to you my entry price right now due to certain reasons such as to protect the interest of my group of comrades and veterans in Bursa Malaysia.

Nevertheless, I will disclose the reason and fact to show how I determine the best price below RM0.600. As to HOW LOW, I cannot tell now even though I have a solid basis! I will show you people in June the basis of assumption!

How low is low? This is a good question. No one can tell the lowest but at least now I could tell and my hypothesis in the past few days had already proven that price will decrease and eventually the closing price yesterday really showed that price decreased! This is a FACT.

I can also tell you that the current price of RM0.595 is still very HIGH. Syndicates will continue to play around by selling gradually. Believe or not, it is up to you.

Who knows maybe I will be wrong and then some "Experts" here will appear again and laugh at me saying that

""maybe a white knight will appear at the closing and it become green? like some fund mgr saving the market?""



The possible reasons why people keep on encouraging retail investors to buy despite higher price in the past few days are:-

a) They are at higher price and want to con Novice to buy high for them to escape
b) They are noob
c) They are part of Syndicates

Everyone just need to exercise judgment when the so called "EXPERTS" induced ppl to buy when actually you ppl can buy at even lower price.

LONDON BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN....... You people judge yourself.

To me, I will not touch this share at this price, RM0.595 is still too EXPENSIVE and not worth it.

Disclaimer: Buy or Hold or Sell at your own discretion. This is not an advice but just a sharing of my idea


2021-05-22 14:17 | Report Abuse


My hypothesis and expectation is that MBSB price will still decrease next week.

It is unlikely to rebound for a reason.

I will not tell now. But my hypothesis is that MBSB at RM0.595 is still too expensive.


Since you have already bought, good luck to you. Again, I re-emphasized that MBSB is a good stock with solid fundamental.

Different buying price will result in different return. But if you planned to hold MBSB for long term, it is undoubtedly a good choice.


2021-05-21 18:53 | Report Abuse

Brothers and sisters,

Remember my advice, do not chase high.

My intention is to help more and more people to earn steadily

Remember Warren Buffett rules

"Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No. 1."


2021-05-21 18:43 | Report Abuse


Be patient and wait for the price to plummet more before collecting.

Remember to always buy on dip.

To me price at RM0.595 is still very high.

Good luck


2021-05-21 18:41 | Report Abuse


Good luck to you and I hope that you could collect on dip

I wanna help more ppl to maximise their profit by getting the highest return on investment

That why my Ultimate goal is to help newbies or retail investors to

1) Buy at the lowest point possible
2) Avoid chasing higher price
3) Avoid encouraging people to buy at a price higher when the share price is plummeting as and when the market is not good

It seems like this market has a lot of "Sifu" thought they are very GENG and they acted confidently by inducing more retail investors to buy at higher price when the share market is not good.

Few reasons:-

a) They are at higher price and want to con Novice to buy high for them to escape
b) They are noob
c) They are part of Syndicates

Points above are not specifically addressed to anyone. 谁吃辣椒知道辣,就会对号入座。

Lastly and Unfortunately, there is no White Knight to save the price to turn green. So my hypothesis slowly and gradually be proven to be relatively right.

Stay tuned for next week's update.

Disclaimer: Buy or Hold or Sell at your own discretion. This is not an advice but just a sharing of my idea


2021-05-21 17:59 | Report Abuse

To me, I will help people to maximise profit by aiming to buy at the lowest point.

Buying shares at higher price is always a failure. To me price above RM0.600 is a failure especially during pandemic and economic downturn right now.

To others, if your risk appetite can allow you to accept buying at price above RM0.600, then go ahead, no problem.

I will be welcoming MBSB to plummet from next week onwards. The game has just begun.

Again, I would like to emphasize that I acknowledge that MBSB is a 5 star diamond, solid fundamental shares.

There is no problem for Long Term Investors to buy at higher than RM0.600.

But for short term retail investors, to maximise profit, please welcome the price to plummet.

The closing price has proven me RIGHT as I said the price will decrease.

More and more decrease next week.

Happy weekend and Good Luck to all.

Disclaimer: Buy or Hold or Sell at your own discretion. This is not an advice but just a sharing of my idea


2021-05-21 17:37 | Report Abuse

Good closing price as at 5 PM, 21 May 2021

RM0.595 a further decrease of RM0.010

There will be further decrease next week onwards.

The game has just begun.

Good luck all.


2021-05-21 13:08 | Report Abuse

I do not mind how people look at or perceive me. My ultimate goal is to help retail investors to increase personal wealth via Value Investment based on Fundamental Analysis.

Will let the occurrence of near future events to prove my opinions or stand.

Thank you and good luck.


2021-05-21 12:50 | Report Abuse

@Bgt 9963,

You chased high price now ar...walao anyway good luck but I still will not encourage buying at higher price.

Maybe I am over worried for you brother


2021-05-21 12:39 | Report Abuse

@Pinky @Collie @Bgt 9963 @Lanmum @xuxu @Kai Shien ks @LossAversion @Bizfuneng

How is everyone doing? Hope that all of you can earn a lot.

Remember, my objective is always to ensure we help more and more people to earn money.

Remember do not chase higher price. Golden Rule ar.


2021-05-21 12:34 | Report Abuse

For Long Term Investor, please do not worry much if you bought at relatively lower price around RM2-RM2.10

I collected Thong Guan at price below RM2 when the price decreased to around RM1.95 - RM1.97
in early of March 2021.

Do not panic selling even it is full lockdown.

Remember to watch the LiveChat or Webinar organised by Kenanga on last Tuesday.

Mr. Ang updated us on Myanmar plant and the 16 acres plant.

Always uphold golden Rule in fundamental investment-

BUY at LOWEST point possible



2021-05-21 12:28 | Report Abuse

Everyone who earned a lot from Thong Guan should know me

Please go and do survey there before you make your assumption


2021-05-21 12:27 | Report Abuse

@Loy Loy Cheong

My ultimate aim is to help people to earn more by collecting only at lower points.

You could go and check from Thong Guan, where I encouraged people to collect more at lower price when the price was below RM2

When Thong Guan price is higher already,

I always advise people do not chase high.

Trust or not, you may do survey by asking my ID and name in Thong Guan KLSE i3.

I have no intention to attack you but I just want to clarify that current price is high. I wish to help people to earn a lot by collecting at lowest point possible.

Hope you do not misunderstand my good intention


2021-05-21 12:24 | Report Abuse


I only expressed my opinion that the price of RM0.605-RM0.620 is too high to collect.
All of my comments above are prudently written and unlike someone who was overconfident on 17 May 2021 and bought at higher than current price!

Extract of my comments:-

Definitely, this is a too higher price to collect. It will plummet more and more soon.

Disclaimer: Buy or Hold or Sell at your own discretion. This is not an advice but just a sharing of my idea
19/05/2021 2:40 PM

Bad for short term traders but definitely good for long term investors!
21/05/2021 9:15 AM


2021-05-21 12:15 | Report Abuse

It will plummet does not mean I induced people to sell.It could be my advise to people to wait and buy only when the price is lower and lower

Or collect on dip.

I will have an evidence to show you. A fact to show using historical event in this MBSB to show why I said collecting at higher price is not worth.

Stay tuned on 4 June 2021, No need to argue

But the fact is very true that whoever read your comment on 17 May 2021 had bought at higher price and high bungalow.

No harm to long term investor but very very harmful to those short term traders especially retail investors.


2021-05-21 12:10 | Report Abuse

Loy Loy Cheong


你会觉得RM0.605-0.620 是好的价格只有几个原因


I am not sure if you have the courage to admit own mistake in decision making and bear the responsibilities for being overconfident on 19/05/2021 3:45 PM

Perhaps, you thought that RM0.605-RM0.620 was a good price range on 19 May 2021 due to several reasons

1) You do not understand the underlying forces behind the share price movement
2) You do not understand ordinary shares and other financial instruments but you were overconfident to show which indirectly induced retail investors to buy at higher price
3) Maybe I let you win and let you use the reason like you do not mind buying at higher price because you are a long term investor.

I believe all readers here should know well based on the forum contents above in the past. Needless to argue.


2021-05-21 11:59 | Report Abuse

Sorry. I am not inducing ppl to sell. I just share my thoughts to people not to buy at this price because not worth it.

For Long Term, MBSB is a good counter definitely.

My point is simple, not buy at this price because not worth it without inducing people to sell.

Yours is too obvious, You directly induced people to buy and now many stuck at higher price.

This is fact. Please read your comment above in the past.


2021-05-21 11:40 | Report Abuse

It is a fact that because of your comment on 19 May 2021 and now I think some are stuck because listening to you

This is a fact of you overconfident.


Even though I only disclose my insights on 4 June 2021, it will still be a solid evidence to prove that my stand is correct based on my experience dealing with Fund managers and IBs in the past.

Nevermind, since you mentioned you will collect and should collect more on 19 Mar 2021 otherwise you will be a fool like me, go ahead and buy more buy more buy more High Rise and Bungalow.


When fact already showed that you were overconfident. Just admit the mistake nothing big deal.

For me, I will prove using a solid evidence which I used to form my hypothesis and expectation in the past and it worked.

Stay tuned


2021-05-21 11:31 | Report Abuse

Again, I reiterate,

The Lockdown and Covid is not the main factor triggering the price to go downwards.

Other factor is more hurtful. I will only tell answer on 4 June 2021


2021-05-21 11:29 | Report Abuse

I already told you the Lockdown is only an illusion. The actual factor or main factor from triggering the plummet in share price will be coming soon.

Loy Loy Cheong, remember what you said in the past few days. You are probably causing a lot of people to stuck at RM0.605-RM0.620 just because of your sentence below.

No choice, you were over confident then.

Extract of your comments:- <Loy Loy Cheong>

Loy Loy Cheong When you said MBSB shares price will plummet, you are already inducing the market to sell, either a shortiest will say such things or you are trying to fool some people to sell down so you can collect? There's no such thing as solid evidence on predictions that a share counter will fall, please do not talk rock here. I think the market is general driven by fear of the covid pandemic rather that your insights. Nobody knows where this pandemic is heading nor when it is going to end, it could be a year or 2 later, but it also can be next week or next month. I think the economy will take the lead should this pandemic drag on for too long, I think before Oct, or even next week if we are lucky with some good development, all financial counters will bounce back vigorously. At this price if you are still not collecting, you must be a fool like auditorandconsultant.
19/05/2021 3:45 PM


2021-05-21 11:16 | Report Abuse

Today is still an illusion for people to think that due to Pre-MCO or Pre-Lock Down panic selling and some people still buy and hold and buy and hold.

The real game will only start from next week onwards. Till when, I cannot disclose my insights further to avoid myself from being in trouble.

The price will decrease even more from next week onwards....

To most of the investors here, maybe they think I am a fool. Then, you please go ahead to buy and collect more now.

My friend who are short term trader or mid term investor who listened to my insights and sharing before my comments in KLSE i3 here already dumped and sold long time ago.

If you believed some sifu here, please go ahead to buy more and more. No one stops you. No right to stop you. Maybe you are right. As I said, I only delivered my insights and sharing.

Disclaimer: Buy or Hold or Sell at your own discretion. This is not an advice but just a sharing of my idea


2021-05-21 09:56 | Report Abuse

Syndicates will start to sell a lot and a lot.

Let's see.

0.600 ---------> 0.500 (How low I could not share now, but I have a prudent analysis based on many years of experience working in Financial Institution especially with Fund Managers from Caymans Island)

Everyday will plummet hahahahaha......My gang and I plan to collect a lot at the lowest point where we know based on our experience. We know this counter and have the CAKE (Cumulative Analytical Knowledge and Experience) for more than 10 years in this counter.

We have been witnessing MBSB development.

Believe or not. It is up to you.

Lockdown only has limited influence on the price. The worst will be the IMPACT from the DARK FORCE or DARK INVISIBLE HAND...

Who talked big he or she will know? Because someone does not believe my analysis on Monday (actually I intended to share my insights early but due to certain reason, I could only share my insights with solid evidence in June 2021).

Someone still induced and encouraged people to start collecting when the price was between RM0.605 till RM0.620 when a lot of illusion has been purposely set by Sharks to trick a lot of ppl.

I could not share more otherwise my groups and myself don't need to collect already!

Buy or Sell or Hold is your own decision. The above is only my insights for sharing purposes.


2021-05-21 09:31 | Report Abuse


I am not crazy. This is based on experience. 如果你这样也分析不到,我也不知道要怎么说了。


下个礼拜肯定below RM0.60 and will be very very RED ......Within my expectation.

Not too worry for LT investor but I am worried for Contra player


2021-05-21 09:15 | Report Abuse

London bridge is falling down! Falling down! Falling down!

The East Wind will come next week, but potential lockdown becomes catalyst to accelerate the plummet of share.




Bad for short term traders but definitely good for long term investors!


2021-05-20 16:52 | Report Abuse


Brave la you.

I am not so daring. Now tough decision for all, if full lock down implemented, there will be a sudden plummet in share price.

To sell or To Hold and To Collect even more on dip!



2021-05-20 16:50 | Report Abuse

If really full lockdown, then price for MBSB will plummet significantly.

When the East Wind comes soon, this MBSB will drop to my desired price.

Full Lockdown (if happened) + Invisible Hand (East Wind) will cause panic selling and significant decrease in MBSB.

The invisible hand will be revealed soon!. Good also because I am welcoming MBSB when it continues to drop and drop worse than my initial expected price if could.

Bad for those who chased higher price in MBSB. Sorry, market is realistic and cruel!


2021-05-19 19:47 | Report Abuse

Below 60 cents,

I cannot tell you my entry price, otherwise myself and my group of comrades' interests will be damaged. Because I could not breach the trust between my group of comrades and I.

As I mentioned, I will only disclose my insights and ideas on 4 June 2021.

Together with all the facts. Then you will know the basis of my entry price.

Of course, the ideal price to buy MBSB is below 50cents! But need to consider many factors to achieve this ideal price.

My entry price is very prudently determined. With the solid evidence to form the basis.

As mentioned, stay tuned for my sharing on 4 June 2021.


2021-05-19 18:33 | Report Abuse

@ronald118, I agreed with you.

For investment held by Fong SiLing, not really surprising as this veteran has long held MBSB shares

The fact is that today MBSB price decreased from RM0.620 to RM0.605

I am glad that it decreased because it is within my expectation that price will continue to decrease and decrease within the 2nd half of May 2021 and 1st half of June 2021 from my assessment.

I am more than happy to show everyone the fact that I used to form my hypothesis or expectation.

Just happened in the past. Factual evidence.

I sold all my MBSB when the price was around RM0.715-RM0.725 during March 2021...

The price falls not only because of market sentiments. Other factor is important also.

Will share more information and my insights on 4 June 2021.

Good luck to those holding. No doubt MBSB is a good share but the Opportunity Costs for holding it now you gonna measure against the benefits. Cost Benefit Analysis is very important.

Good luck!


2021-05-19 15:57 | Report Abuse


Thank you for the sharing

The conversion to Islamic Bank was initially planned to be done by year 2023, now dragged to year 2025.

Taking consideration of various factors, it is indeed a good plan to delay for another 2 years as compared to initial plan.


2021-05-19 15:55 | Report Abuse

No need to argue, I will prove here using solid evidence on 4 June 2021.

Use the historical actual event with factual evidence that is available for everyone to prove.

It is up to you.

You can have your thought process.

Mine is based on historical fact and evidence.

4 June 2021, I will share here why I could form the above Hypothesis.

Remember, Hypothesis or expectation only based on historical event!

With Covid, it is the catalyst to cause downtrend somemore.

I believe no one is GOD but historical evidence and fact will be the basis of my point and sharing.

Stay tuned. 4 June 2021. I promise you people will get the answer for the basis.

Remember, there is no right or wrong answer. Because I just tell and share the fact!

Disclaimer: Buy or Hold or Sell at your own discretion. This is not an advice but just a sharing of my idea


2021-05-19 15:50 | Report Abuse

Is my prophecy and assessment ACCURATE?

That's why I advised you ppl, do not chase high...

Now laosai d


2021-05-19 15:25 | Report Abuse

I could only share my insights on 4 June 2021.

I could not share my insights now due to certain reasons which include my promise to my group of comrades.

I have solid evidences from the past historical events.

I will prove to all of you on 4 June 2021 why I have the above thoughts!

Remember, I have solid evidence. Just wait for me on 4 June 2021.

Disclaimer: Buy or Hold or Sell at your own discretion. This is not an advice but just a sharing of my idea


2021-05-19 14:40 | Report Abuse

The above is just my sharing. Believe or not is up to you.
Just based on my experience dealing with MBSB, I knew the movement of MBSB movement and especially during this pandemic.

Been earning few round using the usual way.

Definitely, this is a too higher price to collect. It will plummet more and more soon.

Disclaimer: Buy or Hold or Sell at your own discretion. This is not an advice but just a sharing of my idea


2021-05-19 14:17 | Report Abuse

MBSB will plummet soon. It will drop below 0.60.......

Waiting for East Wind which will be coming very soon to force and push the price down.........

Within this or next week, I believe the dark force behind will push down the price!

If MCO 3.0 is extended and Moratorium is given again, then thankful MBSB will drop and plummet very very much.


2021-05-19 14:14 | Report Abuse

My advice is very clear already early morning

Syndicates will start to sell non stop 割韭菜进行中!大家别追高!

There is another possible chance to enable the price to skyrocket, i,e. during the few hours before the announcement of Quarter Result

Stay tuned.

Do not chase high!



2021-05-19 09:31 | Report Abuse

By the way, where is PEKEBUN?

Where is GARDENER?

By right, he should be here now to comment the usual comment like "STOP CONNING NOVICE"!

Feel strange and boring la...


2021-05-19 09:29 | Report Abuse

Be careful, as I said yesterday Syndicates pushed up a lot. 昨天万股青青,散户追高脸青青!

For short term traders, you exercise your own judgment!

For Mid - Long Term investors, who bought at lower price and plan to hold for Mid - Long Term, Congratulations! You have made it!

Multibagger! Tguan will be one of the multibagger!

Syndicates will start to sell non stop 割韭菜进行中!大家别追高!

To me, I am quite prudent that

1) Short term - 1-3 months
2) Mid term - more than 3 months but less than 1 year
3) Long term - more than 1 year

As I said, I will only share my idea on a new GEM on 4 June 2021 which I will concentrate all my fund into this SUPERB HIDDEN GEM.


Indeed, I will be collecting if that hidden gem price is within my entry price limit!

For certain reasons and as my promise to my group of Comrades, I could only share the good idea on 4 June 2021 even though I will be collecting this HIDDEN GEM few days earlier than 4 June 2021!


Disclaimer: Buy or Hold or Sell at your own discretion. This is not an advice but just a sharing of my idea.


2021-05-18 15:42 | Report Abuse

That why I said on a prudent basis..

If want to earn more and due to MCO 3.0, need to decide your own strategy on either short or mid or long....

Mid term - can earn more


2021-05-18 15:35 | Report Abuse

Remember, to sell or to hold

it is always your decision and at your own risk


2021-05-18 15:35 | Report Abuse


Suspect is Syndicates who push before the release of Quarter Result


2021-05-18 15:25 | Report Abuse


Hello...I did not ask you ppl to chase high...

Please see all time, I ask do not chase high


2021-05-18 14:36 | Report Abuse

To me, I am quite prudent that

1) Short term - 1-3 months
2) Mid term - more than 3 months but less than 1 year
3) Long term - more than 1 year

I believe the price of Thong Guan might only go up to RM3.50 within the next 1-3 months if and only if:-

1) Q1 and Q2 results are impressive and
2) What had been clarified by Alvin about the utilisation of 1/3 of 16 acres plant already in operation and second 1/3 of the plant being utilised in July 2021, have indeed really generated significant revenue
3) Positive sentiments

For Long Term Investors, I believe the price could easily go up to RM4.00 - 5.00 if the expanded plant is fully utilised to generate economic inflows.

Nevertheless, I believe Quarter result that will be release soon within this month shall be the catalyst in pushing up the share price. On a prudent basis RM3.00 plus minus should be highly possible.

In term of SWOT, PESTEL and other financial measures, I could not see any negative impacts on Thong Guan.

I still believe that Thong Guan is able to generate desired returns very soon.


2021-05-17 21:02 | Report Abuse

即使明天如果价格没有下降,我敢 断言短期内,整体来看一定会跌破6毛钱。
At this juncture 我不能说得太白。请原谅。I will share when the timing is right.

I am only a normal human being. The above assumption or hypothesis has been made based on my experience. Even if tomorrow the price stays still or do not plummet, I am very confident that within short time period, the share price will plummet and drop below 60 cents.

Trust or not, it is up to you. I could not share too much. Apologise very much. I will share my insights when the timing is right.

Disclaimer: Buy or Hold or Sell at your own discretion. This is not an advice but just a sharing of my idea


2021-05-17 20:10 | Report Abuse

这个股票的价格还会继续跌,跌的空间非常的大!每天还会下。大家好运吧。。。或许加上MCO 3.0 下跌的空间比预期的大!。。。 我之前在72 逃之夭夭。。。。

这只股票,我曾经捞底,每次都成功。看着MBSB 每天跌,我超级兴奋,因为万事具备,只欠东风。如果你们在东风还没有来之前买入,肯定住高楼。我等着效仿孔明借东风。我敢断言,明天还会 继续跌。目前,东风的踪影还没有看到。时机成熟,自然借得到东风。谁人现在继续买,继续拿在高价的只能承受机会成本,时间成本,因为继续住高楼。记得啊,我敢断言明天还是跌,后天也是不会怎么好。东风还没有吹起。。。大家好运!

I commented so does not mean I said MBSB is bad at all times.
You need Catalyst which the timing is not right now.
If you bought MBSB or held MBSB at higher price like at current price, I will say good luck to you. Because you will be staying at Bungalow, High Rise!

Tomorrow MBSB will plummet some more based on my humble opinion.
I had experienced earning from the lowest point so at this juncture I would say the CATALYST to PUSH the price is not yet in existence!

Disclaimer: Buy or Hold or Sell at your own discretion. This is not an advice but just a sharing of my idea


2021-05-17 05:22 | Report Abuse

Morning all.

Last Wednesday, trade was only 1st half due to Eve of Hari Raya Puasa. As a result of clear understanding and update given by Mr. Alvin Ang on last Tuesday, hopefully, we could witness the positive impact from the increase in share price today!!!

Let's be more positive and confident in Thong Guan after you have watched the LiveChat Webinar above.

I have confident that when near to AGM and when the Quarter result is out, the price will skyrocket! But, I do not encourage investors to chase higher price!

Good and positive news must be repeated to ensure all shareholders are well informed!

With the good plan in Thong Guan, and with Alvin's statement on the 16 acres plant to be completed by end of year 2021 (currently 1/3 in operation, by July 2021 another 1/3 will be put in operation, by end of year 2021 the last 1/3) plus Alvin's clarification of Myanmar's plant to continue its development, I do not and could not find any reasons on why Thong Guan revenue in all upcoming Quarters could not increase significantly!

Focus on the estimated Revenue which will be generated from the 16 acres plant in SP....

Another Billion of Sales is highly possible.

The share price should be able to DOUBLE soon if the revenue can DOUBLE!

Disclaimer: Buy or Hold or Sell at your own discretion. This is not an advice but just a sharing of my idea.


2021-05-15 02:00 | Report Abuse

I might think of keeping Thong Guan for Mid Term or Long Term.

Another counter has been identified which I believe the counter should give me a higher return on investment of 15-25% within 2-3 months ONLY.

Another 5-Star Diamond which is a hidden gem and most people might not like it or always give negative comments which I should be grateful of their negative feedbacks so that the price of my next counter is plummeting. I could collect on dip.

Again, ALL IN from my available fund which I manage to source within the past few weeks!

I will only share my idea on the next counter only on 4 June 2021 due to certain reasons.

Next counter is a slow and steady counter!

Disclaimer: Buy or Hold or Sell at your own discretion. This is not an advice but just a sharing of my idea.


2021-05-15 01:54 | Report Abuse

@Lanmum @LossAversion,

You are absolutely right. With the good plan in Thong Guan, and with Alvin's statement on the 16 acres plant to be completed by end of year 2021 (currently 1/3 in operation, by July 2021 another 1/3 will be put in operation, by end of year 2021 the last 1/3) plus Alvin's clarification of Myanmar's plant to continue its development, I do not and could not find any reasons on why Thong Guan revenue in all upcoming Quarters could not increase significantly!

Focus on the estimated Revenue which will be generated from the 16 acres plant in SP....

Another Billion of Sales is highly possible.

The share price should be able to DOUBLE soon if the revenue can DOUBLE!

What to worry?

Disclaimer: Buy or Hold or Sell at your own discretion. This is not an advice but just a sharing of my idea.


2021-05-15 01:48 | Report Abuse


Value is the main thing I am focusing most of the time. Even thought the price does not move very much, I witnessed the growth in term of revenue and PAT


Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.

The reason on why price fluctuated very much in the last couple of years because the Group has gradually transitioned from VOLUME to VALUE.

I joined KPMG many years ago before I moved to other Big 4 in overseas and moved to work closely with certain Fund Managers from Cayman Islands who managed Cayman Islands Fund

Value is what I always look at