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2019-09-09 08:22 | Report Abuse

The government is looking into the possibility of using recorded lessons by selected teachers to be shared with other schools, said Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

He said the method was aimed, among others, at simplifying and enhancing the quality of teaching back home.

“We are trying to simplify teaching because teachers are not the same…so what we want to do is make use of good teachers, record their lessons and use the recorded lessons for other schools where teachers will guide the students (on the lessons),” he said during his visit to Ritsumeikan Primary School in Kyoto today.

He said the method would not only help to educate students but also improve the knowledge of the guiding teachers.

“At the same time, the teachers will also learn, and the quality of teaching should improve using this system,” said Mahathir who took part in the traditional Japanese tea drinking ceremony during the school visit.

The prime minister also spent some time observing robotics, information and communication technology as well as pottery classes.

Ritsumeikan Primary School has the distinction of being the first school in Japan to use a blend of traditional approach and modern technology in its teaching methods.

Opened in 2006 and currently has over 700 students, the school was also the pioneer in introducing robotics technology in its curriculum.

- Bernama


2019-09-05 16:13 | Report Abuse

Useless company. New management want to follow GLCs. No performance but want super high fees.


2019-09-05 10:34 | Report Abuse

Must protest this coming AGM on 25/9. One of the resolution is to increase Directors allowance and fees up to RM1,000,000 from 1 April 2019!! What good hv they done or secure any projects to deserve this? Look at its share price, not anywhere near to its competitors! Shareholders should object!


2019-08-29 21:21 | Report Abuse

Runnnn!! Quarter loss result rm8.7m !!!!


2019-08-19 16:09 | Report Abuse

Looks like Bandar Malaysia... will be ready for Merdeka.


2019-08-07 11:37 | Report Abuse

Bestari 1 project dapat?


2019-08-07 10:42 | Report Abuse

Online learning to include A.I and robotics ?


2019-08-07 10:34 | Report Abuse

Impending news from Japan?


2019-08-06 17:00 | Report Abuse

Set up Japanese online university?


2019-08-06 16:47 | Report Abuse

One day before AGM.....anything good on education ?


2019-08-06 16:46 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 6): Malaysia Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad will visit Fukuoka, Japan, on Aug. 6-8 to attend 16th Session of Japan Future Leaders School, foreign ministry says in statement.

*Mahathir to receive courtesy call by Hiroto Izumi, special adviser to Japan’s prime minister, to discuss bilateral cooperation and other issues

* Mahathir will be accompanied by his wife Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah and Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq


2019-08-01 18:24 | Report Abuse

Can Edu-Sharp contribute to this?


2019-08-01 18:23 | Report Abuse

E-learning (online learning) will be made a platform to help raise the English proficiency level of students and improve the skills of teachers teaching the language, says Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik.

According to him, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad had stressed the need to use technology to teach the English Language subject when discussing the problem of low proficiency in the language among school teachers, at the cabinet meeting yesterday.

"In the years to come, the learning session should not be dependent on the teachers only. The education sector should also be using the e-learning platform so that students can learn from the best English Language teachers.”

He said this at a news conference after witnessing the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Pintar Foundation and the Education Ministry, here, today.

Maszlee said the ministry welcomed the contribution of various parties including the private sector to produce more educational materials including through social media like YouTube.

“The teaching materials on YouTube should be more informal yet informative to ensure quality and to draw students’ interest,” he said.

Maszlee said in future, the ministry would also need more cooperation from various parties to contribute to quality education for school students with materials for classroom learning or outside the classroom.

- Bernama


2019-07-31 12:14 | Report Abuse

Now in top10 first page. Now everyone can see. Now everyone can buy.


2019-07-28 15:43 | Report Abuse

Check out the new Eduspec website.


2019-07-22 15:48 | Report Abuse

The Sun July 22. - Private Institutions mull listing on stock market...
If they don’t take care , can be easily target for RTO.


2019-07-17 20:59 | Report Abuse

AGM 5/8/19
EGM 9/8/19


2019-07-16 15:32 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR: Those championing the Malay language should put aside nationalist pride to allow science and mathematics to be taught in English, says Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

"It will be difficult for us to find those who can translate newfound knowledge into the national language if we do not know the language in which the knowledge is acquired.

"It is my view that nationalistic pride makes some of us more inclined towards maintaining our own language," the Prime Minister said when answering a question raised by Ahmad Fahmi Mohamed Fadzil (PH-Lembah Pantai) during Minister's Question Time in Parliament on Tuesday (July 16).

However, Dr Mahathir acknowledged there was a division between those who want the subjects to be taught in English and those who insist on the use of the national language.

He said the National Education Advisory Council was currently providing feedback on whether to reintroduce the PPSMI policy (Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics in English) in schools.

He said this included a detailed study by the Education Ministry on how to reintroduce PPSMI through a new model using IT.

He said this would involve the use of the recording of the subject being taught by the best teachers.

Dr Mahathir noted those who failed to learn in the language of knowledge such as English would be left behind.

"Mastering English in terms of teaching and learning is crucial as it is an international language needed for management and administration," he said, adding that mastering the language also helped in employment opportunities.

He cited the example of Malaysian students who had to learn English or other languages when furthering their studies in Britain, the United States, Russia or Saudi Arabia.

Dr Mahathir said unlike history and geography, new discoveries and advancements were made in science and mathematics using English and other languages.

"For example, information technology and artificial technology are new forms of knowledge which did not exist during my time as a student.

"It would be difficult to find those who are well versed in the fields to translate them into the national language," he added.

The PPSMI was introduced in 2003 but was phased out by 2012 and replaced by the Upholding the Malay Language and Strengthening Command of English (MBMMBI) policy.

Since coming to power, the Pakatan Harapan administration has reportedly been keen to reintroduce PPSMI.

Mahathir Mohamad , Education , Parliament , PPSMI


2019-07-16 15:28 | Report Abuse

STEM in English thru IT


2019-07-16 15:26 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (July 16): The government is making an in-depth study of a new system of teaching science and mathematics in English, with the lessons recorded by the best teachers replicated in every school through information technology, the Dewan Rakyat was told today.

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said this way of teaching and learning science and mathematics in English will enable all pupils and students to benefit from the competency of these expert teachers.

“In this way, all pupils and students will achieve an almost similar outcome,” he said during the Ministers’ Question Time when replying to a question from Ahmad Fahmi Mohamed Fadzil (PH-Lembah Pantai) who had wanted to know whether there will a reintroduction of the teaching and learning of science and mathematics in English.


Dr Mahathir said the Education Ministry also takes into account the importance of mastering teaching and learning in English because it is an international language, is necessary for management and enterprise and is considered when offering employment.

“Unlike geography and history, knowledge in science keeps growing all the time as a result of research by experts which is usually conducted not in the Malay language. English is important in mastering new knowledge,” he said.

Dr Mahathir said the translation into the Malay language cannot be done unless it is by the experts who understand the new knowledge that has to be translated.

He also said that the National Education Advisory Council has also provided its insights on the policy of teaching and learning science and mathematics in the English language.

“There are many who want science and mathematics to be taught in English, and there are also those who insist it must continue to be taught in Malay,” he said.

The policy, which was introduced in 2003, was replaced with the policy on ‘Enhancing Bahasa Malaysia, Strengthening the English Language’ in stages from 2010.

Dr Mahathir emphasised that the search for new knowledge, including artificial intelligence, can drive Malaysia into becoming a developed nation.

However, he said, this can only be done through the mastery of the English language because only those who have mastered English are conducting such research.

“The nationalistic spirit may spur us to retain our language but, if we remain uninformed, our nation and our language will not progress,” he said.

We deliver news to your inbox daily

22 October 2009
Parents want options for science, math in English
21 January 2015
New vehicles sales forecast to grow 2% to 680,000 units in 2015 - Malaysian Automotive Association
18 May 2010
All systems go for science and maths reverting to BM in 2011
9 October 2014
Run-up to Budget 2015: For


2019-07-12 11:31 | Report Abuse

Amiruul. This news is very2 old and misleading. Surat khabar lama. Pl ado not mislead the people here.


2019-07-11 20:01 | Report Abuse

The theme park in PD is just a small story. Wait for some big news. Game changer.


2019-07-09 23:41 | Report Abuse

KYY has a passion for education. Has he taken note?


2019-07-09 22:59 | Report Abuse

Author: diehardunited Publish date: Tue, 9 Jul 2019, 3:30 PM

Eduspec is on the path of upward earnings growth trajectory and distributes free money to its shareholders;

(1) Eduspec is expected to be a major beneficiary from a contract rollout for a virtual learning environment (VLE) from the Government.

Don't forget that Kencana Capital, which owns by Mokhzani Mahathir and Prof. Dato' Raja Munir, currently a Director of MyEG Services Berhad are in Eduspec. With Mokhzani as a proxy and experience and expertise from Raja Munir, the prospect for Eduspec to secure a billion contract of VLE project is high.

Since Eduspec uses Google Classroom and is already working with the Education Ministry together with Sharp to intro 100 classrooms with their smart classroom tech, Eduspec is the clear frontrunner to win a new Billion Ringgit contract.


(2) Eduspec is giving out free money to its shareholders! Eduspec has proposed bonus issue of up to 550.9m free warrants in Eduspec on the basis of 1 Warrant B for every 2 shares in Eduspec. This proposal has been approved by Bursa Malaysia. The date will be determined and announced later.

Interestingly, we can make money from the potential rally in Eduspec’s share price soon due to strong investors’ interests in the stock for free warrants and the rally in free warrants price upon its listing. If you look at Scomnet’s share price in recent weeks, which the company also gave out free warrants to its shareholders, had a strong run-up before the Ex-date for the entitlement of free warrants. AND the warrants price itself has been rallying and trading at a premium since its debut.

(3) For another earning growth catalysts, please follow link here: https://klse.i3investor.com/m/blog/winners/209410.jsp

How high the rally in price can go? Probably it is worth to price target it at 25sen, which the history will repeat itself!


2019-07-09 16:08 | Report Abuse

Interesting to look at note 4. According to YTL, switching to new ISP is not exploring new technology. Think they missed the point... using 98” smart board IS NEW TECHNOLOGY.


2019-07-09 16:05 | Report Abuse

4 Tidak dapat meneroka teknologi terkini dan bersesuaian untuk KPM
KPM tidak berpeluang untuk mencuba teknologi alternatif yang mungkin lebih baik kepada para pelajar dan guru serta menjimatkan perbelanjaan Kerajaan.
Notwithstanding that the project is for 15 years, the contract does not prevent the Ministry from exploring the latest technology. In fact the Ministry has from time to time conducted trials in the schools. Switching the entire school system to 3 new ISPs that are providing technology similar to what was provided under phase 2 is not exploring new technology.

The joint review process at the end of each phase allows changes in technology to be addressed.

The Ministry had announced its intention to have an open tender for the next phase which YTL Communications was happy to participate in. If this had been carried out, the Ministry would have been able to specify its requirements for technology and discovered the prices for such technology. The Ministry instead decided to appoint the 3 ISPs without a tender.

5 Dapatan Hasil Kajian Impak dan Hala Tuju Pendidikan Digital Negara
Hasil kajian yang dijalankan ke atas guru, pelajar dan pentadbir mendapati kualiti capaian internet yang dibekalkan tidak memuaskan dan tidak dapat memberikan pekhidmatan yang terbaik kepada pihak Kerajaan.
In phase 2, YTL Communications provided a range of technologies ranging from mobile internet to fibre and has provided the Ministry with bandwidth of up to 100 Mbps.

All bandwidth specification under the contract was determined by the Ministry and not by YTL Communications. We have at all times provided the bandwidth as specified. Our performance is measured by SLAs, all of which we have satisfied.

Therefore, if the teachers are dissatisfied with the internet speeds, it would be because the bandwidth that the Ministry specified do not satisfy the requirements of the schools.

It is unjustified to blame YTL Communications.

KPM telah mengenal pasti Google Classroom (GC) sebagai alternatif bagi menggantikan perkhidmatan Frog VLE di bawah projek 1BestariNet.

GC diberi secara PERCUMA kepada semua institusi pendidikan (sekolah, negeri dan Kementerian) di seluruh dunia.

The FrogVLE has far more features than Google Classroom as it is a total teaching and learning solution customised to the requirements of the Ministry.

It is a private secure platform that protects students from unsafe and inappropriate content
It provides teachers with a library of curated content (including ready-to-use lessons and quizzes) for all subjects (including those for Chinese and Tamil schools) that is mapped to the Malaysian curriculum, from Standard 1- Form 5.
It allows for self-learning and revision through a gamified quiz engine
It has automated assessments and analytics which helps teachers identify and address each studentfs learning gaps
It is clear in our offer to the Minister on 31st May that for the interim period, there would be no cost for the Frog VLE.

Other Matters Raised
7 Cost to the Ministry in the interim period
YTL Communications has offered to provide internet services and the Frog VLE entirely free of charge during the interim period of 6 months.

If the Ministry had accepted our offer for the free services during the interim period, the Ministry would have:

saved the millions which it is now paying to the 3 ISPs;
avoided disruption to the schools in the middle of the school year; and
the time to conduct a tender exercise following which they would have a properly defined solution and price.
There is no justification whatsoever for the Ministry to award the internet services for the interim period to the 3 ISPs in the face of YTL Communications’ offer.

8 Price Comparison
During the interim period, no price comparison is required as we have offered our services for free.

If the Ministry was interested to undertake a price comparison, this could only have been undertaken in one of 2 ways:

Undertake a joint review as provided in the contract on both price and technology;
Calling an open tender with clear specifications and scope of work.
Trying to compare prices in any other way is mere speculation.

It should be noted that the price for phase 2 was for a different specification and a different time period. For example, the provision of dedicated fibre connections to rural schools required high capital cost. The Ministry evaluated this on the basis of capital investment and timing and deemed that our price was appropriate and the best for the time. It is not justified to compare this to available infrastructure that can easily be connected. Over 50% of the 1000 schools which were provided with dedicated fibre connections were in Sabah and Sarawak.

As reported in The Star, the Secretary General confirmed in the press conference that YTL Communications was awarded phase 2 because we were still the best service provider at that point of time.

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2019-07-09 16:00 | Report Abuse

Areca capital...holding 3.48% and 1.47%...could be holding proxy for someone?...


2019-07-09 15:55 | Report Abuse

Today’s latest. Read full text from the edge daily. Especially the appendix .


2019-07-09 15:54 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (July 9): The following is a press release by YTL Communications Sdn Bhd, reproduced in full.

Setting the Record Straight

YTL Communications is extremely disappointed that the press statement issued by the Ministry of Education on 5 July 2019 and statements made at the press conference on the same day have made us appear to have taken advantage of the Government.

As a business, we have always sought to resolve matters amicably. Nevertheless, we cannot allow our reputation to be sullied by unfounded claims. Hence, we have to set the record straight.

As a corporate citizen of this country that won an open tender for a major project, we are entitled to rely on fair business dealings.

At the time of the award of the project, broadband infrastructure was in its infancy in the country. To address this, the National Broadband Initiative was launched with the aim of increasing broadband penetration across the population. Bidders were therefore required to invest in building telecommunication towers or lay fibre to rural areas as more than 70% of schools in this country were rural and remote schools. The project was recognised by the Ministry as a means of providing broadband services to the schools as well as to the communities around the schools.

The contract entered into between the Ministry and YTL Communications acknowledged the 15 year term of the project but provided that the project would be implemented in rolling phases. The process by which each phase was to be awarded was clearly set out in the project documents; there would be a joint review on performance, changes in technology, basic educational needs and price prior to the expiry of each phase and before parties reach agreement on the next phase.

Notwithstanding the right to a joint review, YTL Communications did not object to the Ministry’s announcement that it would call a fresh tender at the beginning of 2019. Price transparency was clearly important to the new Government and YTL Communications was fully supportive of this.

BUT after the announcement, we waited 9 months for the tender to be called and it was only at a meeting on 23 April that we were informed that the Ministry was not ready for the tender.

It was at the Ministry’s request that we offered in good faith to provide internet services and the Frog Virtual Learning Environment (Frog VLE) to the Ministry during the interim period of 6 months from 1 July to 31 December (interim period) free of charge. Our offer, contained in our letter of 31 May to the Minister of Education, (disclosed in our press statement of 3 July), was clear, simple and unconditional. We reiterate strongly that we did not ask for any special preference for providing this free service which was requested by the Ministry in the first place.

But on 27 June, without even responding to our letter offering free services for the six months period, the Ministry announced the award of the internet services for the interim period to Telekom Malaysia, Celcom Axiata and Maxis.

As no joint review was undertaken as required under the contract and no open tender called, we regard this as a breach of our contract.

At the press conference, the Ministry gave reasons to justify the rejection of our offer. We address each of these in the Appendix* to this statement.

The justifications proffered are baseless and clearly an afterthought and do not obviate the fact that the Ministry failed to comply with its obligations under the contract. No joint review was carried out as required. If a review had been undertaken, it would have identified the areas of improvement for the next phase. Pricing could also have been set against current market prices and there would be clarity as to implementation.

The alternative of an open tender announced by the Ministry for the period from 1 July also did not materialise. An open tender would have established the most competitive prices against a defined specification and would have left little room for speculation. Instead, we are left wondering about a process that was flawed from the outset.

If the Ministry had accepted our offer for the free services during the interim period, the Ministry would have saved millions, prevented disruption to the schools in the middle of the school year, as well as had the time to conduct a tender exercise following which they would have a properly defined solution and price.

As a company that has worked with the Ministry over the past 7 years implementing a world class nationwide learning solution that the country should be proud of, we cannot help but be disappointed. We, however, remain committed to playing our part in improving education in the country.

Issued 9 July 2019

* Appendix Attached

Ministry of Education’s Reasons for not Accepting Offer from YTL Communications for Free Services during 6 months interim period YTL Communications’ Response
Kos tersembunyi (hidden cost)
Bermula Kontrak Perkhidmatan 1Bestarinet Fasa 2 sehingg


2019-07-09 12:29 | Report Abuse

YTL everyday buat bising. Just now another story come out. Contract habis kasi orang lain chance la. Or are they trying to buy up the shares ...??


2019-07-08 19:16 | Report Abuse

Maybe all to be approved in AGM on 5 August.


2019-07-08 10:03 | Report Abuse

DPM & Mazlee Malik will touch down in China 3pm today for a 4 day visit.Visit to Huawei is part of schedule.


2019-07-05 21:25 | Report Abuse

No more blackboards. Schools should change to SHARP smart boards. Thats the way to go in digital education.


2019-07-05 17:01 | Report Abuse

Atarah ,, Mirufiki. You guys are welcome


2019-07-05 15:55 | Report Abuse

Open attachment in announcement dated 31 May. It’s a 70 page document.


2019-07-05 15:39 | Report Abuse

According to the announcement, the multiple exercise proposals is expected to be completed by 30 September 2019. That means you all will get your free warrants after Merdeka?


2019-07-05 15:37 | Report Abuse

MOE reply give hope to alternative technologies that might be better for schools, teachers and students...


2019-07-05 15:29 | Report Abuse

The results of the 100 schools is important


2019-07-05 15:25 | Report Abuse

PUTRAJAYA (July 5): The Ministry of Education rejected YTL Communications Sdn Bhd’s offer for free internet service to schools nationwide for an interim six month period prior to the call of an open tender next year, mainly due to hidden costs of more than RM40 million.

In a media briefing today, Education Ministry Secretary General Datuk Mohd Gazali Abas said the ministry had acknowledged receipt of a letter dated May 31 from the YTL Communications, a 60%-owned unit of YTL Power International Bhd, offering free internet services for a period of six months starting July.

However, after due consideration of several factors, it decided not to award the tender to YTL.

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Instead on June 27, the Ministry issued a statement saying it had awarded the six-month contract to Telekom Malaysia, Celcom Axiata and Maxis.

Amongst other reasons, the main reason why it did not select YTL was that the company had stated terms and conditions in their offer, including the request of free electricity and rental of their telecommunications tower, Mohd Ghazali said.

“The Ministry found that it would incur a potential loss of rental revenue totalling RM32.58 million from the telecommunications tower in the six months. These are hidden costs and would not be a free service for the Ministry,” he said.

At the start of the project, Mohd Ghazali said YTL Communications had never paid electricity charges for the telecommunication tower that it installed at the schools and government premises.

“Estimates of these costs involving 2,715 sites total up to more than RM40 million, and are paid for by the Government,” Mohd Ghazali said.

He said YTL should pay for these charges, as it is also using the telecommunication tower for other commercial uses. The Ministry will consider renting the land for use of setting up the telecommunication tower at a commercial rate in the future.

Furthermore, Mohd Ghazali said the Ministry did not want to repeat the weaknesses of repetitive long-term contracts, so as to ensure it gives them the opportunity to try new alternative technologies that might be better for the schools, teachers and students. This would also help the Government save, he added.

“We also found that the quality of access to internet provided was not satisfactory and could not provide the best service to the Government.” Mohd Ghazali said.

He said the internet speed for the first phase (Dec 2011 to June 2016) was at 4mbps, and that the speed for the second phase (July 2016 to June 2019) was not significantly different.

Mohd Ghazali said the Ministry will begin calling for the fresh open tender of internet services to schools in the next few months of which YTL Communications is invited to join. It is slated for implementation beginning January, 2020 for a three-year period.

With regards to an article issued by “Friends of Maszlee Malik” which gave seven reasons why the 1BestariNet project should be terminated, Mohd Ghazali said it is not officially associated with the Ministry nor the Minister.


The 1BestariNet project was awarded to YTL Communications in 2011, after an open tender for a 15-year service contract which is to be implemented and reviewed in phases.

In July last year, the Ministry announced it would be calling for a fresh open tender in early 2019, for the continued provision of internet connectivity to 10,000 schools nationwide. However, it postponed the open tender, citing lack of budget.

YTL's phase 2 contract was set to expire on July 1. As the open tender had been postponed, the Ministry has a six month interim period without a provider. As such, they called for a meeting with Telekom Malaysia, Celcom Axiata, Maxis and YTL Communications in April, requesting for free service for the six-month period.

The Ministry said it had received responses from these companies, including from YTL Communications.


2019-07-03 18:36 | Report Abuse

Most teachers already say Frog VLE is user UNFRIENDLY and 1Bestarinet was recommended to be terminated by the PAC in 2016. Time to change and follow the recommendation strictly.


2019-07-03 18:33 | Report Abuse

Expect the next few days/weeks, this issue will be hotly debated. Awaitimg Mazlee reply ...


2019-07-03 18:32 | Report Abuse

After YTL Communications was contracted in 2012 to run the VLE project and provide internet services, the company also developed the Frog VLE system, which the company argued had been extensively integrated into the teaching systems of participating schools.

Now that MOE was jettisoning Frog VLE in favour of Google Classrooms, it would cause disruptions because years of teaching content has been built on the current system, the company said

"Having successfully completed Phases 1 and 2, Phase 3 would have seen the full adoption of digital teaching and learning in classrooms by January 2020.

"Changing the platform and starting all over again will set the entire education system backwards by years," warned the company.

Despite the MOE's new policy, YTL Communications said Frog VLE would still be available to teachers to prevent disruptions.


2019-07-03 17:05 | Report Abuse

Maybe the new consortium to replace 1 Bestarinet will be Telekom, Celcom,Maxis, Sharp-Edu.


2019-07-03 17:03 | Report Abuse

This article came out 45mins ago. Big tussle coming? Unless MOE quickly award the project to Sharp-Edu for phase 1& 2.


2019-07-03 17:00 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR: YTL Communications Sdn Bhd has alleged that the Education Ministry has hired three internet service providers for schools when the company offered to do so for free.

In a statement Wednesday, YTL Communications said that the Education Ministry ministry had requested for free internet services for 10,000 schools operating the Frog Vvirtual Learning Environment (Frog VLE) pending a tender.

“The ministry requested that we provide free internet services as the Government ‘did not have the budget’ to pay for these services,” YTL Communications said.

YTL Communication said this was communicated during a meeting on April 23 between the ministry together with Telekom Malaysia, Celcom Axiata, Maxis and a few other internet service providers (ISPs) over Phase 3 of the 1BestariNet project. The meeting was informed that there would be a delay of another six months during which the 10,000 participating schools would continue to require interim internet services.

The group said it wrote to Eduction Minister Maszlee Malik on May 31, 2019 confirming that YTL Communications will provide a complete solution of free internet services as well as the Frog VLE for the interim period until the tender was called and awarded.

YTL has been providing the services since 2011, with their contract expired on July 1.

“Therefore, when the ministry announced on June 27, that it had awarded the interim services to Telekom Malaysia, Celcom Axiata and Maxis, it came as a complete surprise.

Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/business/business-news/2019/07/03/ytl-communications-claims-education-ministry-went-back-on-tender-offer/#rvbB1j1YrYCtjI3x.99


2019-06-30 18:42 | Report Abuse

This news good for Edu?


2019-06-30 18:42 | Report Abuse

PETALING JAYA: Teachers and parents are glad that the troublesome Frog virtual learning environment (VLE) and 1BestariNet will no longer be used in schools.

Teacher M. Punitha described the Frog VLE as very “user-unfriendly”.

The secondary school teacher from Melaka said she was excited to hear that Google Classroom would take over.

On Thursday, the Education Ministry announced that the contract with 1BestariNet to provide Internet access to schools nationwide would end tomorrow.

“Google Classroom is not only free but easy to learn. We don’t need to attend courses and teachers are not being forced to use it,”

Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2019/06/29/google-classroom-gets-nod/#2rWcIsfPlA3CoEgB.99


2019-06-27 23:20 | Report Abuse

Dont get too excited yet. Service provider and Content provider are 2 different things.


2019-06-25 16:10 | Report Abuse

Crazy thought. Two Horses Capital works with Kencana Capital to inject the education biz into Edu? They shd forget abt the theme park. Child's play.


2019-06-21 13:55 | Report Abuse

Maybe set up new branch there