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2013-04-02 04:50 | Report Abuse

Yes, Johorean, wake up. Time to vote against BN which has been plundering our country for 50 years. If you all value the future of your children and grandchildren, vote PAKATAN.

News & Blogs

2013-04-02 02:58 | Report Abuse

Saya tak takut PAS!

我不管伊党的回教化,我要支持伊党,我死都不会投卖华求荣的马华。 (Saya tak takut PAS , saya mesti sokong PAS , saya sampai mati pun tak undi parti yang kianat dan menipu kaum cina itulah parti MCA).

News & Blogs

2013-04-02 02:52 | Report Abuse

How could they did this to such a good men as Tok Guru Nik Aziz? BN must stop such dirty politics!

Tok Guru is most respected by me & my friends alike. Do you find an UMNO politician as good and humble as Tok Guru?? No way!!! Now my friend please see what this UMNO cybertrooper did....see picture please my friends.

...and the same goes to the UMNO Cybertroopers here as I am confident that one of these days you will surely be punish by GOD HIMSELF.

And the worst is this Malay UMNO Cybertroooper who really bring shame to his race??? Don't this Malay know what is SHAME??????

News & Blogs

2013-04-02 02:50 | Report Abuse

Must see video....

Nor Mohamed Yakcop must explain about RM15.8 billion Bank Negara Forex losses

There, UMNO draining Malaysia resources and trying to make Malaysia bankrupt lah and still gotm so many idiotic UMNOm CYbertroopers here blindly supporting UMNO? What a read shame to their race and parents?

Mind you $15.8 Billion is no laughing matter, it's the people money and again another mamak wasted it aay or did UMNO steal it?????

News & Blogs

2013-04-02 02:46 | Report Abuse

and this stupid & idiotic Ranger hero worship this 100% Indian Mamakutty, ptui, ptui,ptui??? Shameless and asslicker Ranger????

News & Blogs

2013-04-02 02:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by alenac > Apr 1, 2013 06:31 PM | Report Abuse

Aiyo, Cobra125, no need to debate with brainless person. From small this kind of people has been indoctrinated to be jealous of chinese success and this has been solidified by BTN when they reached tertiary education. No hope you can teach an old dog new tricks. Neither can you teach labdogs too, anyway they will be straying after the election.

The human mind is complex. At times things you know are not right but you still insist and believe in it to your detrimental. Until of course a certain event occurred that will change his life and mindset. Living in fear of others achievement make him stupid as an idiot he can't think straight. Unless he received reward to be an idiot.

Well said brother alenac. 100% support your statement. Yes, there are so many idiotic UMNO Cybertroopers who had been brainwashed and are now brain dead...what a shame, haa haa haa?

News & Blogs

2013-04-02 02:41 | Report Abuse

How could they did this to such a good men as Tok Guru Nik Aziz? BN must stop such dirty politics!

Tok Guru is most respected by me & my friends alike. Do you find an UMNO politician as good and humble as Tok Guru?? No way!!! Now my friend please see what this UMNO cybertrooper did....see picture please my friends.

...and the same goes to the UMNO Cybertroopers here as I am confident that one of these days you will surely be punish by GOD HIMSELF.

News & Blogs

2013-04-02 02:40 | Report Abuse

Mahathir Mohamad
“ He’s not Malay by birth”
He’s Indian born to Malayali (Kerala) father declares Malaysian website after he got himself tangled in the latest race flap.
Sep 7, 2008

Mahathir Kept Hidden His Little Secret - The Indian Muslim

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad started life NOT as a Malay but a Malayali -the people of Kerala in south INDIA, where his father came from.

At university in Singapore, Mahathir was listed as an INDIAN.

Perhaps this explains why Mahathir became MORE Malay than many Malays, all the while pursuing a politics which had scant time for Malay instincts for consensus and compromise.

(Note: Mahathir was born and named as Mahathir s/o Iskandar Kutty @Mahathir Mohamed. Mahathir's father, (Iskandar Kutty) was a school teacher of Indian origin, specifically Malayalee (people who speak Malayalam), NOT to be confused with Malay, having migrated from the southern state of Kerala, while his mother was a Malay. - Malaysian Unplug)

Mahathir is full of paradoxes on racial issues. Many of his policies have had the effect of reducing the racial element in government decisions, watering down the agenda to advance Malay interests. As a result he is well regarded by many in the Chinese business community.

Mahathir has been quick to promote himself as the embodiment of "Asian" identity and values, with diatribes against the west, usually couched in racial terms.

Yet, despite his trumpeting of Asian identity, Mahathir appears ashamed to admit his Indian heritage.

In his new book, A New Deal for Asia, he writes about his father in such a way as to imply that he was a Malay dedicated to the improvement of his fellow Malays rather than the hard-working Indian immigrant and government servant that he was.

No mention of Mahathir's Indian Muslim background ever appears in the media. The subject is taboo.
-Philip Bowring.

(Dr. Mahathir anegered many non-Malays when he said Malay leaders and Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Ahmad Ismail Should not apologise for saying Chinese Malaysians are "squatters").

Yes,Mamakutty is a 100% Indian and NOT a Malay

News & Blogs

2013-04-02 02:38 | Report Abuse

Dr. Mahathir - The Destroyer of Malays and Malaysia

It doesn't require a PhD to analyze the reasons why many Malays are still poor and ill-equipped for the new economy in spite of the NEP and all the rhetoric we hear - the true reason for the failure of the Malays are MAHATHIR, MAHATHIR, MAHATHIR, MAHATHIR, .......... and nothing else.

By Just Gan

Dr. Mahathir is the worst thing that has happened to this country. He continues to spew venom. Why? Not because he cares about the country or the Malays. All he cares about is himself, his family, his relatives, his friends and his cronies (Vincent Tan, VK Lingam, etc.).

To him, Allah is not the "True God"- MONEY is the only God he believes in. He lives, prays, preys, speaks, dreams, writes, argues, jokes, cries and talks MONEY. He wants to put in place perpetual chaos and bitter enmity amongst the Rakyat using race and religion so that all the ill-gotten billions accumulated by his children, relatives, friends and cronies will be safe. He also wants to ensure that his evil legacy continues through his mentally-challenged son Mukhriz as the future PM. Towards this end, Mahathir destroyed the totally-incompetent Badawi and his ambitious upstart son-in-law, and is now undermining Najib.

Mahathir was and is the most powerful Malaysian. He was PM for 22 years and still continues to rule as the de facto emperor of the country (the Agong and Sultans are beneath him).

Yet, with all the power and wealth, Mahathir could not lift the Malay masses to be strong. He continues to blame his failing on the Chinese (the Indians don't matter to him and have never mattered). Yet, he cultivated many Chinese cronies and enabled them to become multi-millionaires/billionaires while he and his family, friends and relatives amassed billions.

He denied the ordinary Malay the most important thing that would have made him strong and ready for the challenges of the global economy --> education in English and competitiveness. Mahathir's children and those of his corrupt UMNOputras went to English schools, often abroad, so that they can continue to be the masters of the Malay-educated masses.

It doesn't require a PhD to analyze the reasons why many Malays are still poor and ill-equipped for the new economy in spite of the NEP and all the rhetoric we hear - the true reason for the failure of the Malays are MAHATHIR, MAHATHIR, MAHATHIR, MAHATHIR, .......... and nothing else. Every other factor contributing to the failure of the Malays can be attributed to Mahathir.

Recently, Mahathir tried to insult the Singapore Malays by alluding that they were "inferior" in their country, i.e. "kowtow" to the Chinese in Singapore. The rebuttal from the Singapore Malays was crisp and clear and showed how they are as confident and capable as any other Singaporean and how they are superior to the UMNOputra Malays who need the NEP-crutch to stand. I myself have met a few Singapore Malays - they are as capable as the other Singaporeans and any one of them can beat their equivalent Malay in Malaysia. Lee Kwan Yew beats Mahathir again. Lee Kwan Yew has created a Malay who can stand equal to the Chinese and Indian in Singapore and who is superior to the Malaysian Malay while Mahathir destroyed the Malay masses in Malaysia.

Dr. Mahathir denied the Orang Asli and East Malaysians their rights, destroyed the Indians, victimized the Chinese and, most importantly, crippled the Malays while pretending to champion them.

Mahathir's biggest "achievements" are not the meaningless twin towers, failed MSC, the "robber" highways, the white-elephant KLIA, the ghost-town Putrajaya, barren plantations, sweat-shop factories run with foreign/illegal labour, etc., etc. His true "achievements" are the destruction of good governance, quality education, law and order, Malaysian brotherhood, religious harmony, and peace and harmony.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-04-01 19:30 | Report Abuse

Must see video....

Nor Mohamed Yakcop must explain about RM15.8 billion Bank Negara Forex losses

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 19:25 | Report Abuse

Lembah Pantai residents who would like to get 'Kanta Lembah Pantai' - the latest information on activities in and around Lembah Pantai, send your:
I/c Number:
Home Address:
Email Address:

YB Nurul would definitely need you help as Polling/Counting please help for our Beloved Malaysia and our beautiful people. Let's do it please. Do try to bring your friends too.

Please see details in picture....

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 19:19 | Report Abuse

Sebahan segera #MerdekaRakyat. Semua di jemput hadir beramai-ramai

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 19:10 | Report Abuse

Fight me in Gelang Patah, Kit Siang dares Dr M

....haa haa haa, I presume this mamakutty, who brainwashed so many Malays, dare not.

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 18:42 | Report Abuse

More on on please...


"You did not acknowledge your birth being born to a man of Indian descent who was a Muslim as a result of colonial Muslim power. You must have felt ashamed of your Indian bloodline. "
- Sathia

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 18:31 | Report Abuse

Ranger, you stupid useless idiot moron, no need to post anything as nobody will read your shit? Nobody believe you as you twist & turn, got it idiot????

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 18:29 | Report Abuse

and this stupid & idiotic Ranger hero worship this 100% Indian Mamakutty, ptui, ptui,ptui??? Shameless and asslicker Ranger????

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 17:45 | Report Abuse

How could they did this to such a good men as Tok Guru Nik Aziz? BN must stop such dirty politics!

Tok Guru is most respected by me & my friends alike. Do you find an UMNO politician as good and humble as Tok Guru?? No way!!! Now my friend please see what this UMNO cybertrooper did....see picture please my friends.

...and the same goes to the UMNO Cybertroopers here as I am confident that one of these days you will surely be punish by GOD HIMSELF.

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 17:38 | Report Abuse

How could they did this to such a good men as Tok Guru Nik Aziz? BN must stop such dirty politics!

Tok Guru is most respected by me & my friends alike. Do you find an UMNO politician as good and humble as Tok Guru?? No way!!! Now my friend please see what this UMNO cybertrooper did....see picture please my friends.

...and the same goes to the UMNO Cybertroopers here as I am confident that one of these days you will surely be punish by GOD HIMSELF.

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 16:52 | Report Abuse

PRU13: Ahli MPAN 308 sokong Pakatan Rakyat

KEPALA BATAS: Seramai 400,000 ahli Pertubuhan Kebajikan Menyatupadukan Anak Negara Malaysia (MPAN 308) seluruh negara mengisytiharkan menyokong Pakatan Rakyat pada Pilihanraya Umum ke-13 nanti.

Majlis pengisytiharaan itu dibuat sendiri oleh Pengasas MPAN 308, Rashidi Ismail atau dikenali dengan 'Paduka Ayahda' dalam satu majlis ringkas di pekarangan ked...iamannya di Kampung Permatang Manggis, di sini kelmarin.

wah, 400,000 ahli Pertubuhan Kebajikan Menyatupadukan Anak Negara Malaysia (MPAN 308), jangan main main

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 16:50 | Report Abuse

10-day Countdown to 13GE – Three reasons why Johorians will vote in record numbers for Pakatan Rakyat in the 13th general elections

Johor, my birth state, is arguably the most important state in Peninsular Malaysia in the upcoming 13th general elections. Not only does it have the largest number of parliament seats in Peninsular Malaysia (26), it is also a state where, unlike in the past, the BN can no longer guarantee a clean sweep of all or almost all of the parliament and state seats.

I have outlined the four objectives of the Battle of Gelang Patah last week. Objective One is to target the 6 Parliamentary and 13 State Assembly seats in South Johor. Objective Two is to target a total of 19 Parliamentary and 30 State Assembly seats in the whole of Johor, which includes the South Johor seats mentioned in Objective One. Objective Three is to target 33 out of the 83 Parliamentary seats in the BN ‘fixed deposit’ states of Johor, Sabah and Sarawak order to reach the magic number of 112 parliament seats. Objective Four is to win an additional 12 seats to win 125 parliament seats and obtain a comfortable governing majority of 28 seats.

Why do I feel confident that the winds of change are blowing sufficiently strongly in Johor so much so that it will no longer be a BN ‘fixed deposit’ state in GE13? There are at least three reasons.

Read more:

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 16:47 | Report Abuse

PRU13: Ahli MPAN 308 sokong Pakatan Rakyat

KEPALA BATAS: Seramai 400,000 ahli Pertubuhan Kebajikan Menyatupadukan Anak Negara Malaysia (MPAN 308) seluruh negara mengisytiharkan menyokong Pakatan Rakyat pada Pilihanraya Umum ke-13 nanti.

Majlis pengisytiharaan itu dibuat sendiri oleh Pengasas MPAN 308, Rashidi Ismail atau dikenali dengan 'Paduka Ayahda' dalam satu majlis ringkas di pekarangan ked...iamannya di Kampung Permatang Manggis, di sini kelmarin.

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 16:39 | Report Abuse

Anwar Ibrahim: Ceramah Pakatan Harapan Rakyat Di Alor Setar (31/03/2013)

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 16:21 | Report Abuse

Mati pun tak sokong UMNO [gambar] but plenty of stupid BN/UMNO Cybertrooper supporters here....what a shame???

...lihat gambar....

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 16:08 | Report Abuse

Adakah anda masih percaya akhbar yg selalu kalah saman?

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 15:56 | Report Abuse

UMNO tak malu?????

50 tahun masalah air di felda Kg New Zealand

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-04-01 15:40 | Report Abuse

Mati pun tak sokong UMNO [gambar] but plenty of stupid BN/UMNO Cybertrooper supporters here....what a shame???

...lihat gambar....

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 14:40 | Report Abuse

Our dream will come true.....anyone want to be the warden????

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 14:36 | Report Abuse


UMNO dan Najib bertambah pening kepala...Hebohkan kepada dunia kononnya anak-anak muda bersama dan pilih UMNO/BN tetapi realitinya adalah sebaliknya.

Lihat rakaman gambar diatas....Mahasiswi bangkit... dan mau melakukan perubahan dengan berdemo depan kediaman rasmi Najib Razak di Sri Perdana Putrajaya semalam.

Dengan membawa sepanduk dan kain rentang tertera tulis ayat ' TOLAK UMNO/BN" sudah pasti UMNO kini berasa cuak gementar, panik dan gelabah untuk menghadapi PRU 13 yang sudah mata dekat tarikhnya kini.

Bila mahasiswi dengan berani bangkit tolak UMNO memberi erti UMNO akan sakit dan rebah.

Para pemimpin UMNO terutamanya Mursyidul Amnya Mahathir dan Najib Razak tanya pada diri sendiri mengapa mahasiswi yang dikategorikan sebagai anak muda yang cerdik pandai, berilmu dan bermaklumat tolak UMNO/BN secara total dan mutlak.

PRU 13 ialah PRU anak-anak muda.


News & Blogs

2013-04-01 14:29 | Report Abuse

Treler Jelajah Negara Berkebajikan kini tiba di Pahang

Berikut adalah jadual Siaran Langsung Ceramah

1 april 2013 - Jerantut (Sebelah Caltex Bandar Jerantut)
... 2 april 2013 - Kuala Krau (Bandar Jengka)
3 april 2013 - Bera (Jalan Emas, Kerayong)
4 april 2013 - Kuantan (Markas UPU Sg. Isap)

Siaran bermula jam 9.00 malam
Selamat menonton.

Hanya di

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 14:24 | Report Abuse

Muhammad Ridzwan ditahan di bawah SOSMA - Hamza Taib


News & Blogs

2013-04-01 14:10 | Report Abuse

Lim Kit Siang has just announce that Liow Cai Tung will be DAP candidate for Johor Jaya state seat.Johoreans please give her your support.

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 14:00 | Report Abuse

Now this is what I call great!!!! Pakatan Rakyat people with brains.

PKR: Civil servants will get paid to fight graft under Pakatan rule


April 01, 2013

PETALING JAYA, April 1 ― PKR proposed today an “anti-corruption” annual bonus for civil servants should Pakatan Rakyat (PR) win federal power, upping the ante in the race for support from the 1.5 million-strong civil service ahead of Election 2013.

PKR trade and industry bureau chairman Wong Chen explained that the move was two-pronged as it would help slash the country’s corruption bill while enlisting the help of the civil service through dangling monetary incentives before them as motivation.

“It will become a shared responsibility for all... So the concentration of civil servants will be on combating corruption and wastages in the current annual RM34 billion non-emolument budget, which includes services and supplies.

“And as an incentive, whatever savings we gain from this effort, a part of it will be allocated as a special dividend to public servants, which will be paid as additional annual bonuses,” he told a press conference at PKR’s headquarters here this afternoon.

Wong said this would be on top of the other attractive incentives that PR has already offered to workers in both public and private sectors, which include a RM1,100 wage floor and salary reviews every three years.

PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli told the press conference that it was not feasible for any government to “talk down” to the civil service when it comes to fighting corruption.

“This way, we can bring everyone on board.

“It is not so much the financial reward; it is about changing the culture of the civil service and creating a culture of integrity... we can’t just lectures them ― it has to be something they want to own and something they can feel proud of,” he said.


News & Blogs

2013-04-01 13:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by gumbo > Apr 1, 2013 12:14 PM | Report Abuse

Forgot the link here goes....


Nurul: EC has lost all credibility
G Vinod
| April 1, 2013

The PKR vice-president says EC chairman Abdul Aziz Yusoff is lying when he said Nurul did not consult the electoral body on dubious voters in her area before filing court action.

KUALA LUMPUR: The Election Commission (EC) has lost whatever credibility it had left, said PKR vice president Nurul Izzah Anwar.

She was referring to a report by Mingguan Malaysia yesterday, quoting EC chairman Abdul Aziz Yusoff as saying that Nurul Izzah had not consulted the electoral body on the existence of dubious voters in Lembah Pantai before taking court action.

Last week, Nurul Izzah, who is the Lembah Pantai MP, filed a suit against EC for allegedly failing to clean up the electoral at her parliamentary constituency.

She filed the suit to compel the EC’s chief registrar to clean up the electoral roll under Section 25 (2) (G) of the Elections Act.

On Abdul Aziz’s accusation, Nurul said that she had sent a letter to the EC on March 4, informing the electoral body on the existence of dubious voters in her area.

“And on March 6, EC secretary Kamaruddin Baria replied to our letter, saying they are checking the matter. So what is there to say that we didn’t consult them prior to the suit?” she asked.

She added that it also showed that the EC is not serious about cleaning up the electoral from dubious voters.

“Abdul Aziz should clean on the matter. What he said yesterday was close to lying,” said Nurul.

On another matter, Nurul urged the police and Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein to take action against those who trigger political violence in the country.

She also said that her staff and volunteers were harassed umpteen times since 2012 and on every occasion had lodged a police report.

“We even gave evidence on many of the cases. So please take some action,” said Nurul.

She also said it was disappointing that only Deputy Higher Education Minister Saifuddin Abdullah had condemned political violence from Umno’s side, to date.

“I urge Hishammuddin to do what he can do to curb political violence instead of giving foolish statements,” said Nurul Izzah.

Last week, Hishammuddin was reported as saying that people should expect more violence ahead of general election.

He also urged both sides of the political to exercise caution.

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 09:11 | Report Abuse


.....lihat gambar

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 02:06 | Report Abuse

We cannot have GE13 because Najib wants to do a bit of shopping at the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition.

Wong Chun Wai came up with a few reasons why Najib is putting off calling for GE13. And of the four reasons, one was ... so that the PM can buy more toys (hopefully those toys he buys actually work lah). the pic says otherwsie?

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 02:05 | Report Abuse

Pembaca berita TV3 kata pelacur di Kelantan pakai tudung. Maknanya pelacur lebih baik daripada pembaca berita TV3 yang dah lama dok bertelanjang...

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 01:37 | Report Abuse

#Jelajah Negara Berkebajikan malam tadi. Lokasi Dataran Serting, Negeri Sembilan.

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 01:34 | Report Abuse

Sebentar tadi #Penerangan isu terkini di Lahad Datu bersama Jeneral Panglima (B) ATM Laut&Darat di Stadium Melawati,Shah Alam Selangor.

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 01:28 | Report Abuse

10,000 hadiri Ceramah bersama DS Anwar Ibrahim di Alor Setar

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 01:04 | Report Abuse

How not to let you eat egg when you've ordered it?
9:56AM Mar 31, 2013

YOURSAY 'If you have truly served the rakyat and the rakyat want you, there is no need to beg them to ensure you don't eat egg.'

Please don't make us 'eat egg', S'gor MCA tells voters

your sayFerdtan: There goes the confidence of MCA in Selangor when its chief Donald Lim Siang Chai, instead of motivating his party workers, appealed to the Selangoreans not to end MCA's presence in the state.

This looks like he is begging for mercy. Lim, whatever your strategy of playing on the emotions of the people especially the Chinese to save MCA, it won't work.

You see, Chinese in the past do have feelings for MCA. They were seen as protector of Chinese rights and Chinese education. So what happened along the way?

Most, if not all, MCA leaders are only interested in enriching themselves, looting the country's till like nobody business along with other BN partners.

The love of the Chinese for MCA has now turned to hatred. This is an unavoidable divorce that we need to have to end the relation once and for all. There is no turning back. We have to move on.

MCA has become irreverent. Your appeal, like a rejected spouse promising to change for the better, no longer touches the heart of the people. Our hearts are numb, much like many long-suffering wives.

Slumdog: Selangor MCA chief Donald Lim has been humbled to the extent that has to beg for votes.

He knows his party has delivered and achieved nothing in Selangor or any of the other states. A vote for MCA, Gerakan, MIC and any other component BN party is a direct vote for an Umno-led government after GE13.

God help us if they win. Do take this opportunity to wipe them out of the Malaysian political landscape for good.

We are all painfully aware of how Umno has wrecked this country in the last 55 years. Do we want another five years of this decadent and immoral Umno-led government to continue to plunder and destroy this country?

So on election day, all those fence sitters, please think very carefully before you cast your vote.

Heavywater: The writings is on the wall. MCA will eat 'egg' in Selangor and hopefully all over Malaysia too.

The question is not about your services which the opposition can also do, but the manner in which MCA leaders ‘kowtow' to Umno - Chua Soi Lek, Liow Tiong Lai, Ng Yen Yen, Kong Cho Ha and the rest of your jokers.

Their servitude to Umno and not been able to take a strong stand is the downfall of MCA. Like the Lynas case, initially Chua is against it but somewhere down the line, he commented that Lynas is Kuantan's problem.

Anonymous #19098644: If you have truly served the rakyat and the rakyat want you, there is no need to beg them to ensure you don't eat egg.

It is because MCA has become the ‘hamba' (slave) of Umno that it must at this critical stage plead for sympathy. Even the MCA members don't want to vote for the BN and you expect the rakyat to vote for you ?

Lim Chong Keong: How not to let you eat egg when you ordered egg?

Your only Selangor MP - Ong Tee Keat in Pandan - being the only MCA leader whom the people can accept, you have instead discarded as your president and you do even want him to be your party candidate, how not to let you eat egg?

Don't try to plead for sympathy votes when you did this to yourself. And what service did you do in Selangor when all MCA did was shout Talam, Talam and more Talam, which was explained and clarified time and again.

Kee Thuan Chye: What a thing for an MCA leader to say. It almost sounds like begging! It clearly shows that MCA lacks confidence.

How is this going to raise the morale of its members? Before the war has started, the general (or is it colonel, in this case?) has already asked for leniency in battle.

For this alone, the MCA deserves to eat egg. It has no balls in standing up to Umno, now it shows it has no balls going into the elections.

Anonymous #02382443: No need to ask or beg. Please do some soul-searching and tell us, why we should vote for you.

The reason advanced by you is only your own conjecture of having worked hard for the rakyat since 2008.

Gen2: Recently there were TV advertisements that say successful leaders should not be cast aside. Then we have PM saying people can make mistakes, don't cast us out because of our mistakes.

Now this MCA leader say don't make him eat eggs. The trend seems to be that BN now thinks the opposition has a good chance of winning.

The longer PM Najib Razak delays the GE, the bigger the momentum the opposition will get.

MCA reduced to begging for its survival

View comments (18)

...go here & read the comments please..

News & Blogs

2013-04-01 00:59 | Report Abuse

I follow up on brother alenac posting and I found this. Perhaps, the non-Malays should read this a number of times to understand better...