
bahai4453 | Joined since 2018-03-28

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2020-06-01 19:43 | Report Abuse



2020-06-01 19:41 | Report Abuse

Karanguni,今天起了0.01 到0.08。好的开始!


2020-06-01 19:39 | Report Abuse



2020-06-01 19:38 | Report Abuse

Apa sifu, 不怕,只赚少一点,能攻能守,乃是常胜军! 喝酒吧。


2020-06-01 18:01 | Report Abuse

CCM 1.58 不肯放手,又回跌1.43, 真猛,上下15分, Apa 兄, 我越来越贪了!


2020-06-01 17:56 | Report Abuse

Apa sifu, 喝酒吧!今晚下厨炒了一碟乾炒牛河 。


2020-06-01 17:50 | Report Abuse

Sunsetc, 我在等东尼的0.50。马星我不看了,给它慢慢的收股息减低股本,留给我女儿做嫁妆。


2020-06-01 14:53 | Report Abuse

Eco 今天大上4 分, 冲啊。。。。


2020-06-01 13:56 | Report Abuse

wantanmi and hng33 are you both related to VT ?


2020-06-01 13:38 | Report Abuse

无人不知的产业公司 – MAHSING(8583)


2020-06-01 13:34 | Report Abuse



2020-06-01 13:25 | Report Abuse

woa...another bright star is on the rise.


2020-05-31 22:49 | Report Abuse

Macho008 I like you style ! But my sifu tell me winning a ringgit also win. Don lost money.


2020-05-31 22:44 | Report Abuse

One day show is better than not showing at all. hahahaha................


2020-05-31 22:41 | Report Abuse

If go down 0.12 , add on !


2020-05-31 22:40 | Report Abuse

Don worry, Lion will never failed you . Watch my words. Only one condition , you must be able to hold. Counter is suitable for day traders.


2020-05-31 22:32 | Report Abuse

@mf , covid-19 will kill 90% of the old ages and wipe out 50% of mankind, that is the prophecy . why you worry ? If you worry just ------run !


2020-05-31 22:26 | Report Abuse

I que at 0.42 also hard to get !


2020-05-31 22:13 | Report Abuse

Apa sifu, 贱世这里热闹起来了,你就失踪了。“Karanguni” JAG 那里有好的业绩。你看怎样?我在喝whisky送三杯鸡。


2020-05-31 22:03 | Report Abuse

@Raja sifu,
一支骨老万本来就是大仙, Apa 兄今天好静,喝酒吧。


2020-05-31 14:59 | Report Abuse

Because they don want to frighten you and give you a heart attacked.


2020-05-31 13:06 | Report Abuse

@Raja. 的那两句听来的话,可要小心了!

# However, he is guarded, adding that “nothing is concrete as yet”. #

# “There has been talk, strong rumours, but we are not aware of the details. The consultants, I hear, have concluded their reports.” #


2020-05-31 12:22 | Report Abuse

You're are partially right. I checked with JML they dealt with electronics wastes, metal and metal residue or precious metal as what you just mentioned.


2020-05-30 23:10 | Report Abuse

@Raja sifu,
CCM 我第一次是0.84 进场几lots,(我有和你们讲过),1.10+放掉。1.13 又进场, 1.50+不舍的放,最近业绩不理想,跌回1.30 想买没子弹了,看着流口水。
你说的很对,我的TP就是1.50+ - 1.60 放一半。另一半看下个业绩。

@Raja, 普通的白种人,在他们的国家他们把我们这些黄帝后代的黄皮肤根本不当着人。我英国表妹在80年代叫我移民到英国去,我死都不答应,因为我不爱吃面包,只爱kari 和猪脚。再说嘛洋人对亚洲女人和男人是有差别的, 谁叫我没生块月饼在下面,哈哈哈。。。。


你的 ccm 一块六是个强大的成本区啊,要冲得过就好,冲不过就要小心啊。
30/05/2020 7:59 PM


2020-05-30 20:28 | Report Abuse

色狼普犯人权罪,美国的后院起火了。不知美股会有什么影响? 美国的民主自由和很有人权保护概念,只是一群拥有高等知识份子所具有的,一般美国白人民众大多是带着很深的种族主义思想的。90年代我去过美国,我是亲身体验到黄种人被歧视的滋味。


2020-05-30 15:23 | Report Abuse

@raja sifu,
我拜一不敢跳下参于这场抢购, 老万一支骨去年底12/12不是中了枪,消失了几个月吗?
你说港独份子会一蜂窝的来大马买产业吗?大马的土著政府会放宽他们的移民政策吗?会让他们买4万以下的房产吗?真的是想得太天真了! 老刘是得罪了某某人了, 被人打压了。
香港国安法是港独拿出来抄作的话题。你说哪一个国家没国安法? 就拿华为手机来讲,一个手机制造商都被色狼普说是犯了美国的国安法,被打压。
这班愚蠢的港独份子,挥着美英国旗喊着独立。你说中共不怕吗? 一旦香港独立了而迎来了美国的军事基地,中共的安全不是受到很大的威胁?新加坡和台湾就是个很好的例子。他们应该挥着缅甸或泰国的国旗喊着独立才有希望, 哈哈哈。。。真是TNLM.
好了,废话少说了, 我还是在等我的目标价进场。

@raja 那要是拜一跳空开在四毛半,那是不是更应该梭哈趁低抢购?
30/05/2020 1:44 PM


2020-05-29 23:54 | Report Abuse

Just wondering karanguni company like JAG can make big money
They buy in scrap metals with low cost and sell them with market value. Most people just sell their scraps without knowing the scrap metals prices.


2020-05-29 13:48 | Report Abuse

Jangan takut , hold tight. ada naik mesti ada jatuh. ada jatuh mesti ada naik.


2020-05-29 13:37 | Report Abuse

@ tasas,
I'm still loooking for 0.30 and below, 0.20 is better. Above 0.30 is not my taste. I
If the counter can limit today. I cut ...
I am waiting.......and watching at Mashing to get my whisky money ! Cheers.....yeoyeohair....


2020-05-29 13:24 | Report Abuse

JAG preciously was closed at the first day of its IPO at 0.37. Now only 0.06, how pitiful about those grabbed at this price at that time.
So,if this counter has the power of moving upward. It can hit as high as 0.30.
Just don know what the shit the bosses are doing during these 2 years without any improvement with zero dividend.


2020-05-29 12:37 | Report Abuse

冲啊。。! 世贱。。


2020-05-29 11:49 | Report Abuse

But ex date 3 months later. hahahaha what a joke !


2020-05-29 11:48 | Report Abuse

Declared of 0.335 of dividend. 0.43+0.0335 = 0.46


2020-05-29 11:40 | Report Abuse

Apa sifu, 乐天我们失算了,乐天飙升2.30 了 !


2020-05-29 10:37 | Report Abuse

没有什么好的消息而忽然间飙升,应该怎么办呢? 只好看看自己所期待的TP是多少了。


2020-05-29 09:58 | Report Abuse

Mahsing alrdy 0.47 and dividend ex- date sep at 0.0335


2020-05-29 09:49 | Report Abuse

Apa 兄, ccm 那边不知为什么发生了什么好事 ,又飙升回1.50.


2020-05-28 13:31 | Report Abuse

Only pariah counter will afraid of day traders. Don't dream about money coming back to Berjaya land. That never happen before after the 4 seasons and Vietnam cases. Hahahaha........
Now the boss may be planning to put the money in US or Myanmar once again like what he did before and bought a hotel in Iceland. This time VT may be thinking of increasing the stake in 7-11 or say invest in other glove shares. Bro, just dream. Its ok to dream that the shares will shoot up .

Yup! Better to move up little by little to prevent profit making by day traders...and don't worry as collateral held on behalf of BJLand by Beijing Court is RMB20 Billion (RM12.16 Billion) worth of Beijing SkyOcean's assets Vs RMB 974 million (RM600 million) compensation to be paid to BJLand.


2020-05-28 00:45 | Report Abuse

2 persons got the answers.
The answer is due to safe social distancing (airlines sop) you are paying for another 2 seats also.

Anyone here can give me a correct answer why Airline tickets are expensive now ?
27/05/2020 6:21 PM


2020-05-27 18:21 | Report Abuse

Anyone here can give me a correct answer why Airline tickets are expensive now ?


2020-05-26 16:00 | Report Abuse

Last nite I got a dream, Tony ask me to hold until October. He has a surprise for every share holders. No matter you are ikan bilis or kacang puteh.


2020-05-26 14:20 | Report Abuse

Eco still can buy in at below 30 sens.


2020-05-26 14:18 | Report Abuse

香港赌王死了? !


2020-05-26 14:13 | Report Abuse

I don't think so,
Malaysia still not their preference country to migrate. Canada, Australia, New Zealand and UK still their dream lands. They like Angmo but they are yellow skins and Angmo don't like. them. They like Angmo to spit at them.

We don't want to talk about the racist 老马。He had the habit of interfering other nation‘s internal affairs. He commented about Myanmar, Hong Kong, India and many others. After all will this brought any good to our nation ? Our CPO prices dropped.!
Is Hongkees are muslim or non-Chinese ? Do you know why Iwcity failed ? No Chinese are allow to stay here as permanent residents is his elections slogans.

In Hong Kong, those came out to streets to create trouble are those runners and middle class Hongkees employed by foreigners and big tycoons, namely Lee Ka Hen and the gangs. They are protecting the housing and properties prices in the HK.
This time , the PRC are doing something fast to correct all the blunders they made on HK after the riots and chaos on the island. Laws , education system and housing problems are going to be changed. As Hongkees graduates don't studied much history that is why they think they are Angmo.

Having a first home is everybody's dreams. Just like what LKY did to Singapore 60 years ago. When you have jobs , a house to owned, why should you go to street again?

PRC is building up cheap public housing blocks on the island to counter the properties markets owned by all the greedy and selfish properties tycoons there. They even took away lands from those ungrateful guys to build houses.

If I'm not wrong, within 5-10 years, properties prices in HK will declined at a very fast rate.
So, just don't dream a huge amount of foreigners are going to invest property market here.

To progress , everybody countrymen have to scarify some how or rather and not by taking advantage on other races. Nation have to be united and have a strong identity.


2020-05-26 10:38 | Report Abuse

A lot of rumours from the public that Eco are doing barter trades with their subcontractors; to paid their debts by offering to exchange payments by offering housing units to them.
I just puzzled why those Hongkees are so worried about China's national security legislation ? Most of them are criminals? Hongkees are not suited to our society and they're consider themselves one grade higher than the locals here including Chinese Malaysians. They don't mixed around with the locals here much. They just behaved like those Taiwanese migrants in Indonesia.
I never like to travel to Hongkong (I was there only once) as these Hongkees are rude, selfish and very arrogant business people. But to the angmo, those hongkees treated them like father.
They always thought they are British and not Chinese even though they 100% looked like one.
Quite a lot of Hongkees migrated here during the 90' were seen left Malaysia and back to Hongkong again as the situations stabilised after Chinese takeover Hongkong.
Once these group of ruffians Hongkees leave Hongkong, the island will be more pleasant to stay and travel to. They can be easily filled out by the mainland Chinese.


2020-05-24 14:46 | Report Abuse

Selamat hari raya aidilfitri, enjoy dkt rumah jgn mana2 pergi loh.


2020-05-24 14:44 | Report Abuse

Ana, apa lah kambing vegetarian, baik tak makan. mana ada rasa.