
BuyWithConviction | Joined since 2015-11-17

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2017-10-12 17:07 | Report Abuse

Didn't close up like I was hoping. However, selling volume is low only and so positive momentum remains intact. No crystal ball but big picture is positive for those who can hold for coming weeks. Hope for the best and Happy Evening! Hehe


2017-10-12 11:07 | Report Abuse

Have not given up that it may still close green today. Just hoping. Hehe


2017-10-12 10:26 | Report Abuse

Aiyoh, my bad, thought today still would be up but day-to-day movements can only guess, need crystal ball to know. Hope later some buying interests will surface. Hehe


2017-10-12 09:57 | Report Abuse

Ringgit at 4.2155, keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-10-12 09:08 | Report Abuse

That is more like speculation. Hehe
Anyway, if the price is good I think everyone hope so too.
Yesterday's volume was good. So although FGV has risen for a few days already, I think there is good chance it will rise further today. Just guessing, short term no one knows. Big picture suggests medium term it should have a material re-rating. If get more upside near term it is early Christmas, max benefit I suspect is in the coming weeks and months. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! Hehe


2017-10-11 16:58 | Report Abuse

Nothing is certain in stock market and there is always risk with any investment but big picture does suggests the best is yet to come.


2017-10-11 15:25 | Report Abuse

Ringgit at 4.2185, keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-10-11 12:01 | Report Abuse

richardlee, your FGV doing very well today. AA is good medium term but for tactical investors, they may like to look at other stocks too while waiting. This is portfolio management. Keep eye on big picture! Hehe

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Oct 11, 2017 08:55 AM | Report Abuse
No major developments on big picture which remains positive medium term. However, as said before, AA needs a fresh catalyst to move to a much higher level, otherwise it may remain lackluster until closer to its results next month.


2017-10-11 11:55 | Report Abuse

AA up 7 sen..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and counting! Hehe
The CWs even much higher gain in % terms but also much more risky.


2017-10-11 11:52 | Report Abuse

FGV up 5 sen...........and counting! Hehe
The CWs even much higher gain in % terms but also much more risky.


2017-10-11 11:50 | Report Abuse

@dam82, great, any short term is just an early Christmas! I suspect for max benefit need to hold a few months at least. Just my thoughts, can be wrong. Hehe


2017-10-11 11:42 | Report Abuse

The A-Z team is a clear step in the right direction. No crystal ball but very possible to have a material re-rating over the medium term. That's the big picture! Hehe


2017-10-11 08:55 | Report Abuse

No major developments on big picture which remains positive medium term. However, as said before, AA needs a fresh catalyst to move to a much higher level, otherwise it may remain lackluster until closer to its results next month.

Be careful of those ganging up to make calls like they can see the future. As usual best to do own research. do not fall for traps on this forum and do not blindly following anyone's calls. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! Hehe


2017-10-10 15:17 | Report Abuse

Ringgit at 4.2242, keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-10-10 09:43 | Report Abuse

Possible I guess but short term really not easy to predict, mainly a lot of luck (and risks) involved. However, medium term seem likely that FGV will re-rate. That is the big picture! Hehe

Posted by limch > Oct 10, 2017 09:37 AM | Report Abuse
Z still yet go to work. Maybe next week above 1.8?


2017-10-10 09:21 | Report Abuse

Ringgit at 4.2245, keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-10-10 09:09 | Report Abuse

Up 2% only. Reasonable. Hoping for more today. No crystal ball but what is likely is a gradual but material re-rating over medium term.


2017-10-10 09:00 | Report Abuse

richardlee, aiyoh you also here? Big picture got conviction over medium term, Short term need crystal ball or fortune teller. Hehe


2017-10-10 08:58 | Report Abuse

Z is good and the now A-Z team even better but they not miracle workers, still going to need time to nurse FGV back to health. No crystal ball but if can get 5% -10% price rise today, not bad and i also laugh already. Those wanting more need to trade the CWs but it is a lot more risky of course. Most important is the mother share will likely have a material re-rating over medium term. That is the big picture! Hehe


2017-10-09 21:25 | Report Abuse

No crystal ball but can guess what will happen when new A-Z team holds a meeting with analysts and fund managers to announce how they intend to put FGV back on track. Can be wrong but again I think it is only a matter of time. That is the big picture. Hehe


2017-10-09 18:45 | Report Abuse

Wow, great. At least things are starting to make sense there.


2017-10-09 17:21 | Report Abuse

Doesn't really matter Z or not Z. just get it out of the way so that FGV can move on. Although Z may give FGV a short term price lift, Azhar is probably equally able to steer FGV to a recovery. A matter of time, too much is at stake. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Evening.


2017-10-09 15:16 | Report Abuse

Ringgit at 4.2305, keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-10-09 10:41 | Report Abuse

richardlee, you really hero - look at how peaceful and safer the AA forum has become. So few posts over the weekend and so far this morning by Icon8888 and his gang of clone IDs. Richardlee singlehandedly can handle this gang of crooks who are forced to waste so much energy to keep attacking richardlee 1 person only. They tried to harass richardlee by flooding the forum with offensive posts, some with vulgar words but it did not work because richardlee used CNP V2 which is so effective. So AA forum peaceful already. at least for now. Most important is that Icon8888 and his clone IDs cannot gang up to cheat readers anymore. Richardlee, really doing good job keeping this forum safe from scammers. Congrats to AA forum. Hehe


2017-10-06 09:22 | Report Abuse

Z or not Z isn't the big picture. Most important they decide soon and get it out of the way. After that start taking concrete steps to convince the market that FGV is getting back on track.


2017-10-05 14:31 | Report Abuse

More like June 2018. GE will be before that.


2017-10-05 08:13 | Report Abuse

Hoping FGV will rise further today. Market sentiment should be better too. Good news would be a bonus. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! Hehe


2017-10-04 08:58 | Report Abuse

Looks like good news for FGV. Expect re-rating over time. Keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-10-02 15:48 | Report Abuse

All views on AA are welcomed, doesn't matter whether they are positive or negative. Even if we do not agree with your views on AA, it is still your right to comment freely, as long as your comments are honest and civil.

As usual best to do own research. do not fall for traps on this forum and do not blindly following anyone's calls. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! Hehe


2017-10-02 14:34 | Report Abuse

Ringgit at 4.2312, keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-10-02 10:32 | Report Abuse

Yahoo! This morning forum so peaceful so far, Much fewer than usual the crude and dishonest posts by the gang of clone IDs used by Icon8888 to support his dishonest calls. Maybe at last they realized that readers will no longer so easily fall for their traps anymore and that making vulgar posts to defend Icon8888 only proves they are crooks working together with bad intention on this forum.

Richardlee is hero, he one person singlehandedly can handle Icon8888 and his many fake IDs on AA forum. .He only need to post 1 - 2 posts using CNP V2 to expose the scam here on the forum and remind readers to be careful. Congrats AA forum, lucky got richardlee. Hehe


2017-10-02 09:35 | Report Abuse

Sigh, back to unchanged.


2017-10-02 09:16 | Report Abuse

AA up 2sen, keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-10-02 09:01 | Report Abuse

Market got headwinds, this is not new but need to keep eye on them to make sure they don't change overall big picture. No crystal ball and can be wrong but now that 3Q17 is over, there is good reasons to believe coming results will be good due to strong air travel numbers, reasonable oil prices and strong ringgit during the quarter. That should help AA gradually rise in the coming weeks. If got news on AAC deal soon, that would be a bonus.

Be careful of those ganging up to make calls like they can see the future. As usual best to do own research. do not fall for traps on this forum and do not blindly following anyone's calls. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! Hehe


2017-09-29 16:54 | Report Abuse

Closing up only 1sen, that's disappointing a bit. With big picture still positive, there is hope next week AA can continue to creep up. Keep eye on big picture and have a good weekend. Hehe


2017-09-29 16:43 | Report Abuse

AA up 2sen, keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-09-29 16:30 | Report Abuse

Congrats to richardlee, he has managed to change Icon8888 and his clone IDs who now admit they are vulgar people but now want to upgrade. Soon richardlee can also help them change their dishonest ways so that they will start making money without trying to cheat others. richardlee - you really hero! Hehe

Posted by mancingbursa > Sep 29, 2017 08:51 AM | Report Abuse
Seem we all already upgrade our comment without vulgar and nasty words. Well done :)


2017-09-29 10:48 | Report Abuse

ringgit at 4.2308, keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-09-29 10:44 | Report Abuse

Have to be patient with this stock but still believe it is a matter of time. Too much is at stake. Keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-09-29 09:02 | Report Abuse

Hoping for the best today for AA. The last few days when markets uncertain, AA still managed to rise a bit even, that shows strength. Now market could be stabilizing, so today is a good day for AA to rise further, I hope.

As usual, just sharing views, no crystal ball and can be wrong. So it is best to do own research. do not fall for traps on this forum and do not blindly following anyone's calls. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! Hehe


2017-09-28 21:57 | Report Abuse

richardlee, you really hero - look at how many posts today Icon8888 had to use his gang of clone IDs to support his dishonest calls. richardlee singlehandedly can handle this gang of crooks who are forced to waste so much energy to keep attacking richardlee one person only. With CNP V2, it is so easy and effective. They are so desperate now, they can bark crude words at you all they want, just treat like mad dogs barking. Most important is that Icon8888 and his clone IDs cannot gang up to cheat readers anymore. You really doing good job keeping this forum safe from scammers. Congrats to AA forum. Hehe


2017-09-28 16:53 | Report Abuse

AA closing up 1 sen. Not convincing at all but with tentative markets I guess AA did well not to fall. Hope market stabilizes soon. If AA got positive news to announce, that would be a bonus. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Evening! Hehe


2017-09-28 14:42 | Report Abuse

Ringgit at 4.2345, keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-09-28 09:49 | Report Abuse

AA up 4sen, keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-09-28 09:12 | Report Abuse

AA up 2sen, keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-09-28 09:03 | Report Abuse

Will be interesting day. Tactical investors need to keep eye on recent headwinds but so far I think overall big picture still looks positive. No crystal ball and can be wrong but remain comfortable with conviction call on AA for those who can hold for coming weeks.

Be careful of those ganging up to make calls like they can see the future. As usual best to do own research. do not fall for traps on this forum and do not blindly following anyone's calls. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! Hehe


2017-09-27 15:44 | Report Abuse

Talk is cheap, action speak louder than words. How many times fake IDs by Icon8888 say their own FB group on AA so good but they keep coming back here? No innocent readers there for you to con? Their action proves Icon8888 and his fake IDs are trying to lure innocent readers to their FB group but so far not successful so that is why they keep coming back here. richardlee has done a good job to expose Icon8888 and readers now more careful already. AA forum lucky to have richardlee. Hehe


2017-09-27 10:49 | Report Abuse

Yahoo! This morning forum so peaceful so far, Much fewer than usual the posts by the gang of fake IDs used by Icon8888 to support his dishonest calls. Maybe at last they realized that readers will no longer so easily fall for their traps anymore and that making vulgar posts to defend Icon8888 only proves they are crooks working together with bad intention on this forum.

Richardlee is hero, he one person singlehandedly can handle Icon8888 and his many fake IDs on AA forum. .He only need to post 1 - 2 posts using CNP V2 to expose the dishonest calls and remind readers to be careful. Congrats AA forum, lucky got richardlee. Hehe


2017-09-27 10:19 | Report Abuse

AA up 7sen, keep eye on big picture! Hehe


2017-09-27 09:15 | Report Abuse

AA up 5sen, keep eye on big picture! Hehe