
bonus2016 | Joined since 2016-07-26

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2016-12-26 17:15 | Report Abuse

wow, then i wonder why u ppl here, hahaha.


2016-12-24 22:17 | Report Abuse

next week downtrend, stay or uptrend, only "very few" ppl will know, haha. but i will big surprise if bornoil can really pass 0.200 before QR, hahaha, if bornoil can be uptrend after QR, we can expect 0.25 to come, if not, old story again, hahaha


2016-12-24 21:45 | Report Abuse

For me, i more believe that because last QR is good but just so so, this time the story maybe different, my prediction for sure it will be excellent, but QR4 2016 i am not sure. The game will really start on QR1 2017, gold mine.....hahaha. now the gold price so attractive, if i am bornoil, inalso will sapu as much as i can. when a company involve in both gold mining and gold trading, i just the golden future, we all know what may happent on 2017 or maybe latest 2018, but how many can figure out gold price at that moment ? just refer to woodswater command above, it will definitely heavily undercalue compare to current price. u must know ur position on short term, mid or long term, man.....hahaha, F&B, it will only superb on 3rd and 4rd QR, go make some study before u invest. i only invest base on figure and what i am familiar, i know sugarbun almost 30 years, nothing to worry about F&B, hahaha


2016-12-24 21:35 | Report Abuse

hahaha, Lim Sc, u pass by sugarbun everyday, i almost eat sugarbun everyweek, each time need to find sit for my family. Meanwhile, coming QR end 31/10, correct me if i am wrong, but why ppl here keep saying gold price now or dec or what? ai, dont know how to say, what to say. Big boss shareholder can sell off the share without any notice? okok, hahaha.


2016-12-23 21:46 | Report Abuse

one more uptrend will test 0.200, hoho, if QR is good enough, see if this happent before or after QR, enjoy our weekend and wait for next Tuesday onward


2016-12-23 18:10 | Report Abuse

hoho, like expected as usual, gold dore production figures is meaningless so far. so next week the game start from Tuesday to Friday, enjoy the game, lets see if there any chance for bornoil to break 0.200 this time? or back to the square? hahaha. Have a nice weekend.


2016-12-23 16:07 | Report Abuse

today mining report or QR, hoho, last time almost the same happent, then company announces mining report, if thr result is excellent, maybe today what we are waiting is QR, if not, next week is the date


2016-12-23 12:39 | Report Abuse

long time to come back 0.175, nobody will know what will happent next, hahaha, maybe it is a trap or maybe it is the right time for bornoil to burst above 0.200 - 0.300 ? hahaha, for long time invester, we have nothing to worry, but of course we wish the time is here for bornoil to push the turbo button, if really good news maybe from QR, maybe from mining report


2016-12-22 13:23 | Report Abuse

Woodswater, good view. i also have nothing feeling if yesterday uptrend, wont be any surprise if today onwards go back to 0.150 or below it, u dont have holding power, please dont play at share market. for someone here, u can see very commonly, when down banyak bising, u make fun here, tq so much, hahaha


2016-12-21 22:18 | Report Abuse

Funda, i still holding tight bornoil mothershare, before sold all my wc, but buy back quite a lot at 0.90 price about 2 weeks ago, just wait the right time for it to pass 0.20 +++ now, just wait and see how the coming QR, all the best for us as shareholder. mothershare can be long term, wc my target is short term or mid term


2016-11-30 15:54 | Report Abuse



2016-11-30 15:44 | Report Abuse



2016-11-30 15:33 | Report Abuse



2016-11-28 08:33 | Report Abuse

Woodswater, 我知道你并非笼中鸟,你说的话也很有意思,哈哈哈。Funda, 你这句“不想理会太多的市场杂音”我欣赏,功力比我强多了。Khor Bak 和 fwsen, bornoil此股绝不简单,此鸟不飞则已,一飞冲天!放长线钓大鱼,钓鱼没耐心,就亏钱买鱼去吧,哈哈哈


2016-11-26 06:03 | Report Abuse

Woodswater, Funda, 你我如果在乎那么一点,1.95 或0.20之时,我们早就套利了,是不是?哈哈哈。我相信这里很多长线投资者也一样。我们等的是这股爆发冲向云端的一刻,就让我们安稳的过我们的生活,那一刻必然是迟早的问题。


2016-11-26 05:56 | Report Abuse

目前,DJI 爬得越来越高,马币越显得疲惫不堪,不过人人都懂得基本道理,爬得越高,万一跌下来。。。我看到的是目前应该出现的基本套利期都没有,对我而言这似乎有点不寻常。。只针对黄金投资而言,美股猛挫之时,黄金价格必然因为避险因素强烈反弹,甚至冲破另一个高峰。尤其明年如果综合因素,全球埋伏的不安因素何其多,只要配合一个爆发点,全球股灾一气呵成。到时我不知道还剩几支马股能支撑得住,避险而言,bornoil 在黄金投资项目,到时已经足以突破0.3 -0.5 都不是天荒夜谈。短期而言,QR3 和 QR4 是值得期待的。自古以来,黄金只有越来越值钱,自古以来人们以食为天。我有何担心的呢?股市顺水而流,就让它流,股市随时面临崩盘,bornoil已经有着最好的避险投资,除了基本交易买卖,到时的金矿就会是人人的避风港! 我眼见的生意额,管理层,有我吃了超过30年的sugarbun, 这方面我对公司信心十足。公司就如大众银行,早已为接下来随时降临的,或许是有史以来规模最大的。。。。我就不再提了,想到都不知道会出现什么情况,公司和银行已经做好了应急和避险准备,这是我目前唯一信任和能安心睡觉的投资。很多人似乎很没有概念,为何要投资黄金?你会今天买来,过两天起价了拿去卖吗?还是跌价了糟糕赶快卖掉?哈哈哈,点到为止,我心依旧。人们笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿


2016-11-25 16:20 | Report Abuse

Woodswater, maybe u are right, hahaha. Some ppl even pay for their job in all of these forum, that is why they can 不厌其烦,same like shooter in political issue / post, hahaha. have a nice weekend !


2016-11-25 10:37 | Report Abuse

某某先生,1.9的时候你说买了庞大的数量,1.85,1.80, 1.70 等等不时不时你都会现身“车大炮”,不时不时都是卖了赚钱,今天你尽然有办法1.55卖了,而且还赚钱。哈哈哈,我真的服了你,当全世界人是白痴吗?你多久以前早以没任何公信力,亏你还好意思时不时出来胡乱声明。真的世界上一种米养百种人,而且这种人到处都有,这个论坛也不少,哈哈哈。还有拼命踩场的,还有什么是优质股,炒股,避险股,皮毛都不懂,就在那里乱喊乱吠,哈哈哈。


2016-11-25 09:23 | Report Abuse

Lim Sc, so what is Dr Su related to bornoil? or u wanna warning some goreng players in bursa? if that so, u got a good motif, goreng user is just waiting to be goreng, always believe he is the smart one, finally all get burn with question "what is going on?" hahaha


2016-11-24 18:01 | Report Abuse

i just give a clear example, which bank is the best in market right now? if i ask all my friends and relative, 100% the answer will be public bank, just login publicbank or go through each branch of PB, see the shining gold bar here and there? Only the really smart one will really invest in gold for coming future, for the one just look in front of ur eyes, beware of global and local market onwards, DJI now 19083 pts, how many ppl with buy DJi to move forward 22000 pts ? how many will buy it back to 17000 pts? or even 15000 pts? hahaha, i am just joking


2016-11-24 17:47 | Report Abuse

how many ppl really know about bornoil gold investment? how the value of the gold in local and global? how the currency play the role? this is not yet the main point, many here only know bornoil = gold mining / trading . but more than 20 years bornoil monopoly in sarawak F&B expecially sugarbun brand, now with pezzo, now not just in sarawak, but nasional or even global, the core / main business in F&B, because of F&B, i am confident with bornoil, because of sugarbun, because of pezzo, i am confident with the management team, some here not even know sugarbun, but talking nonsense here and there, funny here and there. Gold investment is for long term and for the one foreseen the future, si goreng i also wonder why these ppl here? hahaha, whatever, good luck in share market, have a nice day


2016-11-24 17:32 | Report Abuse

funda, u are right. not many can become the smart one to earn in share market.


2016-11-22 21:52 | Report Abuse

if u know nothing, why u invest in a company? ai, better go genting casino, hahaha


2016-11-22 19:10 | Report Abuse

sorry, wrong typing, QR3 should be interesting, QR4 maybe bravo ! hoho


2016-11-22 18:48 | Report Abuse

improve in gold mining product, gold inventory left 800+KG, almost 200KG sold in this month? hoho, next month QR will be interesting, and QR3 after that maybe bravo


2016-11-17 17:56 | Report Abuse

ya, Funda, u are right. Just wait the right time to come, have a nice day, Funda. Say hi to Erica too, haha


2016-11-15 11:10 | Report Abuse

hahaha, macam macam ppl, nasib baik tidak letak nama sebenar dalam forum, hahahahaha


2016-11-12 09:05 | Report Abuse

Erica, 谢谢你,没想到你还出现在这论坛,看到你真的很开心呢。等到Bornoil发酵的春天,我们一定可以一起庆祝那美好的明天, 呵呵


2016-11-12 06:01 | Report Abuse

还有一点,在这里提一提个人的看法。星期五DJI 暂时已经收窄,只剩30+了,DJI 指数几乎历史新高了,所谓“物极必反” 任何不安因素必然把金价推向难以估计的高峰。所以金价前进,我到不担忧,现在全球行情非常动荡,也不乐观。随时皆有可能泡沫爆破!其他任何的股已经无法诱惑我投资,只有bornoil “食+金”让我继续留下的理由。我预计不用多久,金价必然强势反弹,或许就在十二月来临前,我在期待冲破1400的时刻


2016-11-12 05:32 | Report Abuse

现在我只能乐观的层面去看待,金价似乎就像股价一样幕后被人操控,压低后强烈反弹。看来目前的形势我只能放一边按兵不动,不能人家丢我也丢来不及。这个季度的报告依然是我所期待的。我相信这个季度的报告将会左右很多投资者的投资动向和决定,包括我在内。目前我依然对报告保持很大程度上的乐观。确实很多事情出乎预料,看看下个星期bornoil的支撑点在哪吧,等多一个多月报告会让我决定是否能坚持走下去至少到 明年六月的 1Q2017报告。F&B方面我绝对不担心,我在我比较期待金矿随时带来天大的利好好消息。加油,没风险就不叫投资,没耐心就只能投机,投机就好比买万字,输多赢少。自古以来,黄金象征着财富,食物象征着生命的存在,只有炒股一飞冲天,跌下来就玩完了。Bornoil, 有实力就不怕等待。建议公司方面不能持续按兵不动,现在的情况必然影响到不少投资者对前景的信心,尤其是散户,bornoil至少该在近期给点明确的表示或消息。加油,我心依旧,希望你不好逼我们变心就好,等着你发光发热的一天!


2016-11-11 17:53 | Report Abuse

give us a big good news to roket up the price lah, share buy back once a while is not a good idea right now oi ! we need to know better what company doing now and the future oi ! hahaha, pray for better next week


2016-11-11 17:49 | Report Abuse

what is going on, bornoil, dont let this continue oh, later all supporter gone loi, dont let operators playing the game oi !


2016-11-11 17:47 | Report Abuse

but at least company take some action today, share buy back


2016-11-11 17:44 | Report Abuse

Aiyah, really not good, even break 0.160, Funda, good comments, bornoil ! wake up loi !


2016-11-11 06:41 | Report Abuse

very_goat, tq so much for ur info, a good news for me, at least i got a clear picture regarding commercial gold mining projects, 2 to 3 months waiting is consider near term for me, patient is gold ! the smart one all go for gold now, u see how public bank differences with others? invest in gold ! u open public bank website, directly shining by the gold bar ! which bank is the greatest future in smartest in investment? i am not smart enough, but i know following the smart one step is always the right move! hahaha


2016-11-09 17:15 | Report Abuse

anything can happent, brexit can happent, Donald Trump can win, bornoil hit 0.30 is not a mission impossible, hahaha


2016-11-09 17:11 | Report Abuse

see how DJI react tonight and how bornoil performance for Thursday and Friday , will gold break 1400 in near term ? lets pray for it


2016-11-09 13:26 | Report Abuse

maybe our time is come, now the gold shutup 60.80usd ! Smile ! bornoil!


2016-11-04 16:03 | Report Abuse

i am still holding tight, even top up some for 0.165. just wait the time to come for bornoil to roket up. holding power and patient is the key


2016-10-28 07:59 | Report Abuse

Bruce, be really to step into roket anytime, actually signal is quite strong for me, when bornoil up, it will roket up in turbo mood. some smart here may notice the signal always be there, for long term holder, we just sit in patient and ready for it, my holding share volumes already hit my target, ready for bornoil roket up in anytime? just like Woodswater said so, calm and steady, this stock make us very comfortable, we know bornoil will reward us must more and more, that is why when it down, i top up, when it up, i also top up, we not leaving 0.200, not even 0.170. Bornoil, beside waiting u to break 0.200, i am waiting u to break 0.250 at least in 2016, after that, 2017 will be ur year !


2016-10-27 18:24 | Report Abuse

hahaha, Woodswater, merry Chrismas (even so fast) ! I wish u happy Deepavali , also for any Indian bornoil shareholder here . lets see tomorrow will make any different? If not, next week we will enter November, will November be the month for bornoil ? lets wait and see, hahaha


2016-10-26 18:22 | Report Abuse

Woodswater, good analysis. same with u, i am holding quite a lots share of bornoil ! All the best for us !


2016-10-26 17:51 | Report Abuse

ya, funda, i get what u mean, i will hold tight bornoil at least till 1st QR of 2017, that is what i mention before. only after that, need to see how the global market sentiments and the price of bornoil at that moment. i have same target with u, Q3 and Q4 will be in focus. Woodswater, i agree with u that what a low price right now, hahaha ! bornoil, bornoil, will u break 0.200 before QR3 ? how far u can go forward for QR3 and QR4 ? lets see, hoho


2016-10-26 16:39 | Report Abuse



2016-10-26 16:26 | Report Abuse



2016-10-26 16:23 | Report Abuse

如果股市这般简易,人人早就发大财了,ha ha ha


2016-10-25 23:18 | Report Abuse

CKNYAM, u are right, time will prove everything, the matter just we look forward for short term, mid term or long term. some ppl dont even know what is positive statement and what is negative. when his mind set is negative, all "fact" or "figure" he read will be negative, just look like company experts doing the stupid job, look like he is not just more expert, but master already. that is why we said u talk more, there will be more mistakes from ur mouth. dont know say dont know loh or just keep quite or ask sifu opinion loh, dont always pretend like expert? misleading orther ppl. I am the one stupid stupid, just wait the time to come for bornoil break 0.200 then 0.300, hahaha