
beaten2016 | Joined since 2016-01-28

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2021-06-28 22:31 | Report Abuse

With EPF withdrawal is on the card again, if you have cash on hands, congratulations, because EPF will run on another round of sales. Don't rush. Pick the right timing, get the right bargain.


2021-05-06 12:08 | Report Abuse

Not sudden drop. The index has been declining since last week when there are rumours circulating for another round of MCO. The market initial relieved with only 6 districts involved but when KL and other districts were added, the market responded.

Supermax reported record breaking profits yesterday plus special dividend but today dropped 10%.

For PBB the up and down by few cents are expected, both the support and resistance are there. May see a major fluctuations in bank stocks if and only if moratorium is being considered.


2021-03-19 18:53 | Report Abuse

If you invest long enough in Bursa, you know the joke "Bursa guaranteed profits 101: go against EPF". Jokes aside. The rationale behind the joke is that EPF would have frequent in-out movements, and many ikan bilis tend to follow EPF. It's like tourists. A goreng stock is like tourism place, we love tourists, even thou they come and go, but the merrier the better.

But for blue chips, it's like our home, imagine tourists keep coming in and out, it's disturbing. Like many, I have separate portfolios for short term and long term trades. I hold PBB for long term, I myself would love to see EPF going out and not coming back in because there will be other funds that would take their positions. But EPF will not do that and we have to live with the frequent dispose-acquire things.

It seem like some forumers are very concern with the daily rise or drop of PBB. My 2 cents are if you hold for long term, don't worry. The engine has not even stated. If you are short term traders or even day traders, just go to other stocks that are much more "goreng-dable" like Dataprep, GFM, Inari, Dnex etc. PBB is just never ideal for day and short trades.

If you hold for long term and you are still worry, my advises are I know Bursa investors don't seem rational but
1. CIMB Poorly performed in loan segment is still higher than pre QR.
2. AmBank pending 1mdb settlement also climb back after dip.

PBB doing nothing wrong and operations everything efficiently and its price is still near the range post QR. No worries.


2021-03-13 23:30 | Report Abuse

3 groups of individuals
1. Peoples exhausted financing options and have to depend I-sinar to live on. No impact on loan and financing application due to exhaustion.
2. Peoples who did not exhaust the financing option but took I-sinar to live on. In short term they may not need any loan now, in future they probably do as their retirement fund is severely reduced.
3. Peoples who withdraw i-Sinar for investment or for fun. Chances are they might took it as deposit for property or car and so they will took up new loans.

So the impact should be very minimal.

Tbh, banks do look into applicants' EPF to assess risk. Do expect increase difficulty or at least higher interest for those withdrew iSinar to obtain loan in future.

In PBB case, personal loan is not an issue. So the impact will be very minimal.

In fact, Msians are quite irrational when come to spending, i-Sinar may promote the revenge spending even further. Look at the new car and property bookings... @.@ so banks are expected to benefit when consumption rises.


2021-03-12 18:48 | Report Abuse

22 Mar is the payment date. Depend on individual broker processing speed to see in the account.


2021-02-27 13:40 | Report Abuse

Expect some YoYo price movement ahead of the MPC meeting on Thursday (discussion on OPR). Bad boys may instill fears to collect cheap.

OPR cut is very unlikely, even if there is a cut, the effect is only short term, because any OPR cut was meant to stimulate economic growth, economic growth=bank growth. In long run, it is beneficial to banks.

Try hold PBB for long term (or at least medium), don't panic sell, don't chase high (esp with hard earn EPF), the return will come slowly but surely.

Roadblocks are expected to be clear during March:
1. MCO lifted
2. Glove price settle down and so KLCI
3. EPF settling its iSinar withdrawal


2021-02-26 15:48 | Report Abuse

I wish i have extra bullets to collect. Lolx. Currently the best FD rate in town is 2.2% PA for min 3 months... PBB share now give u 3.1% directly in 2 weeks.


2021-02-26 12:11 | Report Abuse

No one know exactly what EPF is up to (not even themselves I guess, as they "outsourced" to the fund managers). But EPF is disposing some physical assets while in stock they are acquring and disposing here and there. There are rumours EPF got burnt by the glove stocks while they need to make up the funds for withdrawals...

Good news is even EPF decided to dispose of PBB, there are enough absorptions (if the situation remains as it is). Stability will be the key, if the price go slow and steady, most people would rather wait and see. But if the price skyrocket, there are always temptations to dispose.


2021-02-25 21:57 | Report Abuse

Buffet did not gave up on all bank stocks, he sold most of his other bank stocks but increasing his stakes in Bank of America. Nobody know exactly why because JP Morgan profitability is much higher than that of BoA. Most analysts assumed it is because BoA is much more efficiency in operations and more "selective" when it comes to lending. Although not an apple to apple comparison, these are also PBB characteristics.

In Malaysia, you could easily get called by random bankers to obtain loans, but mostly are not from MBB or PBB. While MBB still accept personal loan applications, PBB only accept those from civil servants. This partly why the NPL in PBB is low.

Unless we are screwed by the politicians once more (another election, another outbreak, another lockdown), we are on the road of recovery. Property, car, revenge spending, tourism etc mean that bank revenues would be higher. Funds also have higher returns and more purchasers.

Most importantly, we are on digital banking transformation, regardless PBB get the license or not, the whole banking landscape is expanding and transforming, it will benefit from it.


2021-02-25 13:08 | Report Abuse

CIMB did gave me heart attack when it fell to 3.8X and today profit taking at 4.3.

PBB is always stable, huge volume of selling Q always see even greater volume of buying Q. I am relieved after seeing the QR. Will hold and probably top up if the price does not pass 4.4X before div.

Market is getting weird, many stocks with great QR hardly move, while private placement/new shareholder drove price skyrocket even with poor performance.


2021-02-19 17:09 | Report Abuse

Managed to take some profits from MBB and CIMB.
Still waiting for PBB QR to decide further.

Anyone have good insights or estimation on the QR?


2021-02-19 15:43 | Report Abuse

4.11cleared within a snap.
Hopefully 4.10 can last till close.


2021-01-29 09:20 | Report Abuse

I'm impressed by the efforts but rational kept me away from joining such meaningful revolutionary movement. I mean again what is the support level? What is the ideal price? What is the duration?

What is the gap between the retail fund and the "sharks"? Are the ikan bilis suppose to sold all their other positions to top out this battle? Or just like some forumers mentioned using their hard-earn savings? Or in some case even their isinar?

I really wish to see the movement a success rather than a conspiracy started with an article published just to trigger and caught more ikan bilis and slaughter them in this time of turbulences. Hopefully TG see the efforts and initiate SBB to aid the movement.

All the best! Combatants.


2019-08-23 16:21 | Report Abuse

if you follow how epf acquire and dispose share for long time, you kind of want to go against it. Proton is not the only driving factor, Bank Muamualat and Puspakom is all delivering this Q.


2019-08-23 16:02 | Report Abuse

QR is definitely good. No worries! =) Its normal to Q this way to flush out ikan bilis.


2019-08-23 15:38 | Report Abuse

all buy volume shifted to ekovest and Iwcity... lolx


2019-08-23 11:27 | Report Abuse

Congrats everyone! but hold on! More to come!


2019-08-23 10:18 | Report Abuse

Need it to close red to collect more. We are talking about at least 10% gains in very short term, needless to say if able to hold it for long.


2019-08-22 15:39 | Report Abuse

crazy, 2.92-2.94 all sapu-ed


2019-08-22 14:11 | Report Abuse

QR will be out tomorrow but show may be on Mon. Will expect contra traders start kicking in soon.


2019-08-21 16:27 | Report Abuse

2 more days for QR result... operators know what to do...


2019-08-09 10:59 | Report Abuse

today is a very good day for contra traders, picked up avg 1.795 ytd, sold avg 1.87 today. Left earlier but was happy enough. Happy holiday everyone!


2019-05-31 09:45 | Report Abuse

Ppls are still skeptical about proton in general, seriously who would have thought it can be turnaround like just snap fingers. Will keep the stock for another quarter or two. Thx for the free X70. XD


2018-05-26 11:28 | Report Abuse

If you're familiar with the company, you know it is still a family business. They wouldn't goreng the stock, instead they wish to remain controlling the business. The group is definitely growing, but not at the rate of Alibaba. Like most blue chips, don't expect to gain a lot from buying and selling the shares, instead focus on the dividend and long term appreciation of the share value. In a time of turbelences, these are the stocks that wouldn't give u an heart attack.


2018-05-15 14:15 | Report Abuse

One of the most steady construction stocks, you can overthrown any government parties, but you can never dethrone the royal families. The princess has been one of the substantial shareholders since 90's.

Beside major construction project, their stakes on Kesas and the water companies would means $$$ if PH decided to demolish the tolls and acquiring all water companies.


2016-02-02 17:19 | Report Abuse

*sigh* basically went to rm9+ frm rm3 within 6 months.