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2020-08-03 16:58 | Report Abuse
2020-08-03 16:56 | Report Abuse
和老牛玩,5粒还可以,我是怕老牛吃错东西泻肚子,老牛从1.20 泻到如今,再泻就是0.30了....
2020-08-03 16:14 | Report Abuse
2020-08-03 13:41 | Report Abuse
What you mean pure lack of intelligence ? You meant you are very much intelligence than us !
If you think you are very intelligence please tell me why this stupid counter making money for all the quarters and cash rich. But just only 0.0055 to 0.006 now ??? Why cannot sustained the upward movement and back to square at the starting point ! Conman counter right?
I invested some money here of course I expect some returns. If not, what the hell you are here for ? Give donations or help the china men to make more money with your expense ?
All xdl haters are simply impatient. Period. You cannot expect the stock to go up just because YOU, THE ALL IMPORTANT YOU, have bought the stock. NO. NO. NO. The stock market doesn't care about YOU.
Bahai4453, your comment was like '"i've bought the stock today, if it doesn't go up by next week/month/year, it's a stupid stock". This is pure lack of intelligence.
2020-08-03 13:16 | Report Abuse
程咬金(炒家)来了又怎样?这烂股还不是横摆了4个月!表面上能摆多美多好,老万就摆多美多好。说到钱一大堆但只进老万自己的裤袋,哪有啥屁用?好股只值0.0055 ?? 烂! 老千股。
2020-08-03 12:59 | Report Abuse
@apa sifu, 韩国佬那边好像又可以进场了,要注意了。
Eco 这里不用再等了,老牛推车,一天能推5公哩,你就可以大声笑了。
2020-08-02 12:37 | Report Abuse
AA will never go bankrupt . Even it goes and trapped into PN17, a knight riding with a white horse will come for the rescue. Good opportunity for those trapped around 3.00 to average out, may be this time off is the last chance you all can grab.
2020-08-01 13:44 | Report Abuse
Billionn, I think you are just joking around for 0.60. I invested in this counter at 0.86++level.
My opinion this counter should hit the TP of 2.00 on the long run depend on the performance of the management team. Financially they are healthy with manageable debt but P/E is slightly high. They need to improve their ROE ratio. But history show that 8 out of 10 GLC is poorly managed and lost money with piles of debt behind them unlike our neighboring country where their GLC (Tamasek group ) is in top shape and closely monitored. The main reasons for those failures I think I no need to proceed further and everybody should know why
2020-07-31 16:51 | Report Abuse
Boss is trying hard to pump the price up but too sad no supporters. If they give a dividend of say 0.50 I think the share fly over night. But this type of dividend only Tony of AA could give away. China men company the most can give you a pc of hair, some even worst , not a hair is
2020-07-31 16:39 | Report Abuse
billionn, I collected my Hari raya ang bao twice already, you still waiting for 0.60 here ? not tire meh ? Another round coming for Independence day
2020-07-30 13:08 | Report Abuse
@Apa,sifu , 化学那边又有hari raya 红包拿了。调下1.30时买太少了。
2020-07-30 13:02 | Report Abuse
@Apa,sifu , 老牛变成牛魔王了,来个狂奔吧!.......bull is running......老万一定会出来大跳狂疯舞.....hahaha,又有酒喝+猪脚了......。
2020-07-29 17:09 | Report Abuse
@Leong, you made money from the sudden surge up? I cant get 0.165 the other day otherwise I should have made some money yesterday.
I think quite a few kena trapped today.
2020-07-28 20:25 | Report Abuse
@Apa sifu, 世贱与我无仇,它能上也好,老万不会说我比拼他的0.30。
2020-07-28 15:14 | Report Abuse
@apa sifu,
我看了高山树胶,over value P/E: 93 倍,ROE:16 不敢买。
我找到了我的意中人了,买点试试。 "全能后勤" (五一三六)负债低, ROE =26, EPS=36 , NTA :1.41, P/E: 才1.76 ?!!
Fair price 是0.90++, 今天才卖0.64。
2020-07-28 12:30 | Report Abuse
laychee 兄,在这乱世的2020,由其是Klse里是玩快坂的,最主要的目的是多赢钱,要少输,而且要越快越好,时间不能留。
公司多烂也不要紧,股价要上就是好,看看xox, 你就明白了吗?
2020-07-28 12:08 | Report Abuse
冲啊。。。牛劲的给我冲....huat ah
2020-07-28 12:07 | Report Abuse
@Apa sifu,伟哥陈那边在炒,炒的猪头骨不是猪脚 我没兴趣,上那两三分要等几个月,牛都死。
你看看我们老牛这里,又在上了, 老牛到时发飙变成牛魔王,来个狂奔bull run..老万一定会冲出来和我大跳狂疯舞,喝酒吃猪脚。
2020-07-27 19:01 | Report Abuse
2020-07-27 18:23 | Report Abuse
@Apa sifu , 3A 放了,又有一瓶酒喝了,哈哈哈,这股有点慢,不敢收久,但我却感觉到它会到TP0.90.
2020-07-26 15:30 | Report Abuse
@Apa sifu, 我看到一支全能的股,在深入研究, 星期一见,包你有个惊喜,短枪长枪都可用,又有带安全套的那种。。。。哈哈哈哈喝酒吧!
2020-07-26 15:00 | Report Abuse
BTR concept of "Build-to Rent homes" is not totally a new concept in Malaysia. You still can find some old "built to rent " housing units around Malaysia nowadays. But for high-end housing developers are not in favour of this type of housing concept because the profit returns percentage is in a very low margins and handling cost is high.
They want fast and big returns to move on.
The new concept of their high valued developed housing projects will not only benefit the developers with high returns but also provided them with steady incomes from the maintenance and security of that particular project.
To the housing developers if the demand is up to their expectation, they meet their targets and get their money. The rest of the problems will be left for the Bankers and house owners to face.
But .....the markets is very bad now. Housing Loans are hard to get approved. Upfront installment payments are higher !
It is too late and too costly for them to make a U-turn now ! They need to face the music produced by themselves. If I am a housing developer, do you know what is my ideas in order to sustain my investment forever and stop running into this type of risk ? Liew is not a stupid men, he knew what he is doing but he made a series of mistake by off-setting the big plan !
2020-07-26 13:33 | Report Abuse
喝酒~ 找星期一进场的好lubang........哈哈哈哈!
2020-07-26 13:30 | Report Abuse
2020-07-26 13:21 | Report Abuse
@Apa sifu, 我也在进0.055,防弹衣就是防弹衣,打也打不进,整个星期了,拜一排到拜五,排到我发火。。 礼拜日,西边无战事,收兵回营。
2020-07-25 18:18 | Report Abuse
@Apa sifu 大稳今年赚了钱但cash flow 有点问题 ,我看0.20以下还是有戏看的。
2020-07-25 18:07 | Report Abuse
老大, 我在查世贱,最近好像cash flow 不是很足够cover 还债,问题很大。
所谓人算不如天算。喝酒吧! 师父,你看看Gadang 怎样?
2020-07-25 15:29 | Report Abuse
@apa兄,全部清了,在等回调到0.60 以下再进场,算了。
2020-07-24 13:59 | Report Abuse
@Apa sifu, 化学那里,弄不好还会下到1.27,要耐心等,它就像虾那般很会跳。水温就跳,水冷就沉底。它最低时我也买过。
2020-07-24 09:39 | Report Abuse
R 手套公司有钱赚,就有人心痒打它主意了,以1.80来吃掉3.00++可以吗?这不就是所谓的蟹王走路,专横霸道。买到3块多的小股东不是很惨??
2020-07-24 09:11 | Report Abuse
@apa sifu, 我会小心的。
2020-07-23 22:05 | Report Abuse
sifu, 我进了3A两粒和Ekovest10粒 看明天怎样了,能守能攻,不怕它,是吗?要等世贱送猪脚,难了! 我在盯化学,下1.36就进了。9月可能有好消息。Penergy也进了一点,是好股呢。喝酒吃猪脚吧。。。。。。人生几何。。。。哈哈哈哈。早点睡,明天再来。金毛狮王我也等它下个月,不行的话就把它宰了!
2020-07-23 21:48 | Report Abuse
@apa sifu, 要贱世做我女儿的嫁妆,老牛没那福份! 一毛不拔的老鄂的股不是上高一点点就放,就是cutlost. l老鄂炒1分,你玩的起吗?
2020-07-23 17:23 | Report Abuse
@Apa sifu, 有些大公司是好看不好用, 就是几分钱也不肯给你赚,呜呼哀哉也!
2020-07-23 17:16 | Report Abuse
@Raja sifu, 我还没看德胜,我今晚看一看,谢了
2020-07-23 17:13 | Report Abuse
2020-07-23 17:11 | Report Abuse
买榴莲的 Ekovest 也再炒,榴莲可能要掉了.....哈哈哈。
2020-07-23 16:27 | Report Abuse
@apa raja sifu 3A 在跑,注意!
2020-07-23 16:14 | Report Abuse
马星我还有5粒0.62出。 收场,等了不久的时间了。喝酒吧!
2020-07-23 16:12 | Report Abuse
@Raja, Apa sifu 噢才能有cash 0.70 出了5粒 等0.72 多3粒出,哈哈赚点钱喝酒....这股是不错的股 ,AlifinHwang 給的是hold TP 0.61. 但这股债务很少而且在赚钱了,Rm 1.00 应该说是TP. 是炒股,所以我赚点酒溜!
2020-07-23 11:01 | Report Abuse
冲啊...Eco ..叫老刘别玩那种0.01上上下下的玩意了,留点给小鱼们找吃。 老刘,老刘,老是不留 !·#%#《。
2020-07-23 10:52 | Report Abuse
@Apasifu, 今早“咸鱼”0.60 出了....哈哈哈。 在等“ 噢才能cash的好消息了。我在盯 Penergy 5133 这个海事服务业,上个月拿到了国油1.7亿合约,但这季亏钱, 下季可能会好转吧。平时业绩也不赖,长远回升1.00 应该没问题吧,还是个能给股息的公司..。你的意见???
2020-07-22 22:54 | Report Abuse
But how AffinHwang know the TP is 0.61 ? Their prediction source and prediction how accurate so far and what is their % of success? My doubt !
2020-07-22 22:48 | Report Abuse
AffinHwang TP only 0.61 and hold my bird.....hahaha. how to go Rm1.00.
2020-07-22 22:24 | Report Abuse
2020-08-03 20:59 | Report Abuse
@apa sifu , 我和老牛抗战了2年多,从1.20到0.80++ 就分批放掉了,开始的时候是在1.00 ding-dong, 我叫它rm1.00 counter, 后来就一直往下泻到0.70.