
bingo | Joined since 2012-10-20

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2013-04-16 02:38 | Report Abuse

Bad omen for Najib..........we call this "car head picture" in Chinese

News & Blogs

2013-04-16 02:35 | Report Abuse

MCA says the chinese are now supporting BN>>>>location Flat Taman Anika,Melaka.

News & Blogs

2013-04-16 02:31 | Report Abuse

It's a do or die, admits MCA chief

...please read it all here..

yes, CSL, that's what MCA will get...masuk longkang and be buried with the rubbish for always betraying the Malaysian Chinese trust....another nice name for MCA is Make Chinese Angry or Mari Cari Amoi it CSL??

And you CSL are a total disgrace to your family by performing practicing your bed-minton for the world to see, kikikiki

News & Blogs

2013-04-16 02:24 | Report Abuse

OMG, UMNO is afraid to lose and so this dirty tactic...what a shame and they UMNO said that they practice DEMOCRACY? foot...and the UMNO machais & rent seekers here will again praise UMNO, such stupidity of the highest level, GOD save them.

PAS flags 'banned' in Putrajaya?

read all here please..

News & Blogs

2013-04-16 01:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by max8 > Apr 15, 2013 09:01 PM | Report Abuse

Thanks Uncle Bingo for the sharing, and you must also take good care of yourself (calling you uncle as I am middle age).
We know the path is tough and time is crucial, but just do whatever you could, while stay healthy always, especially for your beloved family.
More n more Malaysians are working hand in hand, heart by heart for this nation.
Rakyat will prevail at last. God bless us all.

Thank you again brother max8 for your kind words again. Sometimes some sacrifice is important so we all Malaysians irrespective of race,color or religion can have a very much better future instead of seeing UMNO/BN robing our beloved Malaysia pointblank.

The water had reached up our nose & we could hardly breath and soon we all Malaysians will be completely submerged in water & then presto Malaysia is bankrupt and we Malaysia will be a net exporter of workers and our money will be something like the Indonesian Rupiah.

But it is sad to see so many idiotic & stupid Malays & Chinese here foolishly supporting UMNO/BN even though they fully know of the situation we Malaysia is in . Perhaps these people are the rent seekers who hope to be given more of those crumbs left over bu UMNO/BN...what a shame are these lazy & spineless nincompoops.

Brother max8, FYI, I had just woken from my sleep and am now searching for more materials to be for all viewing. My only wish & hope is that our beloved Malaysia will be lead & govern by more dedicate Malaysians who had our Beloved Malaysia & it's beautiful people at heart & definitely NOT, I repeat NOT, those crocked politicians from UMNO/BN who will I presume bring down our beloved Malaysia into bankruptcy. Yes, we all need to be very careful otherwise we all will sink & nothing, just nothing, can save us again.

And to those UMNO, MCA machai & rent seekers, may you all rot in hell cause you all knowing fully well that our beloved Malaysia is already hit rock bottom but yet you still want to collect crumbs or leftovers from the UMNO & MCA marauders.

I have nothing much more to look forward to but perhaps to see our children & grandchildren living a much better life than what we the elderly had experienced. BTW, I am still taking care of both my AGED parents who are both in their ninetys and still got so very very cruel UMNO Cybertroopers like Ranger who take great pleasure to scold & hammer these ninety years old folks...what a shame indeed and I presume this is what UMNO had taught you all before???? I leave it to GOD to see that justice is fairly delivered. For me I am now in my sixtys and just don't bother about this devil Mamakutty & the bloody UMNO policies of divide & rule as I am one of their victims. But somehow being a resilient Chinese always, I make it in life on my own with any SINGLE HELP from UMNO & I can PROUDLY say now that I am NOW living comfortably WITHOUT ANY SINGLE HELP FROM UMNO & MCA. YES, I DID IT ON MY OWN, yes on my own 2 hands that GOD had so kindly given me & I AM PROUD OF IT. But can the many UMNO & MCA ball lickers & suckers be proud of themselves????

Cheers brother max8, do take care too. Have a nice day too.

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 19:06 | Report Abuse

Must see photos of VIP will get a shock!!

...see the photos in the links below...

Beautiful Homes ! Now you know what zaman mewah BN seperti dahulu dan sekarang means?


...then ask yourself how does the Malay Kampung houses look like???

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 18:43 | Report Abuse

The royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in Sabah will hold its fourth hearing session at the Kota Kinabalu High Court next month.

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 18:38 | Report Abuse

And akusyok, you just can support any political party and it's your right and so is mine and you just criticize me for what I believed. After we both want to see our beloved malaysia going forward towards prosperity for our Malaysian brothers & sisters, don't we???

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 18:35 | Report Abuse

so akusyok, please don't try to create trouble as there was none at all here but some people start saying things that is not allow to say & you akusyok should ask that person to watch his language and not me. I hope you understand.

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 18:32 | Report Abuse

And akusyok. did I say anything against you and suddenly you hantam me, no logic lah.

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 18:31 | Report Abuse

And akusyok, did I say anything about religion here as you insinuated??? Religion is a very sensitive topic or matter in our multi racial country and just nobody can criticized any person's religion.

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 18:26 | Report Abuse

Brother lingys57, just let this idiotic Ranger say what he wants and I am sure that GOD is watching his evil ways and when one day this Ranger don't know what will hit him hard. Yes, Karma is all powerful & GOD have eyes to see. So Ranger, you watch out for GOD who is right above don't play play.

Brother lingys57, I just don'tbother with what this idiotic and stupid Ranger say or do as I know that one day he will get his punishment from GOD himself.

And thanks brother lingys57 for speaking out for me. Cheers & a good day to you too.

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 18:12 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2013-04-15 18:11 | Report Abuse

I know I may sound crazy but it makes a lot of sense to me..I think Nurul will win...coz Nurul Izzah rhymes with Bangsar..

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 18:10 | Report Abuse





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2013-04-15 18:08 | Report Abuse





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2013-04-15 17:58 | Report Abuse









News & Blogs

2013-04-15 17:57 | Report Abuse



安邦(P99 Ampang)国席候选人祖莱达(Zuraida Kamaruddin)、
轰埠(N13 Kuang)州席候选人东姑玛拉兹雅(Tengku Maraziah Tengku Sulaiman)、
万挠(N14 Rawang)州席候选人颜贝倪(Gan Pei Nei)、
美丹花园(N33 Taman Medan)州席候选人哈尼查(Haniza Talha)、
武吉兰樟(N37 Bukit Lanjan)州席候选人黄洁冰(Elizabeth Wong)、
巴都知甲(N41 Batu Tiga)州席候选人罗兹雅(Rodziah Ismail),以及
士文达(N43 Sementa)州席候选人达罗雅(Daroyah Alwi)

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 17:54 | Report Abuse

PRU13: Perangi politik fitnah habis-habisan

TERAS Pengupayaan Melayu (TERAS) menuntut semua rakyat tidak kira penyokong mana-mana ideologi politik supaya tidak bertolak ansur dan melancarkan perang habis-habisan terhadap politik fitnah dan politik lucah .
Seperti yang telah diungkapkan bahawa PRU ke 13 ini adalah “ibu segala pilihanraya” tanda politik kotor untuk melancarkan serangan secara peribadi terhadap kepimpinan sesebuah parti nampaknya menjadi realiti.
Serangan terbaru dengan menghasilkan dan mengedar video lucah kini adalah serangkai lagi strategi politik kotor yang berada dalam simpanan mereka yang menjadi tentera upahan untuk mencelar peribadi seorang pemimpin parti lawan.
Untuk kali ini strategi ini dianggap sebagai senjata paling berkesan untuk menanam kesangsian dikalangan rakyat kepada seseorang pemimpin. Kami percaya dalang yang sama juga telah melakukan asasinasi peribadi yang telah dilancar sebelum inj.
Yang pasti semada masyarakat percaya atau tidak bukan menjadi keutamaan. Mereka hanya bermotif untuk menimbulkan kecurigaan kepada pemimpin yang dimusuhi.

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 17:52 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2013-04-15 17:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by jacko > Apr 15, 2013 08:25 AM | Report Abuse

I think it's a competition to see who can get more flag.....

Think I got the most from those blind, stupid & idiotic UMNO supporters here who had no otak or brain to given a reasonable debate, just like those half-past-six UMNO ministers , kaakaakaa


2013-04-15 14:49 | Report Abuse
Just key in the IC number to find out your Pusat Mengundi (usually School), Saluran. Masa Pengundi and No. Siri. e.g
Pusat Mengundi : SEK. KEB. BATU LANCHANG
Saluran 5: Masa Mengundi 8.00 PAGI - 5.00 PETANG
No.Siri 2558
Please vote as early as possible to deter Pengundi Hantu (Phantom Voters)!

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 14:48 | Report Abuse
Just key in the IC number to find out your Pusat Mengundi (usually School), Saluran. Masa Pengundi and No. Siri. e.g
Pusat Mengundi : SEK. KEB. BATU LANCHANG
Saluran 5: Masa Mengundi 8.00 PAGI - 5.00 PETANG
No.Siri 2558
Please vote as early as possible to deter Pengundi Hantu (Phantom Voters)!

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 14:39 | Report Abuse


When Dr M, the ex-Prime Minister’s son Mirzan was in financial trouble with his shipping company, Konsortium Perkapalan Berhad, Dr M asked Anwar(Finance Minister that time) to instruct Petronas via MISC to help him. However, Mirzan wanted a higher valuation price, therefore MISC had a problem. The Late Dato Yassin, MISC Managing Director, told straight to Mirzan face, "Awak ingat MISC bapak awak punya company". And Mirzan reported to his father.

MISC was only willing to pay RM 950 million but Mirzan insisted RM1.3 billion in order to cover his cost. Anwar finally agreed to his request after Hasan Merican told Anwar, “Jangan cari pasal, dia anak Boss. Anyway, MISC is not your company”.

What happen after the deal? MIrzan was interviewed by AWSJ and he superciliously said Konsortioun Perkapalan Bhd made RM350 million after disposing his asset to MISC.

Anwar was upset. He took the AWSJ paper, went to see Dr. M and told him, “You and your son are liars”. Dr. M was very angry and distress. Later he called Daim and told him to fix Anwar.

And the rest is history...

...this is true or false...what say you??

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 14:23 | Report Abuse

Must see photos of VIP will get a shock!!

...see the photos in the links below...

Beautiful Homes ! Now you know what zaman mewah BN seperti dahulu dan sekarang means?


...then ask yourself how does the Malay Kampung houses look like???

So, my Malay friends, you still want to vote for UMNO while most of you live in poverty???


2013-04-15 14:22 | Report Abuse


Is this what you want in a Govt who approves this kind of pay to a CEO of a GLC?


News & Blogs

2013-04-15 13:31 | Report Abuse

Must see photos of VIP will get a shock!!

...see the photos in the links below...

Beautiful Homes ! Now you know what zaman mewah BN seperti dahulu dan sekarang means?


...then ask yourself how does the Malay Kampung houses look like???

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 13:24 | Report Abuse


Is this what you want in a Govt who approves this kind of pay to a CEO of a GLC?


News & Blogs

2013-04-15 13:20 | Report Abuse

Anwar Ibrahim: Bukan Pimpinan Baru, Bukan Parti Politik Baru, Tetapi Kebangkitan Rakyat Malaysia

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-04-15 13:14 | Report Abuse

Nurul upbeat about Lembah Pantai


“I’m confident of winning the seat. The mood for change is reverberating throughout the country. In Lembah Pantai you have multiracial and diversified group of voters whom we are confident will be with us,” said Nurul, the PKR vice president.

Nevetheless, Nurul is not taking anything for granted and is keeping tabs on the happenings on the ground in her constituency, especially on possible irregularities in the electoral roll.

“We started our groundwork with the electoral roll. We have about 400 polling agents and looking for more as they will be our frontliners during the elections,” she added.

..Unquote. all here please...

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 13:11 | Report Abuse

Monday, 15 April 2013 09:00
ANWAR FRENZY at Malay heartland rally: Unveils star-studded lineup to DEFEND S'GOR


Anwar frenzy: A clear shift in Malay sentiment

Anwar, who is also the PKR adviser, had arrived at almost 11pm while Khalid was in the middle of his speech. Though the popular Selangor MB had drawn loud cheers when he offered to serve another 5 years, it was clear the audience had no eyes for anyone but Anwar.

Screaming and waving flags, they jostled to catch a glimpse of the 64-year-old leader. It was a frenzy of hope and anticipation. Taken with the sheer physical numbers that jammed up the entire area, it does look like Selangor will remain a PKR and Pakatan Rakyat stronghold, with the help of coalition partners DAP and PAS.

Unless one was blind and deaf, there was no way for Khalid not to realize that he would not be able to regain the crowd's attention, and sportingly, he gave way to his boss.

"Yes, this is 'luar biasa' or extraordinary," Anwar said when he took the mike. "Of course, Utusan (an Umno-controlled newspaper) will report only 200 people came. But we who are here know."

The shift in hearts and minds of the Malay electorate, the king makers, cannot be better epitomized by last night's euphoria for Anwar. The BN service centers around the area kept their lights on throughout the night, but they remained empty and the silence was eerie, the mood downcast.

Many of the seasoned 'pak ciks' or political fans who attended the ceramah or political rally could be heard saying, "for sure" Pakatan will topple the BN federal government and effect Malaysia's first-ever regime change at the coming elections.

Unquote. the rest of the story here please...

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 13:07 | Report Abuse

Nik Aziz brands government ‘communist’ for curbing press freedom all about it here please..

Thank GOD our Tok Guru is up & about...cheers.

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 13:05 | Report Abuse

Can we trust BN again?

I quote...

Najib’s pre-election hogwash

Why should the rakyat give Najib another mandate to lead the nation when he deliberately refused to address the wrongdoings both by himself and his cabinet ministers?

Be it the Indian community in particular or the rakyat as a whole, the consensus is that Najib was too busy covering his “misdemeanours” to pay any attention to the needs of the people.

Now that the 13th general election is on its way, Najib has very conveniently asked for the rakyat’s support to help BN correct its previous mistakes.

Can Najib explain to the rakyat why those “mistakes” happened in the first place and why did he allow them to occur?

Unquote.. all here please..including the reader's comments too..

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-04-15 05:16 | Report Abuse

13th General Election (13th GE) Campaign - Malaysia Needs A New Federal Government

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 05:02 | Report Abuse

‘They even call me Anwar Jamalul Kiram’
Zefry Dahalan
| April 14, 2013

Hitting out at Umno for linking everything bad to him, Pakatan chief Anwar says his policies will help make things much better for the people.

KUALA PILAH: PKR’s de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim had about 5,000 people cheering and clapping here last night by promising them that Pakatan Rakyat would immediately implement policies that would benefit the rakyat if his coalition takes over Putrajaya.

“May 6 we take the oath, May 7 we will announce the reduction of oil price,” said Anwar to the thunderous support from the multi-racial crowd.

He added that Pakatan would reduce oil price, abolish tolls by stages, provide free education, abolish student loans scheme PTPTN, reduce electric tariffs, reduce satellite network Astro charges and make fully aid all Tamil, Chinese and religious schools.

“Don’t fool the rakyat. Don’t compare oil price with oil importing countries. Compare with oil exporting countries,” he said.

...continue reading here please.

News & Blogs

2013-04-14 23:03 | Report Abuse

Very few people at Pakatan Rakyat ceramah in Serdang!

沙登 Ubah ,人数10,000+++
Ini KaliLah。。。

News & Blogs

2013-04-14 23:01 | Report Abuse

some so very very stupid & very very idiotic UMNO supporters flag all my postings, haa haa haa. I like it as it show that they are afraid to hear the truth? Rather you UMNO Cybertroopers like to hear UMNO/BN lies?? This practically show the UMNO Cybertroopers stupidity, haa haa haa..... OMG, what morons are they? kaa kaa kaa

News & Blogs

2013-04-14 22:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by andychucky28 > Apr 14, 2013 10:16 PM | Report Abuse

I salute tok guru. He is really fighting very hard for the people. Please support him.

Yes andychucky28, Tok Guru is one of my most likeable politician in Malaysia.Let’s pray for him, hope he will get well soon.

News & Blogs

2013-04-14 22:31 | Report Abuse

Very few people at Pakatan Rakyat ceramah in Serdang!

沙登 Ubah ,人数10,000+++
Ini KaliLah。。。