
Benhobenhobenho | Joined since 2021-06-30

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2021-09-28 14:52 | Report Abuse

Ex date is not this Friday, already over on 9th sept


2021-09-28 13:06 | Report Abuse

@Djoker89 wish u good fortune in AA. All the best


2021-09-28 13:03 | Report Abuse

Power shortage in china.could mean higher asp for glove in the near future. This in turn could benefit malaysian glove manufacturers n the rest too.


2021-09-28 13:01 | Report Abuse

Shock POWER CUTS hit north-east Chinese homes - could last till NEXT SPRING!

China’s energy crisis has now hit homeowners in three northern provinces - Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang - as they were warned that unexpected outages would become “the new normal”.

Users on social media platform Weibo complained that heating, lifts and traffic lights were all down, while reports showed workers in Liaoning taken to hospital for carbon monoxide poisoning due to ventilators cutting out.

The principal cause is a severe shortage of coal, which fuels the majority of China’s power, as local governments have said they will source reserves from Inner Mongolia.


2021-09-28 12:41 | Report Abuse

@DJoker89, why not can try your luck


2021-09-28 12:31 | Report Abuse

AirAsia is in heavy loss, n again no one can predict the air travel industry given the new normal post pandemic


2021-09-28 11:56 | Report Abuse

Institutional buy back today?


2021-09-28 11:50 | Report Abuse

The IBs n the so called expert analysts seemed to know glove biz better than the glove bosses. They even know the future of the glove biz that they can predict many years from now, what a joke!!


2021-09-28 11:49 | Report Abuse

If the so called experts analysts n IBs gave TP of 8, 9 or even above 10rm for Supermax last year, why is it they are lowering the TP so much to 2.20 n one even gave 1.68 for TG. Why so much different from last year or are they just bullshitting


2021-09-28 11:44 | Report Abuse

The IBs n the so called expert analysts seemed to know glove biz better than the glove bosses. They even know the future of the glove biz that they can predict many years from now, what a joke!!


2021-09-28 11:42 | Report Abuse

The IBs n the so called expert analysts seemed to know glove biz better than the glove bosses. They even know the future of the glove biz that they can predict many years from now, what a joke!!


2021-09-28 11:38 | Report Abuse

Up is the only direction from now


2021-09-28 11:31 | Report Abuse

It's going to or may even go below 0.50


2021-09-28 11:26 | Report Abuse

At this lowest price, there's actually nothing to worry. Already bottom or near to it so no worry.


2021-09-28 11:18 | Report Abuse

@myinvestor, to be fair, china do produce good quality goods provided one is willing to pay. If u pay peanuts, u will get peanuts. As simple as that. Obviously cheap goods normally don't last


2021-09-28 10:49 | Report Abuse

Good news, Harta is leading the charge ahead today


2021-09-28 10:45 | Report Abuse

Stock had dropped so much. The only direction from now is UP UP UP


2021-09-28 10:23 | Report Abuse

UP is the only direction from now


2021-09-27 23:23 | Report Abuse

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush as the saying goes. U never know when the price will drop n once it drop, it can be very steep. It's always better to take profit while price still high.


2021-09-27 22:18 | Report Abuse

On the contrary these loss making companies are seeing their share prices increase. Perplexing!!


2021-09-27 17:13 | Report Abuse

Vaccine alone is not the answer, only time will tell. Let's hope we can get over this n life return to normal


2021-09-27 17:03 | Report Abuse

Good news are asp stabilizing n the only direction is up. Cost of everything going up due to economies reopening, people are more willing to spend for a better life n health, increase in food prices, cost of travel like air tickets increased, raw materials n production costs increased, transportation cost n manpower etc. So how can asp of gloves continued to be down?


2021-09-27 16:04 | Report Abuse

Personally I felt that this issue of falling asp is very much overblown. No one in his right mind will want to sell his product at below cost, right unless the biz is closing down


2021-09-27 15:59 | Report Abuse

With the new normal, health awareness new markets, increased capacity, how can asp fall to prepandemic levels.


2021-09-27 15:30 | Report Abuse

It's a wave of unrest, one wave after another! While the world is struggling to fight against the Delta variant virus, a new "Mu" (B.1.621) variant virus is emerging in nearly 50 countries and regions around the world, and it may reduce the effectiveness of the current vaccine. The situation is worrying.

Although there are no relevant cases in our country, we must remain vigilant. The Minister of Health Carey also instructed laboratories recently that once confirmed cases imported from abroad are found, genome sequencing must be carried out as soon as possible to identify whether they belong to the new variant virus. Strain. At present, the World Health Organization (WHO) has listed the Mu mutant virus as a "mutant strain that needs attention", and now I will take you to a preliminary understanding of everyone's common enemy- Mu mutant virus!

Where does the Mu variant virus come from?
Mu mutant virus was first discovered in Colombia in January this year and has now spread to nearly 50 countries and regions around the world, including many countries in Europe and America, as well as Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan in Asia.


2021-09-27 14:12 | Report Abuse

It's a wave of unrest, one wave after another! While the world is struggling to fight against the Delta variant virus, a new "Mu" (B.1.621) variant virus is emerging in nearly 50 countries and regions around the world, and it may reduce the effectiveness of the current vaccine. The situation is worrying.

Although there are no relevant cases in our country, we must remain vigilant. The Minister of Health Carey also instructed laboratories recently that once confirmed cases imported from abroad are found, genome sequencing must be carried out as soon as possible to identify whether they belong to the new variant virus. Strain. At present, the World Health Organization (WHO) has listed the Mu mutant virus as a "mutant strain that needs attention", and now I will take you to a preliminary understanding of everyone's common enemy- Mu mutant virus!

Where does the Mu variant virus come from?
Mu mutant virus was first discovered in Colombia in January this year and has now spread to nearly 50 countries and regions around the world, including many countries in Europe and America, as well as Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan in Asia.


2021-09-27 13:57 | Report Abuse

It's a wave of unrest, one wave after another! While the world is struggling to fight against the Delta variant virus, a new "Mu" (B.1.621) variant virus is emerging in nearly 50 countries and regions around the world, and it may reduce the effectiveness of the current vaccine. The situation is worrying.

Although there are no relevant cases in our country, we must remain vigilant. The Minister of Health Carey also instructed laboratories recently that once confirmed cases imported from abroad are found, genome sequencing must be carried out as soon as possible to identify whether they belong to the new variant virus. Strain. At present, the World Health Organization (WHO) has listed the Mu mutant virus as a "mutant strain that needs attention", and now I will take you to a preliminary understanding of everyone's common enemy- Mu mutant virus!

Where does the Mu variant virus come from?
Mu mutant virus was first discovered in Colombia in January this year and has now spread to nearly 50 countries and regions around the world, including many countries in Europe and America, as well as Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan in Asia.


2021-09-27 12:32 | Report Abuse

It's a wave of unrest, one wave after another! While the world is struggling to fight against the Delta variant virus, a new "Mu" (B.1.621) variant virus is emerging in nearly 50 countries and regions around the world, and it may reduce the effectiveness of the current vaccine. The situation is worrying.

Although there are no relevant cases in our country, we must remain vigilant. The Minister of Health Carey also instructed laboratories recently that once confirmed cases imported from abroad are found, genome sequencing must be carried out as soon as possible to identify whether they belong to the new variant virus. Strain. At present, the World Health Organization (WHO) has listed the Mu mutant virus as a "mutant strain that needs attention", and now I will take you to a preliminary understanding of everyone's common enemy- Mu mutant virus!

Where does the Mu variant virus come from?
Mu mutant virus was first discovered in Colombia in January this year and has now spread to nearly 50 countries and regions around the world, including many countries in Europe and America, as well as Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan in Asia.


2021-09-27 12:31 | Report Abuse

It's a wave of unrest, one wave after another! While the world is struggling to fight against the Delta variant virus, a new "Mu" (B.1.621) variant virus is emerging in nearly 50 countries and regions around the world, and it may reduce the effectiveness of the current vaccine. The situation is worrying.

Although there are no relevant cases in our country, we must remain vigilant. The Minister of Health Carey also instructed laboratories recently that once confirmed cases imported from abroad are found, genome sequencing must be carried out as soon as possible to identify whether they belong to the new variant virus. Strain. At present, the World Health Organization (WHO) has listed the Mu mutant virus as a "mutant strain that needs attention", and now I will take you to a preliminary understanding of everyone's common enemy- Mu mutant virus!

Where does the Mu variant virus come from?
Mu mutant virus was first discovered in Colombia in January this year and has now spread to nearly 50 countries and regions around the world, including many countries in Europe and America, as well as Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan in Asia.


2021-09-27 12:02 | Report Abuse

What the great economist Keynes said is very true, I think he's probably referring to an average person's longevity. In the long run we are all dead. How long can one live, 75 to 80 is an average age amalaysian can live. How many can live to 100+ personally I feel that it all depends on the age of an investor
If young u can look at long term of a good investment, but what if u are already 70, 75 or 80, can u invest at long term, obviously no la. U may not live to see the fruits of your investment, right?


2021-09-27 11:24 | Report Abuse

A good example is euro. Goreng till rm5 + n today's price at 0.56. what a big difference


2021-09-27 11:22 | Report Abuse

Actually one don't really know the real value of this counter, it can go up to even 100 n it can crash to the price where it started that is less than 2rm. That's the reason I say one need to be brave. Like gambling, if u win, win a lot but what if lose??


2021-09-27 10:22 | Report Abuse

U will have to be brave like a lion to go into this counter at this price.


2021-09-27 10:08 | Report Abuse

JUST IN: Singapore reports 1,939 new Covid-19 cases, including 1,536 community infections.

2 seniors died from Covid-19 complications. The death toll is now 78.

There are 398 cases among dormitory residents and 5 imported cases.

Stay in the know:


2021-09-27 09:58 | Report Abuse

JUST IN: Singapore reports 1,939 new Covid-19 cases, including 1,536 community infections.

2 seniors died from Covid-19 complications. The death toll is now 78.

There are 398 cases among dormitory residents and 5 imported cases.

Stay in the know:


2021-09-27 08:37 | Report Abuse

@thepowerof glove, no more 1650 cases, it had gone to 1939 cases in Singapore


2021-09-27 08:35 | Report Abuse

JUST IN: Singapore reports 1,939 new Covid-19 cases, including 1,536 community infections.

2 seniors died from Covid-19 complications. The death toll is now 78.

There are 398 cases among dormitory residents and 5 imported cases.

Stay in the know:


2021-09-26 20:52 | Report Abuse

Can the shortists have so much impact on share prices, I wonder


2021-09-26 19:18 | Report Abuse

The euphoria of Endemic or Living with the virus strategy will b short lived. Look to the South n you can find the answer. Despite 80% vaccination rate as opposed to Malaysia 55% of the entire population (or about 80% to 90% adult), Spore is seeing an all time high cases. Mostly r Pfizer n Moderna in Spore. Hopefully booster shot can somewhat control the situation but unlikely going to eliminate or even bring down to previous low.


2021-09-26 14:10 | Report Abuse

What will happen if pnb abstain or reject the offer


2021-09-26 10:37 | Report Abuse

Is this becoz there are more retail investors in gloves than the rest


2021-09-26 10:35 | Report Abuse

Why are these so called expert analysts n IBs giving so much coverage on glove stocks n not on others like tech gaming or banking. Why eh? Perplexing isn't it.


2021-09-26 10:29 | Report Abuse

The glove bosses should know their biz better than others including the IBs n analysts


2021-09-26 08:34 | Report Abuse

The euphoria of Endemic or Living with the virus strategy will b short lived. Look to the South n you can find the answer. Despite 80% vaccination rate as opposed to Malaysia 55% of the entire population (or about 80% to 90% adult), Spore is seeing an all time high cases. Mostly r Pfizer n Moderna in Spore. Hopefully booster shot can somewhat control the situation but unlikely going to eliminate or even bring down to previous low.


2021-09-25 08:51 | Report Abuse

For the full financial year ended Aug 31, 2021 (FY’21), the glovemaker saw a rise in sales volume from Latin America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe and Asia excluding Japan of 17%, 8%, 15% and 12% respectively compared to a year ago.

Following the lifting of the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) ban, Lee said Top Glove is expected to see a boost in sales volume in the coming quarters with the resumption of sales to the US market.

It is important to note that its sales to the US accounted for 15% of the group’s total sales in FY’21.

He pointed out that exports to the US is expected to be fully normalised by December and shipments would resume as early as end of this month.

“We are back in business and have goods that are ready. We are confident that we will retain our customers in the US and also attract new customers.

“Our customers know that we have the capacity and capability. They know one of the ways to grow bigger in their industry is to have a strong supplier like Top Glove,” Lee said.