ayam tua2 (beruang emas)

beruangemas2 | Joined since 2014-10-20

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2014-11-02 20:28 | Report Abuse

Okayyy sumatec downn buyyy GLOTECCCC TOMORROW HUATTTT!!!


2014-11-02 20:23 | Report Abuse

Oil price going down does not gv affect much in malaysia.afterall this company major in unconventional gas.if saying that oil price affect the price of o n g counter,oil is a compulsory to every sector of industries.so most probably will affect all stock.kikikikiki

Gas price increase oil down.so buy glotec!!2015 drill!!!unconventional gas cbm!!!


2014-10-31 10:12 | Report Abuse

wa belum lutut goyang mau tadah muka depan bangsa lu


2014-10-31 10:11 | Report Abuse

eric kasi klua lu punya 3b


2014-10-31 10:02 | Report Abuse

PETALING JAYA: Malaysia’s oil and gas (O&G) sector could very well remain immune to falling oil prices as it continues to be bolstered by monies flowing from Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas).

CIMB Research said it expected Petronas’ spending to continue flowing to refiners as well as O&G service companies.

It also said the shale gas revolution, which was one of the contributing factors for the decline in the oil price, was positive for liquefied natural gas (LNG), liquefied petroleum gas and ethane shipping products.

This would translate into stronger order prospects for gas carriers and product and chemical tankers, CIMB Research said.

Brent crude, the global benchmark, declined to US$82.60 a barrel on Oct 16, the lowest in almost four years.

While lower oil price implied that there would be a cut in exploration and production (E&P) activities, CIMB Research said this would be especially so for unconventional production that could only be economically justified when the oil price was high.

“We deem ultra-deepwater, Artic drilling, Australian LNG, Canadian heavy oil sands and marginal field development as unconventional sources of production,” it said.

Additionally, there was not much incentive for oil companies to raise production levels in a well-supplied environment, CIMB Research added.

It said Petronas might review its capital expenditure programme if the oil price dropped to US$60 per barrel, which it understood was the breakeven point for newer initiatives such as marginal field development and enhanced oil recovery.

On companies with significant operations outside Malaysia, it noted that UMW Oil & Gas Corp Bhd had said that its contracts in various Asean countries were intact and that there was no provision for price revision in the contracts.

It said Bumi Armada Bhd had confirmed that its order book, which was mainly driven by long-term floating production storage and offloading contracts outside Malaysia, was locked and not affected by fluctuations in oil price.

Given SapuraKencana Petroleum Bhd’s exposure to exploration and production through SapuraKencana Energy Inc, CIMB Research said it would suffer from a sustained lull in oil price.

CIMB Research advised investors to avoid exposure to deepwater activities, which have suffered the steepest cutbacks.

“We also advise investors to avoid the yards as they are leveraged to the capital investment cycle, which is dependent on oil prices and sentiment. On the flip side, we favour players that are exposed to development and production spending and shallow water activities,” it said.

Shallow water activities accounted for 70% of offshore production and remained profitable for oil companies even when oil prices fall, it added.


2014-10-30 15:10 | Report Abuse

The accounting profession has always played an important role in financial service regulations, but it is also caught in the middle of a rapidly evolving banking industry. Historical regulatory changes are not only changing accounting and reporting standards, but the role of accountants. Before the global financial crisis, few bankers thought accountants could be running financial institutions. Today, accountants are assuming a growing leadership role in the boardroom and today’s important risk control functions.

Helen Brand, Chief Executive of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, (ACCA) says, “Regulatory changes are about driving different behaviours. ACCA is driving transparency and better reporting in the context of the financial service framework. Regulators do not affect the content of accounting standards; rather, they influence the issues that need to be addressed.”

A look at the possible future of financial institution accountancy under a highly regulated world is only useful in the context of its role before the crisis. “The global financial crisis wasn’t a failure in accounting standards, but internal enforcement of rules and regulations. You can create and implement all the standards you wish, but without vigilance and enforcement they are not useful.”

She emphasises that the quality of internal accountants is an important step in the risk control process. “The preparation of financial statements is an important part of regulatory compliance. The people who prepare financial statements need to be accountants and must adhere to accounting standards.”

- See more at: http://www.regulationasia.com/article/accounting-and-future-banking?utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=i3investor-klsei3investor#sthash.MnUHCSai.



2014-10-30 15:01 | Report Abuse

logo glotec baru I|I abang long tak nak ambil saya?


2014-10-30 13:20 | Report Abuse

even rubber price not doing so well


2014-10-30 13:19 | Report Abuse

wat if the price come back to 0.3 after the consolidation of share?


2014-10-30 13:10 | Report Abuse

no chance up.down to go


2014-10-30 13:02 | Report Abuse

NuEnergy Gas Limited is pursuing opportunities in the oil and gas sector. The Company focuses on its coal bed methane (CBM) exploration and drilling activities at the Company’s Production Sharing Contracts (PSC) in Sumatra, Indonesia, as well as exploration for CBM and shale gas acreage in Eastern Africa. The Company has three operated PSCs in Indonesia, which include Muara Enim PSC (40% participating interest), Muara Enim II PSC (30% participating interest) and Rengat PSC (100% participating interest). The Muara Enim and Muara Enim II PSCs are located in the South Sumatra basin. Together they comprise a combined area of 1,861 square kilometers. The Company has a 100% participating interest in an Exclusive Prospecting Licence (EPL0360/12) covering 346 square kilometers in the south of Malawi. The license covers both CBM and shale gas exploration.

cbm and shale gas


2014-10-30 12:58 | Report Abuse

if the price falls cause of selling in bulk among investor over here then okay la.i dont care 6 cent then 6 cent i will collect more.daripada ada yg tak reti nak buat research beli atas sebab nasihat kawan2 thts much more worse.later then complaint bla bla bla


2014-10-30 10:48 | Report Abuse

ini forum share news bukan bersamamu section untuk lu org luah perasaan rugi sanan sini.sudah 18k comment dikat sini tp semua fulll of crap.jd baik pigi berambus


2014-10-30 10:46 | Report Abuse

gua tgk sanichi naik pdz naik suma naik sikalang glotec sahaja turun.apa lg kasi humban duit keluar la chiii buuy sanichi naik manyak tinggi now 80 cent cipat juai glotec.gua sudah sakit mata tgk lu org hari2 kasi complaint dlm forum.biar forum senyap drpd ada parasit mcm lu orang.


2014-10-30 10:42 | Report Abuse

lu orang bukan investor tegar la lu orang sayur


2014-10-30 10:03 | Report Abuse

aku cabar jual la semua.yg mana da tanak duduk in glotec semua sila jual cri la thhe ke suma ke pdz ke.bukan nak halau atau pon push price down tp aku taknak tgk muka2 ni dlm forum glotec masa glotec a berjaya nant.knapa nak stay kalau tak percaya.jangan jd bodoh.bukan isu fanatik tp isu kita atau value and fair price untuk ape yg kita invest.jgn marah aku sebab aku cakap macam ni.but tolong jual .sebab ramai lg nak beli bila harga rendah.lg pon kalau da tak percaya kat glotec takkan la korang pandang nak bli glotec bila harga rendah


2014-10-29 15:07 | Report Abuse

which one should we refer?crude or brent oil?


2014-10-28 16:01 | Report Abuse

always steady u confirm kaya raya lepas ini.lg kaya dari hs


2014-10-28 15:49 | Report Abuse

hidup anak kkura2!!!!!kegemilangan glotec kembali!!!!!!!


2014-10-28 15:38 | Report Abuse

musang bukan paksa maa.wa takut kalau kina pakai duit those mau juai can juai.


2014-10-28 15:14 | Report Abuse

yea lorrrr rasa rugi kasi jual la.why complaint.suma ada pdz ada kenapa kasi tunggu glotec.kalau sudah tidak picaya juai.nant lu lugi maaaaaa


2014-10-27 21:05 | Report Abuse

Sanichi babai la.


2014-10-27 18:54 | Report Abuse

Mine is jelly and flabby


2014-10-27 17:34 | Report Abuse

Takpa ini hari counter pinya mkn maaa.esok lusa mana tau glotec pinya rezeki.masing2 mkn maa


2014-10-27 17:15 | Report Abuse

Betul insyaAllah.


2014-10-27 17:07 | Report Abuse

Haiya stock aa bikin hali2 orang panas.lu misti mau control emosi maaa.kalau talak contlol later jd gila.lu ada pham kaa.jgn jd mcm elik member sendili kasi pancung.blakang kasi sujud claptlee hali2 tanya naik turun counter minta suggestion tp later kasi buruk nama ayam tua blakang ciakap.haiyaaaaa mom jenny pon sama kutuk glotec


2014-10-27 16:53 | Report Abuse

Glotec ada news!!!!mara mau joinnn!!!


2014-10-27 16:46 | Report Abuse

Huattt huatttt today ada newssss!!!!!


2014-10-27 16:44 | Report Abuse

Sibinarnya wa manyiak suka sama lu elik sbb lu wa rasa maciam sakai pinya olang.bg wa puas hahahaha kisa apa glotec talak up smpai 11 sen.up 10 cent sudah bagus ma.tp lu ci baiii lu sayur maaa


2014-10-27 14:56 | Report Abuse

Sudah up 10 centttt!!!!!!!!!!!!

Buy now cheap like hell oil and gas counter!!!


2014-10-27 14:32 | Report Abuse

Butui2 ciakap la today ada close high ka?semua sulah up?


2014-10-27 14:13 | Report Abuse

Today close high up inna sky


2014-10-27 12:18 | Report Abuse

April 2011?what laaa


2014-10-27 11:02 | Report Abuse

Ini mcm karipap business pon bole kasi diverse pigi oil n gas.semua huatttttt!!!!


2014-10-27 11:01 | Report Abuse

Bursa jatuh ada naik balik wowwwww huattttttttttt dji up nasdaq up klci up minyak okay semua up glotec up lg tinggi project pon up acquisition pon up!!!hollyshit!!!


2014-10-27 11:00 | Report Abuse

Huatttttttttt!!!!!today close tinggi 25 cent


2014-10-27 10:04 | Report Abuse

Why need to purchase glotec?

Youre purchasing oil and gas counter which major in unconventional gas which is cbm in indonesia and mozambique

Also working on tanzania and malawi on shale gas

Already have project in hands which is in indonesia muara enim,muara enim2 and rengat.2015 drill january( confirm )

Have share in essb hydropower plant in perak.future project.

Glotec is set to be next energy company.

2013 sign agreement with pertamina for psc's project
2014 gather capital with glotec and nce
2015 drill

Just acquire starmine global ltd which is in same line within sector.this is a preparation for this upcoming job

Glotec is supported internationally by singapore,indonesia ,swiss and aussie firm.

We have bank to support us which is from swiiss

We have many expertise that just being absorb to company.


2014-10-27 09:55 | Report Abuse

Hold first.will be up further high this week.


2014-10-27 09:46 | Report Abuse

Starmine purchase is preparation for psc's cbm project indonesia


2014-10-27 09:46 | Report Abuse

Glotec close 9 cent today.


2014-10-27 08:10 | Report Abuse

Holly shitsss!!!!top active counter todayyy!!!kikikikikiiii


2014-10-26 22:31 | Report Abuse

Wa rindu bulan july lepas.semua movement manyiak rancak.


2014-10-26 22:13 | Report Abuse

Hahah okay musang .susah mau cari orang pendirian tegas sikalang.manyiak orang lutut tiang manyiak goyang.tak maciam lu


2014-10-26 21:55 | Report Abuse

Musang lu apa pasat suka delete comment.takut ka?