
beLIEve | Joined since 2014-03-02

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2014-08-22 06:15 | Report Abuse

throw stone means throw money to buy their stakes away lah :)


2014-08-22 01:47 | Report Abuse

bro rocket, your baby Scomien made 42k net profit woh. So tomorrow mummy Scomi can fly up already


2014-08-21 20:25 | Report Abuse

thanks bro snake eye. At least I get to know these transactions affected the charts, and in the future need to put into consideration


2014-08-21 10:24 | Report Abuse

throw stones? I thought we wanted to goreng the old ayam, but you stopped people from gorengeng it since he's your buddy


2014-08-21 02:44 | Report Abuse

lol bro Frank. I asked because I feel any chart is inaccurate because the volume was generated by Abu's sale and someone buying over. Not natural market transaction


2014-08-21 02:07 | Report Abuse

Just curious, what is the chart saying now? Hawaii or Antarctica?


2014-08-19 11:37 | Report Abuse

bro ymtan, if no movement then we have more people to wait with us. Maybe eventually we can all goto Hawaii together gether in a chartered plane


2014-08-18 23:17 | Report Abuse

What price did you buy at, Nancy? If below 50 cents, I think should hold until the quarterly results are out. If they make a good profit, got chance to go up. I think latest is end of the month.


2014-08-16 10:12 | Report Abuse

sorry bros, I was referring to the new waiters :) Master Chang and bro alex has been waiting with us since the dawn of days :P


2014-08-16 00:38 | Report Abuse

dont worry bro rocket. We have sifu yungshen and cobra commander to 等 with us now


2014-08-14 11:52 | Report Abuse

Quarterly result should be out next week or the week after. If make 100m profit then can go Hawaii. This time bro rocket will read me the report


2014-08-13 21:08 | Report Abuse

如此多高人預算大起, 想唔去 Hawaii 都幾難. 三個臭皮匠勝過一個阿布亮


2014-08-13 14:55 | Report Abuse

means we go hawaii first before good news?


2014-08-13 11:56 | Report Abuse

so can hit TP 0.43 this week or not?


2014-08-07 19:14 | Report Abuse

bro alexander - They buy 10000 lots 10000 lots each time. Scary loh. So much money

Master Chang - If I got in cheaper hoh, then I have more confidence. Now if drop a bit then I'm back to paperloss


2014-08-06 11:30 | Report Abuse

You mean don't let the share price down bro Frank? :)


2014-08-06 11:25 | Report Abuse

Sailormoon to Hawaii loh. Now got both Master Chang and Sifu Yungshen support. If both 高人's predicktion also cannot come true, deserve to lose


2014-08-06 11:19 | Report Abuse

Checked that the Master is reliable only I sailormoon with the ship lah. Maybe not my luck to make this money :)


2014-08-06 11:07 | Report Abuse

Hehe I sailang here, didnt diversify. That time, this was the only rumor I got from the Master here. The market is a bit high to my comfort, I'm staying out after this unless I get some good rumor from all the Masters and Sifus here


2014-08-06 10:22 | Report Abuse

And one more thing, if I got in cheap like IJM and Abu, I won't be bothered either. Can sell anytime and still make profit.

Yeah Hawaii long trip. As long as dont end up in Bermuda triangle, I'm good :)


2014-08-06 10:14 | Report Abuse

bro Frank - thanks for your comforting words :) I berakeven at 0.435, so it isn't that bad at this level. I bought hoping that the rumors that it's going up beyond 50 cents, supported by the profit they made in the last 3 quarters before the last one. A loss in the last quarter was not within my expectations.

Then Abu decided to sell into the market instead, also came as a surprise to me. So I suffered a paperloss of around 10% when the market was flying up. Only berakeven this 1-2 weeks. I've bought Scomi before a few years ago, which was still below 50 cents. IJM and Abu isn't a major factor to me. They got in dirt cheap, can still dispose any time at a handsome profit.

With Abu still holding above 4% and no further disclosure how much he sold or if he will continue to sell, I am not hoping for a miracle.

Am not hard on myself lah. Just saying that I'm not blaming anyone, since it's my own decision. But this decision costed me a lot since the market flied up for the past few months while Abu is busy reducing his stake here.


2014-08-05 11:32 | Report Abuse

As long as it goes up, berak or break also i don't mind bro Frank. Err that hope for miracle was 3 months ago. Now I just follow all you 高手


2014-08-05 10:57 | Report Abuse

They're back from berakfast already. 44 cent all sapu already


2014-08-05 10:02 | Report Abuse will move down another few 0.5 cents if they berakfast the whole day,


2014-07-31 14:16 | Report Abuse

It's a cash call, meaning that if you own its shares, you need to fork out more money to subscribe to the rights or simply sell it into the market. Looks like market doesn't like it lately, even Public Bank went down after announcing its rights issue.

promoter usually keep quiet when it drop lah. Up a bit only TP 1.24

News & Blogs

2014-07-27 02:00 | Report Abuse

The private placement is meant for the public too. But you've got to be cash loaded to participate. If I remember correctly, need 200k minimum. A rich friend is applying the private placement.


2014-07-24 14:41 | Report Abuse

He's been claiming that this counter will go skyhigh for the past few months. My opinion for short term is 96.5 cents. Buy if you have extra cash, hold if you're already at a loss position.


2014-07-09 09:38 | Report Abuse

wahh you guys watched huh? can't beLIEve they lost 7 goals without 2 keyplayers


2014-07-09 01:12 | Report Abuse

bro Ng KY : yes, that is our problem. But seems like someone is buying up. Hopefully it's someone influential.

bro pang : I think the buyer buy from open market. Otherwise how can market absorb


2014-07-08 18:47 | Report Abuse

11,800,000 sold


2014-07-08 15:18 | Report Abuse

But this volume is transfer of ownership only. Does not impact the price

bro pang - promises are meant to be broken, not history. Brazil wont win Germany because Brazil vs Holland :D


2014-07-07 22:56 | Report Abuse

No country has beaten Brazil on its home turf in almost 12 years. Brazil’s last loss at home came in a friendly on Aug. 21, 2002. That game against Paraguay, incidentally, is one the Brazilians may not have been particularly interested in winning. Brazil had won the World Cup in Japan earlier that summer; the Paraguay match was the team’s homecoming. Although Brazil started most of its regulars, by midway through the game it substituted out almost all of its stars.

To a find a loss at home in a match that mattered to Brazil — in a World Cup qualifier, or as part of some other tournament — you have to go back to 1975, when Brazil lost the first leg of the Copa América semifinal to Peru. None of the players on Brazil’s current World Cup roster was alive at the time.


2014-07-07 15:49 | Report Abuse

I've been holding and holding until hands are numb and Daiko DaitoRyu's fingers are crossed. Someone should provide some support to lessen my load


2014-07-07 15:08 | Report Abuse

Since last week, add together dont know got 50% of his holdings or not. Long way to go


2014-07-03 17:15 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri Abu selling last week. Just saw the notice today.


2014-07-03 15:46 | Report Abuse

The question now is who is buying all the shares at 40 cents


2014-07-02 03:11 | Report Abuse

bro rocket, it's long overdue for a miracle. I already let go the miracle and put the stock into cold storage.

bro Keng Ng, I won't advise you to hold or cut because I don't have any direct news or rumors. I am holding on because I don't plan to sell at a loss and don't have any stocks that could rocket up. I said "soon very soon" just to mimic Master Chang words only. Do what you think is best.


2014-06-27 23:14 | Report Abuse

soon, very soon


2014-06-26 15:45 | Report Abuse

It did not trade above 50 cents for many years. Unlikely can touch 50 cents unless they secure something big like the Hawaii Super Rig


2014-06-26 14:52 | Report Abuse

bro hengaun : Master Chang 大鬧 Scomi critics 之日就係本股大起之時

Rumors say can go up 10-20% within a month, but don't shoot me if it's wrong.


2014-06-25 21:06 | Report Abuse

我意思係話, 養股千日, 祇需要一次大起就可以賣 :)


2014-06-25 17:04 | Report Abuse

bro Ng KY thanks

bro rocket 養兵千日,用於一時呀


2014-06-25 16:00 | Report Abuse



2014-06-25 15:54 | Report Abuse

I'm parking my money in bank. Not putting in more into the sky high market bro rocket