
bonus2016 | Joined since 2016-07-26

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2017-01-16 21:01 | Report Abuse

faster dump to 3c, i am ready to average down my share price, hoho


2017-01-16 20:55 | Report Abuse

will buy in some if touch back 0.155 again before able to get some at 0.155 and sold out for small angpau, agree with Darth, i dont think vivo can boom up in short term, keep goreng recently 1st round 2nd round 3rd round, mostly 1 day show. but i do believe after the ig sharp accumulated enough, vivo can back to 0.20+ level, but should be at least mid term


2017-01-16 17:52 | Report Abuse

lets see how global react after trumps get into position, and how bornoil and gold react after that good luck to ourself


2017-01-16 17:51 | Report Abuse

good comments, bruce


2017-01-14 13:30 | Report Abuse

Don Juan, u are right, but QR result that u share above is amended announcement, nothing connected to share price onwards, unless company / big fish motivations is to scare ppl know nothing to sell off their share on hand before pump it to new high onward. i am happy to see if 3c on next week, i will accumulate quite a lot at 3c, enjoy our weekend, hohoho


2017-01-14 12:49 | Report Abuse

after enough luring people to invest in nexgram, i believe 0.35 / 0.30 maybe the bottom to dump before shooting up again mostly before or after next QR, gong xi fa cai
14/01/2017 12:48


2017-01-14 12:29 | Report Abuse

i joined, will accumulate more if 0.35, hoho


2017-01-14 10:46 | Report Abuse

bornoil become more and more professional now, we not even need to check the gold daily price as usual, thanks to Eric Lau, welcome to bornoil ! F & B + gold, the future is here


2017-01-14 08:38 | Report Abuse

we know who are them here, just they hide behind their id, many even can use hundreds of id, some even got 2 face, hoho. some lose money blame others, some even getting pay to be shooter to scare the invester. ppl like this, how thier behave in their daily life? hahaha


2017-01-14 08:35 | Report Abuse

just let them said, this is open forum. just like in our life and in movie, always got two party, it is hard to be the good one, but we choose to be the good one. bad guy is easy, but always to be a loser at last.


2017-01-13 18:22 | Report Abuse

Bruce, wishing that we can have a very good CNY with bornoil boom up before it, have a nice weekend


2017-01-13 17:51 | Report Abuse

Bruce, really happy to see u back to bornoil. if u ask me, i dont know, but i believe that after such a big move for few days, something is behind. my experienced told me in share market, "dont see and play as what it looks like" 时时保持冷静, if not we will always being goreng and become loser, just simple as ppl say when ppl panic, we accumulate some( dont ever all in ), i will keeping accumulate little by little, we wont know the bottom, we dont know when will roket up. but as woodswater said so, only paper lose. Mostly gem share being dump then "kaboom", like hibics recently, drop to 0.26 before break 0.50. Bornoil, i really no idea, but this is what i choose to stay, just wait and see


2017-01-13 12:52 | Report Abuse

while waiting the right time to come, we should be smart to play short term, mid term and long term. happy friday, and happy weekends, all my dear lover in bornoil forum


2017-01-13 12:50 | Report Abuse

once bornoil break 0.200, i think it maybe unstopable, dont be surprise to be one go breaking 0.300. I am now start to accumulate back my share that sold out recently 0.15 - 0.18 uptrend. i feel glad i gap the chance to sold out some share for 0.18 and 0.175, so that now i got some more capital to accumulate back my share at lower price. today dont care what the "big fish" playing, just looking on the figure, look like very obviously is a "lure" but it looks like, keep accumulating some at 0.165, some more if 0.160 or 0.155. we dont know when will this share "kaboom" but when the time come, it will surely the big one...


2017-01-13 12:41 | Report Abuse

have to admit that mostly ppl interest to bornoil and to be here, is because bornoil = gold = bornoil . Mostly gold price will stay at current level for some period, but after Trumps fully incahrge 20 Jan onwards, my predictions is it will eventually vice vissa to some ppl thinking that economy will become better and better, gold price will keep dropping so on bla bla bla, gold price will go up gradually as ppl start confuse and lack of confident or even regretted to their choice. When the bubble burst elder by global issue or maybe again by us internal conflict, any uncertain will make gold price easily shooting up to break 1370 barrier just in few days.


2017-01-12 07:35 | Report Abuse

good morning, bro bruce, funda and sale, also morning call for Erica. look like good feeling is coming back, we all gathering together here again, hoho. all the best for bornoil, we all still waiting bornoil to break 1st level, 0.200 !


2017-01-11 19:32 | Report Abuse

welcome back....


2017-01-11 19:32 | Report Abuse

hello, bruce..


2017-01-07 10:17 | Report Abuse

@alzaputih, should be before 31 March 2017 for last quarter result of 2016 ended 31 Januari 2017. Long time to go, QR3 just announced on Dec 2016. If u aim for long term, bornoil is a gem, what ppl call white night. For short / mid term, i dont think anyone can answer and estimate the trend of bornoil, really hard to predict expecially for bornoil, but don't surprise suddently it boom up to 0.200 or even one go break 0.25 like some other stocks


2017-01-07 08:51 | Report Abuse

Woodswater, the trend if normally very obvious is down trend, but i not mind it to drop even back below 0.16, i wish to accumulate some more, hahaha. we know what eventually will happent, when the time come closer and closer, global will be very very sensitive, gold definitely will be in bull, in wild bull. 2017 will be the year, if not, the bubble will become bigger and biggest in 2018! dont ever try to collect bornoil below 0.200 before the time come, i dont think anyone can get it even 0.25 at that time, hahaha


2017-01-05 14:33 | Report Abuse

ya, Funda, mostly back to square. but i dont think too much, accumulate back some for bornoil and wc, will accumulate more if futher drop. Woodswater, agree with u regarding gold future, anything can happent, may happent, will happent, it is very easy for bornoil to go up, no need worry for short term drop, it is our chance, hahaha


2017-01-03 19:54 | Report Abuse

my bullets is ready till the time come, i wont take any risk before it, but when the time come, no need futher thinking to take action, patient is the key, hohoho


2017-01-03 19:52 | Report Abuse

good luck!stay tight with my choice! anything can happent in 2017! anytime!


2017-01-03 17:38 | Report Abuse

lets see back to 0.200++ or back to 0.150, sometime we need to put ourself in win win condition !


2017-01-03 17:29 | Report Abuse

If really back to square, it is good time for me to accumulate again, hahaha. i am long time holder at least waiting for 0.25 - 0.30, but not mind to earn my dividen / bonus for each round before the breaking good news arrive, hahaha


2017-01-03 17:26 | Report Abuse

Woodswater, i say look like downtrend, but will boom up in near term, hohoho. if today the volumn keep in low, maybe it will stay at 0.170-0.175 for at least short term, but today volumn even over my estimation.


2017-01-03 14:11 | Report Abuse

good signal, still in top 10, hoho


2017-01-02 20:26 | Report Abuse

well, lets see how the performance for bornoil in 2017! tomorrow is the first trading day of 2017 !


2017-01-01 14:07 | Report Abuse

我的经验告诉我,股市最基本的就是判断,冷静和耐心。要“博”通常就是8输2赢,呵呵,不然人家就不说投资或投机,也不说“炒股”了。自视过高往往跌进黑洞都还不知道发生什么事。自己理性分析,也别听太多甲乙丙丁分析,参考足矣。推荐大家看“华尔街之狼 The wolf of wall street" 这部戏,主角来到华尔街做股票经纪,他的“导师”教导他如何成为王牌股票经纪,如何赚钱!那几句话就是经典,就是现实!呵呵,戏如人生,跟风跟对十次,只要一次跟到龙卷风就game over, 呵呵呵。数据很重要,尽信也不得,很会读数据的也不一定是赢家,输得更惨的也不是没见过。可以参考,不是盲目,毕竟人为因素太多了。讲了这么多,其实都是废话!经验还是很重要,哈哈哈,2017恭喜发财!


2017-01-01 12:02 | Report Abuse

Funda, i am just newbie and always newbie in share market, u know more beter and knowledgeable much more than me. i am the kind more to share what i get, what i feel and what i think. For me, at least Paperplane, Funda and Woodswater can become my sifu more than enough here. By the way, i also learn something from other expert and senior here. i left KLSE for a very long period since lehman brothers filed for bankruptcy, that time i am among thr one get burn, but luckily still a learner and invest not so much at that time, just consider as take a lesson. I prefer sharing and discussion. Sometime, too many ppl kacau kacau, i will be little rude or saying nonsense, just ignore it, hahaha. happy weekend


2016-12-31 10:06 | Report Abuse

jackyle, before this i also believe that same thing may happent, almost 0.200 and then back to the square. but, after victoria capital decide to add more share ( 6.565% of overall open market share, what a huge amount at 0.175 transacted price ) i am now more believe maybe mining project will give us a very good news ahead, i dont think after this action taken, share price will be easily go back below 0.175, chance to break 0.200 is higher and go through record high in 2016 is possible, 2017 may break 0.25 - 0.30, when thr dream come true, expecially when the company declare a very successful in mining project, even the price double up, then also not even one ppl will deny the future of bornoil ! still remember a guy command of DJI 25000 if Trump done a good job after take over as president, and gold price will drop further, but in fact that share market often behave unexpectedly, just like Trump winning and the gold price impact of it, when ppl expect the more good thing to happent and the different impact they feel, it will be disaster. 十年一个周期的洗牌规则,不是一个人可以控制或抵抗的,分分钟某些人还是背后的推动者。花无百日红,月有阴晴圆缺!就拿DJI而言,连基本周期必然的套利现象基本都没出现,现在就徘徊在冲破20000点的关口,当人人都认为市场一片光明时,往往鳄鱼鲨鱼都在拼命磨利它们的牙齿了,哈哈哈!这个时候我相信bornoil趁着黄金时期加码手持黄金,绝对是上上之策!公司有远见才值得我信赖,公司可不是为了照顾一些短期炒家的利益而存在和上市,呵呵。。再加上现在大股东victoria capital增加股权比例6.5%, 为何不在0.150的时候行动?反而现在0.175的时候决定加码?那必然有原因的!我相信不用多久,或许就有好消息公布!星期五bornoil 又是最活跃股,WC也同样交易量大增!不明所以的人就害怕抛售,背后就有人静悄悄的买进。拭目以待,下个星期可能还是持续波动,也有可能冷静一段时间后爆发。这让我想起了之前一个朋友说的,好像是ran777是吗?他的消息或许是真的,不过是这个季报才实现,就是季报不算什么,真正好消息是季报过后一个月内的震撼消息会刺激股价直线上升!bornoil, 这回看你表演了,纯粹个人意见和见解,买,持,或卖自行决定,自行承担风险!如果还有好机会,我要加码!呵呵


2016-12-31 00:21 | Report Abuse

jackyle, i wonder this amended announcement from 1.58 to 1.75 will affect the share price on next Tuesday? what a huge volumn today ! hoho, or maybe someone senior or expert can answer. Main shareholder acquired so much volumn of share through open market, what my understanding is open market share pool are getting smaller right now, if they buy and keep it for long term, hoho, but this is different with share buy back from company itself, correct me if i am wrong. Big boss acquires 6.565% of the shares, why not during 0.150 price? but at 0.175 right now? hoho, no need longer waiting, bornoil should break 0.200 ! then, i am waiting for 0.250 - 0.300 ! common, bornoil !


2016-12-30 21:12 | Report Abuse

bornoil may break 0.200 in short term, even in very early of 2017! i am not surprise if this happent in next week !


2016-12-30 21:08 | Report Abuse

19,859,900 units transacted price 0.175 through open market. jackyle, no need long time for bornoil to break 0.200, thrn 0.25 - 0.30 is not a dream, hoho. gold may signal to coming back, if can go back to 1350 level, this time break 1400 should be no problem, mostly can happent in mid term !


2016-12-30 18:24 | Report Abuse

collecting , accumulating...the coming round will be big one, prepare for it, guys...


2016-12-30 14:03 | Report Abuse

hahaha, gold ready to shine onward ! while gold mining project run into sucess then will be 2 in 1 boom !


2016-12-29 23:38 | Report Abuse

tq Mr.char1234, good luck to u too


2016-12-29 18:01 | Report Abuse

QR announced on Wednesday this time, hohoho, tomorrow maybe interesting


2016-12-29 17:56 | Report Abuse

ya, OngLai88, lets see how tomorrow the game show, hahaha, i am still waiting for bornoil to break 0.200, will it be tomorrow? hohoho. Funda, where got so easy? i am waiting for QR1 2017 June , i believe 0.300 can be achievable before or after QR12017, all the best for bornoil long term holder


2016-12-28 18:13 | Report Abuse

wow.. Erica, hahaha, really a superb result ! last quarter only 4m, it is 5 times of it ! i havent got time to read it in detail, just cleaning my house before sch open and prepare for chinese new year 2017, take a rest and accidently see my friend, Erica mention superb result and thanks LHY78 for sharing the QR link. lets wait and see how much Bornoil can go for this time !


2016-12-27 20:11 | Report Abuse

before i leave here for a while while waiting for 0.200 ( if QR excellent, wont be any problem). please give me a chance to say hi to my friend here, Funda, lets pray for an excellent QR this round, hahaha! I believe 2017 and 2018 will be big year for bornoil, 0.30 to 0.50 wont be a dream if anything happent and gold on bull show then. Woodswater, i agree with u, today i sold 1/5 of my mother share to lock some profit ( buy an insurance, hahaha) the remainder will keep going, stay together with my wc bought at 0.09. the important is before and after, before looking good, after must be excellent enough to push it higher ( in case this happent, even 0.25 is not easy, but possible ). i am more believe this quarter result will be superb. i predict the company just like last QR, announced mining report on 23 and quarter report on last day ( Friday ) . last quater 23 bornoil jump to 0.200, after that back to the square to around 0.18 - 0.185 for few days till Friday QR day, whole day consider low volumn on last QR day. lets see what will going on before and after this QR.


2016-12-27 19:33 | Report Abuse

aiyah, sorry already, ok ok, i will only give command again when bornoil break 0.200 or after QR, hahaha. wish us all the best


2016-12-27 19:20 | Report Abuse

will 0.200 break this week? lets wait and see


2016-12-27 19:19 | Report Abuse

tomorrow will be fun


2016-12-27 17:59 | Report Abuse

3 more days to go, hahaha


2016-12-26 19:10 | Report Abuse

keep quite, command again if really surprise to break 0.200 this week l, hahaha


2016-12-26 17:35 | Report Abuse



2016-12-26 17:25 | Report Abuse

when these kind of ppl pop up with different id, i am very happy, 人不会吃饱没事做,明眼人明白我的话,哈哈哈,加油!Go go go, bornoil !