
beautiful_life | Joined since 2014-06-11

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2014-11-24 20:41 | Report Abuse

cassyee , i think what Simon earn at IFCA already can let him change a new car liao ..... Ha ha .....

913791 , seems like this counter already lively start oh ..... He he .....


2014-11-24 10:20 | Report Abuse

Eee ..... Police blocked 0.23 .....


2014-11-24 09:25 | Report Abuse

Go go goal 0.60 JAG .....


2014-11-23 18:05 | Report Abuse

So this year Dec will surged to 0.60 again ? JAG buat sui sui ya .....


2014-11-22 10:46 | Report Abuse

Good morning , 913791 ..... So early got good news ya ..... Yeah ..... Lets see Mon will got good show for JAG ..... :)


2014-11-21 22:55 | Report Abuse

melove , enjoy your days with your loves one .....


2014-11-21 22:27 | Report Abuse

melove , waiting for your good news posting ..... Few lots also is money mah ..... He he ..... Ok , we all enjoy the weekend first ..... :)


2014-11-21 21:46 | Report Abuse

Oh ..... As long as got earn profit is ok melove ..... Today is Fri ..... Fri ar ..... Tak apa , tengok next week macam mana , if good sign then can go in again ..... :) Have a great weekend melove ..... :D


2014-11-21 21:28 | Report Abuse

melove , you trade out 0.235 ?


2014-11-21 21:27 | Report Abuse

melove , so fast trade out geh ? Sudah cukup ?


2014-11-21 12:43 | Report Abuse

melove , kurang sikit ommm .... As at now highest 0.235 only ..... Maybe 2nd round will coming oh ..... :D

913791 , sorry ya ..... I also hope the dividen is 0.25 then all huat-huat oh ..... I type wrongly for the previous dividen , is 0.0025 not 0.25 ..... :)


2014-11-20 23:58 | Report Abuse

melove , glad to hear that . Dow Jones turn to green , turn to green ..... :)


2014-11-20 23:27 | Report Abuse

little , come come come ..... Welcome you ride on JAG ..... Welcome welcome ..... :)


2014-11-20 23:26 | Report Abuse

913791 , change to main board maybe will next year also ok as now already going end of Nov liao ..... I satu orang make this forum busy tak cukup lah .... Nak you semua orang make this forum busy juga mah ..... Huat ah ..... Ah Huat white coffee coming liao ..... :D


2014-11-20 23:11 | Report Abuse

Emm .... Mana kawan lain ? alexanderSingapore ? Nakata Kokmeng Lee ? KitTheungmakmak168 ?


2014-11-20 23:05 | Report Abuse

Better don't effect by Dow Jones , somemore tomorrow is Fri ..... Fri words let people headache at share market but is good for workers ..... Ha ha ..... Esok beli kacang ke , pop corn ke , potato chips ke , sambil makan sambil tengok good show ..... :D


2014-11-20 23:01 | Report Abuse

cassyee , Datin pun mau CNY mah ..... He he ..... If still haven't change to main board but got good news announce one by one also not bad ..... Yup , market is weak but you see IFCAMSC & IFCAMSC-WA , haiyoh ..... Non-stop flying ..... JAG & JAG-WA will be the next like IFCAMSC & IFCAMSC-WA .....


2014-11-20 22:54 | Report Abuse

Dow jones -65 points , Dow jones dow jones i give you warning ar ..... You jangan ka ka cau cau dekat sini ..... If not beli racun boom you ar .....


2014-11-20 22:52 | Report Abuse

Nick , buy buy buy ..... Sapu sapu sapu , cepat-cepat sapu ..... :)


2014-11-20 22:50 | Report Abuse

cassyee , sorry i tulis salah ..... Kalau betul-betul 0.25 bukan go sapu , is sapu gao gao ..... Pinjam ah long sapu also ..... :) I don't know when will change to main board but hope can change as soon as possible lor ..... 打铁要趁热 ..... Kalau next month change to main board , not only X'mas gift , CNY ang pow gao gao .....


2014-11-20 22:44 | Report Abuse

913791 , Vary easy to let Jag up is to write more news here.....he he

Tadi you baru comment ini , good news sudah datang liao oh .... Wa ka ka ka ka .....


2014-11-20 22:38 | Report Abuse

Wa ka ka ka ka ..... cassyee you are right , kalau 0.25 dividen huat lor .... Then tomorrow can sapu sapau sapu untuk untung dividen liao .....

913791 , dividen is 0.0025 ya ..... Wah .... Kalau next month announce change to main board , hosei liao ..... 0.40 before X'mas is sap sap sui liao ..... Minimum 0.60 for mother then 0.50 for son ..... Wa ha ha ha ha .... Jingle bell jingle bell ..... We wish you a merry X'mas , we wish you a merry X'mas ...... :D


2014-11-20 22:29 | Report Abuse

Sorry sorry sorry , RM 0.0025 :)


2014-11-20 22:24 | Report Abuse

Dividen 0.25 sen , ex-date 03/12 & payment date on 19/12


2014-11-20 22:10 | Report Abuse

Jin , aiyoh ..... Why you keep refresh the page ? You takut salah tengok ke ? You punya mata banyak sihat dan bagus , tak payah pakai cermin mata & tak salah tengok oh ..... You buat saya also nervous lah ..... My seat belt siang siang sudah tighten liao ..... Hanya tunggu itu roket start saja ..... Esok makan pop corn tengok show ..... Ha ha .....


2014-11-20 21:39 | Report Abuse

Wow wow wow ..... Jin & melove , you dua orang sangat cepat oh ..... Sudah tak boleh tunggu $$$$$$$$ masuk pocket leh ..... Ha ha ..... Good good good ..... Dividen lagi , $$$$$$$$ mari mari mari ..... Saya sekarang pergi tengok ..... Yeah .....!! Ini macam more than 0.60 ..... Ki ki ki ki .......


2014-11-20 20:59 | Report Abuse

Fatsen , Malaysia BOLEH ! JAG pun BOLEH !! Ha ha ..... Nak gasi JAG minum Redbull liao ..... He he ..... Sekali more than 0.60 .....Wa ha ha ha ha ......


2014-11-20 16:51 | Report Abuse

Yalor hor ..... Write more news then up more ..... $$$$$$$$$$ ...... Ha ha ..... Money money we love you ..... Money money come come come ..... Come to JAG & JAG-WA ..... Wa ka ka ka ka .....


2014-11-20 16:26 | Report Abuse

913791 , ya ya ya ..... Siapa yang ada beli JAG huat huat sama-sama .....

Hari ini JAG top volume leh , tapi kurang sikit omm untuk terbang hor ..... Emm ..... mungkin macam Fatsen cakap , wait JAWS coming ..... Ha ha ..... Jaws coming , jaws coming , jaws coming ..... He he ..... :)


2014-11-20 10:23 | Report Abuse

melove & 913791 , you biar i buat marvellous dream sekejap ..... Mana kita tau , mungkin betul-betul boleh naik 0.40 before X'mas leh ...... JAG gambadei ..... 0.60 before X'mas then melove belanja i whisky & 913791 belanja makan Jepun food ...... Yeah ..... JAG 0.60 before X'mas , JAG 0.60 before X'mas ..... Gambadei gambadei ..... RON 97 sudah turun harga , i add RON 97 oil for you ..... :D


2014-11-19 22:05 | Report Abuse

Ya ya ya , melove .... Hari ini naik 0.01 + esok naik 0.01 + Fri naik 0.015
24/11 - 28/11 naik 0.10
1/12 - 5/12 naik 0.10
8/12 - 12/12 naik 0.10
15/12 - 19/12 naik 0.10
Then boleh beli X'mas gift liao ..... Ha ha ..... Good good good ..... Yeah ..... :D


2014-11-19 21:43 | Report Abuse

Sona , Sumatec sudah terbang before .Sekarang sudah letih nak rehat .... :)


2014-11-19 19:40 | Report Abuse

913791 , 0.60 untuk emak then anak berapa ?

Fatsen , beli ini counter akan jadi billionaire ? Bagus ar macam itu , semua orang akan kaya very soon ..... :D


2014-11-19 19:31 | Report Abuse

Sudah jadi giraffe lor .....


2014-11-19 14:54 | Report Abuse

913791 , you punya 0.60 is for mother or anak ? Anak 0.60 bagus ..... Kalau anak 0.60 mother ..... Ha ha .....


2014-11-19 14:44 | Report Abuse

Satu botol ubat tidur sudah habis makan , sudah jadi sleeping beauty .....


2014-11-18 23:07 | Report Abuse

Dow Jones +31 points


2014-11-18 22:21 | Report Abuse

Yeah .... 913791 you cakap betul lor .... Pergi Genting mau luck lor , believe JAG lagi bagus dari pergi Genting .....


2014-11-18 22:20 | Report Abuse

Ya , correct correct . Dream $$$$$$$ come come come ..... Ha ha ..... Rest well ya 913791 ..... :)


2014-11-18 22:06 | Report Abuse

Opps ..... 913791 sudah appear oh ..... Aiyoh ..... 913791 kita rindu you mah ..... He he ..... Wish you have a sweet sweet dreams & ask 财神 stay at JAG & JAG-WA for some period ..... Ha ha ....


2014-11-18 21:42 | Report Abuse

melove , you cakap betul juga ... Tak boleh greedy banyak dalam tiga hari ya ..... Nanti Bursa suspend susah lah ..... Oklah , macam ini satu minggu naik 0.10 , next month sampai 0.60 ok ar ..... He he ..... 913791 pergi Genting buat apa ? Cari pocket money ? Ha ha .....


2014-11-18 21:11 | Report Abuse

melove , esok naik 0.01 + Thu naik 0.01 + Fri naik 0.015 = 0.245 saja . Belum boleh jual , rugi ..... Tapi kalau anak naik macam ini boleh sikit ..... Mana kita punya kawan 913791 ? Hari ini quite leh ..... He he .....


2014-11-18 19:31 | Report Abuse

melove , you buat saya gen jiong ar ..... Coming this Fri ..... Financial report ..... Naik naik naik ..... Next month X'mas liao , JAG sponsor buy X'mas gift + my birthday gift ..... Ha ha .....


2014-11-17 15:42 | Report Abuse

melove , investor aktif counter pun aktif mah ..... Ha ha ..... Up lah up ..... Up bagus mah ..... Up as much as can ..... He he .....:D


2014-11-16 22:00 | Report Abuse

Waiting waiting waiting .....


2014-11-15 17:21 | Report Abuse

913791 , don't know when can change to main board .


2014-11-14 19:16 | Report Abuse

913791 , i already sapu on Sept ... Now no more bullet liao ..... :(

klseklse , small player also can sapu some ... :)


2014-11-13 21:28 | Report Abuse

klseklse + 913791 + likeaboss , please sapu sapu sapu ..... :)


2014-11-12 22:44 | Report Abuse



2014-11-11 21:13 | Report Abuse

913791 , anak murah tolong sapu kuat - kuat .....

Good news? Change to main board ok liao? Belum nampak news woh .....